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问:去年12月份,刘洪到某公司就职,为了谋到自己心仪的职位,她虚构曾经在该领域有丰富的工作经历。后来,她如愿以偿地得到了这个职位。今年1月份,刘洪与公司签订了一年的劳动合同。但是不久前,公司时刘洪的工作能力有所不满,并时刘洪进行了背景调查。调查结果显示,刘洪以前并没有这样一段工作经历。后来公司人力资源部门的负责人找刘洪谈话,  相似文献   

金凤 《农村青年》2014,(8):52-54
在江苏省镇江市润州区人民法院审理的案件中,有一起“二奶诈骗”案。当事人姓黄,女,1989年出生。她借着给某银行经理和某企业老总当“二奶”的便利,虚构事实,诈骗财物,数额“特别巨大”.小黄最终被判处有期徒刑13年,并处罚金50万元.这起诈骗案,源于几年前的一段“红薯爱情”……  相似文献   

一篇虚构的作文竟引起一场轩然大波,师生恋的嫌疑被推上前台,并使无辜的双方命运发生巨大改变。几年后的今天,两位当事人又邂逅相遇,莫非真是造化弄人?……  相似文献   

特立独行始终如一--论苏曼殊小说的人物设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏曼殊是近代文学史上一个特立独行的人物,也是一个矛盾的人物。这不仅表现在他的人生态度与行为中,也表现在他的小说创作中。苏曼殊的小说设置了两类完全不同的人物:一类是真实的化身,一类是虚构的影象。  相似文献   

Tatiana 《工友》2014,(4):50-50
正最近在王小波的书里看到这样一句话:写小说需要深得虚构之美,也需要无中生有。遂合上书思考:这无中生"有"或许是作家无意识塑造的艺术对象,却在无形之中闯入读者心灵之域的某种突如其来之物。很早以前读史铁生的短篇小说《命若琴弦》就有类似的感受。  相似文献   

刘英团 《农村青年》2011,(12):55-55
报载:广州市萝岗区九龙镇汤村村委会主任汤柱辉在广州至河源高速公路施工期间,与一些村干部合谋,买通征地拆迁人员,以虚构果树、坟头等方式骗取征地补偿款500余万元,村主任自已就侵吞了其中430万元。此前,与此案如出一辙,另一名九龙镇福洞村村委会主任温伟权也因贪污征地补偿款被判刑入狱。  相似文献   

现代启发式教学 ,强调的是“教”与“学”的双向沟通 ,“学”与“学”的多向沟通 ,使学不仅“学” ,而且会“问” ,增强学生的求知兴趣和参与意识。  相似文献   

康朴 《时代风采》2020,(2):32-33
说起“90后”的消费,“精致穷”“月光族”“啃老买、奢侈品”“超前消费”“1000可以花,10块钱必须省”……种种消费观念和消费行为,被贴上了“畸形”的标签。“怎么不知道存钱呀!”“别乱用那些分期!”“90后”的父母常常充满忧虑地规劝孩子改变自己的消费方式。但是很多报告用实实在在的数据,为“90后”的消费方式作出生动解读。他们的某些消费行为在外人看来并不理智,却有自己独特的追求。当他们在消费上精明起来时,又可能超乎你的想象,也超越了他们的父辈。  相似文献   

思想政治理论课教学要把握好“营养”与“调味”两个关键点。思想政治理论课教学的重点在于有“营养”,搞活在于善“调味”,难点在于把握“营养”与“调味”的结合点。  相似文献   

昆明市人社部门于2月至3月下旬开展“迎新春、优服务、稳岗位”系列活动,对安排省外员工留昆过节的中小微企业,按照每人300元的标准给予一次性稳定就业“留岗红包”。此外,昆明市人社部门还通过关心慰问“送祝福”、网络招聘“找工作”、政策支持“稳岗位”、基本物资“全供应”、文化生活“优服务”、安全生产“促平安”、劳动监察“助维权”。据了解,春节期间,昆明市将通过“昆明智慧就业”“安家昆明”等平台收集发布3万条岗位信息,帮助来昆务工人员就业。  相似文献   

This paper intends to evaluate at the farm level, in the current millennium, the nature of surpluses and the emerging exchange processes in agrarian West Bengal through the lenses of socio-economic class differentiation. The paper concentrates on the structure and pattern of gross value added, farm labour and farm-disposable surplus that accrue to the peasants along with their repercussions on farm viability. Finally, it addresses the consequences of stressed commerce (carried out through price shocks) on the ratio of retention of surplus at the farm level as a larger question of farm viability, agrarian transition and conflicts. The study emphasises the region with higher capitalistic1 development. The change in this region is found to be more significant in the context of agrarian transition. The same analysis is also followed for the more backward region, but just to put forward the distinction between the processes working in the two regions.  相似文献   

The transition to middle school is considered to be a heightened period for involvement in bullying because the lack of a defined dominance hierarchy is thought to promote jockeying for social positions among students. Accordingly, this study examined bullying in peer ecologies at the beginning of the middle grade years in rural schools that did and did not have a transition to middle school. Thirty-six schools (20 with transitions, 16 without transitions) participated in this research with a sample of 1,800 participants (52% female) who were in sixth grade during the second year of data collection. Overall, 67% were White, 19% African American, 7% Latino, 2% Native American, and 5% other (multi-racial, Asian, unknown). Compared to schools without a transition, schools with a transition had fewer bullies following the move from fifth to sixth grade and the social dynamics in schools with a transition appeared to be less supportive of bullying. Further, students in schools with a transition reported being bullied less frequently in sixth grade and they perceived the sixth grade peer ecology as being more protective against bullying than did students in schools without a transition. In addition, proportionally more youth had controversial sociometric status in schools without a transition during sixth grade than in schools with a transition. Collectively, these findings suggest that risk for involvement in bullying may be elevated in schools that do not have a transition to middle school. They also bring into question the conventional view of the small K-8 or K-12 rural school as a peaceful and supportive peer community.  相似文献   

The transition to high school is disruptive for many adolescents, yet little is known about the supportive relational processes that might attenuate the challenges students face as they move from middle to high school, particularly for students from more diverse backgrounds. Identifying potential buffers that protect youth across this critical educational transition is important for informing more effective support services for youth. In this study, we investigated how personal characteristics (gender, nativity, parent education level) and changes in support from family, friends, and school influenced changes in socioemotional adjustment and academic outcomes across the transition from middle to high school. The data were drawn from 252 students (50% females, 85% Latina/o). The results revealed declines in students’ grades and increases in depressive symptoms and feelings of loneliness across the high school transition, with key variation by student nativity and gender. Additionally, stable/increasing friend support and school belonging were both linked to less socioemotional disruptions as students moved from middle to high school. Increasing/stable school belonging was also linked to increases in school engagement across the high school transition. These findings suggest that when high school transitions disrupt supportive relationships with important others in adolescents’ lives, adolescents’ socioemotional well-being and, to a lesser extent, their academic engagement are also compromised. Thus, in designing transition support activities, particularly for schools serving more low-income and race/ethnic minority youth, such efforts should strive to acclimate new high school students by providing inclusive, caring environments and positive connections with educators and peers.  相似文献   

The transition to high school is generally considered as a stressful turning point in adolescent development, but some students experience personal growth (i.e., positive developmental changes) through that experience. It is important to examine the mechanism behind such positive changes to understand various developmental patterns of adolescents during the transition. However, the concept of growth in this research area remains unexplored. Some researchers have questioned whether retrospective, self-reported growth reflects actual positive changes in the perception of personal growth. We elaborated on the concept of growth after high school transition by examining whether retrospective appraisal of personal growth after transition to high school is correlated with measured change in growth. Two hundred and sixty-two Japanese adolescents (aged 14–16 years, 50% girls) participated in surveys right before and right after transition. We assessed five domains of growth, including improved relating to others, identification of new possibilities, increased sense of personal strength, spiritual growth, and greater appreciation of life. The results showed that retrospective assessment of growth and measured change during transition were positively associated, provided the adolescents reported the transition as an important turning point in their lives. Adolescents who experienced salient positive changes across the transition were more likely to engage in intrusive and deliberate rumination and social support than adolescents who reported fewer changes. In summary, retrospective growth covaried with measured change only when adolescents perceived the transition as impactful in their lives.  相似文献   

In this study of 62 African American families living in poverty, we examined the main and interactive effects of psychological, family, and school factors on students' grade point average across the middle school transition. Both parent interviews and student surveys were collected, resulting in three major findings. First, students experienced a significant decline in grade point average across the transition from elementary to middle school. Second, students who felt more academically efficacious had higher grade point averages across the transition than did their peers. Third, significant interactions were found between family and school factors. These results suggest that rather than focusing exclusively on either parental involvement or the school environment, the combination of both family and school factors may be most effective in supporting the academic achievement of poor African American students during the transition to middle level schools.  相似文献   

经济转型中的农民工身份认同差异与不平等待遇   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着社会化大生产的发展,大量农民必然要转变为工人阶级是一个普遍规律,在转变过程中世界各国都普遍存在一个过渡期,存在身份认同差异和不平等待遇。而中国农民在向工人的转变过程中,不仅具有世界各国在经济转型期的普遍现象,而且具有自身的特殊性,即产生了"农民工"这一特殊群体,致使中国农民在向工人转变的过程中,身份认同差异和不平等现象更加突出。  相似文献   

Although much research exists regarding the transition into junior high school, surprisingly few studies have focused on the move into high school. The present study employed a short-term longitudinal design to assess the adjustment of adolescents as they made the transition from junior high to high school. Changes in adolescents' sense of autonomy, perceived stressors, social support, sense of school membership, grade point average (GPA), and attendance were assessed. Coping strategies were also considered at each time point. Also, because parents who feel better about themselves may offer more support to their adolescents, parents of the adolescents in the study completed measures assessing their stressors and coping mechanisms. Results indicated that the adolescents did experience significant changes during the initial transition into high school that were related to GPA and sense of school membership. Perceived support from parents was also related to adolescents' adjustment to the transition. The study bridges a gap in the literature on school transitions by addressing the transition to high school in light of adolescent and parent variables. Implications for practices by school personnel and future research suggestions are provided.  相似文献   

To examine the developmental trajectories of life satisfaction shown by adolescents during a major educational transition, 687 (327 girls, 360 boys) Finnish adolescents responded to measures of life satisfaction during the beginning of their last year in comprehensive school and three times annually thereafter during the transition to post-comprehensive education. Growth Mixture Modeling identified three latent groups based on life satisfaction: high-decreasing (18%), low-increasing (16%), and high-stable (66%). The results showed that boys and those with high academic achievement were overrepresented in the high-stable life satisfaction group. The results further showed that those with high school satisfaction at the last measurement time were more likely to belong to the high-stable or low-increasing life satisfaction group. Finally, adolescents in the high-stable life satisfaction group were more often on an academic track at the last measurement time.  相似文献   

《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(2):183-200
This paper focuses on current, curriculum programming trends that appear to be facilitating the transition of adolescents with handicaps into "everyday" community settings. Traditional curriculum models have failed to enhance or improve attainment of integration into the community; recent attempts to focus curriculum outcomes on the adult life or community-referenced curriculum models appear more promising. Similarly, traditional instructional strategies appear to only partially prepare students for employment, whereas new curriculum models seem to incorporate strategies, such as self-control, which promote maintenance and generalization. These newer curricular focuses and recent advances in teaching strategies may be key factors that ensure integration and transition into community work settings.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author studies the impact of agricultural transition on certain well‐known empirical relationships that have, so far, been identified with backward agriculture. The study tests the relation between farm size and productivity to see if the inverse relation breaks down with the advent of new technology. Farm size is also related to several other variables in an analysis of agricultural transformation. Using recent data the results indicate that: the historically more advanced regions exhibit a positive relation between farm size and productivity; in regions which have been recently transformed the relation is neither significantly negative nor positive, and in the relatively backward areas the inverse relation still prevails. Corresponding changes in other variables also tend to reflect the nature and extent of transition in agriculture.  相似文献   

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