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董守生 《青年论坛》2005,(3):111-112
建立在后现代哲学基础上的知识观对以知识为载体的课程改革具有重要的启示作用,当前的课程改革应树立教学目标的人文性,教学内容的多样性,教学过程的动态生成性和教学评价的理解性、发展性。  相似文献   

王西华 《新东方》2013,(2):20-24
海德格尔对工业革命的后果与两次世界大战对人类生命的摧残进行哲学总结,考察了欧洲哲学史上自古希腊以来的真理观,借鉴了老子《道德经》的辩证法,把真理论从传统的认识论意义上的符合论转向生存论意义上自由的绽出与意义的澄明,又从对此在个体生存真理的解蔽转向对世界整体多元存在者之间相互关系的真理的绽出,实现了哲学史上真理观的哥白尼革命和后现代转向,克服了传统真理论主客对立的形而上学,体现了真理的生存论实践意义和辩证发展的过程性。  相似文献   

后现代精神对现代经济精神的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后现代思潮有着极其丰富、复杂的思想和理论内涵,所关注的对象涉及社会政治、经济、文化等诸多领域。后现代精神并非仅仅是抒情般的摧毁、解构和否定性,其中对经济精神的反思,对现代市场经济无灵魂、无道德的批判可谓入木三分,并提出了不少有益的启示。  相似文献   

李敏 《前沿》2012,(19):65-66
西方后现代主义逐渐成为西方社会思想主题的一大潮流,其思维方式的产生深刻影响着人类生活的各个领域;同时,后现代转向后,人类对生命形式的安顿问题也给予了更多的关注.西方后现代转向对于我们正确看到中国哲学的意义具有十分重要的作用.笔者就西方后现代转向和中国哲学的当代意义进行了论述.  相似文献   

时代逻辑与哲学逻辑——后现代科学观的文化转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张谨 《理论月刊》2010,(1):48-53
随着后现代主义哲学思潮的产生,后现代科学哲学孕育而生,现代科学哲学向后现代科学哲学转向也顺理成章,如“语言转向”、“解释转向”和“修辞转向”,等等。而这些转向背后所呈现出的另一重要趋向性特征——后现代科学观的“文化转向”,并没有引起学术界足够的重视和广泛而深入的探讨。这种转向有着深刻的历史文化背景和学理根由,是时代逻辑与哲学逻辑的有机统一。  相似文献   

语言叙事始终是困扰西方知识界的理论难题.无论是德里达式以符号游戏截断语言指涉,还是福柯式以话语结构置换文本叙事,后现代历史诗学都无法避免其所固有的表征危机与理论偏执.新历史主义在对历史终结论的认识论批判中提倡从传统社会史到泛文化史研究的方法论转向,使历史诗学在文化研究的关照下突破文本主义牢笼而实现文化与文本的形式对话和阐释共鸣.  相似文献   

窦修林 《传承》2012,(6):66-67
在传统社会乃至现代社会向后现代社会转进的过程中,消费与时尚、碎片与物化成了时代的主题。随着社会整体审美意识的变迁,艺术领域也产生了转向,典型的特征在于市场化。而这一切的缘起在于杜尚先验性的艺术实践,为艺术重新作了观念的定位,推动了后现代社会条件下艺术的再次转向。  相似文献   

焦裕禄精神是一种伟大的个人精神,有着极其深刻的内涵。在社会主义初级阶段,无论社会还是民众在面对各种复杂问题和困难时都对公共精神有着巨大的需求,因此贯彻焦裕禄精神要注重挖掘其在不同时期、不同领域的文化价值,适时适地根据需求进行应用转向,只有这样才能将伟大的精神发扬光大。  相似文献   

李龙 《长白学刊》2003,(4):46-48
现在的教科书体系,认识论由于没有汲取康德的认识论反思成果,其存在论基础没有改变,依然停留在机械唯物论的基础上。康德考察了认识是如何可能的,意味着只有回答了认识是如何可能的,才能回答我们对世界本质的认识如何可能,若没有回答这一问题,只能是知性形而上学或独断论。马克思把包括认识在内的一切意识形式看作是历史的实践的结果,从感性活动、实践来理解事物,在存在论上解决了认识何以可能,揭示了意识的能动性根源,从而实现了认识论的生存论转向。  相似文献   

正Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thought guides China’s interactions with its neighbors In his report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)last October,President Xi Jinping,also General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee,expounded  相似文献   

正Latest census shows structural imbalance of population has replaced explosive growth to become China's top challenge China's population grew by less than 1 percent annually in the last decade,but it still remains the world's largest at 1.37 billion people,according to results  相似文献   

正China notches up economic growth in first half of the year At a time when most economies are grappling with the specter of recession, the Chinese economy has bucked the trend.China's GDP registered 3.2 percent growth year on year in the second quarter(Q2) of the year, climbing out of a record 6.8-percent contraction in the first  相似文献   

Nonprofit organization encourages wheelchair users to get more outdoorsy and sporty When asked Where are you from? Josh Dominick, born in New Mexico and raised in New York, the U.S., prefers to say he comes from Beijing.Having resided in China for more than two decades, Dominick speaks fluent standard Chinese and has made friends from all across the country, many of them people with disabilities.  相似文献   

After an extended Chinese New Year holiday to contain the novel coronavirus,factories,offices and other institutions have resumed operation cautiously to keep life,production and the economy going.Com panies began to follow a flexible work arrangem ent in the week beginning February 3.Many worked from home wherever possible while in some organizations an essential skeleton staff was required at the workplace.  相似文献   

正Students entertain themselves by inventing games using old tires during playtime at Xianling Primary School in Yongchun County, Fujian Province, on May 25. The primary school tries to combine used tires with sports and created dozens of games since 2018. These games, which have turned waste into useful tools, have become a distinguishing feature of the school.  相似文献   

正If Trump follows a pragmatic approach,the United States can build up a beneficial partnership with China By Shen Dingli Though Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was supported by most of the elite and predicted by most opinion polls to set an unprecedented record as the United States’first female president,she has lost her second,and probably last,presidential campaign.Instead,  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,网络教学日益成为一种新兴的必不可少的教学模式.从应然和实然的角度看,理想的网络教学与现实中的网络教学存在较大的差距,其原因是原有教学观念的根深蒂固、教师计算机应用能力限制、缺乏高质量的网络教学课件和多媒体网络技术的制约.教师和教育管理部门应转变教育观念,创新教学设计和强化师资培训.  相似文献   

Dr. Mark H. Levine is a sociologist from the United States who left the academic world in the mid-1970s and spent the next three decades in the practice of public sociology, a full-time volunteer for organizations of low-income workers, working and living in poor and minority communities across the US. In fall 2005, the author came to China to aid in the national campaign for English education, and taught at a teachers' college in the east coast province of Jiangsu.  相似文献   

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