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论南朝司法之伦理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南朝时期的法制建设在中国法制史中最易为人忽视,其不以立法和刑名创设为著,而以司法中所见诸多精神最为特色,其中最要者即为其伦理至上精神。在这个最能反映一时代法律精神的领域内,南朝的法律人对法律与伦理的几个冲突与关联处都做了有益的思考与尝试,成为其对后世中国法律最具影响的一个方面。  相似文献   

This paper explores the main legal aspects of filial piety in Israel. Based on a socio-legal study, it traces a significant gap between the law in the books, which mandates that children support their parents financially if the latter cannot support themselves, and the law in action, which narrows this obligation to cases in which the parents must be cared for in a State nursing home. The study also highlights the relevance of religious and cultural norms in shaping filial piety in multicultural countries and thus points to the urgent need to tailor filial piety legal policies according to socially constructed, actual, and diverse filial piety perceptions and practices.  相似文献   

广义的所有制概念,指生产条件的分配,即包括物质生产条件的分配, 和人身的生产条件,即劳动力的分配;狭义的所有制,专指物质的生产条件的分配。 长期以来,我们无视广义所有制概念,单纯把生产资料公有制视为社会主义生产方式 的基础,回避劳动力归个人所有这一事实,从残缺的所有制概念出发推演一切,陷入 形而上学。只有正视社会主义下“生产条件的分配”内含的公与私、社会与个人的矛 盾,从广义所有制内含的矛盾出发对现实进行逻辑分析,才能走向真理。  相似文献   

李锐 《政法学刊》2001,18(3):31-33
修改后的刑法大幅度地增加了罚金刑,罚金刑的定义、适用方式,罚金刑执行中存在的问题都应进一步完善。  相似文献   

史卫忠 《法学家》2000,(3):98-103
行为犯,作为刑法学中的一个重要范畴,尽管经常为广大学者和司法实务人员所使用,但其概念如何,理论界却缺乏深入、细致的探讨。因此,对其就难免存在着不少模糊、矛盾甚至是错误的认识。是否拥有科学的内涵,是行为犯在刑法学中赖以生存和发展的基点,本文拟对此加以研究,力图在博采众议的基础上,对行为犯作出正确的解释。...  相似文献   

日常生活题材在当代文学史上的命运一波三折.它曾经被作为无价值的低级趣味题材受到长期的排斥,在新时期文艺创作中则被看作是一个揭示更有意义生活的"入口".1980年代末期以后,该题材获得了充分的价值认可.这一价值变迁既与政治因素的进退有关,又是60年社会生活主题变奏的结果.  相似文献   

Forty-eight cases of electrocution in the bathtub are reported which were recorded in Düsseldorf and G?ttingen from 1972 to 1986; 19 cases were established to be suicides, with a sex ratio of 1:3 in favor of females. Marks of electricity were found in 8 cases. Five other cases were distinguished by linear marks indicating the water level, and in 10 cases a peculiar restriction of the postmortem hypostasis on the submersed areas could be seen. We presume from our own material that the latter findings can be easily ignored. As linear, circumscribed lividity could not be detected in bath deaths without electricity, it may be a specific finding. We recommend that more attention be paid to this phenomen. In all of our cases, 220 V current was involved, i.e., the usual household supply. The calculated amperage was about 100 to 250 mA, which means that ventricular fibrillation occurred within a few seconds. In 14 cases foam was established at the mouth and the nostrils, or in the air passages. We presume that, in these cases, death by electrocution was finally superimposed by drowning without developing the typical emphysema aquosum.  相似文献   

Over the past few months there has been renewed debate at the UK Intellectual Property Office (“UK IPO”) and in the UK courts over whether computer programs can be considered patentable inventions. In particular, concern persists that the UK authorities and the European Patent Office (“EPO”) are applying different tests for the patentability of computer software, even though they are applying the same legislation. This article reviews the positions taken by the UK and the EPO tribunals, and how these impact upon businesses wishing to patent inventions encompassed in software.  相似文献   

李侃军 《政法学刊》2002,19(1):40-43
我省现有强制戒毒所92个。十年来,我省强制戒毒所经历了一个从无到有、由弱到强、日益规范的过程。目前我省强制戒毒工作的整体水平不高,还存在不少问题和困难,制约着强制戒毒工作的进一步发展。应该加强领导,加大投入,加快规范化强制戒毒所的建设,建立公安机关强制戒毒经费保障制度,加强对强制戒毒所的清理整顿工作,提高对戒毒人员的管理教育水平。  相似文献   

观念是一定社会法律现象、法律制度、法律运行模式的理性概括。中国近代的法观念是在中国传统法观念与外来法文化的冲突、扬弃中形成的。治外法权的丧失、太平天国运动对封建法观念的摧毁、清统治者对封建法观念的破坏、新的生产方式的出现是其产生的历史土壤。其内容主要是礼法分野、诸法并重、肯定个体的权利、司法独立等。中国近代法观念的转变为清末法律改革运动提供了思想基础,对民族救亡运动、中国民族资本主义的发展均具有促进作用。  相似文献   

依法治国的核心是依宪治国,实现依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,必须树立宪法的权威性,切实保障宪法实施。为发挥宪法在依法治国中的作用,要明确宪法和法律的关系,要大力宣传宪法,培养和增强全体公民的宪法意识和法治精神,强调国家机关及其工作人员要带头遵守和执行宪法,要健全和完善宪法监督制度,特别是建立违宪追究机制,把宪法的各项规定落到实处,以大力推进依法治国的进程。  相似文献   

经济特区应该充分利用自身的授权立法优势,率先构建符合 WTO 规则的金融法律制度体系,为国内金融市场的发展作出有益的探索。  相似文献   

孙杰 《河北法学》2013,(2):140-147
不能犯的可罚性问题历来是刑法理论中争议较大的问题之一。而其中的核心则在于如何理解"危险"的含义。不考虑行为人的主观面,仅从行为的客观面,而且用一种所谓的科学因果法则来判断危险的做法是不足取的。其将危险概念片面地理解为一种引起法益实害结果的物理可能性,而忽视了危险概念中的规范属性。因此不仅面临着技术上的难题,也无力面对规范上的障碍。应从行为人与行为两个层面,并结合刑罚的预防目的来把握不能犯中的危险含义。  相似文献   

This paper is a study on the abolishment of death penalty in China. The author first reviewed the ancient death penalty in China, looked at the history of death penalty from its evolution and reform, then examined the status quo of China’s death penalty, and brought forward a practical question of what course should the flourishing death penalty in China follow in the international trend of abolishing and restricting death penalty. In this regard, the author analyzed the conditions for abolishing death penalty from the perspectives of public opinion’s influence, choice of politicians, control of crimes and structure of criminal penalty. He also designed a course for China to restrict and abolish death penalty from the legislation setting and judicial restriction, expecting to find a practical way to abolish death penalty.  相似文献   

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