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I Hear Cacophony: Herzog and The Republic of Choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

王晓晔 《法学研究》2008,30(4):68-82
我国反垄断法规定了禁止垄断协议、禁止滥用市场支配地位、控制经营者集中、反对行政垄断等制度。我国经济体制转型尚未彻底完成,反垄断法也存在很多不足,反垄断执法初期在立法目的、执法机关、反对行政垄断、处理反垄断执法与行业监管的关系方面会遇到严峻挑战。颁布反垄断法只是反垄断立法的第一步。  相似文献   

This research examined how variations in the presentation of forensic science information affect factfinders’ judgments in a trial. Participants read a summary of a murder case, the critical testimony being the results of a microscopic hair comparison given by a forensic expert. Across two experiments we manipulated how the expert expressed his results, whether he gave an explicit conclusion concerning identity of the hair, and whether the limitations of forensic science were expressed during trial. Qualitative testimony was more damaging to the defense than quantitative testimony, conclusion testimony increased the defendant’s culpability ratings when findings were presented quantitatively, and expressing limitations of forensic science had no appreciable effect. Results are discussed in terms of factfinders’ interpretation of forensic identification evidence.  相似文献   

The use of restorative justice in cases of sexual violence is highly contentious. Some argue that it may trivialize violence against women, revictimize the vulnerable, and endanger the safety of victim‐survivors. On the other hand, from the perspective of victim‐survivors, it may enable us to hear their stories more holistically, offering greater control and validation, and reduce victim‐blaming. It may also provide an additional opportunity to secure some form of justice. Debate over the validity of these competing claims has largely taken place in an empirical vacuum. This article considers the results of an exploratory study of a restorative justice conference involving an adult survivor of child rape and other sexual abuse. The results, while necessarily tentative, provide good ground to consider afresh the possibilities of restorative justice in cases of sexual violence. We suggest that for those victim‐survivors who wish to pursue this option, restorative justice may offer the potential to secure some measure of justice.  相似文献   

This paper argues that, if we are committed to a Pro-choice stance with regard to selective abortion for disability, we will be unable to justify the prohibition of sex-selective abortion (SSA), for two reasons. First, familiar Pro-choice arguments in favour of a woman’s right to select against fetal impairment also support, by parity of reasoning, a right to choose SSA. Second, rejection of the criticisms of selective abortion for disability levelled by disability theorists also disposes, by implication, of the key objections to SSA, as developed, most notably, by feminists. The paper, then, consists of a conditional defence of SSA, under which SSA should be available, and protected by a right, if selective abortion for disability is. Opponents of SSA might respond by conceding additional restrictions on selection against disabled fetuses. It should become clear throughout the paper, however, that any such new restrictions would be unacceptably onerous for women.  相似文献   

反向域名侵夺(reverse domain name hijacking),在ICANN的《统一域名争议解决办法程序规则》中,有了明确的定义。这就是“投诉者恶意运用《统一域名争议解决办法》意图获得域名持有者的域名”。我国的《中文域名争议解决办法》也有类似的规定。即商标权人恶意利用中文域名争议解决程序意在剥夺正当的域名持有人所持有的域名。但是,在看待反向域名侵夺的具体类型和作用的时候,却存在差异。在ICANN的《统一域名争议解决办法》中,它只是作为域名持有者举证说明他本身对该域名拥有合法的权利的证据之一,不构成专家组对之直接予以支持的理由。并且,假如专家组认为构成了反向域名侵夺,它应在裁决书中写明。而且ICANN并未具体列举反向域名侵夺的类型。而我国的《中文域名争议解决办法》则有与之不同的规定。  相似文献   

赵念国 《检察风云》2012,(21):31-33
每个自杀老人的原因不尽相同,巴黎昂布里奥斯医院的老年科穆里亚斯医生认为,这些老人身体日渐衰弱,处于孤独与沮丧中,现代医疗对精神抑郁症难以根治。法国:老人因孤独而自杀世界预防自杀协会(AIPS)拉响了警报,根据该协会统计数据表明,在法国,老年人自杀逐渐成了自杀群体中人数最多的"族群"。法国平均自杀率为17.1/10万,法国《十字报》报道,2009年法国自杀人数为10499人,65岁以上的老年自杀者年均3000人左右,占自杀总人数的1/3。在78岁至84岁年龄段的老人自杀者中,其比例为32/10万;84岁至94岁年龄段的老人自杀比例上升到42/10  相似文献   

Justice: Just a Rational Choice?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

转轨经济法学:西方范式与中国现实之抉择   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
陈云良 《现代法学》2006,28(3):174-181
当下中国经济法学的逻辑假设建立在西方经济法范式的基础之上,无法与中国现实达成和谐。提出“转轨经济法学”的概念可以使中国的经济法学研究回归到转轨中国的社会现实中来,解决改革现实中的真问题,自觉区别于西方范式,消解中国经济法学严重的正当性危机。转轨经济法的历史使命不是要通过政府来弥补市场缺陷而是要培育市场;转轨经济法的核心任务是反行政干预而不是反垄断;转轨经济法的基本功能是控权而不是授权;转轨经济法应以公平为第一价值取向。  相似文献   

从时间、内容、方法和效果等四个维度认真剖析儿童读经现象,假若选择读经的时间适宜、经文思想性合乎当代中国的时代精神、经文难度系数得当、学生阅读方法科学,那么,适度让儿童读一些中国经典文章是一种妥当的教育方式,这样做既有利于中国优秀经典文化和中华传统美德在新时代的传承与发展,也有利于让儿童逐渐生成文化自觉意识和文化认同感,进而生成既与时代精神相对接又有中国文化根基的健全人格,还有利于儿童身心的"可持续性发展".  相似文献   

[Editor's Note] The author discusses the relationship between certain current theories that biological heredity influences the structure of society and notions of natural law as found in some classical philosophers.  相似文献   

It is natural to suppose that a prosecutor's conviction rate—theratio of convictions to cases prosecuted—is a sign ofhis competence. Prosecutors, however, choose which cases toprosecute. If they prosecute only the strongest cases, theywill have high conviction rates. Any system that pays attentionto conviction rates, as opposed to the number of convictions,is liable to abuse. As a prosecutor's budget increases, he allocatesit between prosecuting more cases and putting more effort intoexisting cases. Either can be socially desirable, dependingon particular circumstances. We model the tradeoffs theoreticallyin two models, one of a benevolent social planner and one ofa prosecutor who values not just the number of convictions butthe conviction rate and unrelated personal goals. We apply themodel to U.S. data drawn from county-level crime statisticsand a survey of all state prosecutors by district. Convictionrates do have a small negative correlation with prosecutorialbudgets, but conditioning on other variables in regression analysis,higher budgets are associated both with more prosecutions andhigher conviction rates.  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China has developed a macro control system based on “political education” and an integrated matrix of social institutions that are in sharp contrast to the criminal justice model of Western nations. This rich opportunity for comparative criminology may become increasingly accessible as a consequence of the current Chinese effort at modernization. This paper explores the nature of the opportunity and the difficulties that must be surmounted.  相似文献   

The neighborhood police station of the People's Republic of China is examined as a form of self-policing. It is an expression of the PRC ideology that is not to be extrapolated directly to the circumstances of Western policing, but the neighborhood police station does illustrate the tendency of law enforcement to emphasize the vertical axis of the community that advances the interests of external power over service to the needs of the neighborhood as conceived by the residents. This conclusion is given substance by analysis of the neighborhood police station's functions in household registration and relationships with public security committees.  相似文献   

本文认为简易程序中被告人的选择权来源于程序主体性理论与程序自治原则,作者对各国简程序中被告人的选择权作了比较研究之后,认为各国刑事诉讼法都以不同的方式规定了简易程序中被告人的选择权;我国刑事诉讼法没有赋予被告人选择权,而是由作为裁判者的人民法院决定是否适用简易程序,是违背了程序公正原则的,立法应当赋予被告人选择权。  相似文献   

In October 1990, the EC Commission presented a Green Paper in which it outlined a New Approach to European standardization. In particular, standardization was interpreted as a means of furthering the completion of the Internal Market. This paper discusses the impact of the modifications to the process of standard setting, as they have been proposed by the Commission, with respect to the incentives and goals of the major players in the European standardization game, i.e., national and European standardization bodies, industry and the EC Commission. Selected economic models of standardization are applied to investigate the policy impact of the New Approach.  相似文献   

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