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工伤保险赔偿与第三人侵权赔偿在理论和实践中存在诸多争议和难题。从理论上讲,劳动者不宜获得双重赔偿,但法律不应限制受害的劳动者向第三人提起侵权赔偿诉讼。为了防止受害的劳动者获得双重赔偿,应赋予工伤保险机构代位权。工伤保险机构代位权的行使程序应与第三人侵权赔偿诉讼程序相互衔接,通过一个程序解决。工伤保险机构和受害的劳动者可以作为共同原告,或者一方当事人以民事诉讼第三人的身份介入到另一方向侵权第三人提起的诉讼中,使各方的权利义务尽快明确。  相似文献   

黄武双 《科技与法律》2010,(5):45-50,56
美国通过判例形成了比较成熟的商业秘密侵权赔偿责任认定和赔偿金确定方法。就补偿性损害赔偿而言,可以通过原告的损失或被告所获不当得利、许可使用费来计算。当被告实施了恶意侵犯商业秘密的行为或漠视原告的商业秘密权利时,法院可以裁决给予惩罚性赔偿。如果原告所提的侵权诉讼主张出于恶意,或被告提出取消禁令的请求或拒绝执行禁令出于恶意,或被告实施了故意或恶意侵占,法院可责令向胜诉一方支付律师费用。  相似文献   

<正> 一、美国侵权法的结构美国侵权法始于十九世纪后半期。它的主要内容是以被告的赔偿责任为基础,将侵权法分为以下几部分:故意侵权、过失侵权和严格赔偿责任。多少年来,美国律师认为严格赔偿责任是不规则的,直到十九世纪六十年代人们才不反对无过失赔偿责任。在此我想说明一点,当今人们对故意侵权和过失侵权的区分远非令人满意,而且,这一区别仍然统治着美国侵权法的思想。这里应提的第一个问题是:故意侵权赔偿和过失侵权赔  相似文献   

韦忠语 《河北法学》2001,19(6):79-82
对律师执业赔偿责任性质的认识,会直接影响到《律师法》的贯彻执行.也影响到当事人权利的救济。根据《律师法》的规定和民商法的基本原理,律师执业赔偿符合侵权责任的法律特征.因而其本质上是一种特殊的民事侵权责任。  相似文献   

律师应有刑事责任豁免权   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王丽 《中国律师》2001,(3):44-45
律师是一个高度专业化的职业,也是一个高度风险责任的职业。尤其在诉讼过程中,面对复杂多变的案件事实及严密精巧的法律规范体系,律师之失误也是不可避免的。为了节省诉讼成本,避免案件重复诉讼,许多国家对律师在诉讼过程中之疏忽免于合同或侵权赔偿,这是赋予律师诉讼活动中的民事疏忽赔偿豁免权。然而,我们现在面临的是一个比之更严肃的问题:律师在刑事诉讼中的豁免权,尤其是刑事责任之豁免。   律师在刑事诉讼中处于极为特殊的地位,虽然与公安、检察、法院在根本目标上是一致的,但具体分工却截然不同。在法律设置上,公安、…  相似文献   

罗健豪 《法学》2007,(9):154-160
在美国的司法实践中,被告集团诉讼案件主要适用在专利侵权诉讼和民权诉讼等领域,被告集团诉讼代表人须具有充分的代表性,并且应符合管辖的规定。被告集团诉讼是美国集团诉讼中与原告集团诉讼并列的一个基本类型,但二者在实际适用范围、诉讼风险、律师在诉讼中的作用和诉讼代表的产生等方面却存在明显差异。在我国引入美国被告集团诉讼制度时要严格限制被告集团成员行使退出权。  相似文献   

一、交通事故多个受害人不是必要的共同诉讼人 我们知道,道路交通事故伤害赔偿法律关系是侵权赔偿法律关系中的一种。在侵权赔偿法律关系中,能成为必要的积极的共同诉讼的,即起诉的诉讼标的是共同的,就是共有财产被侵害和共同的亲属(主要指被继承人)被侵害两种情况。这时,财产共有人或受害人(受伤致死)的法定继承人为共同原告参加诉讼,成为必要的共同诉讼人。以侵权赔偿法律关系中,直接受侵权行为侵害的多个受害人不是必要的共同原告,多个受害人的诉讼标的不是共同的,不是对某一请求标的共同享有权利,每一个受害人与侵害人(包括多个侵害  相似文献   

经济损失规则的概念和适用范围仍是争议的主题,这一规则本身的混乱伴随着该规则产生原因的更大的不确定性.区分侵权法和合同法的边界功能是经济损失规则令人信服的理论基础,但是一些重要的原则限制了边界功能的适用范围.在涉及合同关系的案件中解释及适用经济损失规则,只有关注诉讼当事人的实际行动才能恰当地实现该规则的边界功能.首先,如果原告不是某个协议的当事人,那么就没有任何理由限制原告依据侵权法享有的任何权利.其次,不能基于一个不是真实存在的合同提供的假想救济以及合同对纯粹经济损失的补偿具有假想的优先权限制原告的权利.再次,如果被告违反了一项独立于合同责任的侵权法义务,当事人之间的合同没有明确地或足够充分地暗示取代侵权法的救济,当事人则有权获得侵权法的救济.  相似文献   

林应钦 《中国司法》2007,28(2):40-42
公益诉讼问题已经引起广泛的重视,律师参与公益诉讼的实例不断增加。然而,在目前的法律框架下,律师在公益诉讼中的地位和角色并未超脱传统的诉讼代理范围,有些律师甚至不惜以被侵权者的身份获得原告的诉讼资格。在法律上确认公益诉讼的适格原告无疑是公益诉讼制度建立的根本问题,律师的专业优势与社会作用使其成为担任公益诉讼适格原告的必然选择。  相似文献   

在有毒物质侵权诉讼领域,美国普通法新近发展了预防性的健康检查费损害赔偿诉讼,亦即如果原告暴露于有毒物质中,即使还没有发现因此而产生的明显疾病,但对此而进行的合理医疗检查所产生的费用也可以获得赔偿。该诉讼是在美国环境司法实践中产生发展的,具有普通法上的法理基础,同时在适用时又有一定的条件要求。对具体赔偿金额的执行也较为特别。这一诉讼对我国目前环境侵权法的研究和实践具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

赵晓耕  陆侃怡 《北方法学》2011,5(1):126-134
在清末立法改革的背景下,《大清刑事民事诉讼法草案》作为第一部正式明确规定律师制度的草案而备受争议,虽然这部草案因为种种原因未能实施,但却成为近代中国律师制度的起点。如何将封建法时代的讼师平稳转化为近代的律师是一个横跨实体法和程序法的交叉领域,也会出现正式的官方制度和非正式的民间制度之间的博弈。该草案关于律师制度的种种规定很大程度上借鉴了日本的经验,但却没有收到预期的效果。以沈家本为代表的立法者和以张之洞为代表的执行者之间围绕此草案产生巨大争议,其背后的实质在于此草案的内容与当时的社会现实之间存在巨大鸿沟。向日本学习立法经验不但需要借鉴它的成果,更重要的是需要了解它的过程和融会理解它的方式。  相似文献   

A body of scholarship attests to the importance of experienced litigators before the U.S. Supreme Court. In this article, we specifically consider the role of experienced litigators in the thirty years of reproductive rights litigation that followed Roe v Wade . To that end, we divide the lawyers by their pro-choice or pro-life affiliations and ask (1) how often individual lawyers appear before the Court in reproductive rights cases, (2) who the lawyers arguing these case before the Supreme Court are, and (3) how their participation has changed over time. We find changes in the pro-choice and pro-life bars that mirror the reproductive rights movement at large. Pro-choice groups, which once employed a stable of elite lawyers with significant expertise, have been decimated by the retirements of pro-choice counsel with no lawyers emerging to replace them. At the same time, the pro-life bar and pro-life groups appear to be developing a strong litigation campaign complete with experienced litigators.  相似文献   

参与式诉讼在我国的出现,是社会自身演化的结果。它是由案件当事人、媒体、律师等各种社会主体通过公众参与活动形成的社会合力促生出来的,具有参与式民主和协商式民主的色彩。在一定程度上补充了我国权力结构模式的不足,是一种新型制度推进机制,对于解决重大的社会问题和制度问题具有很强的推动作用。为充分实现它的价值,需要从审判制度改革、信息公开制度建设、当事人资助基金制度建设等方面进行制度构建。  相似文献   

目前,我国已经构建了帮助弱者的法律援助机制,但这种单一的权利救济方式由于其机制自身对受助者条件要求较高,难以满足全体公民的需要.国外的经验表明,诉讼可以与商业化的保险相结合,从而缓解公民不断增加的诉讼需求与司法资源有限两者之间的矛盾.因此,诉讼保险制度在我国日益引起重视,但诉讼保险制度的移植并非易事,需要对该项制度进行反复考察,只有建立起适合我国国情的诉讼保险制度,才能更好地推进我国法治建设的发展.  相似文献   

陈卫东  孟婕 《法学论坛》2020,(3):120-129
经过《刑事诉讼法》三次修改,中国的刑事辩护制度在立法上取得重大进展,基本上已与国际规则和标准接轨,律师的各项权利不断丰富发展,日益完善。但时至今日,唯独律师在场权没有落实。西方法治国家均建立了讯问时律师在场权,并呈现出积极和消极两种模式。随着"以审判为中心"的诉讼制度改革开展、认罪认罚从宽制度入法,律师在场权的问题再一次被提出,其在我国已具备现实可行的条件和契机。鉴于制度本土化的诉求,应当考虑借鉴消极面向的基本范式,即以监督和事后反馈的方式保障犯罪嫌疑人的诉讼权利不受侵犯。同时,制度改革需要详细构建侦讯期间律师在场权的适用范围、供给来源、权利类型和流程设计等规则。  相似文献   

Growth and bureaucratization have begun to transform patterns of recruitment and career development in large law firms. Based on a case study of four large Chicago firms, this article examines these changes and their implications. The findings indicate that the social composition of large firms has become substantially more heterogeneous with respect to the status of law school attended, gender, and ethnoreligious background. However, data on lawyers' careers suggest that associates entering firms today face an increasingly bureaucratic organizational context marked by higher levels of turnover, earlier and more intensive specialization, decreased levels of client responsibility, and more frequent assignment to large-scale litigation. The article also addresses the dynamics of individual choice over type of work performed in firms. Lawyers initially working in litigation fields are far more likely to change fields of practice than are lawyers who begin in office practice fields, reflecting the increased tendency for firms to assign new associates to litigation as well as the alienating propensity of large-firm litigation for many associates. Paradoxically, a greater proportion of lawyers in traditionally organized, general service firms than in bureaucratically organized, specialty firms report that their choice of work was dictated by the firm. Also, somewhat surprisingly, the frequency with which firms explicitly direct lawyers into particular fields has not increased from earlier periods. The article concludes that these anomalies result from the fact that firms control the career choices of lawyers, and always have, but that the way such control is exercised varies across firms and historical periods.  相似文献   

“法律监督机关”是我国宪法对人民检察院的性质定位。1979年《人民检察院组织法》首次将“法律监督机关”法定化,立法内涵为注重法律监督下重建法制权威,是在中国检察理论和实践中形成的机关,侧重刑事诉讼监督和打击犯罪。1982年宪法使“法律监督机关”成为了宪法规范上的国家机关,基于宪法职能和诉讼制度改革而侧重于加强诉讼监督,并在监察体制改革下进行了自我更新,成为与监察委相互配合行使法律监督职能的机关。“法律监督机关”内涵演进的内在机理是人大体制下权力分工模式的必然要求,落实宪法规定的法律监督职能的重要选择,以及参与宪制层面政治体制改革的要求。“法律监督机关”概念内涵具有延展性,会随着立法修订和制度变迁衍生出新的内涵和解释,不断凸显中国特色社会主义检察理论的特性。  相似文献   

This article analyzes advantages and disadvantages of mediation, collaborative law, and cooperative law based on the parties' capabilities, attitudes about professional services, and assessments of and preferences about the risks of various procedures. Each of these procedures has virtues and there is great value in providing clients and practitioners with a choice of procedures. Under collaborative and cooperative law, lawyers and clients agree to focus exclusively on negotiation from the outset the case, typically using a problem-solving process. Collaborative law involves a written "disqualification agreement" between all the parties and their lawyers under which lawyers are disqualified from representing parties in litigation if either party chooses to litigate. Cooperative law is similar but does not use the disqualification agreement. Because most communities do not have lawyers offering cooperative law, collaborative law groups should encourage at least some of their members to offer clients the option of cooperative law.  相似文献   

MARK KESSLER 《Law & policy》1986,8(2):149-167
This article explores the influence of local groups on the strategies employed by poverty lawyers in representing clients. Data collected from one suburban legal services program suggest that despite attitudinal predispositions to initiate law reform litigation, poverty lawyers are constrained in their use of social reform strategies by local organizations opposed to such activity. I argue that politics inevitably affect poverty lawyer behavior due to the nature of legal services work and programmatic features of the national Legal Services Corporation. I assess the implications of these findings for federal control of local programs.  相似文献   

Israel has since 1967 administered the West Bank and Gaza Strip through highly legalistic and strongly repressive military governments. Has advocacy in Israeli courts on behalf of Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Gaza Ship has kgitimaed, and thus helped to perpetuate, ongoing Israeli military occupation of those regions? By examining legitimation in lawyering under lsraeli occupation, insight can be gained into the factors and their relative weights that lawyers facing harsh or repressive regimes must consider in balancing the costs and benefits of litigation to serve a social or political opposition movement. The author concludes that the benefits outweigh the legitimating effects of lawyers’work and that, on balance, Palestinians’election to seek representation in Israeli courts, and lawyers’choice to assist them, has been justified.  相似文献   

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