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Fairness and mutual responsibility are likely to become key notions in China - European Union (EU) rel a - tions, exp e r ts say. In a rec e n t l y released policy paper on China, thesixth the European Commission has adopt- ed since 1995, “fair” and “res p o n s i b i l i t y ” ar e the wor ds that claimed the most att e n - tion from Chinese analysts. Ac c o r ding to Feng Zhongping, Direc t o r of the Institute of European Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporar y Interna …  相似文献   

China ’ s rising golf star, Liang Wenchong , is fast becoming a legend in the making after stunning victories in a number of tournaments that att r ac t e d ma n y of the gam e ’ s top player s. Yet his most recent victory in the China Tour Championship, on October 29, showed the true heart of the 28-yea r - old golf talent after he donated the en t i r e 150,000 yuan winner’s purse ba c k to the even t ’ s organ i z er . Liang su g gested the money be used towar ds setting up a national…  相似文献   

Following the extraordinary success of Cityscape Dubai, the world ’ s largest interna tional B2B real estate event for inves t o r s and de vel o p e r s, IIR Middle East, the organ i z er of Cityscape , pres e n t e d the Cityscape brand concept to a gath e r ing of top real estate indus- tr y prof essionals here in Beijing to for ma l l y launch the even t ’ s lat- est oriental exp o r t, Cityscape China.Neil Hickman, Exhibition Director of Cityscape China, said, “T his is the fir …  相似文献   

China ' s insurance industry is now open to foreigners, and that's a good thing for all players Maybe no other for eign chi e f exe cu t ive officer is more fam il - iar with China than Maurice R. Gr ee nb e r g. In 1975, as Ch a i rman of the Board of Am e rican Interna tional Group Inc. (AIG), Gr ee nb e rg paid his fir st visit to China. Du r ing the fol lo wing 30 ye ar s, he has been to China sever al times ever y yea r. You can ne ver ignore a country with such a size, Gr ee nb e …  相似文献   

On October 30, the Peopl e ’ s Bank of China — China ’ s central bank— issued the Repo r t on Chinese Financial Stability 2006. The repo r tco n c luded that China’s fin a n c i a l ref or m has undergone tremendous brea k - th r oughs, financial risks have been handled pr op e r ly, and that the Chinese fin a n c i a l in d u s t r y is gen e r al l y stable . “A stabi l i z ed Chinese financial sector is good news for the wor ld economy,” noted Liu Fuxiang, prof essor with Unive…  相似文献   

The day before the annual exposition co - sponsored by China and the Association of Southeast Asian Na tions (ASEAN) opened in Na n n i n g , Donny W. Nagasan, a 29-yea r -old Indonesian, and his father wer e busy at the exhibition center, decorati n g th…  相似文献   

After their recent strategic dialogue,the United States and China seem toknow each other better despite lingering differences.US.Federal Reserve Chairman Ben UBernanke demonstrated his knowl-edge of the Chinese economy when he addressed scholars at the Chinese Academy of Social SciencesAc a d e m y of Social Sciences(CASS)during his fir st official visit to China.In his20-page prepa r ed speech,heof fer ed detailed suggestions that he believes ar e good for China.He indicated that C…  相似文献   

The tense security situation in No r theast Asia app e a r s to have ta k en a favor able turn two wee k s after the United Nations imposed sanctions on North Kor ea for itsrecent nuc lear test.China, North Kor ea and the United St a tes agreed on October 31 that the long- stalled six-party talks aimed at get t i n g No r th Kor ea to abandon its nuc lear program would resume soon, at a time convenient for the participants, the Chinese For ei g n Mi n i s t r y said in a statement on its…  相似文献   

The Medicine War     
While the rest of the wor ld is embracing trad i t i o n a l Chinese medicine (TCM), in its birthplace it is facing a li f e- o r -d e a th situati o n .An Internet petition to rem o ve traditional medicine from Ch i n a ’ s healthcare system has brought the predicament into the spotlight. Its vanishing legac y, the prob le m a tic situation of both TCM practices and the medicine market, and its res t r ic t e d de velopment due to the prevalence of Wes t e r n medicine remind us that TC…  相似文献   

To achieve stable economic growth in2007,China will have to tackle some economic ghosts of the past Wang Zhihong,manager of the la r gest shoe retailing market in southern Beijing,has high hopes for2007.“Next year must be better than this yea r,”Wang,of Dakang shoe market,said confid e n t l y.Wan g said that in2007,the market is hoping to dou-ble the sales reven ue of this yea r.Al r ea d y,tens of thousands of shoes aresold each day from his market.Wan g’s con-fidence stems from his be…  相似文献   

<正>At the end of 2013,theGraduate School of theC h i n a U n i v e r s i t y o fPolitical Science and Laworganized a symposium on HumanRights Construction and Reform andactivities at the university in com-memoration of the 65th anniversaryof the adoption of the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights.LuoHaocai,who was vice chairmanof the 10th National Committeeof the Chinese People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference and presi-dent of the China Society for HumanRights Studies(CSHRS),PresidentHuang Jin of the China Universityof Political Science and Law,andnearly 50 scholars from the Civil andCommercial Law School,China-EUSchool of Law and the InternationalInstitute of Confucianism also at-  相似文献   

After traveling on a bus for the entire mo r ni n g , He Guoping and his wife fin a l l y arrived at the animal hospi- tal of the Chinese Agric u l t u r al Un i ver si t y , ackn o wl e d g ed as thebest such facility in Beijing. In He’s arms was his be…  相似文献   

Wang You hong ’ s life has been in a whi r l ever since the res t a u r an t whe r e he is the head che f opened six months ago. Wan g , 34, wor ks in a res t a u r ant inno r th e r n Beijing that specializes in herbal cu i s i n e . Ever y day he is bu…  相似文献   

OPINION Free Education Could Restore Teachers’ StandingIt was rec e n t l y disclosed by Tan Songhua, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Education, that the Chinese Gover nment is planning to offer free education to students in six normal univer si - ties direc t l y under the Ministry of Education. The news is ext r em e l y wel c o m e , given the increasing blame on ed u c a tion in recent yea r s. Sever al yea r s of commerci a l i z a tion of the education sector have erode…  相似文献   

Jiang Zhenghua (Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China): It has been an important component of tra di - tional Chinese culture to pursue interpe r so n - al harmo n y, individual mental and phys i ca l ha r mo n y and harm on y between man and na tu re. This could also be a social ideal com- mo n ly aspired to by people of differ ent eth- nic groups throughout the wor ld . It is in this sp i rit that China has advoc ated for and endeavor ed to saf…  相似文献   

正Benedict Cumberbatch and NT Live productions tour ChinaWhen Zhang Yifan enrolled in the C e n t r a l A c a d e m y o f D r a m a i n Beijing to start his master’s degree,he was given a set of textbooks containing a number of the world’s classic dramas.There were four plays by William Shakespeare among them—Hamlet,King Lear,Macbeth and Twelfth Night.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese Leaders Commemorate Deng Xiaoping’s Birth Anniversary Chinese President Xi Jinping a d d r e s s e d a s y m p o s i u m o n Wednesday morning to mark the upcoming 110th anniversary of the birth of late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping,which falls on Friday.Senior leaders Li Keqiang,Zhang Dejiang,Yu Zhengsheng,  相似文献   

Macio Cuevas, economic minister of Guatemala, headed an 11-member delegation of Guatemala-China Friendship Association leading members and entrepreneurs to China at the invitation of the CPAFFC. T h e y v i s i t e d B e i j i n g , Guangzhou, Yichang and Shanghai from June 20 to 25. Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and president of the China-Latin America Friendship Association, met with the del-egation in the Great Hal…  相似文献   

OPINION Marginalized Female No wad ays, it seems that people have developed ext r eme wor - ship for “effi ci e nc y and prof i ts ,” and the over emphasis on effic i en - cy dwarfs the importance of equality. With prof its to the fo re, dig- nity and v…  相似文献   

Marking the fifth annive rsa r y of China’s entry into the Wor ld Trade Organ i z ation (WTO) and also the last year of the tran s i - tion period to fully open markets, one of the wor ld economic en g ines in 2006 has been in the spotlight. On December …  相似文献   

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