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我国刑事诉讼中审前羁押高比率是普遍现象,“够罪即捕、一押到底”成为司法实践中习以为常的惯例。如此带来许多社会的负面影响。建立独立的司法审查机制以保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人审前非因特定事由的不被羁押的权利,建立有效的权利救济机制,充分发挥检察机关的监督职责是解决审前高羁押率的重要举措。将逮捕必要性审查作为第一道防线,将捕后羁押必要性审查作为第二道补救防线,放宽适用取保候审措施,以确保犯罪嫌疑人、被告人审前权利的实现,维护司法公正和社会和谐。  相似文献   

刘宪权  张晗 《犯罪研究》2006,(4):2-8,15
知识经济时代的来临要求世界各国加强对知识产权的法律保护,其中刑法作为一切社会秩序的最后保障法,对侵犯知识产权的犯罪行为进行调整是极其必要的,但同时也应遵循一定的适度性原则。我国现行刑法的规定和两高新近颁布的有关司法解释在内容上并没有全面体现适度性的原则。理论上对我国知识产权刑法保护的现状进行检讨与反思,并适时对知识产权犯罪的刑事立法进行完善是完全必要的。  相似文献   

本文所讲的"剥权犯",是指被人民法院判处剥夺政治权利刑并在社会上服刑的罪犯①。自最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部和司法部2003年7月10日联合发布《关于开展社区矫正试点工作的通知》(以下简称"两院两部  相似文献   

论必要性原则适用的困境及其出路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋红珍 《现代法学》2006,28(6):85-91
必要性原则是一项重要的行政法原则,它以“最小侵害”作为联结点,确立起一套相对清晰的审查标准,并把最终确定排他性手段的权力赋予司法。也正因为如此,必要性原则的适用引发了许多理论和实务操作中的困境。许多法治发达国家在为这些困境深感忧虑的同时,逐渐发展出一系列解决困境的法解释技术。正视这些困境并积极探索可行的解决方法,对我国行政法学界而言具有一定的紧迫性。  相似文献   

中国的妇女权益相关立法在近年来得到了一定的发展,但是,与世界上性别赋权状况最好的北欧国家相比,仍然存在很大距离。中国当今的妇女权益保障立法应该进一步完善,首先,在立法理念上,要转变传统观念;其次,要制定一部符合中国国情的以平等权为价值追求的《男女平等法》。  相似文献   

On 13 December 2006, the General Assembly of the United Nationsadopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(CRPD) and an associated Optional Protocol. The formulationof the CRPD has been hailed as a great landmark in the struggleto reframe the needs and concerns of persons with disabilityin terms of human rights. The CRPD is regarded as having finallyempowered the world's largest minority to claim their rights,and to participate in international and national affairs onan equal basis with others who have achieved specific treatyrecognition and protection. This essay interrogates the intellectualantecedents of the CRPD and its continuity and discontinuitywith 25 years of international law and its struggles with disabilityand human rights. It then explores the text of the CRPD, criticallyexamining its potential contribution to the realisation of therights of persons with disability.  相似文献   

Specifying the Relationship Between Crime and Prisons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There is no scholarly consensus as to the proper functional form of the crime equation, particularly with regard to one critical, explanatory variable—prison population. The critical questions are whether crime and prison rates must be differenced, whether they are cointegrated, and whether they are simultaneously determined—whether crime and prison cause one another. To determine the proper specification, different researchers have applied unit-root, cointegration, and Granger tests to very similar data sets and obtained very different results. This has led to very different specifications and predictably different implications for public policy. These differences are more likely to be due to the methods used, rather than to real differences among the data sets. When the best available methods are used to identify the proper specification for a panel of U.S. states, results are fairly clear. Crime rates and prison populations are close to unit-root; crime and prison are not cointegrated; crime clearly affects subsequent prison populations. Thus the best specification of the crime equation must rely on differenced data and instrumental variables. Alternative specifications run a substantial risk of spurious results.
William SpelmanEmail:

一、引言"两权分离"是指"执法权"与"监督权"的适度分离,它旨在通过劳教机关内设机构职能的调整和充实,在相关事权分离的基础上,形成制约机制,强化"监督权"来促进"执法权"的规范运作。  相似文献   

In this paper we present an approach to digital forensics specification based on forensic policy definition. Our methodology borrows from computer security policy specification, which has accumulated a significant body of research over the past 30 years. We first define the process of specifying forensics properties through a forensics policy and then present an example application of the process. This approach lends itself to formal policy specification and verification, which would allow for more clarity and less ambiguity in the specification process.  相似文献   

知识产权:自然权利亦或法定之权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就财产权的正当性而言,以洛克财产权劳动学说为代表的自然权利论和源于休谟并经边沁等人发扬光大的功利主义影响最为深远.两种理论看似难以调和的两极,实则从不同侧面揭示了财产权的正当性基础.在这个意义上,知识产权既是源于创造性活动的自然权利,又是国家基于功利原则授予的法定之权.  相似文献   

论环境权的人权属性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于环境权的属性问题一直是法学界争论的一个焦点 ,可谓众说纷纭 ,莫衷一是。从权利本原的角度入手 ,阐述目前我国研究权利特别是环境权的范式存在的误区 ,提出应从唯物主义的立场揭示环境权的自然权利属性。同时 ,对人权的历史发展中概念、性质、主体和内容的变化进行剖析 ,推断出环境权符合人权的构成要件 ,在精神实质与价值内涵上与人权存在固有的联系 ,是一项人类社会生存与发展不可或缺的基本人权。  相似文献   

This paper argues that, although originally conceived as part of the ‘civil rights’ agenda, the development of disability rights in Britain by the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) is better seen as a movement towards the realization of social, economic, and cultural rights, and so as reaffirmation of the indissolubility of human rights in the round. As such, that process of development represents a concrete exercise in the implementation of social rights by a statutory equality body and a significant step towards the conception of disability rights as universal participation, not just individual or minority group entitlement. The paper considers the distinctive features of that regulatory activity. It asks what sort of equality the DRC set out to achieve for disabled people and where, as a result, its work positioned it on the regulatory spectrum. From the particular experience of the DRC, the paper looks forward to considerations of general relevance to other such bodies, including the new Equality and Human Rights Commission.  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of the economic, social and political crisis on the labour law regimes of two of the Member States of the EU most affected; Greece and Ireland. Both countries have been the recipients of ‘bail‐out’ deals, negotiated and monitored by what has become known as the ‘Troika’ of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The article considers the extent to which both countries have been required to make amendments to their labour law regimes as a condition of their bail‐outs. It argues that the changes demanded reflect the basic norm now governing the EU legal order, namely that of ‘competition’; the logic of market integration based on the primacy of economic competition. The article sets the reforms in Greece and Ireland within the broader context of the ‘social deficit’ problem of the EU construction.  相似文献   

Raz on Necessity     
Bix  Brian H. 《Law and Philosophy》2003,22(6):537-559
Law and Philosophy -  相似文献   

论作为财产权的水权   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
邢鸿飞 《河北法学》2008,26(2):99-102
将水权客体——水资源的功能概括为生活功能、资源功能和环境功能,认为水权的财产权性质在水资源的不同功能区间中得到体现,其中水资源的生活功能对应的是作为宪法财产权的水权,水资源的资源功能对应的是作为民法财产权的水权,水资源的环境功能对应的是作为宪法财产权或共用财产权的水权。在此基础上,提出作为财产权的水权的实现机制及对我国水资源保护和利用的启示。  相似文献   

杨异 《知识产权》2009,19(2):71-74
信息网络传播权是著作权在网络中最重要的权能之一,是著作权人的权利在网络环境中的延伸和扩张.它是法律赋予著作权人控制自己的作品在网络上传播的专有权利,与网络文化的自由开放精神相冲突,对其进行限制成为必要,同时有必要从合理使用与法定许可两方面予以完善.  相似文献   

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