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<正>On January 27,CAFIU held a seminar on China's economic outlook at Hotel New Otani Chang Fu Gong jointly with Japan-China Economic Association(JCEA)Beijing Office and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China.Zhang Yansheng,Member of CAFIU Executive Council Standing Committee and Secretary-General of Academic Committee of State  相似文献   

<正>On April 24,the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU) and Japan-China Economic Association Beijing Office jointly held the Second Seminar on Japanese Economic Outlook and China-Japan Economic Relations at Wanshou Hotel in Beijing.Kiyoyuki Seguchi,  相似文献   

<正>CAFIU held three webinars on people-to-people exchanges between China and the US in 2020.Scholars and representatives of NGOs, media and think tanks conducted in-depth exchanges of views on promoting mutual understanding between the two countries.  相似文献   

<正>In the morning of September 25th,Seminar on Promoting China-Japan People-to-People Exchanges co-sponsored by the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)and China Foundation for Peace and Development(CFPD)was held in Beijing.Including delegates from academic circle,business community,NGOs and press of both sides,diplomats from Japanese Embassy in China,as well as some  相似文献   

尹允镇  李文娇 《东北亚论坛》2020,(3):90-101,128
在全球化背景下,人文交流是发展国家间关系,构建人类命运共同体的重要手段。新中国成立以来,中日人文交流经历了初期开创、全面发展、深化认知三个历史变迁阶段,2019年中日高级别人文交流磋商机制的构建,带领双边关系步入新时期。中日关系与人文交流恰如一枚硬币两个方面,国家间的矛盾将会引起人文交流起伏波动。反之,持续的人文交流对于国家关系的恢复和发展同样具有累积调控效应。各个领域的人文交流“量”的积累最终会带动国家关系“质”的飞跃。因此,要重构中日关系,除了“要超越现代化”的矛盾,还要寻求中日之间长期人文交流的“共同文化遗产”。  相似文献   

<正>It has always been one of its major tasks for CAFIU to conduct non-governmental exchanges and contacts with European countries since CAFIU was founded more than thirty years ago.As in recent years,the China-Europe comprehensive strategic partnership has continuously deepened with exchanges and cooperation in various areas further expanding  相似文献   

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of CAFIU.Since its establishment,CAFIU has always stayed committed to the Independent Foreign Policy of Peace and reached out widely to promote international understanding and friendship and to safeguard world peace.Ten year ago when I was still Secretary-General of CAFIU,it published a photo album in commemoration of  相似文献   

正In the second half of October,a delegation composed of members from the Australian Rotary Club of Crows Nest and the New Zealand Rotary Club of Hutt Valley visited China at the invitation of CAFIU.In Beijing,CAFIU hosted a themed workshop with the delegation.Deputy SecretaryGeneral Liu Kaiyang made a sum-up speech.  相似文献   

肖克 《西亚非洲》2003,(1):69-70
20 0 2年 1 1月 1 8日 ,中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所召开本年度中东形势研讨会 ,该所中东研究室和国际关系研究室的十多位专家学者出席了研讨会 ,并主要就下列专题进行了讨论。现将与会者在这次研讨会上提出的主要观点综述如下 :1 美国反恐战争对中东地区形势的影响中东地区在美国反恐战争中的战略地位非同一般。目前 ,美国正在准备的“倒萨”战争将对该地区的战略格局和国家间关系产生重大而深远的影响 :首先是美国与该地区国家的关系会因美国的战略调整而出现某些变化 ;其次是该地区国家间关系的调整 ;再次是该地区一些国家可能将根据…  相似文献   

<正>Soft powerhas become a buzz word in the field of international relations in recent years,and cultural soft power,as the core element of soft power,attracted the attention of people in particular.The comprehensive national strength of China has been rising,while the improvement of corresponding soft power lagged behind the rise of hard power.For the consideration of their interest,  相似文献   

<正>On October 14th,Seminar on Promoting ChinaPhilippine People-to-People Exchanges and Cooperation co-sponsored by the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)and China Foundation for Peace and Development(CFPD)was held in Beijing.Besides 9 members of the delegation of the Philippine Center of Young Leaders in Governance(PCYL)who were visiting China at the invitation of  相似文献   

论文化软权力的边界   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
约瑟夫·奈提出的“软权力”概念在政策和学术领域已受到广泛关注。文化软权力是其理论中的重要内容,但他并没有细致地界定文化在哪些条件下可以成为软权力。本文认为,文化的软权力化需要三个条件:文化的传播能同化他人的观念和思维方式;他人观念的同化有助于本国战略目标的实现;在通过文化同化实现本国目标的过程中,国家的控制力得以增强。奈所引为例证的美国流行文化的某些内容确实可以软权力化,但其他种类的文化大多不符合这些条件。中国应以积极姿态推动国际文化交流,而在构建自身文化软权力的问题上则应当持谨慎态度。  相似文献   

On December 22,2020,CHS held an international seminar themed“Joint Response to Terrorism under New Circumstances.”Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Luo Zhaohui made a keynote speech.Director-General of the Department of External Security Affairs at the Foreign Ministry Bai Tian delivered closing remarks.CHS Vice President Rong Ying presided over the sessions and CHS President Xu Bu made a summary at the conclusion of the meeting.  相似文献   

Respected Secretary-General Yamada Tadashi,Respected scholars,Good morning!First of all, on behalf of the Chinese People’s Association for International Understanding(CAFIU), I would like to extend warm welcome tothe delegation of Kazankai led by Secretary-General Yamada Tadashi, and warm  相似文献   

正Dancing is one of the earliest forms of arts born in the long history of human beings.As a creative dancer,I personally hold that the greatest charm of dancing is that you could use your body language to the largest extent to truly express your thoughts,emotions and insights,so as to strive to achieve genuine communication that transcends languages and writing between the dancers and the audience.  相似文献   

中国的和平发展是一个长期的历史过程,除了要塑造并依靠硬实力外,还要构建软实力.中国特色软实力的性质、内涵、特点、功能与西方认定的"软实力"不同,它植根于中华民族五千年的文明,是中国开展人文外交的主要力量源泉.中国特色的人文外交既为中国人民服务,也为世界人民服务.  相似文献   

古代中韩文化交流探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古代中韩文化交流源远流长,对双方的政治、经济、军事、文化教育、文学艺术、体育娱乐乃至日常习俗等各领域,都产生过深刻的影响,形成了很多相似的文化传统。在今后的文化交流中,中韩两国既要保持本民族文化的独特性,也要相互尊重对方国家的独特性,扩大双方的共同性。  相似文献   

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