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<正>On the afternoon of June 23,CAFIU,the International Department of CPC Central Committee(IDCPC)and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung(FES)jointly held a discussion to commemorate the 70thanniversary of the end of World War II.CAFIU’s Deputy Secretary-General Zheng Yao chaired the discussion.Also present at the discussion were Chinese and overseas experts,Mme.Su Ping from the Western Europe Bureau of  相似文献   

<正>Highly Respected Mr. President Zhou Tienong, In name of Civil Association the House of Poland and the Club of Polish-Chinese Co-operation, I convey the best greetings on the  相似文献   

Editor’s Note: On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the convocation of its Summit in Shanghai, we have invited Secretary-General Zhang Deguang of the SCO, Assistant Minister Li Hui of …  相似文献   

The year 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the world's anti-fascist war. China and many other countries have held all kinds of activities to commemorate this event that has most deeply impacted human history. The Second World War, the crudest war that  相似文献   

At the invitation of Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), a 5-member delegation of Civil Association "Polish House" headed by Mr. Jerzy Siwiec, the First Deputy Chairman of the association visited China from June 20 to 28. In Beijing, both sides co-sponsoredthe seminar themed "Twenty Years of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe and Poland", exchanging in-depth views on the historical background, experiences and lessons of the transition in Central and Eastern Europe and Poland. Mr. Li Jinjun,  相似文献   

Warsaw April 29,2011 Your Excellency Mr.President, On behalf of the Civil Association Polish House,I would like to extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes to the participants of the 2nd Plenary Session of the 10th Executive Council of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU) scheduled on April 29,2011.This Session,held at the 30th anniversary of CAFIU,is of special significance and far-reaching influence.As a Polish NGO enjoying sound cooperation with  相似文献   

Zheng He, a famous navigator and diplomat in theperiod ofEmperor Chengzu ofthe MingDynasty, ledgiant fleets and made seven voyages across the vastocean. The historical influence and significance ofhis voyages far exceed China, Southeast Asia andthe vast India Ocean. His voyages, spreading theChinese nation's civilization and image of peace farand wide, can be regarded as experiences for refer-ence and inspiration for today's peaceful develop-ment ofChina and the development ofthe current i…  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 6-member delegation of Civic Association "Polish House",headed by the Secretary of its Board Mr.Tadeusz Gajewski,visited Beijing and Hunan Province from December 1 to 6.  相似文献   

I. T he 2000years,50years and 60yearsM y C hinese friends often talk aboutthe ″2000-yearfriendship and 50-year antagonism ″.Iunderstandthatitis referred to the 2000-yearhistory offriend-ly exchanges with focus on cultures between Japanand China,and to the 50-yearJapanese w ars ofin-vading C hina, from the Japan-Q ing warin 1894tothe defeatofJapan in 1945. H ow ever, m any C hi-nese friends do notlike to m ention the 60years af-terW W II.In Japan I have a lotoffriends who hold thatJapa…  相似文献   

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of diplomatic relations between China and African countries. Over the past half a century, with the joint efforts by the leaders and peoples of China and Africa, the friendship between China and Africa has been increasingly consolidated and the relations between the two sides have grown to a new high. In November this year, the Beijing Summit and the Third Ministerial Meeting of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum will be held in Beijing to discuss the further strengthening of the relations and cooperation between China and Africa. To commemorate these historic events, the current issue of this Journal is bringing out four articles with regard to Sino-African relations and the situation in Africa to share with our readers.  相似文献   

<正>For years,on the occasions of China’ national festivals,CPC’s major events and CAFIU’s big activities,I have always received corresponding letters from a Polish elder who lived thousands of miles away.These letters,expressing wishes,congratulations,expectations or emotions,record not only the old man’s deep affections for China and his Chinese friends but also the time-honored  相似文献   

This year is the fiftieth anniversary of Japan's defeat and surrender at the end ofthe Second World War.Yet Japan is still far from having recognized correctlythe history of its aggression.The conflict between two different perceptions ofJapan's history of aggression has been waging on and has even become sharper.This is not only a point at issue in Japan's current politics,but also a key factor indetermining the nation's course of action in the future.  相似文献   

On June 10, the annual Global Summit on Women opened in the ancient capital Cairo, Egypt. The Summit was long called the Davos Forum for Women. Nearly 900 representatives from political and business circles of 89 countries and regions participated in thi…  相似文献   

TodaymycolleaguesandIfeelveryhappyandhonoredtobeinvitedtocometothepicturesquecoastalcityOdawaraforthefirsttimetoattendthe27thAnnualConferenceoftheJapaneseAssocia-tionofInitiativesofChangeIC.NowpleaseallowmeonbehalfoftheChineseAssociationForIn-ternationalUnderstandingtoexpressourheartfeltthankstoyouforyourkindinvitationandwarmhospitality.Ihavebeenquitedeeplyimpressedbytheheateddiscussionandthelivelyatmosphereshownattheconferenceinthepasttwodays.InresponseIwouldliketotakethisopportunitytog…  相似文献   

正Forty years ago,the Shanghai Communiqué was published in Shanghai.A milestone in the history of China-U.S.relations,it opened a new chapter of exchanges and cooperation between China and  相似文献   

On September 14-16, 2005, the 2005 World Summit, UN's largest summit meeting of heads of state and government in the new century, was held. 170 heads of state and government out of 191 member states gathered at the UN headquarters in New York, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the United  相似文献   

The 9^th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights cosponsored by China Foundation for Human Rights Development, Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) and Friedrich-Ebert Foundation of Germany opens today. Hereby on behalf of CAFIU, I would like toexpress warm welcome to Mme. Gmelin and all the guests and earnest congratulations on the opening of the seminar.  相似文献   

September 28, 2001 marks the 20th anni-versary of the found-ing of the Chinese Association for Interna-tional un- derstanding(CAFIU). CAFIU is a people抯 organization initiated and founded by well-known personages from various people抯 bodies and political parties as well as social activists and scholars in China for the purpose of developing external exchanges to cater for the development of the domestic and international situation …  相似文献   

Dearleadingmembers,FellowCouncilMembers,Comradesandfriends,TheChineseAssociationforInternationalUn-derstanding(CAFIU)isnowholdingits9thCouncilMeeting.AuthorizedbyPresidentLiGuixian,IamgoingtodelivertheWorkReportonbehalfofthe8thCouncilandsubmitittoyourexamination.The8thCouncilofCAFIUcameintobeinginFebruary1999.Overthepastfouryears,CAFIUhasmadepositiveeffortsandscoredcertainachieve-ments.OurachievementsweremadeundertheleadershipofPresidentLiGuixianandotherVice-Presidentsandwithth…  相似文献   

I'm very glad to have the opportunity to attend the 4th Chinese -Germ an Symposium on International Security co-sponsored by the International De-partment of the CPC Central Committee (IDCPC-CC),the Chinese Association for International Un-derstanding (CAFIU ) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)and exchange views with you here on the currentcv international situation and security.As you all know,although the international situa-tion has experienced tremendous and profound chang…  相似文献   

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