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greensproutsonthetreesinMarch,justbeforePresidentJiangZeminwastopayastateVisittoTurkey.ItwasatsuchastimethatCAFlUwelcomedthearrivalofMr.Turkmen,columnistofthebiggestnews-paperofTurkeythebopaper,andhiswife.Attheageof73,Mr.Turk-menusedtobeafamousTurkishdiplomat,whohadassumedthepostsofForeignMinister,Am-bassadortoGreeceandthefor-merUSSRandFrance,Perma-nentRepresentativetotheUnIt-edNationsandUnderSecretaryofUN.HehadbeentoChinathreetimes.Themainpurposeofhispresentvisitwastohaveaninter…  相似文献   

InthemiddleofFebruarythisyear,Iwashon-oredtobeamemberoftheCAFIUdelegationledbyMr.WanGuoquan,Vice-ChairmanoftheNationalCommitteeoftheCPPCCandVice-PresidentofCAFIUtovisitthreeAfricancountries,namelyMauritius,ZimbabweandSouthAfrica.Iwassode-lightedtohavethisopportunitytoappreciatetheancientandmysteriouscharmofAfricaandtoexpe-riencethepassionatefriendshipoftheAfricanpeo-pletowardstheChinesepeople.BringingwithprofoundaffectionandconcernoftheChinesepeoplefortheAfricanpeople,westartedou…  相似文献   

On December 11,2020,State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi attended the opening of the Symposium on the Intermational Situation and China's Foreign Relations in 2020 in Beijing,and delivered a keynote speech entitled“Serving the Country and Contributing to the World:China's Diplomacy in a Time of Unprecedented Global Changes and a Once-in-a-Century Pandemic.”  相似文献   

The just-concluded successful trip of U.S. President Bill Clinton's to China andthe upcoming state visit by Chinese President Jiang Zemin to Japan are twogreat diplomatic events in the Asia-Pacific in 1998 and mark the beginning of a newstage of positive interaction in relations among China, Japan and the United Statesat the turn ot the century.  相似文献   

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was found-ed, thus opening up a new era in the historical development of the Chinese nation and initiating the glorious and spectacular historic course of New China's diplomacy. In the past 60 years, the theory and practice of China's diplomacy, transcending the state-centered perspective and the Western traditional diplomatic concepts of "equilibrium", "power", "containment","interference", "alliance", "geopolitics" and "sphere of influence", have adhered to the scientific spirit, grasped the trends of the times and embodied the common aspirations of mankind.  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Kazankai Foundation of Japan,New Zealand Rotary and Australian Rotary,a 5-member CAFIU delegation headed by Deputy Secretary-General Liu Kaiyang visited Japan,New Zealand and Australia from October28 to November 6,2013.I have the honor to be a member of the delegation to visit the abovementioned three countries,which left an  相似文献   

EffortDevotedtotheSino-JapaneseMedicalExchanges──NoteontheVisitofKousyokai'sAkiotoChinaLiMiaoAttheinvitationofCAFIU,JapaneseM...  相似文献   

Reform Promoting Development Former Revolution Base TakingonaNewLook──ANoteonthe2ndJapaneseYouth ForumDelegation'sVisittoYan'anb...  相似文献   

DengXiaopingisnotonlyagreatstatesman ,butalsoaprominentinternationalstrategistanddiplo mat.HeappliedviewpointsandmethodsofMarxistdialecticalmaterialismtomakingscientificjudgmentoninternationalsituationafterChinapracticedreformandopeningup .Heputforwardaseriesoffarsight eddiplomaticprinciplesandpoliciesaswellasbroadandforesightedstrategicconcepts,thusforminganuniqueanddistinctivesystemofDengXiaopingthinkingonforeignaffairs .ItconstitutesthetheoreticalbasisandguidingprinciplesforChina’sdiplom…  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Kazankai Foundation of Japan,Asia New Zealand Foundation and Australian Institute of International Affairs,a CAFIU delegation headed by Ai Ping,Member of the National Committee of the CPPCC,former Vice-Minister of IDCPC and CAFIU Vice-President,  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU), a 5-member delegation sent byBangladesh─China Cultural, Economic andCommunication center (BCCEMCC) headedby its advisor Mr. Nurul Huda Mirza visitedChina between the 18th and 25th of May,2000. Mr. Qian Liren, Vice-President ofCAFIU, met the delegates and held a banquet dinner in their honor. Mr. TanZhonghua, Council member of CAFIU,chaired a discussion with the delegates. Thedelegates were a…  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), a 4-member Australian Rotary delegation visited China from April 8-14. As a staff member of CAFIU, I accompanied the delegation’s whole trip in China.Australian Rotary is the chapter of the Rotary International in Australia; most of its members  相似文献   

正At the invitation of CAFIU,an 11-member European-American young leaders delegation composed of politicians,think tank researchers and media workers from France,Germany,Italy,UK and US headed by Mr.Manlio di Stefano,Member of House of Representatives of Italy and Chairman of the Five-Star Movement  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a delegation headed by Mr.Kurt Beck,President of FriedrichEbert-Stiftung(FES),visited China from 17 to 20,October 2013.As his first visit to China since taking the office of FES President,President Beck aimed at keeping abreast of China’s political,economic and social development since the 18th National Congress of the CPC as well as renewing the Memorandum of Understanding between CAFIU and FES.  相似文献   

Ka Zeng  Yue Lu 《国际相互影响》2016,42(5):820-848
This article examines the differentisal effects of specific provisions included in China’s bilateral investment treaties (BITs) in inducing foreign direct investment (FDI). Empirical analysis yields some evidence suggesting that while the signing of a BIT does not necessarily boost FDI, the entry into force of a BIT does exert a strong effect on investment flows. More importantly, we find substantial evidence that BITs with stronger investment protection provisions such as absolute and relative standards of treatment and dispute settlement procedures are more likely to induce greater FDI flows. These results suggest that the variation in the institutional design of bilateral investment treaties strongly influences FDI flows by shaping foreign investors’ expectations of their asset security and the overall stability of the host country investment environment.  相似文献   

Great expectations rest upon the U.S. and China, as the biggest economies in the developed and developing worlds, with regard to tackling challenges in the global economy and building a new world order.  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the 48 Group Club of Britain,the Institute of InternationalEuropean Affairs(IIEA)of Ireland and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland,a six-member delegation led by Mr.Ai Ping,Member of the National Committee of CPPCC and CAFIU VicePresident visited Britain,Ireland and  相似文献   

Deardistinguishedguests熏Ladiesandgentlemen熏Friends熏Today熏thefemalestatesperson熏expertsandscholarsofChinaandGermanyhappilygatherheretoex鄄changeviewsindepthonwomen'srights熏women'sparticipationindeliberationandadministrationofstateaffairs熏women'sstatusandroleintheeconom鄄icandsocialdevelopment熏women'sliberation熏women'semployment熏protectionofwomen'srightsandinterestsandcooperationbetweenthewomenofChinaandGermanetc.Thisisofimmediatesignifi鄄canceforthepromotionofthefriendshipandfriendl…  相似文献   

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