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Central to the study of Congress is the study of relationships among members. Electoral collaboration is a function of a member's position in the broader congressional power network. It allows members to leverage their campaign resources to achieve the four classic goals of members of Congress: reelection, making good public policy, obtaining power within the institution, and having one's party in the majority. Using nearly 3.2 million FEC records from 2010 to 2016, we explore the dynamics that influence electoral collaboration. We find members are most likely to collaborate electorally with other members from the same state, party, and committee, and the most electorally vulnerable. Further, party leaders share most frequently with the rank and file. These findings build upon our expanding understanding of congressional collaboration, the networks members of Congress form, and the congressional power structure members operate within.  相似文献   

作为技术预见工具的技术路线图及其应用前景   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
技术预见是有步骤的对科学、技术、经济、环境和社会的远期发展进行探索的过程,其目的是选定可能产生最大经济与社会效益的战略研究领域和新技术,而技术路线图是对某一特定技术领域的未来延伸的看法。技术路线图作为一种战略工具已经广被用于技术预见领域,旨在于提高技术预见活动的影响力和把握未来的能力,更能把握技术发展中的规律性。在科技政策领域,利用技术路线图进行技术预见,可以通过不断修正未来技术发展方向的选择机制,为科技规划等技术预见活动提供了一个整合不同利益共同体观点的平台,能够避免制定科技政策过程中潜在的技术负效应,能够提升科技计划管理过程中的行政能力。  相似文献   

利益结构视角下的中央与地方关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
构建社会主义和谐社会,是新一届中央领导集体从新世纪新阶段现实出发,提出的重要治国目标、治国方略和治国机制。这一重大现实命题的提出,使中国特色社会主义事业的总体布局由经济建设、政治建设、文化建设“三位一体”优化和提升为包含社会建设在内的“四位一体”。面对这样一个重大的现实问题,社会科学工作者需要从不同的学科视界进行深入和系统的研究。在马克思主义的政治学看来,我们所生活和所建设的社会无疑是由众多社会成员个体、组织、团体、群体、阶层、阶级等单元或要素组合而成的复杂系统或有机体,这其中利益博弈是各类要素或单元之间的基本作用机制,利益关系是其基础性的关系,利益结构是社会系统和政治系统的深层结构,构成社会和政治运行的内在动力。本专栏的五位作者从政治学角度对社会利益关系与和谐社会建设之间深层次的关联进行学术层面的探讨,得出了比较新鲜和富有启发性的结论。  相似文献   

<正>职工互助互济活动是我国社会特有的一种社会保障方式,它是由工会组织倡导,通过宣传发动,组织动员广大职工自愿参加、自筹资金和自我完善的职工互助互济的组织形式;是职工为防范风险,提高自身抵御风险和保障  相似文献   

陈朋  王福生 《学理论》2008,(18):13-15
基层民主是全中国经济社会发展的动力源泉,也是中国发展的引擎。基层民主实践主要表现在农村基层民主、城市基层民主、党内基层民主、企业民主四个层面,基层民主实践为中国发展培训了理性的发展主体,奠定了安定有序的社会环境,并为人们提供了广阔的创新试验大舞台。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(4):61-66
In his rejoinder to Dan Stone, Cesarani attempts to answer the objections raised by the latter against the establishment of a Holocaust memorial day in Britain. Using the public response (so far) to the recent opening of the Imperial War Museum's permanent Holocaust exhibition as a test case, he argues that, contrary to Stone's worry that no one would register the existence of a memorial day, the British public shows every sign of being far from indifferent to the events being 'commemorated'. Cesarani characterizes Stone's other concerns as a counsel of despair. It is up to those who dissent from a safely distanced, homogenized or reductive view of the Jewish tragedy-or from a view of the British government as being anything but blameless in the commission of international human rights abuses and genocides, both historical and contemporary-to make sure that the 'plurality of memory' that Stone advocates is not traduced by the events of the day.  相似文献   

论信访人的权利与义务及其相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信访工作是党、政府、军队各级领导和机关一项重要的经常性思想政治工作。信访人是信访工作的主体,是指采用书信、电话、走访等形式向各级机关反映情况,提出意见、建议和要求的公民、法人及其他组织。搞清楚信访人的权利与义务及其关系,对于贯彻落实江主席提出的“三个代表”的重要思想,切实保障人民群众的合法权益,接受人民群众的监督,消除腐败现象,完善我国社会主义民主政治制度,维护社会安定团结的政治局面,都具有重要意义。一、关于信访人的权利信访人的权利是信访人在信访活动中,以合法的形式获得或维护自身利益的一种能动的…  相似文献   

Conservative talk of a ‘big society’ is one more mutation of the unstable family of pluralism. It is a large family, with both benign and progressive left wing members and rogue right wing black sheep. The progressive contribution has been substantial, but pluralism is not a homogeneous ideology or set of policies, and the single word conceals stresses and irreconcilable oppositions in theory and practice. An examination of this variety gives clues to the latest contributions, and to some of the more regressive uses to which pluralism can be put. The left needs both to insist on its own major contribution to progressive pluralism, and to beware of wolves in pluralist clothing.  相似文献   

皮毅 《行政论坛》2004,(4):85-86
金融监管的成本包括直接成本和间接成本,金融监管的效益是指自身效益、金融机构经营效益以及社会经济效益。针对金融监管花费了很大代价,但收效甚微的状况,提出促进金融监管成本与效益有效配置的对策建议,现实意义极大。  相似文献   

树立社会主义义利观是社会主义精神文明建设和物质文明建设的需要.社会主义义利观必须坚持"义利统一"的价值导向.  相似文献   

Several state and local government organizations lobbied Congressduring the formation of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). Thisarticle distinguishes between "general" government organizations(those that represent the general interests of state and localgovernments) and "functionalist" organizations (those that implementspecific programs or functions). Whereas generalists soughtto advance "spatial" interests, functionalists sought to advance"administrative" interests. We also apply theories of congressionalorganization and committee leadership to explain the accessof state and local governments to Congress and their influenceover policy. The organizations had more access to, and influencein, the House Committee on Administration than in the SenateRules and Administration Committee. The differences were primarilythe result of three factors: informational demands, partisanconsiderations, and the personal qualities of committee leaders.  相似文献   

通过网络交流平台,发挥网站的"资料库"、"高速路"、"连心桥"和"推进器"作用,增强思想政治工作的实用性、时效性、互动性和服务性,使员工在积极参与中受到教育,在潜移默化中受到熏陶,达到春风化雨、润物无声的效果,以增强思想政治工作的渗透力、影响力和感染力,凸显思想政治工作服务于企业中心工作的强大推动力,有利于促进企业的科学发展。  相似文献   

This article adds to recent research that has begun to systematically analyze the varied conflict propensities of autocracies. Using political incentive theory, we develop hypotheses on the diversionary proclivities of three distinct types of autocratic regimes that contradict conventional wisdom and the findings of recent empirical studies. To provide a full rendering of autocracies' diversionary tendencies, we test our hypotheses with Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) models that capture reciprocal relationships among external military force and four of its potential domestic causes from 1950 to 2005. Although our results provide only partial support for political incentive theory, they demonstrate the utility of using properly identified reciprocal models and of analyzing refined conceptualizations of autocratic regimes. We find that certain types of autocracies are more prone to use diversionary force and to benefit from it than others.  相似文献   

The ability to integrate learning—to make connections across classes or even within a single class—is integral to students becoming better learners, and to growing their capacity to perform as civic actors. We discuss an upper-level Campaigns and Elections class in which the course structure and assignments were set up to encourage students to integrate their learning. As part of the class, students played the role of state party committees during the 2016 presidential election, at first making arguments to devote more national party resources to their state campaign and then reporting back to the national party on how the election went in their state, and what the party must do to maximize its future success. Through coding of student final exam essay questions, we explore the degree to which students were able to achieve the integrative learning goals we had set for them, and examine factors that might help predict which students achieved these learning goals. We conclude by generalizing from our experience to discuss best practices for achieving integrative learning in our courses.  相似文献   

当代中国的社会利益冲突及其调节   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
构建社会主义和谐社会,是新一届中央领导集体从新世纪新阶段现实出发,提出的重要治国目标、治国方略和治国机制。这一重大现实命题的提出,使中国特色社会主义事业的总体布局由经济建设、政治建设、文化建设“三位一体”优化和提升为包含社会建设在内的“四位一体”。面对这样一个重大的现实问题,社会科学工作者需要从不同的学科视界进行深入和系统的研究。在马克思主义的政治学看来,我们所生活和所建设的社会无疑是由众多社会成员个体、组织、团体、群体、阶层、阶级等单元或要素组合而成的复杂系统或有机体,这其中利益博弈是各类要素或单元之间的基本作用机制,利益关系是其基础性的关系,利益结构是社会系统和政治系统的深层结构,构成社会和政治运行的内在动力。本专栏的五位作者从政治学角度对社会利益关系与和谐社会建设之间深层次的关联进行学术层面的探讨,得出了比较新鲜和富有启发性的结论。  相似文献   

公共权力效益核心理论的界定与认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共权力存在重要的效益问题。公共权力效益的核心理论是指其概念自身即公共权力主体运用科学手段,通过对有限资源的整合配置,以最小的投入,获取公共利益和社会全体公众生活质量最大限度的实现与提高。公共权力效益主要是社会效益,理解公共权力效益要把握好效益与效果、效率、成本等概念之间的联系与区别。  相似文献   

郭海虹  赵绥生 《学理论》2010,(17):14-16
政治是个历史范畴,其实质是一定阶级借助于社会公共权力来实现其特定利益的过程和方式的总和。政治是经济的集中表现,经济利益是一切政治矛盾的焦点,是一切政治斗争的最终目的。经济利益关系决定着阶级、政党、国家等政治现象的产生,发展和消失。  相似文献   

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