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The author proposes some measures for dealing with unmarried parents, who in all Western countries form an ever-increasing percentage of parents. The author suggests the adoption of an administrative system similar to the one used in Scandinavian countries for the dissolution of marriage and traces the excessive costs of the family law system in other countries to the insistence that divorce be granted by court order.  相似文献   

JES BJARUP 《Ratio juris》2005,18(1):1-15
Abstract.  The jurisprudential movement known as Scandinavian Legal Realism was founded by the Swedish philosopher Axel Hägerström and the Danish philosopher and jurist Alf Ross in order to destroy the distorting influence of metaphysics upon legal thinking and to provide the secure philosophical foundation for scientific knowledge of the law. I shall present Hägerström's philosophical theory and argue that he is committed to the metaphysical view that the world in time and space consists of causal regularities between things and events devoid of any values that is related to his epistemological view that what there is can be known by experience. Hägerström's philosophy advances a naturalistic approach that conceives the positive law as a system of rules in terms of behavioural regularities among human beings and legal knowledge as an empirical inquiry into the causal relations between legal rules and human behaviour. This approach is followed by his pupils, the Swedish lawyers A. V. Lundstedt and Karl Olivecrona, whereas Ross appeals to logical positivism. The naturalistic approach should be taken seriously since it leaves no room for the normativity of the law and for legal knowledge in terms of reasons for belief and action.  相似文献   


Ideological trends in the criminal policy of the Nordic countries since the 1960s are analysed. Although criminal policy in these countries is not unified, one can argue for the existence of a 'Scandinavian criminal policy' characterized by several common features concerning historical tradition, intensive cooperation and a similar approach to crime prevention and control. The following trends and characteristics are examined in some detail: the cycle from criticism of the treatment ideology to a reappraisal of the role of the criminal justice system and the function of penal sanctions; the differentiation of criminal policy strategies (e.g. social and situational crime prevention, cost-benefit thinking, criminal law policy, sanctions policy). Discernible tendencies towards more unified or, at least, more harmonized criminal policies on the international and European level are also examined. Active participation in this developmental process is encouraged to ensure that the fundamental principles of Scandinavian criminal policy are properly utilized.  相似文献   

TORBEN SPAAK 《Ratio juris》2009,22(4):483-498
The Scandinavian Realist Karl Olivecrona did not pay much attention to questions of legal reasoning in his many works. He did, however, argue that courts necessarily create law when deciding a case. The reason, he explained, is that judges must evaluate issues of fact or law in order to decide a case, and that evaluations are not objective. Olivecrona's line of argument is problematic, however. The problem is that Olivecrona uses the term “evaluation” in a sense that is broad enough to cover not only evaluations, including moral evaluations, but also considerations that are not evaluations at all, and therefore his claim that judges must evaluate issues of law or fact in order to decide whether a case is false.  相似文献   

Ross's (1975) assessment of the Scandinavian drinking-and-driving laws was a pivotal paper in the international literature because, in many ways, Norway and Sweden offer a critical test of the "tough approach" to deterring alcohol- impaired drivers. The present review raises some methodological and philosophical questions about Ross's approach to the Scandinavian data and examines four types of indirect evidence for deterrence in Norway and Sweden. While no conclusive evidence for deterrence could be identified, there was internal consistency in the pattern of circumstantial evidence pointing to a workable system of external restraints and internal controls in Scandinavia; and this pattern of evidence contrasted sharply with that obtained in the U.S.  相似文献   

Legal theory usually distinguishes only two kinds of legal realism: the American and the Scandinavian. Another school of this theoretical perspective is German legal realism, which refers to scholars like Ihering, Weber, and Schelsky. According to German legal realism, the author outlines what legal theory can do to persuade modern jurisprudence to face the social reality of law, conceived as institutionalized normative communication. The latter always occurs with reference to already valid and effectively operative legal norms which are used in an established, normatively binding legal practice in a given regional society.  相似文献   

At a time of sweeping political, economic, and social changes in Eastern Europe, the family courts in Poland are under threat. This article traces their development and unique approach to family law and outlines the proposals for change in the Polish court system.  相似文献   

In the traditional family law and child protection litigation where the court is asked to make determinations based on the best interests of a minor, the adversarial, rights-based model often fails to serve the interests of children and families and may be more harmful than beneficial to children relative to other possible methods of dispute resolution. This article examines the shortcomings of such an adversarial, rights-based model; briefly highlights the literature on dispute resolution systems design; and then proposes a new approach to better serve the interests of children in family law and child protection cases.  相似文献   

《欧陆法律史概览:事件、渊源、人物及运动》是美国法学院协会"大陆法史系列丛书"中的第一卷。此书除第一编、第九编外,其他七编均以国别为经,又以各国法律发展中的主要时期为纬,描述各国法律发展中的几大要素,即事件、渊源、人物及运动。在很大程度上,它不仅是一部介绍欧陆各国(不包括斯拉夫法系、拜占庭法系及匈牙利法系)法制史概况的书籍,还是一部法学史作品。意大利法、瑞士法、斯堪的那维亚法及西班牙法等内容研究角度别致,内容新颖。本书的用功最勤之处,不在于它的理论建构,而在于其正本清源,旨在说明什么是真的法律史。法学译著应该注意主要遵循"名从主人"、"约定俗成"、"服从主科"和"尊重规范"等翻译原则。  相似文献   

Torben Spaak 《Ratio juris》2017,30(1):75-104
Legal realism comes in two main versions, namely American legal realism and Scandinavian legal realism. In this article, I shall be concerned with the Scandinavian realists, who were naturalists and non‐cognitivists, and who maintained that conceptual analysis (in a fairly broad sense) is a central task of legal philosophers, and that such analysis must proceed in a naturalist, anti‐metaphysical spirit. Specifically, I want to consider the commitment to ontological naturalism and non‐cognitivism on the part of the Scandinavians and its implications for their view of the nature of law. I argue (i) that the Scandinavians differ from legal positivists in that they reject the idea that there are legal relations, that is, legal entities and properties, and to varying degrees defend the view that law is a matter of human behavior rather than legal norms, and (ii) that they do not and cannot accept the idea that there is a ‘world of the ought’ in Kelsen's sense. I also argue, more specifically, (iii) that the objection to non‐naturalist theories raised by the Scandinavians—that there is and can be no connection between the higher realm of norms and values (the ‘world of the ought’) and the world of time and space—is convincing, and (iv) that Kelsen's introduction of a so‐called modally indifferent substrate does nothing to undermine this objection. In addition, I argue (v) that the Scandinavians can account for the existence of legal relations that do not presuppose the existence of morally binding legal norms by embracing conventionalism about the existence of the sources of law, while pointing out that in doing so they would also be abandoning their legal realism for legal positivism. Finally, I argue (vi) that the implications for legal scholarship of the realist emphasis on human behavior instead of legal norms is not well explained by the realists and appear to amount to little more than a preference for teleological interpretation of legal norms.  相似文献   

Children's rights to participate in legal processes concerning them have been a key policy issue for the Scandinavian legislators during recent decades. From the 1980s, there have been frequent amendments to the law to secure the position of the child. Despite numerous provisions stating the right of the child to express his or her views and for these to be considered before decisions are taken, there are continuing obstacles to full recognition of children as legal subjects. Too often children's voices are not heard or not heeded. This article explores the reasons for this and argues that the ambition to promote equal parenthood is one reason for the failure to give the child's views real impact on decision-making in matters concerning children.  相似文献   

THOMAS MAUTNER 《Ratio juris》2010,23(3):411-427
This paper discusses the place of philosophical naturalism in the philosophy of law, with special reference to Scandinavian Realism. Hägerström originated a non‐cognitivist analysis of certain fundamental legal concepts, but he also proposed an error theory. The two approaches are incompatible, but were not always clearly distinguished. Among his followers, Olivecrona and Ross gradually abandoned the latter, at least from the late 1940s. Many accounts of their views are unclear, because the presence of these two kinds of analysis, their incompatibility, and the gradual abandonment of one, has often been overlooked. A corollary of the discussion is that there are some important corrigenda in the entry “Naturalism in legal philosophy” in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  相似文献   

In recent years, the proposition that the abolition of consular jurisdiction was the start of the late Qing legal reforms was challenged. According to the arguments of scholars engaged in subverting the traditional mainstream view, the “Mackay Treaty” was signed on September 5, 1902, but Empress Cixi issued the “Law Reform Decree” on her way back from Xi’an after the Gengzi Event, then the Qing government’s decision for law reform was not a consequence of Article 12 of the “Mackay Treaty.” This article argues that methodology of historical textual research requires a comprehensive view of the whence and whither. The traditional view that the abolition of consular jurisdiction served as an urgent cause for the modernization of Chinese law cannot be rejected imprudently by a superficial approach to pounce on one point and ignore all others; our vision should be broadened by taking the overall situation into consideration. Otherwise over-corrections will result in an incomplete view of the whole scenario. The relation between the law modifications in late Qing and the reclamation of consular jurisdiction is extremely intricate and complex. Previously this had to be discussed by Robert Hart and others in detail.  相似文献   

It is a long debate over whether rule of law is reliable in China, when some Chinese regulations are considered to be decided for political interests rather than the law itself. Furthermore, Chinese court decisions are often criticized for not according with statutes, even though the latter are properly written. The author examines these issues by comparing the legislation reasoning and enforcement of competition law in China, the European Union and the United States, which will not lead to endorsement of or objection to the view that rule of law is properly enforced in China, but it shall be an inevitable responsibility for the Chinese judiciary to demonstrate efforts it has taken.  相似文献   

法律本土化:一种法社会学的视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
法律现代化与法律本土化的争论 ,实质上是法律实证主义和法社会学在中国的理论争鸣 ,法律本土化观点为中国法学提供了一种法社会学的研究进路。  相似文献   

The social history of coresidence arrangements in the Latvian region suggests that forms of cohabitation without marriage were present in the Latvian population since the eighteenth century when empirical evidence became available. Before the twentieth century, however, these forms remained marginal and seldom involved choice. The subject of severe criticism until the 1960s–1970s, such forms become more widespread thereafter as the Latvian population began to exhibit many key features of a second demographic revolution. Post-Soviet censuses now suggest that such coresidence patterns in the Latvian population approach the levels of those in most western European states, including the Scandinavian countries.  相似文献   

Law schools attempting to prepare students for a more global practice are generally advised to tailor a law curriculum to their individual resources. When offering comparative perspectives, some law school programmes have pedagogical advantages arising out of a mixed legal heritage, such as McGill Faculty of Law’s transsystemic approach. What does the transsystemic approach entail, and can aspects of the transsystemic approach, which is grounded in Québec’s bijural and bilingual context, be practised at national-focus law schools? In order to consider this question, the author observed classroom dynamics in first year transsystemic courses. The McGill experience cannot be imported, but its pedagogy offers key lessons for common law national-focus law schools, including the need to make alternative visions of law necessary for understanding.  相似文献   

The rule of law offers legal certainty, laying down boundaries to the state's playing field. The precautionary approach stipulates that the absence of scientific certainty is no reason not to act to prevent harm. Here, uncertainty frames action. The precautionary approach potentially expands the state's playing field, and this expansion might well undermine the precepts of the rule of law. The certainty‐uncertainty axis exposes a tension between the rule of law and the precautionary approach in what Ulrich Beck has termed the world risk society in second modernity. It is this tension that is the focus of analysis in this article.  相似文献   

受从"哲学批判"到"政治经济学批判"之转变的影响,马克思法律理论的建构遵循了"社会—政治法律哲学进路"。这种进路的选择不仅不是马克思的疏忽,更是包含着马克思本人促进人类解放的伟大担当和理论旨趣。而且,这种进路触及到了法律的一个特征,即法律的非自主性(法律的社会—政治基础),对当下中国法律哲学的建构具有跨文化的普适性。  相似文献   

This article describes, and explains the rationales for, the establishment of an innovative program in which a law school and two social services agencies are collaborating in a mediation clinic that uses the transformative model of mediation to serve clients in cases that seem ideally suited to benefit from this approach to practice—so-called "PINS" (persons in need of supervision) cases involving conflict within families, between parents and their adolescent children. The article first describes the evolution of the PINS system and the changing views of its purpose, especially in New York State. It then offers a brief introduction to the unique features of the transformative approach to mediation and explains why that approach in particular is likely to mesh with current understandings of the needs of the families involved in these cases. Finally, the article describes the innovative "Family Solutions Program" and how it uses transformative mediation to help these families and suggests that experience of this program shows how use of the transformative model, in particular, could be valuable not only for clinical education but also for effective volunteer training and supervision in mediation programs generally.  相似文献   

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