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构建区域性资本市场推动陕西高新技术产业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵昕 《理论导刊》2004,(3):51-52
高新技术产业在融资上具有高投入、高风险、高回报、周期长等特点,政府要准确定位,积极引导,为区域性资本市场的发展创造良好的制度环境。  相似文献   

高新技术产业集群带来人才区域聚集效应并获得相应效益,发展高新技术产业需要利用产业集群优势实施人才区域聚集战略。本文主义涉及:①高新技术产业集群与人才区域聚集;②高新技术产业开发区产业集群下人才区域聚集的现状与问题;③高新技术产业开发区人才区域聚集战略的基本方向。  相似文献   

王梓鸣 《学理论》2012,(5):98-99
城市的发展要依托产业经济的腾飞,产业发展需要依靠原始积累与沉淀,同样也需要技术创新,高新技术产业是新经济竞争时代的产物,高新技术产业改变了传统产业粗放式的经营模式,主导着产业经济的发展。大连市的高新技术产业发展一直走在全国的前列。以大连市作为研究对象,以产业经济学理论为基础,结合产业生态化发展的道路,探讨了大连市发展高新技术产业的五大优势条件:区位优势条件;高技术人力资本;科技服务平台;技术支持;高效的融资环境。并以高新技术产业集群的发展为核心形成产业发展的新模式,为我国高新技术产业的发展的规划和布局提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

产业集群不仅为企业提供成本的下降和范围经济,还为企业创造了良好的非正式关系网络。对于创新导向的新媒体企业,这种集群网络为知识的扩散、企业的创新发展提供了动力。新媒体产业集群中的项目合作的交易型与非交易型的两个网络,关联程度非常高,而且非交易性合作网络更活跃。影响项目合作网络的主要因素是项目产品类型、企业发展阶段、领导者个性、地域性以及其他相关关系。  相似文献   

随着经济的迅速发展,产业集群在推动区域经济的发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文认为,政府在产业集群的发展中应积极有所作为,要以科学的发展观为指导,在充分发挥市场机制的基础性作用的前提下,通过加强规划指导、营造创新环境、实施力量整合、加强协调服务为产业集群的健康发展提供保障,以实现区域经济更好地发展。  相似文献   

产业集群培育的路径与政府作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张宏 《理论导刊》2006,(5):21-23
产业集群已经成为提升区域竞争力的具有时代潮流性的产业组织模式,我国各地已纷纷确立了产业集群发展战略。但我国处在经济转轨时期,必须充分借鉴西方产业集群培育的市场路径与成本路径,充分借鉴我国东南沿海等地产业集群培育的九条具体路径经验,坚持以市场配置资源为基础手段,避免政府主导,积极发挥政府在引导产业发展、营造产业环境、加强招商引资、实施政策吸引、优化公共服务等方面的作用,防止政府干预过大和干预力度不够两种偏失。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的临近,大力发展高新技术产业已成共识.而且实践已经证明,这一产业无论对一个国家,还是一个地区、一个省来说,都已成为其新的经济增长点.然而,高科技产业的进一步发展,需要加大投资力度.于是,风险投资孕育而生.因此,如何大力发展我国风险投资,风险投资如何在投资高新技术产业中进一步发挥作用,这就是本文论述的主题.  相似文献   

考察我国小城镇发展的历程,产业集群对小城镇建设发展起到了非常重要的作用:产业集群是小城镇兴起和发展的基本动力;提升了小城镇整体的发展水平;推动了小城镇区域经济的发展;为小城镇建设提供了资金保障;等等。今后,我国小城镇发展产业集群,要注意:统一规划,加强管理;小城镇功能建设应从重视“基础设施功能”向重视城镇的“要素聚集功能”建设转变;提高小城镇产业集群的技术含量;增加小城镇产业发展种类,提高产业集群的创新能力;提高集群企业的品牌意识;加强产业集群小城镇的环境保护;等等。  相似文献   

当前,地区间的产业竞争集中体现在产业集群的竞争,要提升产业竞争力,就要增强产业集群的竞争力,进而要求搞好产业集群的空间载体即产业园区的建设。从集群的视角看成都产业园区建设,可以发现其中存在许多不足,因此,要按照促进产业集群发展的要求来整合成都各产业园区,形成产业定位明确、区位优势突出、园区之间互动互补的具有自组织性质的统一结构体系。  相似文献   

发展集群经济对于增强区域经济实力,提高城市竞争力具有十分重要的意义.发展集群经济可以促进同行业合作,优势互补,提高科技水平,形成规模经营.发展集群经济要准确把握地区产业优势,培育名牌,开拓市场.发展集群经济必须科学确立主导产业,延伸产业链,调整和创新产业体系.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, there has been a decline in social capital in American communities. New urbanism has been proposed as a tool to reverse some of this decline. This study seeks to understand the potential benefits of new urbanism in terms of social capital. Differences in social capital between a new urbanist subdivision (NUS) and a standard suburban subdivision (SSS) are compared. The findings of this study suggest that residents of NUSs have more social capital than residents of SSSs. However, many of the differences between the two communities disappeared when a social bias control was added to the model.  相似文献   

论社会资本视野下的政府职能转变   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
裴志军 《理论导刊》2005,(12):14-16
从社会资本角度看,政府职能应是公民社会的培育与服务,政府职能的运行机制应该是多元化的,政府职能实现途径应该是制度和规则这一公共物品的提供。  相似文献   

社会资本理论的兴起为社会公正实现的研究提供了新思路。社会资本与社会公正之间存在着结构性依赖和制约的关系。目前,我国的社会资本存在诸多缺陷,制约着社会公正的普遍形成。为此,通过转变政府职能、界定政府权力,加强制度整合、推动法治化进程,培育公民社会的公民意识和公共精神以及促进民间组织的健康发展,进而实现社会资本从传统到现代的转型,是实现社会公正的重要前提和题中应有之义。  相似文献   

社会资本与社会组织运转——以甘东用水协会为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
促进人们之间相互合作有三种机制——科层、市场和自组织.三种机制在官僚成本、交易成本与结社成本低的情况下都能很好地促进民众之间的合作,但是在缺少社会资本的地方,随着三种成本的上升,合作机制可能都会导致不合作行为的发生.根据对中国目前唯一的整体实行参与式灌溉管理改革并取得成功的中型灌区——甘东用水协会进行实地调研,从协会在现实中所遇到的用水户合作困境出发,针对甘东用水协会内用水户为什么不积极参与和自己利益密切相关的社会组织的建设这个问题,从科层影子、扭曲市场和公民社会缺乏三个方面对甘东用水协会困境进行了分析.得出:政府或者其他外部机构在社会资本缺乏、市场机制难以奏效的地方建立用水协会这类社会组织,要想实现其可持续发展,必须使其脱离科层控制;而且政府或者外部机构在投资方向上也要更加侧重于促进地方社会资本增加的项目,而不是用时髦的、现代的、复杂的组织或者设备来简单代替原来的基础设施.  相似文献   

Economic Growth and Social Capital   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Recent interdisciplinary theoretical work has suggested that social capital, or the interpersonal trust of citizens, plays an important role in explaining both the efficiency of political institutions, and in the economic performance of contemporary societies. This paper examines the relationship between social capital and economic growth in a sample of thirty-four countries over the period 1970 to 1992, within the framework of a modified neo-classical model of economic growth. The findings suggest that social capital has an impact on growth which is at least as strong as that of human capital or education, which has been the focus of much of the recent work on endogenous growth theory. It appears to have about the same impact on growth as catch-up or the ability of poorer nations to adopt technological innovations pioneered by their richer counterparts.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze whether social capital can emerge endogenously from a process of preference evolution. We define social capital as preferences that promote voluntary cooperation in a one-shot Prisoner’s Dilemma game. We investigate how the endogenous preferences depend on the amount of information individuals have about each other’s preferences. When there is sufficiently much information, maximal social capital emerges. In general, the level of social capital varies positively with the amount of information. Our results may add to an understanding of the factors that determine a society’s ability to generate cooperative outcomes.  相似文献   

Analyses of social capital and immigration have stressed the negative impact that culturally diverse societies have for the development of social trust. Ethnic heterogeneity, according to these studies, is associated with lower levels of social trust. However, social trust has not been studied as an independent variable in order to explain attitudes towards immigration. This article argues that societies with high levels of social capital facilitate the integration of immigrants because those members with high levels of social trust will tend to have more positive attitudes towards immigration. This hypothesis is empirically tested in a cross-country multi-level empirical analysis for sixteen European countries, drawing on the 2002–3 European Social Survey. This analysis shows that, regardless of the impact of other individual-level variables and contextual variables such as levels of unemployment or percentage of foreign population, those with high social capital do exhibit more positive attitudes towards immigration than the rest of the population.  相似文献   

Social Capital and Regional Economies in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is social capital a prerequisite for prosperity? This paper analyzes social capital and economic performance in the British regions. Like Italy, Britain has a north–south economic divide. Are these differences caused by unequal stocks of social capital? This paper provides limited support for the hypothesized relationship between some indicators of social capital (especially trust and civic associations) and economic performance. Economic associations, however, are negatively correlated. This highlights shortcomings in social capital theory in terms of transferring the concept to new settings, the mechanisms linking social capital to production and the translation of social capital into public policy.  相似文献   

本文从"智慧资本"、"表征资本"和"产业资本"三个方面论述了北京文化创意产业的概念,提出以创新为"智慧资本",以文化为"表征资本",以产业为"经济资本",构建以"创意"为本体,"文化"和"产业"为资本构架,"智慧资本"为自主创新动力的文化创意产业。  相似文献   

裴志军 《理论导刊》2007,31(10):45-48
社会资本的培育能够提升公民的宽容和妥协精神、提升公民对制度的认同感、增强公民的合作参与的品质。在转型时期,我国社会资本存在着严重缺失现象,制约着社会的良性运行和协调发展。因此,通过增强政民之间的信任、引入"善治"的社会治理范式、完善规范等社会资本的培育应当成为构建和谐社会的一个重要视角。  相似文献   

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