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The Reference National Laboratory, Genes Ltda, designated by the Commission of Accreditation and Alertness created by Law 721 of 2001 of Republic of Colombia, organized and coordinated the Quality Control Exercise of 2008 for laboratories undertaking paternity and maternity tests with DNA markers. The Quality Control Exercise included both practical and theoretical exercises. For the practical exercise, three blood samples in FTA Classic Card were sent to each participating laboratory to be genotyped for DNA markers using the routine methodologies in their laboratories. For the theoretical exercise, it was asked to the participating laboratories to calculate the partial and final paternity indexes based on two genetic profiles of an alleged biological father and his son. Allele frequencies were made available to the participants, as well as Y chromosome haplotype database. A total of 12 laboratories have participated with data from 57 STRs, including autosomal and sex chromosome markers. Consensus was found in 37 STRs, 21 in autosomes and 16 Y chromosome linked. The rate of reporting errors was 3.1% (concentrated in just one laboratory). The theoretical exercise had consensus.  相似文献   

Based on the 52 SNP-plex developed by the SNPforID Consortium, we designed two 10-plex to study single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for human identification and to establish its usefulness in paternity casework. This 20 autosomal SNP set was studied in 56 paternity investigation cases from South Portuguese resident population, also analyzed with 17 Short Tandem Repeats (STRs). Results obtained with both methodologies were consistent with each other, except for one case where the alleged father could not be excluded by SNPs. No mutation was found in the SNP loci, whereas a mismatch in STRs was detected. The use of SNPs as a complement to the analysis of autosomal STRs in paternity casework can result in paternity index and paternity probability values equivalent or higher than those obtained with more STR loci, but with lower costs. This study shows that instead of using additional STR loci, the analysis of 20 autosomal SNPs, as a complement technique to standard methodologies, is an appealing alternative in paternity investigation cases.  相似文献   

The performance of a multiplex assay with 52 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) developed for human identification was tested on 124 mother–child–father trios. The typical paternity indices (PIs) were 105–106 for the trios and 103–104 for the child–father duos. Using the SNP profiles from the randomly selected trios and 700 previously typed individuals, a total of 83,096 comparisons between mother, child and an unrelated man were performed. On average, 9–10 mismatches per comparison were detected. Four mismatches were genetic inconsistencies and 5–6 mismatches were opposite homozygosities. In only two of the 83,096 comparisons did an unrelated man match perfectly to a mother–child duo, and in both cases the PI of the true father was much higher than the PI of the unrelated man. The trios were also typed for 15 short tandem repeats (STRs) and seven variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs). The typical PIs based on 15 STRs or seven VNTRs were 5–50 times higher than the typical PIs based on 52 SNPs. Six mutations in tandem repeats were detected among the randomly selected trios. In contrast, there was not found any mutations in the SNP loci. The results showed that the 52 SNP-plex assay is a very useful alternative to currently used methods in relationship testing. The usefulness of SNP markers with low mutation rates in paternity and immigration casework is discussed.  相似文献   

目的通过对常染色体和X染色体遗传标记的检测,探讨单亲疑难案例的鉴定策略。方法提取3个单亲鉴定案例的6份血样,采用Goldeneye 20A试剂盒和AGCU21+1试剂盒检测常染色体上39个STR基因座,采用自主研制的16重X-STR扩增系统检测X染色体上16个STR基因座。结果用Goldeneye 20A试剂盒检测后发现每个单亲案例均有一个基因座不符合遗传规律,当常染色体STR基因座增加到39个时,案例1累计出现3个矛盾基因座;案例2和案例3均没有出现新的矛盾基因座。X染色体STR分型结果显示案例1有8个矛盾基因座,案例2和案例3无矛盾基因座,与常染色体分型结论相符。结论对于出现单基因座不符合遗传规律的母女、母子、父女单亲案例鉴定,不仅可以增加新的常染色体STR检测,也可以增加X染色体STR的检测,这样在相互验证的同时也能获得更加可靠的鉴定意见。  相似文献   

It is common in forensic casework to encounter highly degraded DNA samples from a variety of sources. In this category bone and teeth samples are often the principal source of evidential material for criminal investigations or identification of long-deceased individuals. In these circumstances standard STRs are prone to fail due to their long amplicon sizes (since DNA becomes progressively more fragmented as it degrades). To successfully resolve such cases alternative markers can be used and until recently the only other tool available was mitochondrial DNA, which despite being more resistant to degradation, is much less informative. A rapidly developing approach to analyzing degraded DNA is the typing of loci from short-amplicon PCR products based on markers such as mini-STRs and autosomal SNPs. We have performed an analysis of several cases with naturally degraded DNA using established STRs plus mini-STRs and autosomal SNPs in order to make an objective comparison of the performance of each method using challenging DNA. The main aim was to establish the benefits and drawbacks of each marker set to help the practitioner choose the DNA analysis method most suited to the circumstances of each case.  相似文献   

We report the results of an inter-laboratory exercise on typing of autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) for forensic genetic investigations in crime cases. The European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP), a working group under the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG), organised the exercise. A total of 11 European and one US forensic genetic laboratories tested a subset of a 52 SNP-multiplex PCR kit developed by the SNPforID consortium. The 52 SNP-multiplex kit amplifies 52 DNA fragments with 52 autosomal SNP loci in one multiplex PCR. The 52 SNPs are detected in two separate single base extension (SBE) multiplex reactions with 29 and 23 SNPs, respectively, using SNaPshot kit, capillary electrophoresis and multicolour fluorescence detection. For practical reasons, only the 29 SBE multiplex reaction was carried out by the participating laboratories. A total of 11 bloodstains on FTA cards including a sample of poor quality and a negative control were sent to the laboratories together with the essential reagents for the initial multiplex PCR and the multiplex SBE reaction. The total SNP locus dropout rate was 2.8% and more than 50% of the dropouts were observed with the poor quality sample. The overall rate of discrepant SNP allele assignments was 2.0%. Two laboratories reported 60% of all the discrepancies. Two laboratories reported all 29 SNP alleles in all 10 positive samples correctly. The results of the collaborative exercise were surprisingly good and demonstrate that SNP typing with SBE, capillary electrophoresis and multicolour detection methods can be developed for forensic genetics.  相似文献   

When using a standard battery of STRs for relationship testing a small proportion of analyses can give ambiguous results – where the claimed relationship cannot be confirmed by a high enough paternity index or excluded with fully incompatible genotypes. The majority of such cases arise from unknowingly testing a brother of the true father and observing only a small number of exclusions that can each be interpreted as one- or two-step mutations. Although adding extra STRs might resolve a proportion of cases, there are few properly validated extra STRs available, while the commonly added hypervariable SE33 locus is four times more mutable than average, increasing the risk of ambiguous results. We have found SNPs in large multiplexes are much more informative for both low initial probabilities or ambiguous exclusions and at the same time provide a more reliable genotyping approach for the highly degraded DNA encountered in many identification cases. Eight relationship cases are outlined where the addition of SNP data resolved analyses that had remained ambiguous even with extended STR typing. In addition we have made simulations to ascertain the frequency of failing to obtain exclusions or conclusive probabilities of paternity with different marker sets when a brother of the true father is tested. Results indicate that SNPs are statistically more efficient than STRs in resolving cases that distinguish first-degree relatives in deficient pedigrees.  相似文献   

Participation in interlaboratory quality control exercises is one of the main mechanisms currently used for quality assurance and continuous improvement of the trials. The objective of this study was to design, to manage and to evaluate the Colombian Exercise Interlaboratory Quality Control 2012 (CEIQC-2012). The CEIQC-2012 included both practical and theoretical exercises. For practical exercise three samples were provided, two from blood and one from buccal swab, all on FTA cards, participants were requested to process the samples according to the methods and the markers used routinely in their own laboratories. For theoretical section four exercises were sent, and only one was mandatory, the remain have different degrees of difficulty and were optional. In the mandatory exercise, the participants were asked to calculate the partial and total IP of 15 autosomal STRs markers of an alleged father and a son. This exercise involved 28 laboratories from 6 Latin American and Caribbean countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, Dominican Republic and Colombia), all reported results for the theoretical mandatory and 27 for the practical. Fifty-four STR markers distributed in autosomal, Y and X chromosomes were under consensus. The Proficiency Test conducted through the Colombian National Reference Laboratory has become a useful tool for quality assurance of all Colombian laboratories and some of Latin America and Caribbean that perform DNA testing to establish biological relationships. This exercise is also an excellent opportunity for constant experts training in the region.  相似文献   

Recent advances in single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) research have raised the possibility that these markers could replace the forensically established short tandem repeats (STRs). In this work, we compare STRs and SNPs applicability for kinship investigation in terms of expected informative content and probability of occurrence of "difficult cases" (when isolated Mendelian incompatibilities between alleged father and child are found). Since SNPs have a much lower mutation rate than STRs, these difficulties were expected to occur less frequently if SNPs were used instead of STRs. The purpose of this paper is to make some simulations allowing the estimation of how often such difficult cases are expected to occur using both types of markers and how serious can be their impact in routine work. Our results demonstrate that a battery based exclusively on SNPs matching the informative power of current STR kits would be prone, if applied to routine paternity investigation, to the occurrence of cases where the statistical evidence would be inconclusive. We infer that the introduction of a SNP based strategy, as a substitute to the now classical STR approach poses statistical problems that must be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

目的基于二代测序平台进行90个常染色体SNP位点分型,调查其在中国广东汉族人群中的多态性,评估其法医学应用价值。方法采集100例中国广东汉族无关个体外周血样,采用Auto Mate Express TM提取样本DNA,使用HID-Ion Ampli Seq?Identity Panel分型体系复合扩增90个SNP位点制备文库,Ion One Touch?2进行乳化PCR,Ion PGM?平台进行测序,Torrent_Suite_v4.4.2软件及HID_SNP_Genotyper_v4.3.1插件进行数据分析,计算常用法医学参数并与该群体Goldeneye TM 20A体系的检测效能进行比较。结果经Bonferroni法校正后,90个常染色体SNP位点分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,不存在连锁不平衡现象。各位点平均杂合度(Ho)为0.423,平均个体识别力(DP)为0.560,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.329。90个SNP体系的累积个体识别率(CDP)为(1-1.20×10~(-33)),大于20A体系;三联体累积非父排除率(CPE_(tri))为0.999 999 911,二联体累积非父排除率(CPE_(duo))为0.999 882,均小于20A。结论 90个常染色体SNP检测体系可独立应用于法医个体识别和三联体亲子鉴定,并辅助进行二联体亲子鉴定。  相似文献   

With both the SNPforID and the Kidd panels of autosomal SNPs available, we selected the 40 most informative and population-independent SNPs from both these sets for evaluation in paternity testing and as a prelude for forensic human identification.We used the published primer sequences and constructed PCR multiplexes for genotyping using the SNaPshot assay. Fifty trios and 50 duos previously analysed using conventional autosomal STR markers were re-analysed using the 40 SNPs. We report our findings regarding the practical use of these markers including unexpected mutations which impacted significantly on the use of this panel.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) use a stochastic threshold to consider the possibility of missing alleles (dropouts) or detecting additional alleles (drop-ins). In CE, this threshold may be approximately 200 RFU, and peak heights are assessed relative to this threshold. In next generation sequencing (NGS), also known as massively parallel sequencing (MPS), STRs are identified by their sequence, and specific alleles are identified by their repeat number and intra-allelic variation. Abundance is approximated by the number of sequence reads for each allele. The total number of reads generated for each marker in a sample depends on factors such as the numbers of samples pooled for sequencing, the number of markers in the assay, the integrity and quantity of the input DNA sample, and the inter-locus balance of the assay. For multiplexes that contain both autosomal and sex-linked markers, the biological sex of the sample also influences total reads per locus. To normalize these variables and better establish a robust stochastic threshold, a sample-wide metric is proposed for estimating the possibility of dropouts or drop-ins based on the variance of the inter-locus balance of the markers across a sample. The intuition is that samples with variable allele balance globally are more likely to have noisier data and therefore require more stringent read count thresholds. This method is robust to sequencing multiplexity, biological sex and manufacturing lot variation.  相似文献   

A total of 157 unrelated individuals residing in Slovenia were typed for 49 of the autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the SNPforID 52plex with the SNaPshot® assay. We obtained full SNP profiles in all but one individual and perfect concordance was obtained in duplicated analyses. Allele frequencies are presented for the 49 SNPs. No deviation from HWE was observed for any SNP. FIS and FST were estimated. A principal coordinate analysis performed on six populations (Slovenian, Danish, Somali, Greenland, Turkish and Chinese) showed that the Slovenian population grouped with the Danish population. The mean power of discrimination for the Slovenian population was 1.1 × 10−19, and the mean exclusion probability for trios was 99.96%.  相似文献   

Haploblocks are segments of the genome with little recombination that may be of interest in forensic and population genetics. Criteria to select autosomal haploblocks have been previously described, leading to the identification of candidate regions that, a priori, met the conditions to be used as forensic genetic markers. Still, the potential of X-chromosomal haploblocks remains unexplored.The present work aimed to provide basis for designing strategies for selection of X-haploblocks defined by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using next generation sequencing approach. The potential application in population genetics and forensic studies was addressed. One of the conditions considered in the haploblock selection was the simultaneous inclusion of short tandem repeats (STRs) currently used in forensic casework to allow the distinction between SNP-defined haplotypes and increase the resolution for fine-scale studies. Given the size of the X chromosome (∼150 Mbps), only four haploblocks could be selected in order to guarantee their independence.  相似文献   

The killings during the Second World War (WWII), with nearly 100,000 victims, is one of the greatest losses of life in Slovenia’s modern history and most of the victims are still buried in hidden mass graves and remain unidentified. Identity, ancestry, and phenotypic SNPs, as well as STR markers are already used for solving various cases with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology. In this study, the Precision ID GlobalFiler NGS STR panel was used to identify the WWII victim that could not be identified with capillary electrophoresis (CE) analyses because limited statistical support was obtained after amplification of autosomal STRs using CE STR kits. Bones and teeth were analysed and compared to family references (nephew and niece on paternal line). Prior to DNA isolation 0.5 g of powder was decalcified. The DNA was purified in a Biorobot EZ1 device. The nuclear DNA of the samples was quantified with the PowerQuant kit. Because the recommended posterior probability (PP) of 99.9% was followed with the goal of high confidence of correct identification, the NGS STR Panel was used, and after the analysis of additional STR loci the statistical calculation showed a PP of 99.99986%, showing that a large enough number of genetic markers were analysed when identifying the skeletal remains of the aunt. PP value endorsed the hypothesis that the tooth and bone samples were from individual related to the family references rather than from unrelated individual. In presented case, NGS technology proved to be a powerful tool for increasing the number of autosomal STRs needed for identification of WWII victims when linear markers cannot be used for comparison and only distant relatives are available for analyses.  相似文献   

Importance of forensic entomology becomes inevitable when come across some incident where corpse is unidentifiable and lot of maggots or other insects are present. The most common application of forensic entomology is to use insects for the identification of specimens or human remains. DNA analysis recovered from a larva's gut contents can be used to identify a missing body. The obtained human STR and SNP profile support the association of a maggot to a specific patients or corpse. Main aim of this research was the identification of human DNA from gut contents of third instar maggots (larvae of Lucilia sericata) placed on diabetic patient's wounds for treatment purpose. Maggots (8–15) were taken from each diabetic patients (no. of the patients 8) and DNA was extracted from the gut contents manually by using Qiagen tissue protocol. Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed and the total size of DNA was seen using UV transilluminator. PCR amplification, STRs and SNPs profiling was then performed using PCR 9700 and AmpFLSTR Identifiler and SnaPshot Multiplex Kit (Applied Biosystems) respectively. The results were analyzed on ABI 310. SNP profiles were good and identifiable compared to the STRs where amplification was poor and the peaks were low. This may be the fact of the enzymatic activity present in the gut of the larvae which cause tremendous reduction in DNA size and thus yield. The results of this study reveals that it is possible to obtain a complete human profile using STRs and SNPs even if DNA is recovered from gut contents of maggots.  相似文献   

Microhaplotypes are markers that consist of haplotype blocks of SNPs, which can be analyzed by massively parallel sequencing technologies. These allow determining the haplotype phase at every locus by clonal sequencing each DNA strand. MHs are polymorphic loci with same size alleles, no stutter, and lower mutation rate than STRs. They can provide the same power of discrimination of STR-kits, thus useful for mixture deconvolution, but more accurate ancestry prediction than STRs. In this study we investigated the potential of a recently developed 74plex-MH panel for kinship testing using the Familias software.Samples from families of four major US population groups were collected and genotyped using the 74plex-MH panel. MH allele frequency data from 347 individuals were imported into Familias software along with STR allele frequency data of 29 loci (NIST dataset) from 1036 individuals. Different family scenarios were tested and these included unrelated vs parent-child, unrelated vs full siblings, unrelated vs half siblings, unrelated vs cousin pairs. The prediction of the kinship relation for the four populations of interest was reported as Log10 of the likelihood ratio (LR).Overall, the panel of 74MHs and 29STRs showed similar performance in predicting the correct kinship scenarios tested. Correct prediction was reported for parent-child, full siblings, and half sibling scenarios, but not for the cousin pairs scenario. The panel of 74 MHs showed larger Log10LR values than the 29 STR-assay, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of this biomarker as a tool for kinship testing in addition to mixture deconvolution and ancestry prediction.  相似文献   

Frequency data of 20 polymorphisms (13 autosomal and 6 Y-chromosome STRs and the Alu-insertion YAP) were determined in a sample of 124 unrelated Jewish individuals from Ashkenazi, Sephardic, North African and Oriental origin. The a priori statistical power of the set of studied loci was highly discriminating (PD=1 in 2.393 E+15 individuals for autosomal STRs, and a probability of finding two unrelated males with the same haplotype of less than 0.01). Some significant population differences were registered between Jews and other Circummediterranean populations in Y-chromosome loci frequencies.  相似文献   

In complex kinship investigation, miniSTRs and SNPs have been frequently used in order to increase the likelihood ratio (LR), when the results obtained for the most commonly used STR multiplexes were not informative enough. In this work, we describe the results obtained when using a battery of 23 STRs, 3 miniSTRs and 52 SNPs to investigate three complex paternity cases where the father was not available, and one paternity case with bone samples, from which no results could be obtained for STRs (including the 3 miniSTRs, D10S1248, D14S1434 and D22S1045). In all cases, the additional information provided by the SNPforID 52plex identification panel was enough to achieve conclusive results.  相似文献   

Analysis of forensic samples to evaluate the rate of success for molecular markers: autosomal STRs, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA. Since 2006 to date a total of 390 forensic samples were analyzed: bones, teeth, hairs, swabs, stains and paraffin embedded tissue. Bones and teeth, were pulverized in a Freezer Mill, extracted by chloroform/phenol/isoamyl alcohol method, and then purified with Centricon 100 columns. DNA from paraffin was extracted with QIAmp DNA Mini kit (QIAGEN). Mitochondrial DNA Control Region sequences were determined for regions HV1/HV2. Sequencing was performed using the BigDye® Terminator v 1.1 Kit and analyzed in ABIPRISM® 3100 Genetic Analyzer (AB). STRs were amplified using Amp FlSTR Identifiler®, Minifiler® and YFiler® Kit (AB) and analyzed in ABI PRISM® 3100 Genetic Analyzer and ABI PRISM® 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (AB). Among forensic samples, bones and teeth analyzed for autosomal STRs, we obtained successful results in all of them. Incomplete typing are represented by loci of higher molecular weight, which demonstrates the poor quality of the sample due to its state of degradation and obtained better results using mini STRs. Successful results in sequencing for mitochondrial HV1 region for all samples analyzed, but in few hair samples we obtained mixed sequences and that represented important difficulties for the analysis. Age of samples and conservation are factors related which affect DNA viability. Autosomal STRs solved all the samples analyzed in our study, but Y chromosome analysis and mitochondrial DNA sequencing are also important and necessary markers in some forensic cases.  相似文献   

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