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A modified PCR method is described. We examined the conditions of commercial kits including concentration of primer, amplification cycle number and annealing and extension time to obtain even PCR products as well accurate genotype analysis. In addition, we tried to arrange the ratio of primer composition in PowerPlex® 16 system to improve the loci of high molecular and add two times of Taq Gold polymerase to decrease the extension time.The advantages of less primer method are good balance among loci, reproducibility and sensitivity.  相似文献   

The AmpFlSTR MiniFiler polymerase chain reaction amplification kit developed by Applied Biosystems enables size reduction on eight of the larger STR loci amplified in the Identifiler kit, which will aid recovery of information from highly degraded DNA samples. The MiniFiler Kit amplifies CSF1PO, FGA, D2S1338, D7S820, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, and D21S11 as well as the sex-typing locus amelogenin. A total of 1308 samples were evaluated with both the MiniFiler and Identifiler STR kits: 449 African American, 445 Caucasian, 207 Hispanic, and 207 Asian individuals. Full concordance between Identifiler and MiniFiler Kits was observed in 99.7% (10,437 out of 10,464) STR allele calls compared. The 27 differences seen are listed in Table 1 and encompass the loci D13S317 (n = 14) and D16S539 (n = 10) as well as D18S51 (n = 1), D7S820 (n = 1), and CSF1PO (n = 1). Genotyping discrepancies between the Identifiler and MiniFiler kits were confirmed by reamplification of the samples and further testing using the PowerPlex 16 kit in many cases. DNA sequence analysis was also performed in order to understand the nature of the genetic variations causing the allele dropout or apparent repeat unit shift.  相似文献   

汗潜指印的STR分型检测   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
目的探索汗潜指印的荧光STR复合扩增检测的方法。方法采用Chelex-100和Microco-100浓缩柱,提取汗潜指印中DNA,STR复合扩增荧光电泳检测。结果 105例汗潜指纹STR分型可明确判读5个以上基因座的占30.3%,个体之间的差异、捺印指印时用力大小以及指印遗留在客体上时间的长短均影响检测成功率。结论该汗潜指印的DNA提取方法步骤简单,方法较为稳定,使单枚汗潜指印可望获得DNA分型。  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci can play important roles in forensic casework and paternity testing. In our paper, 24-plex Y-STR typing system, which includes 3 loci (DYS635 and DYS385a/b) existed in current widely available commercial kits and 21 additional loci (DYS531, DYS630, DYS622, DYS552, DYS510, DYS449, DYS459a/b, DYS446, DYS443, DYS587, DYS527a/b, DYS460, Y-GATA-A10, DYS520, DYS557, DYS522, DYS481, DYS570, DYS444) was established with 5-dye fluorescence labeling. 200 unrelated Chinese Han males were successfully genotyped with the system and 198 haplotypes were observed. The gene diversity of each locus ranged from 0.55 (DYS531) to 0.96 (DYS385a/b), the haplotype of diversity was 0.9998 for these 24 Y-STR loci. The established 24-plex Y-STR typing system is proved to be stable and efficient in forensic DNA typing.  相似文献   

We performed a systematic evaluation of template amount, multiplex primer concentration, amplification cycle number, and amplification volume on commercial multiplex performance. We determined that, except for stochastic variation with limited template amounts, the same quality, intensity, and accuracy of DNA profiles can be obtained while varying each of these parameters over a broad range. Each parameter can be used to compensate for changes in the others, allowing us to provide specific recommendations with use of limited sample material.  相似文献   

Six commercially available DNA polymerases together with their respective buffers were compared as to their ability to generate profiles of commonly used short tandem repeat loci. Extracted FTA paper discs were used in two fluorescent multiplex PCRs containing the same number of units of DNA polymerase to amplify 21 STR loci and the resultant alleles were visualized after electrophoresis on a capillary sequencer. Significant differences were observed upon comparing the profiles: one polymerase failed to amplify larger alleles and presence of additional peaks varied according to the enzyme used. The use of hot-start polymerases did not affect the quality of the resultant profiles in this comparison.  相似文献   

We constructed a simple STR pentaplex of new loci recommended as next generation markers for the European Standard Set (ESS) comprising normal-amplicon STRs: D12S391 and D1S1656, plus mini-amplicon STRs: D2S441, D10S1248 and D22S1045. Validation of the pentaplex included evaluation of its ability to amplify DNA from a variety of degraded forensic casework samples. Although the ESS-pentaplex was designed in the first instance to generate allele frequency data to supplement existing databases of established STRs, the multiplex proved to be a valuable tool for the analysis of challenging DNA when certain markers of Identifiler or MiniFiler occasionally failed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) analysis has become highly relevant in the identification of victims from mass disasters and terrorist attacks. In such events, gender misidentification can be of grave consequences, yet the list reporting amelogenin amplification failure using STR multiplex kits continues to grow. Presented here are three such examples. In the first case, we present two male suspects who demonstrated amelogenin Y-deficient results using two commercial kit procedures. The presence of their Y chromosomes was proven by obtaining a Y-haplotype. The second case demonstrated a profile from a third male suspect where only the Y homolog of the XY pair was amplified. In events such as mass disasters or terrorist attacks, timely and reliable high throughput DNA typing results are essential. As the number of reported cases of amplification failure at the amelogenin gene continues to grow, we suggest that the incorporation of a better gender identification tool in commercial kits is crucial.  相似文献   

目的建立ABO基因型和Goldeneye16A试剂盒联合检测的方法,并评价其在法医学实践中的应用价值。方法将6种ABO基因型(A/A,A/O,B/B,B/O,A/B,O/O)的序列特异性引物(PCR-SSP)检测方法与Goldeneye16A试剂盒相整合进行同步分型。通过对460份男性个体血痕样本、9947A DNA及90份案件样本进行检测,考察方法的一致性、灵敏度及对法庭科学检材的适用性。结果应用本文方法可同时检出6种ABO基因型和15个常染色体STR基因座及性别决定基因座,检测灵敏度为125pg,其中ABO基因检测灵敏度达63pg。460份男性血痕和90份案件检材证实该联合分型方法用于各类检材结果准确、稳定。结论本文ABO基因分型与多重STR联合检测方法,适用于各类含有核细胞的生物检材,在法庭科学DNA鉴定中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The establishment of offender DNA databases is critical to future crime prevention. Many countries have established databases or are in the process of passing database legislation. With new legislation the number of samples that will be collected could begin to exceed the testing capacity of many labs leading to backlogs.Two bottlenecks in the workflow that can contribute to a backlog of samples are DNA purification and PCR cycling time. The average purification time is approximately 2 h and the average cycling time of current STR kits is approximately 3 h. To address the second problem we investigated alternative DNA enzymes to decrease PCR cycling time. It was necessary to balance the increase in time to result against the need to address factors which can impact interpretation of a DNA profile such as: generation of stutter products, non-template addition, intra-locus balance, accuracy, and species specificity.Initial feasibility studies demonstrate that alternative enzymes can decrease PCR cycling time. The data show that this assay can increase throughput, providing results in less than 2 h. However, decreasing PCR cycling time will have an affect on multiplex STR performance.  相似文献   

不同分型方法的STR分型差异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的调查不同的STR分型系统之间分型的一致性。方法 10 0例不同个体的DNA样本分别用单位点聚丙烯酰胺凝胶银染法和PowerPlex16System试剂盒对 13个法医学常用STR位点进行基因分型 ,并比较两种不同分型系统间的分型结果。结果 1例样本在D8S1179位点出现了分型不一致的结果 :银染法的基因型为 12 / 14 ,而用PowerPlex16System试剂盒的分型则为 12 / 15。结论不同的STR分型系统可导致不同的基因分型  相似文献   

通过对3个位于不同染色体上的STR基因座(D165539,D7S820,D13S317)所组成的复合扩增体系的DNA分型研究,以期在实际法医物证检验中增加检验基因座,以提高总的个体识别率。笔者运用复合扩增技术,经4%变性聚丙烯酸胺凝胶电泳分离扩增产物和银染检测,首次对108个无关中国人个体的D16S539,D7S820,D13S317基因座进行研究,检测出中国人群中3个基因座的等位基因数均为7个;偶合率P(m)分别为0.0847、0.0740、0.0741;个体识别率DP值分别为0.9153、0.9260、0.9259;杂合度分别为77.7%、79.1%、79.3%;各基因座亲子关系指数PItypical分别为2.24、2.39、2.42。3个STR基因座总的个体识别率很高,达0.9995;总的亲子关系指数PItypical达12.96;所有基因座经卡方检验符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡。通过以上数据可以看出,D165539,D7S820,D13S317基因座所组成的复合扩增体系在中国人群中等位基因分布较好,个体识别率很高,适合用于法医个体识别及亲子鉴定。  相似文献   

Many different molecular typing methods have been reported to complement routine serological ABO blood typing in forensics. However, these ABO genotyping methods are often time-consuming and call for an initial DNA isolation step that requires the use of expensive kits or reagents. We report here a rapid direct ABO genotyping method that eliminates the need for DNA extraction from fresh blood, hair, and body fluid stains before PCR. Using a fast PCR instrument and an optimized polymerase, the genotyping method-which employs a multiplex allele-specific primer set for the simultaneous detection of three single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sites (nucleotides 261, 526, and 803)-identifies A, B, O01/O02, O03, and cis-AB01 alleles in around 70 min from sample collection to electropherogram. Not only will this ABO genotyping method be efficiently used in forensic practice for rapid screening of samples before full-blown multilocus short tandem repeat profiling, but it will also demonstrate an example of rapid direct genotyping of SNPs that offers the advantages of time- and cost-efficiency, convenience, and reduced contamination during DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA analysis is a multi-step process involving extraction of DNA, quantification of human DNA in the extract, amplification using multiplex STR systems, separation of products, and data analysis. The backlog of forensic casework is increasing worldwide. Automation is one significant way to alleviate the bottleneck of sample processing in forensic labs. The HID EVOlution™ Combination System described here is a robust, reliable sample processing platform, easily adapted to forensic laboratory workflows. Using a variety of forensic sample types including: blood stained FTA paper, cotton fabric and denim, dried blood spiked with known PCR inhibitors, saliva on cotton swabs, and semen stains, we found that yields of human DNA and STR profiles obtained with AmpFlSTR® Idenitfiler® kits were complete, highly reproducible, and equivalent to results obtained using the manual PrepFiler™ reagent extraction method. Automated operation was clean, and no cross-contamination was detected between extraction blanks and interspersed high DNA content samples.  相似文献   

指甲DNA的STR分型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 研究尸体所处环境、指甲DNA提取部位及提取方法对STR分型的影响。方法 对案件中不同条件腐败尸体指甲,使用不同部位、不同体系和时间消化,酚-氯仿法提取指甲核DNA,进行PCR扩增及STR分型。结果 提取指甲甲体、甲根部位均可获得STR分型。结论 指甲是法医检案中一类具有实用价值的检材。  相似文献   

Analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) markers currently represents the most useful instrument in the field of forensic genetics. The problem with forensic material is the degradation of the sample material. In recent years, several papers have demonstrated that short amplicon STR (miniSTR) represents one of the most useful tools for analyzing degraded DNA samples.In the present study, we attempted to develop a short amplicon STR multiplex system (autosomal and y-chromosomal) for analyzing degraded DNA using some newly designed primer sets for a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems for typing.An assay of degraded DNA samples using the designed multiplex systems, including artificially degraded samples and degraded forensic casework samples, proved remarkably effective. Comparing the multiplex with commercial kits, first results show a well success rate.  相似文献   

In forensic DNA profiling use is made of the well-known technique of PCR. When the amount of DNA is high, generally unambiguous profiles can be obtained, but for low copy number DNA stochastic effects can play a major role. In order to shed light on these stochastic effects, we present a simple model for the amplification process. According to the model, three possible things can happen to an individual single DNA strand in each complete cycle: successful amplification, no amplification, or amplification with the introduction of stutter. The model is developed in mathematical terms using a recursive approach: given the numbers of chains at a given cycle, the numbers in the next can be described using a multinomial probability distribution. A full set of recursive relations is derived for the expectations and (co)variances of the number of amplicon chains with no, 1 or 2 stutters. The exact mathematical solutions of this set are given, revealing the development of the expectations and (co)variances as function of the cycle number. The equations reveal that the expected number of amplicon chains without stutter grows exponentially with the cycle number, but for the chains with stutter the relation is more complex. The relative standard deviation on the numbers of chains (coefficient of variation) is inversely proportional to the square root of the expected number of DNA strands entering the amplification. As such, for high copy number DNA the stochastic effects can be ignored, but they play an important role at low concentrations. For the allelic peak, the coefficient of variation rapidly stabilizes after a few cycles, but for the chains with stutter the decrease is more slowly. Further, the ratio of the expected intensity of the stutter peak over that of the allelic peak increases linearly with the number of cycles. Stochastic models, like the one developed in the current paper, can be important in further developing interpretation rules in a Bayesian context.  相似文献   

法庭科学DNASTR分型标准物质初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了标准物质及法医DNA标准物质的概念,并就目前法庭科学DNASTR分型技术所需要的标准物质的制备及应用做一概述,以对法医DNA标准物质的生产提供参考。  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR was developed for the analysis of the sex-determining gene Amelogenin, four conventional STR (short tandem repeat; THO1, D18S51, D21S11 and FGA) loci with a reduced amplicon size and four miniSTR loci (D1S1677, D2S441, D10S1248 and D22S1045). A concordance study in a population of 198 Belgians revealed no differences for the conventional STR loci while a sensitivity study showed a reproducible DNA profile with as low as 30 pg of input DNA.  相似文献   

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