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将编辑学作为一门科学研究,必须使研究系统化,改变以往就事论事式的局部研究.编辑学理论建构应当从编辑主客体之间的关系,以及与此相关的各个主体际之间的关系出发,进行深入的研究,其中编辑主体意识应当成为编辑学研究的主要角度之一.编辑主体意识是一种内涵丰富的自我意识,它规定了编辑主体在编辑实践中的行为选择,是一种具有利益取向的意识,具有自主性和奉献性等特点.编辑主体意识在形态上,可以划分为多种形式,其中编辑主体的"精品"意识是其中最重要的意识,具有实践性、主导性、直接性和目的性等特点,是决定刊物质量、促进刊物发展的重要意识.  相似文献   

Emotion regulation is assumed to play an important role in depressive and anxiety symptoms in youth. However, the role of core components of emotion regulation, such as emotional awareness, is not well understood so far. Thus this meta-analysis aimed to examine the relationship between depressive and anxiety symptoms with emotional awareness in youth. A systematic literature search (PsycINFO, Medline, Google Scholar) identified 21 studies, from which 34 effect sizes were extracted. Results from random effects models showed that difficulties in emotional awareness were significantly correlated with a medium effect size for each, depressive and anxiety symptoms separately, and for their combined effects (overall outcome). Additionally, further analyses revealed that age was a significant moderator of the relationship between emotional awareness with depressive and anxiety symptoms, with younger samples (mean age?≤?12 years) showing a stronger association between difficulties in emotional awareness and depressive and anxiety symptoms as compared to older samples (mean age?>?12 years). The results suggest that emotional awareness may be of relevance for depressive and anxiety symptoms in youth. Future work is required to examine longitudinal developments, moderators, and mediators in multi-method approaches. Moreover, children and adolescents may benefit from interventions that aim to enhance emotional awareness.  相似文献   

本文在对一家大型国有企业的问卷调查和数据分析的基础上,分析了该企业不同层级职工的职工认同感、职工自身对层级划分标准和所处层级的判断.提出相对于职工经济和社会地位的分化,其阶层意识虽然具有一定滞后性,但基本与之同步.  相似文献   

在信息快速发展的网络时代,享受网络带来的便捷、高效的同时,也应充分认识到它的负面作用。自我意识随着人生每一个阶段的成长而逐渐发展,大学阶段是自我意识最强烈的时期,它是决定大学生学习生活态度和行为的一个重要因素。那么,如何认识自我意识?网络对大学生自我意识形成造成哪些不良影响?如何重塑大学生健康的自我意识?带着这些疑问,共同探索大学生健康自我意识的培养途径,让大学生学会正确认识自我、学会悦纳自我、学会自我教育、学会完善自我。  相似文献   

高校团员意识的调查与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
增强团员意识教育,是保持团的先进性,增强团组织的凝聚力和战斗力的有效保证,是新时期加强团的自身建设的重要内容。通过对本校青年学生团员意识现状的调查与问题分析,有助于我们提出增强高校团员意识教育的措施与对策。  相似文献   

问题意识不仅体现了个体思维品质的活跃性和深刻性,也反映了思维的独立性和创造性。强烈的问题意识,作为思维的动力,促使人们去发现问题,解决问题,直至进行新的发现、创新。  相似文献   

民主政治建设视野下的公民和公民意识内涵研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强公民意识教育是推进我国民主政治建设的基础性和战略性主张,其首要的就是要对公民和公民意识有所认识和理解。要正确认识公民的内涵,需要走出三大误区。公民意识的内涵丰富而深刻,但从当今我国民主政治发展的实际来看,公民意识主要包括:作为前提的主体意识、处于核心地位的权利和义务相统一的意识、起关键作用的民主参与和平等意识以及作为重点的法治意识等几个方面。从某种意义上说,公民意识是演绎公民角色的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

The role of prejudice and ethnic awareness in the civic commitments and beliefs about the American social contract of 1,096 (53% female) adolescents (11–18 year olds, Mean = 15) from African-, Arab-, Latino-, and European-American backgrounds were compared. Ethnic awareness was higher among minority youth and discrimination more often reported by African- and Arab-Americans. Parental admonitions against discrimination were heard by all but African Americans, Latinos and those who reported prejudice heard that it could pose a barrier. Adolescents’ beliefs that America is an equal opportunity society were negatively associated with experiences of discrimination and African-Americans were least likely to believe that the government was responsive to the average person. With respect to civic goals, all youth endorsed patriotism but ethnic minorities and ethnically aware youth were more committed to advocating for their ethnic group and European-Americans were less committed than were African Americans to improving race relations.
Patricio CumsilleEmail:

中国改革开放30年来,工人权利意识的发展变化经历了三个阶段,呈现出四个特点。市场化、法制化、全球化和网络化既是工人权利意识提升的原因,也是其不断提升的外部环境。2009年4月,国务院新闻办公室发布了《国家人权行动计划(2009-2010年)》,其中明确了中国人权保护的基本内容和近期的实现路径。工人权利是人权的重要组成部分,随着《行动计划》的实施和人权教育的开展,工人权利意识会得到进一步的提升。  相似文献   

随着互联网信息技术的飞速发展并在公共治理领域得到广泛应用,这些新技术在工会参与社会治理中也扮演着越来越重要的角色.技术治理在为社会治理提供新理念、新思维和新工具,为治理工作带来诸多便捷的同时,也产生了一些负面影响.在具体的工会工作中,工会干部要在积极拥抱数字技术的同时,强化相应的风险意识,减少对技术手段的过度依赖.  相似文献   

改革30年来的社会转型过程中,虽然工人权利意识得到了巨大的提升,但我们必须清醒地认识到,工人权利意识的发育程度与建设法治国家的目标仍然有很大差距。培育工人权利意识,政府、工会、以及其他社会组织、社会群体都任重道远。培育工人权利意识,主要从三个方面入手:从权利意识的发展水平上来看,就是要引导工人从认知到行动、从非理性维权到理性维权;从权利的主体看,就是要引导工人从仅仅关注个体权利到维护集体权利和群体权利;从权利的内容看,就是要引导工人从关注生存权利到关注发展权利。  相似文献   

This article looks at the phenomena of induced lactation and adult nursing. While maternity is understood to perform a certain kind of body modification, it is little known that lactation can also work independently of the pregnant body, or even of the female sex to modify the breast and its function. Induced lactation allows for a splitting away of breastfeeding from maternity, opening up possibilities for elaborating on the cultural meanings and uses of breastmilk as a substance, breastfeeding as a practice, and lactation as a process. Finally, by introducing lactation into sexual play, it offers the opportunity for a mutual confluence of bodily flows which may help to disassemble the binaries of sexual difference.

“… how are we to prevent the very unconscious (of the) ‘subject’ from being … diminished in its interpretation, by a systematics that re-marks a historical ‘inattention’ to fluids? In other words: what structuration of (the) language does not maintain a complicity of long standing between rationality and a mechanics of solids alone?

Luce Irigaray, “The Mechanics of Fluids” in This Sex Which is Not One 1 1Translated by Catherine Porter and Carolyn Burke. New York: Cornell UP, 1985, p.107

“Breastfeeding is a partial expression of female sexuality and yet there is no awareness or understanding of it today, no culture attached to it and not even an inkling of its rank as a sexual potentiality … even the history of the female species formulated by women themselves, however fragmentary, maintains a seldom-interrupted silence over this special sexual experience.”

Barbara Sichtermann, “The Lost Eroticism of the Breasts” 2 2In Femininity: The Politics of The Personal. Ed. H. Gyer-Ryan. Translated by J. Whitlam. Cambridge: Polity, 1986, pp. 55-68, p. 56.

“Would you like to try some?”

“Thank you.” She swallows her last bit of cake. “I would.”

So we go through the process again. This time when I have bared my breasts I lean over and put the nipple between her lips. After a few tugs from her mouth, surprisingly strong, I have to put my hand on the wall to brace myself. She seems to pull clear through me.

“You are flushed,” she says when she comes away.

“You are fleshed,” I reply.

Susann Cokal, Mirabilis 3 3Sydney: Hodder Headline, pp.78–9

This article explores knowledge about the breast in lived experience, addressing a gap in empirical research on a highly gendered cultural trope and embodied organ. We present findings from a study that used a free-associative psychosocial method—the Visual Matrix—in order to stimulate expressions of tacit aspects of the breast, aiming to generate an understanding of relations between embodied and enculturated experiences. Our data revealed how an aesthetic of the grotesque in one matrix allowed the mainly female group to use humour as a “creative psychic defence” against culturally normative and idealized aspects of the breast. This was expressed through symbolizations, affectively delivered in an exuberant mode, emphasizing the breast‘s potency and its potential for nurturance and “weaponization”. Through this feminine poetic, life and death became inseparable yet ambiguous dimensions of breasts. The breast’s life-affirming qualities included the sensual, the visceral, and the joyful—a material-semiotic knowing. This was incontrast to a second matrix, which expressed a more ambivalent and troubled response, and in which associations were weighted towards the spectacular breast of an ocular-centric culture that privileges hetero-masculine looking. We discuss differences between the two matrices in terms of psychosocial tensions between embodied and enculturated experiences.  相似文献   

I know that, as proof of the inferiority of the [female] sex, Rousseau has exultingly exclaimed, "How can they leave the nursery for the camp!" -Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Woman INTRODUCTION: CONTAGIOUS READING AND CRITICAL ENNUI  相似文献   

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