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Too many middle and upper middle-class Americans are finding that their "executive" salaries are no match for inflation. Here are some solid solutions that compensation and benefit people can recommend to managements that want to restore their employees' motivation while easing their financial situation.  相似文献   

王若扬也许没想到,自己会成为2016年元旦假期里的新闻人物.这位新上海人的故事,还要从1月2日说起.这天下午,王若扬在上海地铁2号线列车上吃泡椒凤爪时,将残渣遗撒在车厢内.一位年轻男乘客见状加以制止并获得周围乘客声援.众人的制止,引发王若扬的反弹.不久,一段包含王若扬手持袋装泡椒凤爪与周围人争执等画面的视频飞到了网上.视频在网上飞了一会儿后,王若扬成了网络红人.与其他网络红人成名过程一样,她遭遇人肉搜索——被搜出曾有乱吐凤爪残渣的前科和简历.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the sense of injustice of the victim and the victimizer. In it we consider the reasons for the differential sensitivity to injustice of the victim and the victimizer and the conditions necessary for awakening the sense of injustice in these different participants in an unjust relationship.This paper is a modified version of a paper originally published in Lerner and Ross (1974) and then published in revised form in Deutsch (1985).  相似文献   

State and federal prohibitions of referral fees have long plagued the health care sector because their broadly worded provisions threaten established and socially valuable business arrangements. Congress has recently instructed the Department of Health and Human Services to issue regulations that clarify the scope of the most threatening of these prohibitions, the Medicare and Medicaid felony referral fee statute. This article examines three possible analytical models for imposing a limiting construction on referral fee statutes by testing the models against three beneficial practices that the statute jeopardizes: physician recruitment, fee discounting, and efficiency bonuses. The article recommends primary reliance on an earned/unearned analysis that detects a prohibited referral fee by asking whether the fee is fully earned by legitimate, nonreferral services.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):661-674

James Q. Wilson and his views have commonly been framed as controversial and, at times, as an anathema to the discipline of criminology. This article first examines Wilson's criminological contributions chronologically, from his research on policing in the 1960s to his moral philosophy of today. Second and concomitantly, it discusses recurrent themes of political conservatism and common sense that dominate Wilson's work. The author concludes that criminology could be further enriched by the diversity, pragmatism, commonsense appeal, and policy relevance of conservative scholarship, such as Wilson's.  相似文献   

The High Court of Justice has interpreted Article 17(2) of theCommunity Trade Mark Regulation, which provides that ‘[a]transfer of the whole of the undertaking shall include the transferof the Community trade mark’, in a commonsense mannerthat provides that the Community trade mark shall follow thetransferred business. The Court gave great weight to facts andcircumstances of the relevant transactions in giving effectto the transfer of the trade mark rights.  相似文献   

2016年2月26日,一位名叫马彩云的女子被歹徒剥夺了生命权.随着这一沉痛消息在无边界的互联网上流传,一场抢夺话语权的波澜也在舆论场掀起.这场话语权争夺战的爆发,与逝者的法官身份密切相关.遇害之前,马彩云是北京市昌平区人民法院回龙观法庭的一名法官.作为一名土生土长的昌平人,这里有她的根——生养她的家和她深爱的亲人.一定是因为“绿叶对根的深情”,这位会写诗、善绘画的才女从吉林大学法学院毕业后,于2001年回到故土昌平,成为一位断分止争的法官.  相似文献   

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