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Adolescent Intimacy Revisited   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two studies examined intimacy in adolescent friendships. In the first, 7th-, 9th-, and 11th-grade students completed a questionnaire assessing perceived friendship intimacy. Age and sex differences were identified in emotional closeness, self-disclosure, emphasis on individuality, control, and conformity. Across ages, emphasis on individuality increased, whereas control and conformity declined. There were no age differences in emotional closeness and self-disclosure. Females reported more emotional closeness and self-disclosure than males. In the second study, individual differences in friendship intimacy were examined in a sample of 9th-grade adolescents. A joint problem solving task identified interdependent and disengaged friends. Perceived intimacy among interdependent and disengaged friends was contrasted with that in a control group of subjects without friends. Adolescents with friends reported more closeness than those without friends. Interdependent friends reported greater levels of respect for individuality than disengaged friends. The results underscore the salience of intimacy for peer relationships during the adolescent years and suggest that intimacy may be an important construct distinguishing between different types of close friendships.  相似文献   

Five modes of reacting to the intimacy-isolation crisis of young adulthood were described, measured, and validated. Criteria for inclusion in one of the five intimacy statuses were (1) presence or absence of peer friendships, (2) presence or absence of an enduring-committed-heterosexual relationship, and (3) depth vs. superficiality of peer relationships. Statuses were compared on a partner-perception task assessing subject's intimate knowledge of his partner (a close male or female friend who accompanied the subject to the experiment). In all, 66 male college students participated in the study, 50 with male partners and 16 with female partners. The results support the hypothesis that subjects high in intimacy status share a greater degree of mutual knowledge and understanding with their partners then medium-or low-level intimacy status subjects.The research was supported by SUNY/Buffalo Institutional Funds Grant No. 050-A081A.This article is based in part on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the State University of New York at Buffalo (Orlofsky, 1974).Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1974. Primary research interest is in personality development during late adolescence and young adulthood, particularly identity formation and the development of an intimate mode of interpersonal relationships. Also involved in research on sex roles and psychological androgyny.  相似文献   

For four decades, The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS) has served as a principal arena for the formation and dissemination of cutting-edge research and theory. It is globally renowned as a key site for documenting and analyzing variegated trajectories of agrarian change across space and time. Over the years, authors have taken new angles as they reinvigorated classic questions and debates about agrarian transition, resource access and rural livelihoods. This introductory essay highlights the four classic themes represented in Volume 1 of the JPS anniversary collection: land and resource dispossession, the financialization of food and agriculture, vulnerability and marginalization, and the blurring of the rural-urban relations through hybrid livelihoods. Contributors show both how new iterations of long-evident processes continue to catch peasants and smallholders in the crosshairs of crises and how many manage to face these challenges, developing new sources and sites of livelihood production.  相似文献   

Why is it that the theme men and love has not been an issue within masculinities studies? Further, where should we look if we want to pursue the theme that men and love are not a contradictio in adjecto, but connected? By reading through central texts within the critical study of men, this essay shows that love is glimmering with its absence, except in the history of homosexual love between men. Love seems to be difficult to deal with in studies on men and gender. As a second part of the essay the author shows, through three different cases, how men and love could be seen as intertwined and as a possible motivator for transgressing patriarchal boundaries.  相似文献   

We investigated the relation between urban psychosocial stressors and intimacy achievement in a sample of 59 African American, Hispanic American, and White adolescent fathers-to-be. Participants received an intimacy score based on Orlofsky's Intimacy Status Rating Scale. Those with higher cumulative psychosocial stressors had lower levels of intimacy. One psychosocial risk factor, low interpersonal empathy, was significantly associated with intimacy levels. African Americans had lower levels of intimacy than Hispanic or White participants.  相似文献   

近年来,平台经济、共享经济迅速崛起,各种新就业形态不断涌现,创造了大量就业机会.与此同时,相关从业者的劳动权益保障问题也日益凸显.研究发现,由于劳动关系限制、相关法律法规不完善、缺乏维权途径等方面的原因,该群体不仅参加基本养老、医疗保险的比例相对偏低,参加城镇职工养老、医疗保险的比例更是明显低于在职职工,而且大都未参加...  相似文献   

随着数字经济的飞速发展,网约用工模式越来越普遍,我国涉网约工劳动争议日益凸显,已成为影响劳动关系和谐的突出新问题之一。网约用工因其保留了一定的劳动关系特征,又与劳务关系、承揽关系等民事法律关系具有一定的相似性,加上相关法律法规滞后和电子证据适用较难,以及网约工群体的规模性和劳动方式的相似性等原因,使涉网约工劳动争议与传统劳动争议相比,具有争议焦点新、涉案主体多、争议解决难、社会影响大等典型特征。为促进劳动关系和谐稳定和数字经济的持续健康发展,本研究建议:各级党政、互联网平台及关联用工企业、相关行业协会、网约工及工会组织共同参与,科学合理化解矛盾,形成共建共享共治、高效化解相关劳动争议的新格局。  相似文献   

当前我国就业形势较以往更加严峻,就业压力既来自突发疫情的冲击,也来自我国一直存在的总量压力和结构性矛盾。尽管“新就业形态”引发越来越多的关注,在稳定和增加就业方面也被寄予厚望,但我国新就业形态的发展仍存在着相关的法律法规亟须完善、新就业人员的社会保障不足、适应新职业发展需要的公共服务体系亟待完善、平台经济发展面临诸多制度障碍等问题。为发挥好“新就业形态”的稳就业作用,本研究建议:以“鼓励创新、包容审慎”为原则,以制度创新为抓手,在深化改革和创新发展中为新就业形态的发展创造更加成熟的市场环境和更加亲民的营商环境。  相似文献   

This study explored the relative importance of identity and intimacy in male and female adolescent decisions. One hundred twenty adolescents responded to 16 identity/intimacy dilemmas. Females had higher identity (and lower intimacy) scores than males. Identity scores were higher in scenarios with female protagonists. A content analysis of decision explanations showed females gave more explanations than males with identity and intimacy fused. Implications for theories of psychosocial development are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationships of family cohesion and adaptability to adolescent intimacy development were explored by administering the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales survey and the Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation — Behavioral Version survey to 207 middle adolescents (70 males and 137 females) from a small midwestern high school. The adolescents' perceptions of family adaptability correlated with the amount of responsibility the teens expressed in their relationships, while cohesion correlated with companionship and affection in their relationships; however, females' scores were related to cohesion, while males' scores were related to satisfaction with cohesion in their families. The study suggests that family cohesion and adaptability differentially influence intimacy development based on the adolescent's gender.Received Ph.D. in marital and family therapy from Purdue University. Research interests include family influences on adolescent development and family issues related to incarceration.Received Ed.D. in human development from Boston University. Research interests include major life transitions (e.g., adolescence, middle adulthood).  相似文献   

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