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This performative text asks whether it is possible to imagine an antisocial feminist aesthetic that does not invoke the wounded body. Its form – numbered propositions that engage with critical theory, literature, and memoir – riffs on that of Maggie Nelson’s Bluets, a key interlocutor for this question of aestheticizing embodied pain. How does Nelson’s genealogy of blue model a methodology for a “queer genealogy of femininity,” to borrow Jack Halberstam’s term? How does looking at color in this way offer an approach to narrating trauma, one that displaces the primacy of the visual? Turning to the work of Christina Crosby, Toni Morrison, Fred Moten, and José Esteban Muñoz, as well as drawing upon the author’s experience as a volunteer for a peer listening hotline, this essay considers the implications of “listening to color” for minoritarian knowledge formations and feminist praxis.  相似文献   

Sport, play and games are institutionalized forms of activity used to help maintain male cultural hegemony. Despite reform which has improved access to sport for highly skilled females, the vast majority of girls and women are still systematically denied opportunities to develop physical competence. Imposition of various social control mechanisms enforces this denial, serving to disable women and to perpetuate women's lack of control over our bodies. Despite the thorough identification of sport with masculinity, its strong symbolic value for patriarchy, and women's lack of full access, sport, play, and games have received little attention from feminist scholars. The dynamics which perpetuate a lack of feminist dialogue about sport may stem from the dualistic view which supports patriarchy, and its influence even on feminist scholars. Homophobia, lesbian-baiting, fear, and lack of understanding among those who could engage in the dialogue are further barriers. Yet sport may have the potential to be reclaimed and to function for women's benefit. A shift in framework must first occur, so that women-centered questions form the bases of our analyses of sport. Women-centered questions in two areas, sport and women's sense of meaning of self, and sport and women's sexuality, give rise to a rich vision of sport as a women-defined and women-serving endeavor, useful in cracking the foundations of patriarchal control. While reconceptualization of support is a difficult task, it must begin with changes in the concept of domination and submission upon which sport under patriarchy is based. Eliminating this expression of dualism may enable women to use the sport experience to help reclaim ourselves as unified, self-controlling women.  相似文献   

This paper appraises the role of critical-feminist figurations within the environmental humanities, focusing on the capacity of figures to produce situated environmental knowledges and pose site-specific ethical obligations. We turn to four environments—the home, the skies, the seas and the microscopic—to examine the work that various figures do in these contexts. We elucidate how diverse figures—ranging from companion animals to birds, undersea creatures and bugs—reflect productive traffic between longstanding concerns in feminist theory and the environmental humanities, and generate new insights related to situated knowledges, feminist care-ethics and the politics of everyday sensory encounters. We also argue, however, that certain figures have tested the limits of theoretical approaches which have emerged as the product of dialogue between feminist theory and environmental studies. In particular, we explore how particular figures have complicated ethical questions of how to intervene in broad environmental threats borne of anthropogenic activities, and of who or what to include in relational ethical frameworks.  相似文献   

A synthesis of rights and participatory approaches to citizenship, linked through the notion of human agency, is proposed as the basis for a feminist theory of citizenship. Such a theory has to address citizenship's exclusionary power in relation to both nation-state ‘outsiders’ and ‘insiders’. With regard to the former, the article argues that a feminist theory and politics of citizenship must embrace an internationalist agenda. With regard to the latter, it offers the concept of a ‘differentiated universalism’ as an attempt to reconcile the universalism which lies at the heart of citizenship with the demands of a politics of difference. Embracing also the reconstruction of the public-private dichotomy, citizenship, reconceptualized in this way, can, it is argued, provide us with an important theoretical and political tool.  相似文献   

Anorexia nervosa and similar disorders preponderate in women and therefore seem particularly suited to feminist models of understanding. Boskind-Lodahl (1976) and Orbach (1979, 1982) have put forward similar views on the subject, and their work is well known.This article explores the assumptions behind the Boskind-Lodahl/Orbach hypothesis, and argues that the most fundamental of these lies in a problematic distinction between the concepts of nature and culture. Some implications of the hypothesis are discussed with emphasis on the extent to which these authors normalize anorectic behaviour. The question is raised as to whether this normalizing approach may be read as legitimating symptoms. Feminist, anthropological, and other writing is used to examine the potential for alternative models of understanding anorexia nervosa which do not rely on a nature/culture split and which address the issue of the social function of anorectic symptoms. These models point towards a more general concern in feminist theory with the relationship between culture and psychological disorder.  相似文献   

This article discusses the possibility for vulnerable writing within feminist methodological approaches to research. Drawing upon a project that involved difficulties and tensions in conducting transnational research, including the documenting and telling of a partial narrative of an individual who set herself on fire, the article discusses what it might mean to focus more explicitly on explicating and recognising vulnerability in writing. In providing examples from working with a situated, localised analysis that engages feminist, postcolonial and queer theoretical approaches to attend to the particular and everyday, I address some of the hesitations and uncertainties in undertaking research and producing knowledge, and concerns with forms of reflexive practice. At the heart of the discussion is the question of a vulnerable ethics, of how it is possible for feminist methods to represent the lives of others, especially when stories fail in the telling, both in providing adequate explanations and in the ways that trauma and suffering can remain incommunicable. Included in this are concerns as to how we as researchers are affected within the production of research. As a form of receptivity and wounding, the article argues for vulnerable writing that challenges feminist methods to remain open and receptive to what will always resist sense-making, while continuing to respond to the demand that we do justice to the lives of others.  相似文献   

One of the great insights of second wave feminism was the recognition that “the personal is political.” Many feminist psychologists (both practitioners and researchers) claim a strong commitment to this slogan and attempt to implement it through their theory and practice. This article explores four interpretations of “the personal is political” in feminist psychological writing. It is argued that far from achieving radical feminist goals, psychological interpretations serve: (1) to personalise the political, translating social, economic, and ecological concerns into individual psychological matters; (2) to foster revolution “from within” at the expense of political change in the outside world; (3) that insofar as it aims uncritically to “validate women's experience,” it ignores the social and political factors which shape experience; and (4) that the concept of “empowerment” depends upon a radical split between the “personal” and the “political”. In sum, it is concluded that femenist acknowledgement that the personal really is political means rejecting psychology.  相似文献   

This talk was originally given at Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax, Canada), a women's university going co-educational, and with predictable results. It was ‘regiven’ in Gröningen—by ‘popular request’ and it contains the main reasons that women need a feminist University.  相似文献   

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