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王巢凤  张智 《传承》2012,(2):70-71,89
佛教思想作为古代哲学思想的重要分支,对文学、艺术和人文社科领域产生了重要影响。在佛教思想中,"空"的思想源远而流长,贯穿了佛教发展的始终。从探析佛教中"空"的思想出发,探索它所包含的本体论意义、认识论意义和伦理学意义,寻找佛教"空"的思想与现代文明的契合点,为解脱现代人的精神困境作出有益的研究。  相似文献   

佛教自汉末传入我国,我国佛教思想可以看作是如来藏法性思想一系,无论是华严讲性起、天台讲性具还是禅宗的明心见性,都是以如来藏佛性思想为宗为本。通过对如来藏思想典籍的爬梳以及其缘起的条件及与原始佛教、部派佛教、大乘佛教早期的心性论关系的梳理,可以把握如来藏思想与宗派思想结合的脉络以及宗派对于如来藏思想的继承和嬗变,能够确立如来藏思想作为大乘佛教哲学一支的合法性。  相似文献   

彼得·贝格尔继承了马克斯·韦伯的神正论思想,并在《神圣的帷幕》中对各历史时期、各宗教体系的神正论加以探讨。贝格尔在论述佛教的神正论时,依佛教的“无常”“无我”理论解释了苦难、恶以及死亡等无秩序现象(anomic)。但这种走向虚无的解释方法也消解了佛教的神正论及其对社会作的合理化论证,造成其神正论理论的内部冲突。这实际上是由贝格尔采用佛教的出世理论解释世间的苦难造成的,他没有阐述佛教的世间和出世间两重因果,也就不可能处理由它们之间的张力所引起的理论冲突,而这在佛教既涵盖世间法又涵盖出世间法的因果框架中得以化解。  相似文献   

胡遂  曹梦晶 《湖湘论坛》2010,23(1):82-86
王维是我国文学史上有名的"诗佛",其一生的文学作品中,对闲适生活的吟咏占了很大的一部分,并且形成了其独有的恬淡空灵的特色,究其缘由,与其对佛教的深刻造诣分不开。本文试从其闲适诗与佛教的交汇之处,浅谈王维的"无念"、"无相"、"无住"的禅宗思想。  相似文献   

黄夏年 《传承》2011,(16):48-49
"上报四重恩,下济三途苦"是佛教报恩思想的标志。知恩报恩的思想是佛教传统伦理思想的代表之一,也是人类社会最值得提倡的伦理道德思想之一。中国人一直有"滴水之恩,当涌泉相报"的说法,就是说受惠于他人,就应该回报,而  相似文献   

佛教经济伦理思想探论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佛教的伦理思想是佛教实现人生解脱的基本信念和方法。在发展过程形成了一套具有自身特点的伦理道德标准和以五戒十善六度为中心行为规范体系,内容极为丰富。其中,大乘思想中的“缘起实相”、“业因果报”、“自利利他”的伦理观更是蕴涵着深刻的经济伦理思想,所谓“一切世间治生产业,皆与实相不相违背”。[1]深入研究佛教经济伦理思想,对于现代经济的发展具有十分重要的借鉴意义。一“缘起实相”与经济可持续发展缘起思想,乃根源于佛陀对宇宙人生的正觉:自他不二,依正不二。凡存在的,皆建立于缘起相互依存的关系中。不论从人类、动物、矿植…  相似文献   

高睿 《今日中国论坛》2013,(Z1):17-18,25
很多宗教的教义中多将行善作为其基本准则,如佛教教人慈悲为怀、基督教强调爱人如己,伊斯兰教同样也是如此。作为世界三大宗教之一的伊斯兰教,无论是在其圣典《古兰经》和"圣训"中,还是在其教理、教义中都无不体现着乐善好施、举善济世、济贫扶困的慈善思想。伊斯兰教慈善事业在我国慈善事业中起着非常重要的作用,本文试图浅析我国伊斯兰教慈善事业的思想、场所、资金来说明伊斯兰教慈善事业。  相似文献   

禅宗无论在世界还是中国、在古代还是当代都具有重要的影响和作用,它是完全中国化的佛教,从禅宗思想教旨、古文献可以看出禅宗之"不立文字"并非不要文字、佛教经论,而是不执着于文字。"不立文字"与禅宗宗旨具有辩证统一的关系。  相似文献   

天衣义怀(993—1064)为云门下四世,禅门一代宗匠,对北宋云门宗兴盛与发展起到巨大促进作用;培养出很多到京城传法、产生重大影响的出色弟子;北宋中后期许多著名云门禅僧皆出自其法系。而对于此法门龙象,关于其生平及思想的研究却寥寥无几。鉴于义怀在云门宗乃至禅宗中的特殊地位,笔者试据现存佛教早期史料中关于义怀生平、上堂语录等记载,对被世人忽略的义怀之"唯心净土"思想作几点阐释;并将其与传统佛教经典中其它几种净土思想进行比较;分析其与早期禅宗诸师的相关理念,以及与永明延寿"禅净双修"思想之间的内在关系;追溯其历史渊源,阐释其理论及现实意义,并认为"唯心净土"为近代太虚大师"人间佛教"的直接思想来源。  相似文献   

宗教意识是宗教信仰的核心要素,在我国少数民族题材美术创作中,可以发现创作者融入了少数民族的宗教思想,而不同少数民族题材的绘画创作所表达的宗教意识各不相同。结合彝族、傣族、藏族、维吾尔族、鄂伦春族和赫哲族题材美术作品,分析了少数民族题材美术创作中的宗教意识,并进一步揭示了少数民族题材美术创作中宗教意识的内涵,指出少数民族题材的绘画的创作者希望通过其作品表现"万物皆有灵"、"万物皆美"、"轮回因果"以及"天人和谐"的宗教思想。  相似文献   

The current bloom of quasi-Confucian political thinking and writing in the People's Republic of China (PRC), encouraged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and deployed both to discredit Western ideals of democratic pluralism and to rationalize continued one-party rule in China, has been a long time coming. This article examines the origins of this line of thinking, its development since its first appearance with the CCP's cultivation of Confucius studies in the mid-1980s, and the current parameters of this discourse as it has taken a growing role in Beijing's domestic political and emerging geopolitical narrative.  相似文献   

文章分析了生态思维的概念、特征和西部地区自然人文生态环境的特殊性,提出生态思维应成为西部旅游开发的主体思维模式,并从效益权衡、开发评估、绿色GDP、绿色技术、生态管理、文化保护和生态教育等方面,对生态思维在西部旅游开发中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Li Zhao 《当代中国》2011,20(71):679-698
Along with the emergence of the ‘three rural issues’ and rural crisis, a new co-operative movement has been witnessed in rural China, which is different from the former revolutionary communalist co-operative movement. This social movement can help to understand and rebuild civil society in China, which has, more often than not, been criticized as not genuine, civil nor society-based. Following the debate's background of the juxtaposition of a fast economic reform together with slow social and political reforms in China, the paper addresses a crucial question on the impact of economic development on civil society dynamics in China. By identifying the causal mechanisms of the new co-operative development and the conditions needed for them to develop, the paper presents some implications of the co-operative model in today's society. These causal mechanisms are set within the context of one historical process evolving with a path dependency. Using this theoretical framework, it further presents the empirical observations. Through the findings it is concluded that the new co-operative movement in rural China can be considered as a mild liberalization within civil society's sphere. While questioning a popularly used perspective examining the voluntary/non-profit nature of civil society organizations and excluding the economic aspect within civil society studies in China, the paper suggests an alternative approach representing an inclusive third sector with diverse organizations that combine both economic and social aims.  相似文献   

以科学发展观“以人为本”为本质和核心,凸显了社会发展的价值取向和人性目的。科学发展观中的以人为本思想汲取了中国传统民本思想的精华,同时又结合现阶段中国社会实际,赋予发展理论全新的时代内涵和实践要求,实现了理论的升华和飞跃。本文从传统民本思想这一视角,深入分析了科学发展观的以人为本思想对中国传统文化继承与创新的具体表现。  相似文献   

作为近代著名教育家,张之洞较为系统的警察教育思想是其丰富的教育思想中颇具特色的组成部分。他关于警察教育方面的一些见解与实践,不仅为当时中国培养了一批专门人才,而且对当前我国警察教育的发展也具有启迪意义。  相似文献   

More Engagement     
At the end of 2008, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office issued "The UK and China: A Framework for Engagement." It is the first such document Britain has issued on its China policy. It was designed to set out a way of thinking about China more widely. Peter Wilson, Political Counselor at the British Embassy in Beijing, recently talked with Beijing Review about the significance of the document for bilateral relations between China and Britain.  相似文献   

随着两岸经济文化交流的深入,两岸之间的著作权纠纷也日渐增多。台湾著名的词曲作者叶佳修在东莞对多家KTV经营者提起著作权侵权诉讼,在这一系列案件中,台湾作者在大陆著作权的行使依据、行使范围以及其与中国著作权集体管理组织之间的权力行使划分都成为案件争议的焦点。本文以该系列案件为引,展开对台湾作者在大陆行使著作权的新思考,从而明确台湾作者在大陆行使著作权的依据、范围和权限限制。  相似文献   

张保权 《桂海论丛》2007,23(4):67-69
提高全社会的创造性思维能力是当代中国在全球化时代全面加强理论创新、科技创新进而提高国际竞争力的重要任务。创造性思维的四个行之有效的培养途径是:保持反思与批判精神、正确对待思维异质性、扫除思维死角和正确对待非逻辑思维。  相似文献   

Governance is a hot topic in China, as well as among political scientists. Ways of thinking about it can be improved. This essay offers a ‘neo-functionalist’ method to test for successful or unsuccessful governance of reform stability in China. It takes account of the need for participation in effective governance. Steering a state (or any part of a state) requires attention to multiple sizes of polity—especially several medial sizes in a country as large as China. Governance has varied over time during the ‘reform’ era, when anti-reform conservatives have remained important in many nested political networks. The paper shows variation of governance over time, over sizes of polity and over four sample governance functions: managing the economy, maintaining orderly stability, linking ‘social’ parts of the polity to the government, and choosing cadres. It shows how these categories exhaust a logical field that is at least implicit in any analysis of governance roles, and it suggests the value of a ‘circulation of elites’ paradigm when thinking about governance success or failure.  相似文献   

江泽民同志从解放思想、实事求是的思想路线出发 ,以一种继往开来、开拓进取的创新精神 ,在新的历史条件下继承、丰富和发展马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 ,使我们党对马克思主义理论的认识达到一个新境界。  相似文献   

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