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于熠 《法学论坛》2022,37(1):19-28
李唐之初,以《唐律疏议》为代表的中华法系的建立,凝聚了中华民族的法律精神和治理智慧。中国传统法律文化上的"民本"理念呈现出以和为贵、追求和谐的鲜明"中国"精神价值特色。唐季以降,随着长城体系的打破,中华法系在农耕与游牧生产方式交织影响下,"民本"理念中增加了多民族和谐共存的内容。整体法律价值出现天下一体、文化正朔、民族共融的新补充。宋、辽、夏、金政权对峙期间,各政权围绕客观上异民族多元文化共存这一前提进行法律治理新模式的建构。两宋在"大一统"框架下推进法律"一道德、同风俗"的模式。辽朝在南北异质文化下探索法律互通的模式。西夏在"蕃汉兼备"多元文化下兼容各种法律模式。金朝全面接受两宋法律治理模式。这些尝试的结果奠定了中国国家法律治理的基本版图,完善了多民族共生共存的治理经验,加强了统一政权的认同感。这种努力使传统中国国家法律治理模式获得了道路试错与经验积累,具有多元一统的法律文化特征,融合了中国各民族法律文化,极大丰富了中华法系的内涵。  相似文献   


The overwhelming number and complexity of domestic violence cases in criminal and family courts has resulted in the development of education programmes to assist judges. There is limited research on judicial education in this area. This paper reviews one such initiative entitled ‘Enhancing Judicial Skills in Domestic Violence Cases’ (EJS) that has been developed and implemented over the last 20 years by the National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence, a partnership of the US Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and Futures Without Violence. We present findings of a preliminary evaluation of the programme based on the self-reports of 480 judges who had taken the four-day workshop between 2006 and 2010. Overall, judges reported the programme to be engaging and effective. At a six-month follow‐up, most of the judges identified specific benefits and behavior changes in the areas of access to justice, judicial leadership, victim safety, and abuser accountability as a result of participating in the programme. Critical issues in judicial education are highlighted based on the authors’ experiences in the development and implementation of this programme.  相似文献   

This article explores the primary determinants of internal judicial independence in three Latin American countries. Considering the relative absence of research focused on this dimension of judicial life, this article is innovative in demonstrating how it is affected by two variables: the quality of judges' training and respect for their judicial careers as criteria for promotions or transfers. While these variables explain why some countries enjoy greater internal judicial independence than others, this article also shows – contrary to popular wisdom – that judicial activism does not have a strong influence on internal judicial independence. Conducting a comparison of the courts in Chile, Peru, and Ecuador using surveys and semi-structured interviews, this study also shows that judges' autonomy from politicians does not necessarily follow the same path as the lower-court judges' independence from their hierarchical superiors.  相似文献   

我国的行政体系在推进社会整合的过程中主要经历了行政命令——社会动员型和民主法制——发展型两种模式, 但两者都存在着一定的局限性。因此, 新时期公共行政体系在推进社会整合过程中的功能定位应包括: 注重以间接调控型整合为主导、引导社会自我整合功能的发挥; 进一步强调社会主体对社会核心价值的反思性认同; 强调民主参与过程的多元性、复合性。从价值策略上看, 推进社会整合, 行政体系应注重以和谐作为基本价值目标、以社会主义核心价值体系作为基础和灵魂、以宽容和妥协为必要的价值保障。  相似文献   

焦和平 《法律科学》2013,31(1):150-159
现行《著作权法》中的广播权与信息网络传播权已经存在规范漏洞,而以电信传输网、广播电视传输网、计算机互联网相互融通为代表的三网融合技术使问题进一步加剧,形成“一个传播终端、六类传播行为、三种法律定性”的复杂局面.其直接原因表现为传播技术的发展融合,但深层次分析可追溯到技术主义立法路径的弊端.《著作权法(修改草案)》1稿、2稿的“修补型”方案仍不足以应对三网融合带来的问题,因此应借鉴已有的成熟立法例,将广播权与信息网络传播权整合为一项“远程传播权”.  相似文献   

Forensic entomologists use blow fly development to estimate a postmortem interval. Although accurate, fly age estimates can be imprecise for older developmental stages and no standard means of assigning confidence intervals exists. Presented here is a method for modeling growth of the forensically important blow fly Lucilia sericata, using generalized additive models (GAMs). Eighteen GAMs were created to predict the extent of juvenile fly development, encompassing developmental stage, length, weight, strain, and temperature data, collected from 2559 individuals. All measures were informative, explaining up to 92.6% of the deviance in the data, though strain and temperature exerted negligible influences. Predictions made with an independent data set allowed for a subsequent examination of error. Estimates using length and developmental stage were within 5% of true development percent during the feeding portion of the larval life cycle, while predictions for postfeeding third instars were less precise, but within expected error.  相似文献   

陈素素 《法学杂志》2022,43(1):149-161
随着科技的发展,公民更加频繁地用镜头记录其日常生活。在公共场所,拍摄者有可能也将他人摄入镜头之中,构成了"无意入镜者"的情形。我国《民法典》与《个人信息保护法》并未将"无意入镜者"在公共场所中的个人信息权益与非公共场所的个人信息权益进行区分对待,无论个人信息是否属于私密,都可以得到保护。在"无意入镜者"个人信息权益与拍摄者权益平衡的问题上,应对我国《民法典》与《个人信息保护法》确立的关于个人信息保护的告知同意规则进一步做出解释。公共场所本身的属性,意味着"无意入镜者"存在自行公开个人信息的可能。对于被认定为自行公开的个人信息,拍摄者无需再取得"无意入镜者"的同意。除此之外,在公共场所中,履行告知同意义务既应当像服务提供商或者公权力机构采集民事主体个人信息一样严苛,同时可以适用默示同意的推定行为的空间而无需取得"无意入镜者"的明示同意。  相似文献   

This article seeks to highlight some potential indicators and benchmarks for the right to health under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ratified by Estonia. These potential key indicators, as part of a human rights based approach to health indicators being developed by the UN Special Rapporteur, are argued to be particularly important in the context of the exceptionally high HIV rates among the Russian speaking population in Estonia. The historical emergence of the HIV epidemic in Estonia is traced, comparing its development with the situations in Latvia and Lithuania. This article describes the current extent of the HIV epidemic in Estonia which is the country with the highest reported number of HIV infections per capita in Europe, a number impacting in an extremely disproportionate fashion on its Russian-speaking population, particularly in North-Eastern Estonia. Understanding of the HIV epidemic in Estonia cannot exclude the social contextual factors of the social marginalization of many among the Russian-speaking population, the ‹alien’ status of those without citizenship of Estonia or any other State, and other failures of Estonian State policy with regard to intravenous drug use and HIV in the recent past. HIV among the prison population is also examined as disproportionately impacting upon Russian-speaking prisoners. It is argued that the language and logic of the Estonian State Integration Programme, as well as Estonia’s Second Report on the implementation of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (2004) which refer to its Russian-speaking citizens as ‹non-Estonians’ is discrimination based on ethnic origin. In order to develop a system of State accountability in relation to the right to health, candidate indicators and benchmarks are proposed as structural, process and outcome indicators relevant to Estonia regarding the right to health and HIV, intravenous drug use, socio-economic integration and its Russian-speaking population. Dr. Paul Downes is Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, Ireland.  相似文献   

This article describes a New Zealand forensic agency's contextual information management protocol for bloodstain pattern evidence examined in the laboratory. In an effort to create a protocol that would have minimal impact on current work-flow, while still effectively removing task-irrelevant contextual information, the protocol was designed following an in-depth consultation with management and forensic staff. The resulting design was for a protocol of independent-checking (i.e. blind peer-review) where the checker's interpretation of the evidence is conducted in the absence of case information and the original examiner's notes or interpretation(s). At the conclusion of a ten-case trial period, there was widespread agreement that the protocol had minimal impact on the number of people required, the cost, or the time to complete an item examination. The agency is now looking to adopt the protocol into standard operating procedures and in some cases the protocol has been extended to cover other laboratory-based examinations (e.g. fabric damage, shoeprint examination, and physical fits). The protocol developed during this trial provides a useful example for agencies seeking to adopt contextual information management into their workflow.  相似文献   

What factors shape environmental policies across Europe? In order to answer this question most economists would probably adopt a Public Choice approach. This approach has convincingly explained some aspects of environmental policies that exist in a similar fashion across Europe. But why do many environmental policies differ across European countries? This article argues that in order to understand differences in environmental policies in Europe North’s analysis of institutional change focusing on formal and informal institutions, incomplete information and path dependence is useful. North’s approach is applied to explain differences in a particular field of European environmental policy: The implementation of the EU’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. The starting point of the analysis is the observation that participation of companies in EMAS markedly differs between countries. It is shown that these differences can be explained with differences in formal and informal institutions in the three Member States, incomplete information of relevant actors, and path dependence.  相似文献   

Forensic entomologists use size and developmental stage to estimate blow fly age, and from those, a postmortem interval. Since such estimates are generally accurate but often lack precision, particularly in the older developmental stages, alternative aging methods would be advantageous. Presented here is a means of incorporating developmentally regulated gene expression levels into traditional stage and size data, with a goal of more precisely estimating developmental age of immature Lucilia sericata. Generalized additive models of development showed improved statistical support compared to models that did not include gene expression data, resulting in an increase in estimate precision, especially for postfeeding third instars and pupae. The models were then used to make blind estimates of development for 86 immature L. sericata raised on rat carcasses. Overall, inclusion of gene expression data resulted in increased precision in aging blow flies.  相似文献   

法学的历史使命是维护并阐释某种法治秩序。当代法学首先是根植于中国法律实践,阐释实践中的两个法律样本即技术性样本和政治性样本。政治性样本始终与现实的政治话语纠葛在一起,但作为一种政治智慧,要将社会问题司法化,同时避免司法问题的泛政治化,特别是不能超越法律规范。从这个角度说,法律可以被利用,但却不能被违反。纵观法治建设的历史,有革命式和渐进式两种模式。中国法治建设不能生拉硬扯,应该顺应历史和时空条件,走中国特色的渐进式法治之道。在经济改革拉动下的私法制度基本形成之后,下一步,应该在社会建设和政治改革的推进下,寻找建构法治秩序的突破口,完善社会法域和公法域的基本制度,在实践中形成中国式的法治秩序。  相似文献   

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