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CUMMING  SIR DUNCAN 《African affairs》1953,52(207):127-136
This forms the greater part of a lecture given on the 29th January,with Major-General Sir Richard Lewis in the Chair. In introducingthe speaker General Lewis said that Sir Duncan Cumming had beenone of the first to enter Eritrea when it was captured duringthe war and had been the last to leave in 1952. During, andafter, the war, Sir Duncan had been responsible for the civiladministration of all of the occupied Italian Colonies in theMiddle East, of which Eritrea was one. In 1949, he returnedto his own service in the Sudan and in February, 1951, whenhis predecessor retired from Eritrea owing to ill health, heconsented to undertake the difficult task of implementing theUnited Nations resolution on Eritrea. In eighteen months hehad to hold democratic general elections, in an area where suchthings were not well understood, to create a Government in accordancewith the provisions of the constitution and the resolution,to create a civil service, which entailed as a starting pointthe elementary education of selected literates, and to leavethe country with a balanced budget. Sir Duncan had not had aclean start at the job because at the time of his arrival inEritrea it was not possible to move about freely. The localbrigands had made unescorted movement unsafe: incidents occurreddaily and murders and atrocities were frequent. By the latesummer of 1951 he had made brigandage unprofitable and was ableto turn to his constructive task. In doing so, he won the confidenceand respect and, indeed, the affection, not of merely some ofthe conflicting interests but of them all.  相似文献   

Gary Sick 《中东政策》2000,7(4):58-61

After a brief review of the traditional land tenure systems in a historical perspective, the article attempts to identify and discuss the main tenets of the post-independence government's land policy and explains the reasons underlying the government's decision to opt for state ownership, in spite of the bleak track record of such a property rights regime, instead of building on the wealth of the historically transmitted, culturally embedded, and socially sanctioned tenurial regimes in the country. On the surface, there appear to be well-thought-out arguments underlying the government's land policy as underpinned by the land law. This article questions the main assumptions and the reasons that support this policy.  相似文献   

中美关系的未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正式建交30年来,美中关系经历了跌宕起伏.诸如贸易、币值、知识产权、人权、台湾和西藏等若干问题造成了摩擦,但这些问题在任何一种正常关系下都可以得到控制.未来至关重要的问题在于,中国和美困是否将拥有一种正常关系.  相似文献   

BEIT  ALFRED 《African affairs》1945,44(174):37-42
Sir Alfred Beit has recently returned to this country aftera visit with a Parliamentary Delegation to Southern Africa.This article reproduces the more salient of the points he madein a lecture on the 29th November, under the Chairmanship ofSir John Chancellor, the first Governor of Southern Rhodesia.Sir Alfred is now Parliamentary Private Secretary to ColonelOliver Stanley.  相似文献   

MARTELLI  GEORGE 《African affairs》1962,61(245):300-307
Mr. Martelli, who was until recently special correspondent for"The Daily Telegraph" in the Congo and Angola, gave the addressthat follows to a joint meeting of the Royal African Societyand the Royal Commonwealth Society on June 7, 1962. The Earlof Listowel G.C.M.G., took the chair  相似文献   

In this concept paper, the Joint Working Group on Israeli‐Palestinian Relations‐a group of influential Palestinians and Israelis that has been meeting periodically since 1994 to discuss final‐status issues in the Israeli‐Palestinian negotiations‐explores the future relationship between the two societies after the signing of a peace agreement. The paper considers a relationship based on total separation between the two societies and states as neither realistic nor desirable. Instead, it envisages a future relationship based on mutually beneficial cooperation in many spheres, conducive to stable peace, sustainable development, and ultimate reconciliation. The basis for such a relationship must be laid in the process and outcome of the final‐status negotiations and in the patterns of cooperation established on the ground. Efforts at cooperation and reconciliation cannot be pursued apart from their political context. The paper argues that the only feasible political arrangement on which a cooperative relationship can be built is a two‐state solution, establishing a genuinely independent Palestinian state alongside of Israel. The resolution of final‐status issues must be consistent with the sovereignty, viability, and security of both states. The paper then proceeds to describe several models for the relationship between the two states and societies. It advocates a model of close cooperation, but proposes that this relationship be built in stages. The scope and speed of expanding and institutionalizing cooperative activities must be determined by experience‐by the extent to which such activities meet the needs of both parties, enhance mutual trust, and reduce inequalities between the parties. Finally, the paper discusses three avenues for promoting a cooperative relationship based on equality, reciprocal benefit, and mutual trust and respect: the development of functional ties and civil‐society institutions across national borders; programs directed toward attitude change and stereotype reduction; and efforts to close the economic and political gap between the two societies.  相似文献   

ASANTE  K. B. 《African affairs》1958,57(226):52-57
This paper was given by the Second Secretary on the Ghana HighCommissioner's staff with Dr. T. O. Elias, a member of the Councilof the Society, in the Chair.  相似文献   

This article reviews a decade of implementation of the public long-term care insurance (LTCI) program in Japan, which is now experiencing unprecedented pressure from its rapidly aging population. This overview of the program's features focuses on the incentive mechanisms and diversity and examines official future projections of LTC costs and their accompanying assumptions. Included is the discussion of possible reforms for the LTCI program, with an emphasis on the micro aspects of LTC, with evidence provided by the Japanese Study on Aging and Retirement (JSTAR).  相似文献   

《African affairs》1948,47(186):41-51
This paper, unlike the two preceding, implies a considerablebreak with the past. It was written in 1944 by the United AfricaCompany, whose particular outlook, inevitably specialised, doesnot necessarily vitiate its social cogency.  相似文献   

印度税负发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈平路  饶慧 《当代亚太》2007,7(9):53-57
本文介绍了印度的经济和税收制度,对其宏观税负进行了测算,分析了其具体构成,并在借鉴国际经验的基础上,评析了印度近年来的宏观税负及其未来的改革方向.  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了东亚各国签订双边和多边自由贸易协定的历程,认为随着东亚各国相互依赖的加强,东亚的经济一体化将进一步加深,并提出了未来东亚地区主义发展的三种可能方案,进而分析了各种方案可能性的程度。韩国无论在经济领域还是战略方面,都应该在建立东亚合作的进程中发挥重要作用。一定程度上,东盟和韩国在东亚地区自由贸易协定达成的过程中拥有更广阔的空间,同时在中日之间也发挥着协调者和推动者的重要角色。  相似文献   

BETHELL  A. D. 《African affairs》1945,44(174):31-36
This article is a summary of the lecture given at a combinedmeeting of the Royal Empire and Royal African Societies on the25th October. Mr. Bethell is Adviser on Commerce to the EthiopianGovernment.  相似文献   

中韩关系发展现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张键 《当代韩国》2014,(1):24-32
目前中韩关系处于两国建交以来的历史最好时期。但是由于历史和现实的原因,中韩关系仍将面临诸多挑战,如韩美同盟的存在以及中韩对朝鲜政策的差异等因素都影响和制约了中韩两国政治安全关系的进一步深化。此外,中韩两国间存在的经贸问题、韩国政党政治和媒体干扰、两国人文交往问题,以及潜在的历史及领土问题等都是将来中韩关系发展所面临的主要障碍。鉴于此,中韩两国应该着眼长远,从地区和国际战略的高度为中韩关系赋予更新的战略内涵;同时,两国政府应该积极沟通,加强战略协调,可在区域合作的框架下进一步加强中韩关系,并引导积极的社会舆论。  相似文献   

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