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Modifying and implanting existing RFID-tags into extracted human molars was described previously [P. Thevissen, G. Poelman, B. Puers, M. De Cooman, G. Willems, Implantation of RFID-tag into human molars to reduce hard forensic identification labor. Part 1. Working principle, Forensic Sci. Int. 156 (2006)]. Maximal vertical occlusal load during which the implanted RFID-tags remain active was evaluated in vitro. The temperature dependency of the implanted RFID-tags was studied on the extracted teeth to find out the maximal obtainable temperature before failure and a test with embedded thermistors to verify temperature distributions. The maximal working temperature of the implanted RFID-tags was revealed and gave indications for the set-up of measuring intra oral and intra tooth temperature during the cremation of a human body. Fatigue was induced on the implanted teeth by thermocycling. The results of this investigation showed the need of putting an extra insulating layer around the modified tags before implantation. The different in vitro tests indicated that the implanted RFID-tags can support certain oral and forensic circumstances.  相似文献   

Morphometric studies were conducted on the maxillary permanent molars of Eastern Indians. Total tooth length and trunk height (cervical margin to trifurcation) were measured. The data obtained was found to be useful in distinguishing between the three molars.  相似文献   

An immunochromatographic 1-step test for the detection of fecal occult blood was evaluated for applicability for the forensic identification of human blood in stained material. The following experiments were conducted: 1) determination of the sensitivity and specificity of the assay; 2) evaluation of different extraction media for bloodstains (sterile water, Tris buffer pH 7.5 provided in the test kit, 5% ammonia); 3) analysis of biological samples subjected to a variety of environmental insults; and 4) evaluation of casework samples. This immunochromatographic 1-step occult blood test is specific for human (primate) hemoglobin and is at least an order of magnitude more sensitive than previous methods for detecting human hemoglobin in bloodstains. The antigen is insensitive to a variety of environmental insults, except for exposure to certain detergents and household bleaches and prolonged exposure to certain preparations of luminol. The entire assay can be conducted in field testing conditions within minutes. When in the laboratory the supernatant from a DNA extraction is used for the assay, there is essentially no consumption of DNA for determining the presence of human hemoglobin in a forensic sample. The data demonstrate that this test is robust and suitable for forensic analyses.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the views expressed by UK forensic science users and providers during the Centre for Forensic Investigation's 1 day conference 'The Future of Forensic and Crime Scene Science' and is set in the context of the changing national agenda and likely advances in current and future technology. It begins by examining the success of the Home Office DNA Expansion Programme and future demands of the Criminal Justice System, highlighting the changing use of forensic science both at the crime scene and within the forensic process itself. In particular, the use of forensic science at the early stages of an investigation to provide intelligence and support the decision making process is discussed together with the need to adopt a partnership approach to tackling crime and its causes. Key system and technological drivers for performance improvement and change are identified and the likely timescales and implications of their introduction are discussed. Finally, the Home Office plans to build on the success of the DNA Expansion Programme, through the introduction of the proposed Home Office Forensic Integration Strategy, are explored and the paper concludes by highlighting the benefits, implications and issues arising from the changing and developing use of forensic science.  相似文献   

Many studies regarding the legal status of forensic science have relied on the U.S. Supreme Court's mandate in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc., and its progeny in order to make subsequent recommendations or rebuttals. This paper focuses on a more pragmatic approach to analyzing forensic science's immediate deficiencies by considering a qualitative analysis of actual judicial reasoning where forensic identification evidence has been excluded on reliability grounds since the Daubert precedent. Reliance on general acceptance is becoming insufficient as proof of the admissibility of forensic evidence. The citation of unfounded statistics, error rates and certainties, a failure to document the analytical process or follow standardized procedures, and the existence of observe bias represent some of the concerns that have lead to the exclusion or limitation of forensic identification evidence. Analysis of these reasons may serve to refocus forensic practitioners' testimony, resources, and research toward rectifying shortfalls in these areas.  相似文献   

On February 22nd, 2021, a landslide on the Italian coast caused the collapse of an old cemetery. About 370 coffins tumbled and more than 200 fell into the sea. 333 groups of unidentified human remains were found: 140 decomposed bodies and 193 bags of commingled skeletal remains. The Medical Staff of Legal and Forensic Medicine was involved for analyzing the remains in order to identify and bury them. The remains involved belonged to people who died between the end of the XIX century and 2017; all were interesting by advanced transformative phenomena. For the identifications, new forms, based on the Interpol DVI ones, were created. Information was collected by relatives through a specific antemortem form. Relatives’ information and post-mortem data were compared: 19 body were identified thanks to secondary methods (like object in the bury, dresses, medical devices). 147 bone samples (long bones and teeth) were collected for the genetic analysis. Among the 77 relatives eligible for a genetic comparison, 66 gave consent to DNA swab for collection and genetic typing. Currently, after 48 samples DNA analysis (STRs and Y-polymorphism) 12 remains were identified, 21 presented a profile suitable for comparison but without attribution, and 7 did not return a comparable profile caused by stochastic effects. 31 subjects have been identified and the genetics analysis are still in progress. The Cemetery collapse shows that every disaster requires a tailored approach.  相似文献   

The U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Kumho Tire Co. Ltd. v. Carmichael transformed the way scientific expert evidence was reviewed in courts across the United States. To gauge the impact of these rulings on the admission of forensic identification evidence, the authors analyzed 548 judicial opinions from cases where admission of such evidence was challenged. Eighty-one cases (15%) involved exclusion or limitation of identification evidence, with 50 (65.7%) of these failing to meet the "reliability" threshold. This was largely because of a failure to demonstrate a sufficient scientific foundation for either the technique (27 cases) or the expert's conclusions (17 cases). The incidence of exclusion/limitation because of a lack of demonstrable reliability suggests that there is a continuing need for the forensic sciences to pursue research validating their underlying theories and techniques of identification to ensure their continued acceptance by the courts.  相似文献   

Identification of a report's species is one of the basic analyses in forensic laboratories. The authors report the case of 6 bone fragments recovered in a wooded area, which were not attributable to 1 animal species on the basis of morphologic examination. The aim of this study was to develop a duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to discriminate human and animal origin of bone fragments. The method is based on the PCR amplification of cytochrome b and a 16S ribosomal mitochondrial DNA fragment, which has never been tested up to now. Our protocol combines a single-round PCR with direct visualization of amplicons in agarose gel, without sequencing analysis of the PCR products. The presence of a single band (359 bp) indicates a nonhuman origin of the sample, whereas 2 bands (157 and 359 bp) indicate a human biologic sample.This method revealed to be useful for forensic purposes because the 16S ribosomal mitochondrial DNA is a small human-specific fragment that is easily amplifiable even with degraded DNA from biologic materials such as old bones.  相似文献   

The forensic investigation of the origin and cause of a fire incident is a particularly demanding area of expertise. As the available evidence is often incomplete or vague, uncertainty is a key element. The present study is an attempt to approach this through the use of Bayesian networks, which have been found useful in assisting human reasoning in a variety of disciplines in which uncertainty plays a central role. The present paper describes the construction of a Bayesian network (BN) and its use for drawing inferences about propositions of interest, based upon a single, possibly non replicable item of evidence: detected residual quantities of a flammable liquid in fire debris.  相似文献   

We report here on the successful extraction of human genomic DNA from a serum sample in a forensic case. The extracted DNA was successfully used for the identification of remains presumably immersed for more than three weeks for which the only comparison sample was a 250-microL serum aliquot kept frozen in a laboratory. The analysis made it possible to identify a second victim as the daughter of the first.  相似文献   

Teeth and bones are frequently the only sources of DNA available for identification of degraded or fragmented human remains. The unique composition of teeth and their location in the jawbone provide additional protection to DNA compared to bones making them a preferred source of DNA in many cases. Despite this, post-mortem changes in the structure and composition of teeth, and the location and diagenesis of DNA within them are poorly understood. This review summarises current knowledge of tooth morphology with respect to DNA content and preservation, and discusses the way in which post-mortem changes will affect the recovery of DNA from teeth under a range of commonly used extraction protocols. We highlight the benefits and pitfalls of using specific tooth tissues for DNA extraction and make recommendations for tooth selection and sampling that will maximise DNA typing success. A comprehensive understanding of tooth structure and an appreciation of the relationship between DNA and mineralized tissues in post-mortem teeth are critical for optimal sample selection. More informed sampling methods that target specific tooth tissues will increase the likelihood of successful genetic analysis and allow for efficient and timely missing persons case work and disaster victim identification response.  相似文献   

This paper describes some applications of the fluorescamine spot test to forensic toxicological analysis. The fluorescamine test only reacts with primary amines; thus, this test makes a clear-cut distinction between amphetamine and methamphetamine. Previous common spot tests used reacted the same with these two amines. Fluorescamine is 100 times more sensitive in detecting amphetamine extracted from urine on thin-layer chromatograms than ninhydrin. Thus, it is a more sensitive method of detecting amphetamine abuse in urinalysis screening programs.  相似文献   

医疗损害司法鉴定应坚持同行鉴定原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《侵权责任法》第七章第五十四条规定了医疗损害责任的基本归责原则是过错责任原则。对于医疗机构而言,在诊疗过程中是否存在过错需要由专业鉴定机构进行判定。医疗行为的专业技术性和医疗行为发生场所的特殊性,决定了医疗损害技术鉴定机构需要体现出公平公正性和医疗行业的专业性。本文通过对涉及医疗损害司法鉴定四个案例的比较及分析,提示司法鉴定机构及司法鉴定人对临床专家在此类鉴定中的地位和作用的认知,从而使司法鉴定意见更接近事实,提高司法鉴定的公信力。  相似文献   

After developing an LR-system to calculate weight of evidence from mRNA data [1] we here present how this LR-system is used in forensic casework. We aim to convey the weight of the evidence in forensic reports.  相似文献   

Suspects in legal cases can be identified by an ever‐growing list of novel methods. The most common techniques currently used include latent print and DNA analysis. Although standard fingerprinting entered the courtroom over a century ago, the admissibility of fingerprint evidence has undergone a period of intense scrutiny in the USA in recent years. In contrast, most challenges to DNA analysis as a science came during its inception in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Current challenges to fingerprint evidence attempt to discredit the science behind the theory whereas challenges to DNA evidence often bring into question the competency of the analyst. In either case, the lessons learned in various court systems give guidance for those implementing the newer emerging biometric identification technologies such as facial recognition systems, retinal scans and the like. The first section of this article deals with fingerprint analysis and recent challenges to fingerprint admissibility in US courts. The second section discusses the evolution of DNA analysis and relevant cases. The final section gives recommendations for emerging biometric technologies to follow to satisfy the standards set forth by the courts.  相似文献   

The aim of forensic biomechanics is the reconstruction of traumatic events based on the pathological findings in the victim's morphology, the accident traces and the car damages. The use of forensic documentation tools (e.g. Streifenlichttopometrie) enables 3-dimensional and proportional accurate documentation of the victim's body, of its injuries and of the car damages with submillimeter precision. The generated topographic image serves as input for a multi-body system model of the victim. It allows further to determine exactly the contact points between car and victim for a computer simulated dynamical reconstruction of the impact situation. In the case of an accident involving a car and a pedestrian the generation and application of computer aided 3-dimensional reconstruction models are shown.  相似文献   

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