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Australian foreign policy is examined in light of the population issue and its relationships to its developing Asian neighbors. Rapid population growth has been a 20th-century phenomenon. In the ESCAP region, almost all governments are anxious to reduce growth rates and welcome international assistance for population programs. The motivation of these governments seems to be both political and economic. Asian countries do not share the view expressed at Bucharest by Latin American and African representatives that high population growth rates are not a problem. Results of national family planning programs in 16 developing Asian countries are assessed. Major fertility decline has only occurred so far in the most prosperous of these countries. Future fertility trends are hard to predict. Present inadequate knowledge of the determinants of human fertility and limited knowledge regarding fertility limitation techniques hamper progress in population reduction. Australia has aided these countries in demographic training and data collection. For both economic and humanitarian reasons, this aid should be extended to program implementation.  相似文献   

Research on lesbian, gay bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) victimization typically focuses on bias crime and intimate partner violence, with little focus on the experience of victimization more generally in this minority community. Meanwhile, the LGBT population has aged with an increasing number falling in the over 65 years old age group. This older population, however, has been largely sidelined in research on LGBT victimization. The authors aim to fill this gap by exploring the victimization experiences of a sample of older lesbians. The findings suggest that older lesbians have a unique victimization experience including a decreasing experience with bias victimization with age.  相似文献   

Work in the Baltic area is not easy and will not become so in the near future.
  1. One has to command a number of languages in order to contribute.

  2. The number of scholars interested in the Baltic is not great and they are widely dispersed. Hence, cooperation is impeded.

  3. A student or scholar must become a Baltic specialist in terms of some other academic discipline.

  4. Materials needed for studying the Baltic at a distance are scarce and dispersed. Even the best library holdings are none too extensive and existing collections are all too often not catalogued.

There are, however, positive aspects.

  1. One can go to the area for short‐term visits with an idea of gaining insight into the locality and establishing personal contacts with resident scholars.

  2. Funds, while not ample, are no more restricted than in other academic enterprises. In some respects, money is the resource most available.


A long‐run negative impact of population growth upon real wages is neither theoretically self‐evident nor, in the case of rural Bangladesh, empirically clear‐cut. In addition to its negative ‘labour supply effect’, population growth may have a positive ‘labour demand effect’ upon wages. The latter may help to explain why Bangladeshi districts with higher rural population densities have higher agricultural wages, and why districts with more rapid population growth in the first half of this century subsequently experienced slower‐than‐average real wage declines. An investigation of agricultural growth and agrarian structure as mediating variables in the population‐wage relation indicates that changes in average operational holding size, inequality of landholdings, and the extent and nature of tenancy contributed to this result.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪人群分布特点及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,青少年犯罪人群分布呈现出新的特点,集中分布在闲散青少年、罪错青少年、进城务工青年、流浪青少年、学生五类群体中。本文揭示出我国的青少年犯罪预防工作还存在很许多薄弱环节,启示我们必须根据实际情况,采取有效措施扭转青少年犯罪高发的被动局面。  相似文献   

West Bengal, a major state of eastern India, is conspicuous not only for being ruled by an elected Leftist coalition since 1977 (often described as sound ‘political stability’), but also for its widely acknowledged successes in fertility transition, execution of redistributive land reform and political decentralisation programmes. Ironically, however, the state, in almost all comparative assessments of social, human and infrastructural developments occupies a lagged position vis-à-vis many other states, especially in the south and even against all-India records. This paper seeks to examine this paradox by comprehensively evaluating West Bengal's relative performance in demographic and socio-economic transformations. A well-disciplined grassroots political mobilisation network, and the machinery of the Left Front parties, have been highly instrumental for comparatively fast declines of fertility and population growth and for lasting political stability in an otherwise ‘laggard’ development regime. However, a government geared to ensuring mass electoral support overwhelmingly via a grassroots mobilisation network but, with a relative neglect of social movements, economic infrastructure and human development, is likely to suffer adverse consequences in the longer term.  相似文献   

Less developed countries (LDCs) that were colonies of other nations continued operating under the same social and political structures set up by the former ruling nations. The small minority of elites in the LDCs held on to the power acquired during colonial times. In order to preserve their political and financial status after independence, they maintained their close linkages to the capitalist nations and their multinational corporations (MNCs). The elites did not generally have popular support, however. These capitalist nations and their commercial interests continue to dictate most LDCs development process which supports the financial interests of the MNCs and the local elites and not those of the majority, the poor. The poor realize that they are trapped and unable to break away from the economic and political structures, therefore, to assure some form of security, they have many children which exacerbates their poverty. Yet population control policies based on Malthusian theory and those that rely on such undimensional, technical approaches as family planning alone cannot cure the multidimensional social problems of high population growth and poverty. Neither the Malthusian nor Marxist theories totally explain the situation in the LDCs or even provide workable solutions. Research on population and development in LDCs needs to address both the Malthusian concern for the problems posed by high growth rates and the Marxist critique of class struggle in development trends. To eliminate the trap of poverty and dependent economies, each country must design its own remedies based on its history, culture, and geography and alter the prevailing social, economic, and political power structures in favor of the poor. 6 propositions that must be modified to each nation's particular problems and needs are presented to guide LDCs in formulating or reformulating policies to alleviate the problems of population and poverty.  相似文献   

This paper argues that one response to the mortality decline in Taiwan and the consequent rapid population and labour force growth which increased the labour—land ratio was the adoption of a new labour using output‐increasing variety of rice. The differential rates of adoption of the new rice in the seven prefectures of Taiwan and across time are analysed in terms of the lagged natural increase in population, i.e. increased in the labour‐land ratio. The results are then contrasted with the Malthusian model.  相似文献   


This essay attempts to understand the history and politics of Soviet grain and demographic statistics, and to show how they were used by the government. It covers the period from Lenin until Stalin’s death. Distortions arose because of over-ambitious planning. Attempts to correct these distortions in 1932 failed because of the cover-up of the famine. Also the results of the census of 1937 were rejected, but the repeat census of 1939 did provide more realistic indicators. For grain, distortions remained to the end of the Stalin period and even increased. The essay argues that the basic statistics available in the archives are reliable and that distortions arose in the reworking of these statistics.  相似文献   

Massive population growth is an accepted fact in developing countries at a time when developed, Western countries, i.e., the U.S., have become increasingly disenchanted with foreign aid. The gap between the very rich and very poor becomes wider and sharper. Most people live either in countries where the per capita income is below $320 or above $1,280. Lowering fertility rates would be favorable to economic conditions in the long run but with little short-run effect, population control is not a high priority government activity. The theme of the 1974 Bucharest Conference was that if development were encouraged, fertility would take care of itself. Programs which directly influence fertility rates are needed to improve development. Family planning programs are low cost compared to other development policies, and they improve maternal and child health. Women cannot be educated or employed unless they have the freedom of choice not to have children or when to have children. Western enthusiasm for fertility control has been met with suspicion in many devleoping areas. Western attitudes should be balanced by restructuring world trade and constructing relationships which would hasten economic development.  相似文献   

一.相关概念及其区别 司法实践中及理论研究上流动人口犯罪、外来人口犯罪、流窜犯罪,三个概念容易混淆。前两者是从人口学角度定义的犯罪,但流动人口反映人口是动态的、人口是流动状态的,流动人口犯罪是指人员在流动过程中犯罪,而外来人口则是静态的是相对于本地人口而言的,外来人口犯罪是指犯罪的人员是从外来的(外地人);流窜犯罪是指犯罪人跨县区的连续作案,或在居住地犯罪后逃跑到外县市继续作案。  相似文献   

Chi Zhang 《欧亚研究》2019,71(10):1775-1777

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