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合作社影响下的村庄治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
村庄治理研究是目前被学者广泛关注的一个领域,合作社的研究文章也很多,但是二者结合起来研究的文章相对较少。把合作社与村庄治理联系起来研究是一种尝试。通过对目前村庄治理的变化和存在问题的分析,认为以农民为主体组织起来的合作社能够在一定程度上影响目前的村庄治理,合作社的发展会对村民自治产生一些示范效应,并可能对村庄体制内组织功能产生一些替代(经济方面)。在分析的基础上努力尝试将体制外组织资源纳入对农村治理主体的考察视野,为农村组织研究提供一个新的分析框架和思路。  相似文献   

以往关于退耕还林政策的分析,较少考虑微观的家庭人口因素。本研究在可持续生计分析框架下引入农户的家庭结构,并基于此框架使用农户模型具体分析了退耕还林政策对农户生计的影响。利用陕西周至县的农户调查数据进行实证研究,结果表明:家庭结构能够影响生计资本水平和时间配置,退耕还林政策对农户生计的作用因家庭结构而不同。退耕还林政策既没有针对生计资本贫乏的农户,也不一定能够促使农业劳动力向非农转化,并进一步提升农户的收入。有小孩但没有老年人的家庭较少从事外地打工活动,收入相对偏低,他们更依赖退耕补助。相关政策的制定和实施应当考虑家庭结构等人口因素。  相似文献   

Development programs in Bangladesh have been affected in the past by unequal emphasis on infrastructure and people-building. Some programs emphasize the hardware of development, which provides physical facilities that are supposed to make life more comfortable for rural citizens. The hardware must be supplemented by software, which will enable rural inhabitants to make optimum utilization of physical facilities. This important aspect has been neglected in the past, although some programs made halfhearted attempts to provide education and health-care training to the rural poor. The recent proliferation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Bangladesh has been beneficial in the sense that the software component of development is receiving more attention, and programs are now being designed with the assumption that the software of development is the most crucial element for success.  相似文献   

相较于农村贫困,城市贫困是一种在空间上集聚的相对贫困,明晰它的空间特征、演变规律及影响因素等对于城市贫困的精准治理有着重要作用。为此,应用Citespace科学文献可视化工具,对Web of Science数据库中1052篇城市贫困主题的英文文献(1995—2019年)和中国知网(CNKI)数据库中2912篇相关中文文献(1981—2019年)进行分析,可从空间视角总结国内外城市贫困的研究现状及研究热点。结果表明:研究趋势上,国外对于城市贫困研究的关注度总体呈现上升趋势,而国内城市贫困的研究起步较晚、增长幅度较大,但在关注度上出现倒U型结构;概念上,从空间视角定义城市贫困多是认为居住区内的人们遭受了不同类型的"剥夺";研究内容上,城市贫困空间的测量与识别、时空动态变化、影响因素分析及大数据的应用等是国内外城市贫困的研究热点;贫困空间的演变及成因上,受居住、种族和阶级隔离等多种经济文化因素的综合影响,国外的城市贫困呈现由内及外的郊区化现象,而国内城市贫困空间演化较为复杂多变。  相似文献   

Administration at the grass-roots level is expected to be a vehicle for local development. This explains why governments in the Third World Countries and even in the industrialized states have always demonstrated their willingness actively to involve their grass-root administrations in promoting rural socio-economic transformation. The Republic of Benin is one of the Third World countries where local administration is involved in promoting rural development. However, the local administration has failed to make a noteworthy contribution to rural development, especially since the inception of the regime of Brigadier Mathieu Kerekou. This paper attempts to explain the minimal contribution of local administration to rural development in Benin. One of the key reasons elaborated is the existence of other institutions charged with the same responsibility of promoting rural development. Finally, attention is drawn to the method used in translating socialist ideology into reality through co-operatives and the mobilization of human resources. This method conflicts with the interests of the masses which are being alienated, thereby limiting the success recorded by the local administrators.  相似文献   

Questions concerning the distribution of income and wealth, and access to services have attracted increased attention during the 1970s to complement the earlier emphasis on the promotion of macro-economic development. This article provides a comparative review of service needs in Asia. It presents an inventory of the types of services provided by, or through, government, and assesses their adequacy for rural development. It explores problems with mobilizing resources and delivering services, and it identifies arrangements that appear most effective. The article emphasizes the problem of extending the coverage, and increasing the quality, of social and productive support services for vast rural populations and it stresses that more appropriate ways must be found of delivering services that are needed. A second article, to appear in the next number of Public Administration and Development, reviews ways of improving the capacity of governments and local communities to provide services needed by rural populations.  相似文献   

农村劳动力回流一直是影响我国城市化进程和经济可持续发展的一个重要因素,在理论上,诸多学者都对农村劳动力回流进行过富有价值的研究。本文基于2007年福建农村的调查问卷资料,运用多元有序Logit模型,从家庭生命周期这一全新的角度对农村劳动力回流进行了实证分析。分析结果显示,家庭生命周期对农村劳动力回流具有显著的影响,其中,成熟的核心家庭劳动力回流的意愿最强,年轻夫妇家庭劳动力回流的意愿最弱;在家庭生命周期的不同阶段,既有共同的影响因素,也存在差异化的影响因素。基于此,在加强农村劳动力流动管理以及制定相应的就业政策时,一方面要针对家庭生命周期不同阶段劳动力回流的共同影响因素,采取具有普遍意义的政策措施;另一方面,也要针对家庭生命周期不同阶段劳动力流动的特点以及所受制约因素的不同,对症下药,全面考虑。  相似文献   

现阶段我国未成年犯社区矫正工作尚处于探索阶段,实践中存在许多不足之处。大多数学者比较注重未成年犯社区矫正的立法、矫正项目、矫正队伍等问题,忽略了农村地区、流动在城市的外来未成年犯的社区矫正工作。探索并解决好这些问题,对我国未成年犯社区矫正的健康发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

Abstract: Australian rural research and development underwent a period of sustained organisational and managerial change during the 1980s and early 1990s. The transition from a scattered and disparate research effort prior to 1985, to one which is today highly structured, commodity-specific and strategically oriented, raises a number of issues concerning the processes used, the motivation for the change, and the manner in which that change has been accomplished. This article reviews the reforms that have been made in the sector, and seeks to assess their impact on the stakeholders involved. In so doing it highlights the changing nature of the expectations placed upon the rural research and development community, and raises questions concerning the appropriateness of the reforms and the methods by which they were implemented.  相似文献   

Shifts are apparent in the spatial distribution of disadvantage in Australia since the 1970s. Not only are new sites of disadvantage emerging (small rural towns, manufacturing centres, coastal welfare regions, some outer suburbs), but research suggests a possible spatial cleavage between best-accessed Melbourne and Sydney, and 'the rest' of the country. At the same time, examples of provision and delivery of services continue to occur locally andregionally that demonstrate lack of attention to the characteristics of the places in which those services are received. The paper calls for spatially conscious public policy in service delivery, and considers the possibilities of this occurring if governments form partnerships with other organisations to provide services for communities.  相似文献   

浅析解决我国农民工问题的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,农民工问题已经引起了社会各界的普遍关注。这一问题得不到合理的解决,不仅会减缓我国工业化、城市化的进程,而且影响到我国的社会和谐和稳定。为此,现在我们到了采取有效途径,彻底解决农民工问题的时候了。  相似文献   

The rural policy environment has many of the conditions that might suggest a tendency towards punctuated equilibrium. The Commonwealth has little direct power over rural space and industries, there has been a long tradition of state support for agriculture and decision‐making has generally been kept within a tight policy community, dominated by rural interests. In our review of the PAP data and policy history, we find instead an underlying movement across time and governments towards an expectation of self‐reliance for rural businesses and communities. On top of the long‐term incremental movement towards this expectation, issue attention has shifted according to political, climatological and market conditions, rather than necessarily in line with changes in policy content.  相似文献   

One of the most important dimensions of rural development policy in Zimbabwe since independence has been rural local government reform, in particular decentralization policy. Evidence from a number of recent studies is used to present a comprehensive review of Zimbabwe's experience of local government decentralization during the first eight years of independence, 1980 to 1988. Section 2 presents a brief outline of some basic concepts on decentralization which have guided the discussion. Section 3 contains a short account of the local government system inherited from the colonial era. Section 4 outlines the major post-independence reforms, that is: the 1980 District Councils Act; the 1984-85 Prime Minister's Directive on Decentralization; the 1985 Provincial Councils and Administration Act; and the 1988 Rural District Councils Act. Section 5 presents an assessment of these reforms, paying particular attention to organizational, financial and planning issues. While some important improvements have been achieved in rural Communal Areas-in particular the extension of services and increases in local revenues and popular participation-the system of local government and administration remains a dual one. Other problems include the gap between the planning and budgeting processes, continued financial dependence of district councils on central government, and a lack of serious effort by central government to make use of provincial and district development plans.  相似文献   

在《乡土中国》中,费孝通先生以血缘关系为基点建构中国村落社会的理想图景,忽视了事实上大量存在的以地缘为基础建立的村落。本文通过对江汉平原一个移民湾子的形成过程的考察,发现在血缘关系不发达的村落中,基于地缘建立的人情关系和互助关系是村落内部最为重要的两种社会关系,村落成为地域意义上的人情圈和互助圈,并形成一种与费老的差序格局具有显著差异的散射格局的社会结构形态。通过对地缘村落社会关系与社会结构的考察,文章将地缘村落建构为一种与血缘村落不同的村落类型,并以这种类型建构为基础对中国村落进行地域划分,推进对中国乡土社会性质的理解。  相似文献   

Dubois  Philip L. 《Publius》1990,20(1):23-42
A potentially fruitful but partially explored dimension of thestudy of state policy innovations concerns the patterns of reformin the organization, structure, and personnel of state courtsystems. This study considers the adoption of merit judicialselection by nearly half of the states during the 1960s and1970s. Specific attention is given to testing the hypothesisadvanced by prior research that the Merit Plan was a strategicinitiative launched by rural political interests in responseto the threatened growth of urban political power in the wakeof reapportionment. Empirical evidence concerning the circumstancesof the reform campaigns that produced the Plan, the patternsof legislative sponsorship, and the nature of voter supportsuggest, however, that the political base for the Merit Planand associated court reforms has been in urban areas. The implicationsof the findings for future inquiry into the patterns of court-relatedinnovations are then explored.  相似文献   

本文从社会结构、建设主体、建设资源、乡村文化四个维度,提出了一个乡村建设的尝试性分析框架。通过梳理我国百年乡村建设的历史沿革及其主要特征,进而从乡村社会秩序的稳定性、基本公共服务供需平衡性、行政管理事项强度、乡村经济社会发展程度四个方面,对比分析了不同历史时期乡村建设的有效性。研究发现,新中国的成立是百年乡村建设的分水岭,乡村建设取得历史性成就的关键在于中国共产党的领导;改革开放和农业税费改革是新中国成立70多年乡村建设的两次转折点,为乡村建设带来的机遇与挑战并存;在新发展阶段,乡村振兴更需要在国家资源、权力下沉与乡村社会的自主治理之间寻求适当平衡。  相似文献   

张兆敏 《学理论》2012,(11):52-53
注意是心理活动或意识对一定对象的指向与集中,对信息具有选择功能,与人类的行为活动有着密切的关系。从当前关于注意研究的一些理论和观点出发加以论述,可为今后的有关研究提供可能的参考。  相似文献   

针对如何构建乡村治理体系所涉法治,既有研究多围绕《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》等公法展开,故存在不足,亟待考察私法能否发挥某些独特功能。鉴于公法在培养村民的基本法治意识上存在一定的不足,同时,村民与私法的现实联系更为密切,尤其是考虑到私法严格奉行“私法自治”根本原则,由该原则所引申的“私法自治”“合法私利”以及“德法融合”等重要法治意识,不但有益于培养村民的基本法治意识,而且将极大促进在乡村治理进程中,对相通的、根本性的村民法治意识的良好培养。  相似文献   

The reforms accomplished in the rural research and development (R&D) sector throughout the 1980s and 1990s revolutionised the conduct of scientific inquiry in Australia. Surveys of these reforms have viewed the accomplishment of this change as an evolutionary, smooth and uncontroversial process (see Lovett 1993; 1994). However, it is not until the developments prior to 1985 are examined that the apparent ease and seamlessness of the reforms become challenged. It is now clear that rather than being a planned and ordered process, the changes made to rural (R&D) were sporadic and dependent upon specific personalities who happened to be in 'the right place at the right time'. This article exposes this Contrary account in order to highlight the true nature of the changes made to the area. In so doing it challenges previous accounts of the period and provides a basis from which to understand the transformation of the rural (R&D) sector in Australia.  相似文献   

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