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Ready,Set, Go!     
<正>Presidents'meeting paves the way for further development in China-U.S.relations Beijing and Washington both expect the Mar-a-Lago meeting to move China-U.S.relations forward.Although there are differences on some issues,there are also opportunities for agreement on an overall framework for near term and long term relations.  相似文献   

Pay as You Go     
正China's pay--for--knowledge industry explodes as people seek to improve themselves Worries about her declining English language proficiency have been rattling around in Liang Rui's head since she graduated from the University of Huddersfield in Britain three years ago.Working at a private company in her hometown of Taiyuan,capital of north China's  相似文献   

Go Pavilions!     
The majority of pavilions for the Shanghai 2010 World Expo will greet visitors on time Scaffolds covered the dome of the India Pavilion,and construction crews were working in the rain on March 30.On the same day,debris  相似文献   

IN Beijing’s tourist-oriented Jiugulou Street, there is a flower vendor with a difference-he conducts his business dressed up as a clown. Originally from east China’s Shandong Province, Xiao Song is the proprietor of the Beijing Clown Flower Shop. In his nine years living in the Chinese capital, he has had several jobs, one of which was restaurant waiter.  相似文献   

Expo's a Go!     
China celebrates the one-year countdown of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China started the one-year countdown clock to the World Expo 2010 Shanghai on May 1 with events held in the host city and  相似文献   

FOR China, 2010 will be another year of fulfilled expectations: the Shanghai Expo will mn from May 1 to October 31, offering a bonanza of state-of-the-art economic, cultural and technological entries from 192 nations and 50 international organizations.  相似文献   

Lesson6SUNDEJINYOUShOUdGOto5669TCMDOCtOFPartl[BasicSentencesja.我有点儿不舒服。W6y6udi6nrbitshufu.(don’tfeelverywell)b.你现在身体怎么样?Nixi6nz6ish6ntiz&nmes6ng?(Howdoyoufeel?)c.你应该吃点儿中药。N*yinggdichididnrzh6ngy6o.口onshouldtakesomeChinesemedicine..)d针灸对这种病的治疗效果很好。Zh巨匈i6duizhEzh6ngbingdezhili6oxidogu6h6nh6o.(AcupunctureandmoxlbustlonareveryeffectiveIntreatingthisdisease.)e.有的病西医效果好,有的病中医Y6udebingxiyixi6ogu6h6o,y6udebi…  相似文献   

Hebei Province,surrounding Beijing and Tianjin municipalities and facing the Bohai Sea,is very rich in tourism resources.  相似文献   

<正>Guizhou Province seeks to narrow the gap with the prosperous east Guizhou Province, a mountainous and multi-ethnic province in southwest China, is gaining popularity with domestic and overseas investors as it accelerates  相似文献   

近日,在《探索与争鸣》杂志2002年第1期上读到王学海先生的文章《远离社会和民众的玫瑰花———诘难“纯文学”》(以下简称“王文”)一文,仔细拜读以后,觉得王文提出的问题确实有一定的现实性和针对性。为了把这个有意义、有价值的话题继续深入下去,笔者愿共同来探讨。一总体来说,王文的观点是以这样的逻辑思维方式展开的:首先,他似乎肯定了“中国当代纯文学,虽然一直以一个封闭的诗学话语的形象扮演在读者面前,但它的成长和发展的内核,其实是一个开放的大众诗学话语的过程,它内在的创新和变异,正非常本质地为这朵玫瑰花…  相似文献   

Ready,Set, Go     
正The Chinese people’s passion to run for fun and better health was taken to a new height by the Beijing Olympics. Situated among fascinating architectural structures,Beijing’s Olympic Forest Park is a special place.The 2008 Beijing Olympics organizers was made a wise decision to turn a huge nature reserve in a northern section of the city into a beautiful park open to all. Even on a very hot and humid day in late June, with temperatures  相似文献   

Far Out,Way In     
Minority students from remote places in Xinjiang flock to more developed regions for a short at better education In the vast and sparsely populated Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China’s northwest more than half of the residents are members of minority ethnic groups with native languages other than Mandarin Chinese. Education is complicated by the region’s linguistic, geographic and socioeconomic conditions. "In my hometown,educational resources are scarce and dropout rates are very high," said Merhaba,a 13-year-old Uygur girl from Kashgar Prefecture."Almost all my cousins dropped out after middle school or even primary school. My brother and I are the only ones to go out of Kashgar for education." Merhaba is a student at No.66 Middle School in Urumqi,the capital city of Xinjiang.Her exam scores earned her admission to the elite  相似文献   

On September 19,a special bus pulled out of the Joy City Shopping Center in Beijing.Just before it drove off,a host of fashion models in the latest arrivals of Crocs took people toDestination,the new theme of its autumn and winter show.  相似文献   

某大型国有企业裁员时,一批被裁员的职工要求和企业最高领导对话不成引发了一场规模较大的集体上访事件。面对媒体的采访镜头,这位“局级”企业领导竟然如此解释为什么不愿和职工对话的理由:“我们又不是熊猫,他们想见就见?”听到这则消息,我心中仿佛塞进一块石头,沉甸甸地。将领导干部与熊猫相提并论,我是第一次听到。不过,其中折射出的对职工基本生存问题的冷漠及傲慢态度,却难说不是司空见惯。曾几何时,回响在耳边的是诸如“老黄牛”等称谓;国人也尚没有忘记鲁迅的名言:“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”。但是,随着国家…  相似文献   

<正>China's online shopping frenzy goes global In what is likely the most expensive television advertisement for Singles Day since the shopping festival was founded in 2009,American actor Kevin Spacey—appearing as his character U.S.President Frank Underwood from House of Cards—wished the audience a happy Singles Day and listed the number of items he wanted to buy to celebrate.Singles Day,or Double 11,falls on November 11 every year and is China’s equiva-  相似文献   

<正>How a Fujian painter came to call the northwest region his second home Camels in the desert,cows and sheep grazing serenely on grasslands,and beautiful young Uygur and Kazak ladies attired in colorful,traditional clothing.The aforementioned are just some of the typical elements a viewer may encounter in one of Chinese painter Lin Feng’s paintings.From May 20 to June 1,more than 70 of Lin’s works were put on display at an art exhibi-  相似文献   

Thank You,My Son     
BORNonNovember22,1980,Yunfengwasmyonlyson.Istillrememberclearlyhisappearancewhenhewasborn.Helayquietlyinmylap.Thoughhisappearancewasnotparticularlycharming,hewasverypaleandfat.Yunfengshowedhisintelligencewhenhewasstillababy.HecouldrecitesomeancientChinesepoemsandspeakabout30Englishwordswhenhewasonlytwoyearsold.Oneday,Inoticedthatheoftenscratchedhisneck.Ithoughtthathemightbeallergictosomethingandquicklycheckedtoseewhatthematterwas.Itouchedhisneck,anddiscoveredaswellingthesizeofabeau.Iaske…  相似文献   

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