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China and the United States prepare for their first Strategic and Economic Dialogue U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's China trip from May 31 to June 2 sent a clear message that the two countries plan to establish stronger ties not only in the economic field, but also in other areas where they have com-  相似文献   

Thanks to preferential policies and government assistance for rural residents and ethnic minorities,the residents of Yujiazhai,a frontier Lisu community,now have higher incomes,better education and broader exposure to the outside world.  相似文献   

正On May 30, a consortium of major European media outlets brought to light yet another spying scandal involving the United States' systematic and longterm espionage campaign against its closest European allies. According to a report following an internal investigation of the Danish Defense Intelligence Services(FE) completed in 2015, the U.S. National Security Agency(NSA), notorious for its mass global signals intelligence collection,  相似文献   

Stronger Ties     
As "three direct links" across the Taiwan Straits become reality, experts and scholars express their opinions  相似文献   

Family Ties     
PARENT-CHILD relationships be very similar the world over In general, young children are playful and mischievous andadmire and love their parents; teenagers are angsty and rebellious and think their parents can't possibly understand them; and, when these children grow into adults and have children of their own, they begin to see things from their parents' perspective.  相似文献   

Strategic Ties     
Over the past seven decades,diplomatic ties between China and Russia have gone through an extraordinary journey.Since the disintegration of the Soviet Un ion,China-Russia relations have made a smooth transition,becoming more stable and mature.China and Russia have carried out pragmatic cooperation in various fields based on equality and mutual benefit.This has achieved win-win results,benefiting people in the two countries.Some in the in ternational community are reluctant to see the two come closer and have tried to sow dissension,propagating that the ties would inevitably deteriorate and that the friendship is not in the actual interests of the two countries.  相似文献   

Enduring Ties     
Sino-Vietnamese relations witness their 60th anniversary amid high hopes This month commemorates the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Vietnamese relations, coming  相似文献   

Closer Ties     
Cooperation between a Beijing high school and Britain’s Wellington College promises rewards Sunshine pours into a cozy,warm room on a winter afternoon in Beijing, where a 59-year-old British man talks in a low and melodious tone about his long relationship with China.  相似文献   

Mending Ties     
正Viet Nam’s envoy comes to China with a desire to ease tensions between the two states Sino-Vietnamese ties have re-mained strained since a seriesof riots struck Chinese compa-nies in south and central Viet Nam inmid-May,during which five Chinesenationals were killed.But at last thesetensions have begun to show signs ofimprovement.  相似文献   

<正>New Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow, his maiden overseas trip since he was elected earlier in March during the country's once-a-decade leadership transition, was widely seen as a testament to the robust strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia  相似文献   

Stronger Ties     
正Xi’s visit adds new impetus to China-Cambodia friendship China and Cambodia advanced their relationship during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to the Southeast Asian nation.During the two-day trip on October 13-14,Xiand Cambodian leaders exchanged views on deepening the bilateral partnership.They also reached  相似文献   

正China reiterates its commitment to free trade Sometimes,rules are there to be broken and for government leaders,there is no exception.During a meeting between visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in Sofia on July 6,away from formalities,Borissov stood up not long after the talks had started,and,with a map of Bulgaria in his hand,sat beside Li  相似文献   

Mending Ties     
<正>A Japanese delegation to China is expected to improve understanding between their peoples A Japanese delegation headed by Toshihiro Nikai,Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan’s General Council,made a one-week tour around China beginning May20.The delegation was made up of heads of  相似文献   

Teaching Ties     
While the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)spreading around the world has led to travel restrictions and social distancing,the ties between many teachers from North America working for companies like VIPKid,a Beijingbased on line En glish tutori ng company,and their Chinese students have grown closer.Due to the robust demand for on?line courses in China during the epidemic,teachers have continued to work through these difficult times,while many of them have received support from their Chinese students.  相似文献   

Ties That Bind     
SINCE Japan’s "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands,Sino-Japanese relations have come to a deadlock.Under this frigid political backdrop,bilateral trading ties and how they should be handled now merit deep consideration.  相似文献   

China and the United States appear poised to strengthen their troubled military exchanges Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Xu Caihou kicked off his 10-day-long official visit to the United States in a bid to  相似文献   

正Five decades after forging diplomatic ties,China and Tanzania stand ready to inject new vigor into their traditional friendship,symbolized by the iconic Tanzania-Zambia Railway.Shortly before their golden jubilee,which falls on April 26,Abdulrahaman A.Shimbo,Tanzanian Ambassador to China,sat down with Beijing Review reporter Ni Yanshuo to share his thoughts on the latest development of bilateral relations.Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

My China Ties     
To go sight-seeing in the mythical People's Re-public of China or to go there for in-depth studyof its ancient civilization are two different things. Ihave been given a good opportunity to live amongsuch a group of people: honest, diligent, tenacious,careful, seeking progress, peace-loving, dedicatedto truth, goodness and beauty... In my youth I wasdrawn to the abstruse philosophies of Laozi andConfucius and determined to go to their homelandon a study tour. As the years went by and with theknowledge I had accumulated, my desire to learnthe thought of the two geniuses-to discard the drossand clear away all the evils in life in pursuit of the  相似文献   

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