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The existing literature of community policing was silent on the linkage between police performance and confidence in the police. This study argued that broader measures of police performance were an inevitable result of the shift from the traditional model of police to community policing. Consequently, confidence in the police could be used profitably by police management as one alternative measure of officers’ effectiveness. Data from a northwest city were used to find out the sources of confidence in the police. The results indicated that volunteers involved in community crime prevention programs showed higher confidence in the police and informal collective security bred confidence in the police. Furthermore, victimization and traffic tickets reduced confidence in the police. These results and their implications for police management are discussed within the limitation of data.  相似文献   

丁灿  胡和平 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):125-128
警察文化软实力在警察实力中的重要性越来越突出,警察文化软实力建设要从建构警察精神文化体系入手,形成全体警察的普遍追求和自律,并把握警察文化与社会之间的复杂的动态关系,不断形成新的先进性警察文化,使警察文化始终保持自身的价值和激情。在此基础上借助立体化的传播手段,使警察文化在现实社会中发挥作用,达到提升警察文化软实力的目的。同时要警惕警察文化落后的一面,不断改善警察文化内在素质的构成关系,并且坚持积极对话的姿态,在多元化的文化境遇中保持警察文化的活力。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine citizens?? perceptions of police?Ccommunity relationships in India. More specifically, in this exploratory study, we examine the extent to which factors such as general satisfaction with police services, police professionalism, feeling of safety, and perception of police integrity all explain the public confidence in police?Ccitizen relationships. Those who are generally satisfied with police like to work with police and view police?Ccommunity relationships positively. Further, we find that those who feel police are fair in dealing with citizens, irrespective of social status, and those who feel more safe in their communities are those who are most willing to work with police.  相似文献   

聂晓英 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):115-118
我国正处于社会转轨时期,警民关系由于社会的转型也出现了一系列问题。从警察文化视角研究警民关系,有利于调整警察的价值观与增强群众的认同感,有利于警察体制的建设和执行,有利于警察形象的建设,有利于解决制度不能解决的问题。并从先进警察文化的内化与警察文化的创新两方面谈了警察文化视角解决警民关系的途径。先进警察文化的内化是营造良好的环境和宣传教育,并通过实践外化警察文化从而增强内化;警察文化的创新是要转变执法思想,加强文化强警的认识,通过制度化来稳固已有先进文化成果。  相似文献   

陈菲 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):100-102
警察文化是当代人民警察在公安实践中创造的精神和物质成果的总和,是增强人民警察思想政治工作吸引力和感染力的重要载体。大力加强警察文化建设,有助于推进思想政治工作深入化,增强队伍的凝聚力,同时对于树立人民警察的良好形象、进一步密切警民关系也有着十分重要的作用。为此,我们应该提高认识,建构警察文化中的主流文化,在加强警察思想文化建设的同时,努力提高民警的科学文化素质。  相似文献   

臧建国 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):119-121
社区警务是当今世界各国广泛流行的一种主流警务思潮和新一轮警务改革的探索模式。公安派出所是市、县级公安机关的派出机构。是集防范、管理、打击、服务多种职能于一体的基层综合性战斗实体。两者之间的关系为:社区警务工作包含了公安派出所工作。社区警务工作是以公安派出所为主要载体展开的。实施社区警务战略决不只是公安派出所一家的事情。  相似文献   

Using individual data from a large-scale Dutch crime victimization survey, we are able to expand the analysis of the effect of police on crime to crimes types that do not easily find their way into police statistics, and to public disorder and victim precaution. To address heterogeneity and simultaneity in the relation between police and crime, we model the police funding formula – used to distribute police resources across municipalities – to identify the endogenous variation in police levels. We use the remaining variation in police levels to identify the effect of police. We find significantly negative effects of higher police levels on property and violent crime, public disorder, and victim precaution. The effect on victim precaution is a hitherto largely ignored benefit of higher police levels not reflected in lower rates of crime and public disorder.  相似文献   

Despite developments in police psychology in North America and Europe, little is known about developments in other parts of the world. Yet, this knowledge will reinforce the development of the field of police psychology internationally and strengthen its scientific theories, practices and programs. This paper therefore traces the development of police psychology in Singapore for over two decades across four waves of development. This paper also describes the developments in three areas of police psychology (services to police officers, police operations and the police organization) and details the various police psychological services programs and services in Singapore. The paper concludes with a discussion on strategic concerns for police psychologists worldwide, arguing that there is a need to discuss the ‘what works, when and where?’ in police psychology, when it is applied across the world.  相似文献   

叶晓川  曹飞 《河北法学》2012,(10):153-158
警察任务在警察法治化构建过程当中的地位十分重要,《中华人民共和国人民警察法》第2条有关警察任务的规定在实际操作过程中明显过于宽泛,又受到政治因素的干扰,引起众多对于警察职责职权方面的争议,甚至在某种程度上造成警察在执法中进退两难的境地。警察任务如何执行,既关乎人民生命财产安全、社会秩序健全,更影响到国家在法治化建设进程中如何适当脱离"人治",入轨"法治"的转型。对此,需要通过对当前我国警察任务相关规定的拆解,分析时下警察任务所面临的现实困境,找到问题的根源,结合法治化进程明确警察任务的规范化途径。  相似文献   

This study explores two issues about police legitimacy. The first issue is the relative importance of police legitimacy in shaping public support of the police and policing activities, compared to the importance of instrumental judgments about (1) the risk that people will be caught and sanctioned for wrongdoing, (2) the performance of the police in fighting crime, and/or (3) the fairness of the distribution of police services. Three aspects of public support for the police are examined: public compliance with the law, public cooperation with the police, and public willingness to support policies that empower the police. The second issue is which judgments about police activity determine people's views about the legitimacy of the police. This study compares the influence of people's judgments about the procedural justice of the manner in which the police exercise their authority to the influence of three instrumental judgments: risk, performance, and distributive fairness. Findings of two surveys of New Yorkers show that, first, legitimacy has a strong influence on the public's reactions to the police, and second, the key antecedent of legitimacy is the fairness of the procedures used by the police. This model applies to both white and minority group residents.  相似文献   

This study examines the high levels of public unwillingness to assist police in criminal investigations in Russia. Variables of public trust of police, fear of crime, victimization, and prior contact with police are used to explain this phenomenon. Also included in the study are variables of police fear and avoidance of police. The findings suggest that higher levels of distrust in, as well as fear and avoidance of police are strong predictors of citizens’ unwillingness to assist police in Russia. The paper discusses potential implications of these findings for the 2011 police reform in Russia.  相似文献   

周湘莲 《政法学刊》2000,17(2):61-63
警察道德失范是警察违法犯罪率逐年上升的重要原因。不良社会心理是导致警察道德失范的内在因素。主要表现在警察的不合理认识、不良社会意识和偏颇的角色意识三个方面。提高警察道德认知水平、加快警察道德立法进程是治理警察道德失范的根本对策。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):119-134

Since the 1960s, a substantial body of research has focused on citizens' attitudes toward the police. These studies tap a rather wide variety of outlooks: some ask about specific assessments of the police (e.g., satisfaction with the police in particular incidents), while others ask about more global assessments (e.g., satisfaction with the police in general, police in the community, or police in the neighborhood). Using data obtained through a panel survey of 398 residents of a large midwestern city, we compare specific assessments of police performance with more global attitudes toward the police. We also examine the effects of global and specific attitudes on one another. The results show that the two measures produce similar levels of support for the police. The results reveal further that global attitudes have substantial effects on specific assessments of police performance, and that the effects of specific assessments of police performance on global attitudes are modest by comparison.  相似文献   

在传统观念中,将"暴力"、"强制"、"武装"等作为警察最主要的属性,必然导致在警察权的设置上强化其暴力性或强制性,在警察权的运作过程中常采用暴力或强制的方式。随着社会的发展,这种传统的警察观和警察权力观与人类文明的进步不相适应,也与其自身在现代社会中的存在价值和根本职能不相符合。构建和谐社会对警察权提出了新的要求。应当通过合理定位现代警察权的职能和角色,准确设立警察权的运作目标,正确树立警察权行使的理念,科学选择警察权的运作模式和依法改进警察权的实施方式,来建构警察权的软实力,以保障警察权的设置和运作能适应社会和谐发展的新要求。  相似文献   

限权与分权:刑事法治视野中的警察权   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
警察权存在的正当根据在于维护社会治安 ,其行使应遵从公共原则、责任原则、比例原则和程序原则。我国现有的警察权设置具有垄断、广泛、重大的特征 ,对此应通过分权实现对警察权的限制 ,将行政警察与司法警察分立 ,行政警察内部再根据职责分工进一步分立。警察权的合理构造有赖于侦羁分离和侦鉴分离的实现 ,需要强调控辩平衡和司法审查 ,以最终符合刑事法治的要求。  相似文献   

田文学 《政法学刊》2009,26(4):122-125
当前,我国警察教育正面临改革和发展的重要时刻,警察体育作为警察教育的重要组成部分,也面临新的机遇和挑战。通过回顾我国警察体育发展的历史,对警察体育的教育训练功能和行业功能进行分析,并对警察体育以后的发展走向作出判断,以期为中国警察体育可持续发展提供些许参考。  相似文献   

This study focused on a series of hypotheses regarding residents’ attitudes toward the police: (1) residents’ attitudes toward the police are better represented by a two-dimensional model that differentiates global perceptions of the police from assessments of the police in the respondents’ neighborhood; (2) the structure of residents’ attitudes toward the police is different for Whites, African Americans, and Latinos; (3) direct experiences with the police in the respondents’ neighborhood will be more strongly associated with the respondents’ assessment of police in their neighborhood than global perceptions of the police; and (4) the influence of direct experiences with the police will be stronger for African Americans and Latinos than for Whites. Results based on structural equation modeling offer strong support for the need to differentiate between global and neighborhood perceptions of the police. The underlining measurement structure of attitudes toward the police was similar for Whites, African Americans, and Latinos. However, the relationship between global and neighborhood attitudes was stronger for African Americans and Latinos. Negative contact with the police was associated with both negative global and neighborhood assessments of the police. Non-negative contact was associated with positive neighborhood perceptions of the police; however, only when it occurred within the neighborhood. The influence of direct experiences with the police (both inside and outside the neighborhood) was similar for Whites, African Americans, and Latinos.  相似文献   

黄印  丁勇 《政法学刊》2006,23(6):116-120
理念是学术界目前使用频率较高的一个概念。为了揭示警务战术理念的内涵,从词源学的角度分析了理念的含义。警务战术理念是对警务战术内在规律的认识的集中体现,同时也是对警务战术的看法和持有的基本的态度和观念,并通过警务战术的目标、要求、原则来实现。警务战术的目标就是为了实现执法安全,包括执法安全意识和警务程序意识两方面。警察战术原则指警察在警务活动中必须依法施策、规范设计;加一评估、防控为先;心态平和、弹性处变。  相似文献   


An important issue for police services across the world is the training and education of police personnel. Both training and education have often been linked to the professionalization of policing. An overview of current developments in police training and education in Poland is provided by a discussion and delineation of learning pathways for Polish police officers and the relevant pieces of legislation that have influenced these pathways. This contributes significant knowledge to international literature by being the first repository of information about Polish police training and education. The historical context of police and police training in Poland is introduced first, followed by an overview of the two-tier system of training. Finally, developments of police training in the Polish context are critically assessed to demonstrate the slow, yet undeniable, approach toward professionalisation of police officers in Poland.  相似文献   

CITIZEN RATINGS OF THE POLICE: The Difference Contact Makes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DEBY DEAN 《Law & policy》1980,2(4):445-471
Recent surveys repeatedly indicate that the public holds favorable attitudes toward the police. This analysis suggests positive public evaluations of the police may be in part the result of citizen satisfaction with police actions in handling specific incidents. Citizen-police contacts are found to be relatively common, and in the majority of these contacts, citizens are found to rate police actions favorably. Four types of citizen-police contacts are analyzed: contacts resulting from victimizations, assistances provided by the police, stops initiated by police, and citizen calls to the police for information. Contact type alone is found to have relatively little influence on citizen evaluations of the police services provided to their neighborhoods. But citizen satisfaction with police handling of contacts has a stronger impact, which appears to vary with contact type.  相似文献   

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