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This article develops a theoretical framework that prompts a new understanding of the role of religious freedom and religious antidiscrimination in human rights law. Proceeding from the prevailing theoretical and doctrinal uncertainty over the relationship between the two rights, which are currently seen as either synonymous or as distinct and in competition, the article develops an account of the moral right to ethical independence and argues that religious freedom and religious antidiscrimination share their main normative basis on that moral right. However, religious freedom and religious antidiscrimination have different emphasis, and both are essential to secure fair background circumstances for the pursuit of different individual plans of life. The proposed framework illuminates the relationship of individual and collective aspects of religious freedom with discrimination law. The analysis has crucial implications for human rights interpretation in cases involving state interference with liberty, in relation to religion or belief, and more broadly.  相似文献   

Patrick Lenta 《Ratio juris》2016,29(2):246-263
Certain philosophers have argued in favour of recognising a (moral and legal) right to freedom of conscience that includes a defeasible right of individuals to live in accordance with their perceived moral duties. This right requires the government to exempt people from general laws or regulations that prevent them from acting consistently with their perceived moral duties. The importance of protecting individuals’ integrity is sometimes invoked in favour of accommodating conscience. I argue that personal integrity is valuable since autonomy, identity (selfhood) and self‐respect are all dependent on the preservation of personal integrity. I respond to two objections, one pressed by Andrew Koppelman and the other by Richard Arneson, to the claim that personal integrity is valuable, and to a further argument by Arneson to the effect that it is unfair to others claiming accommodations to exempt those with conscience‐based claims.  相似文献   

良心自由是各国宪法保护的公民基本权利,也是有关国际公约申明保护的普世人权.但是,我国诸多法律中规定了如赔礼道歉和责令具结悔过等处罚或责任承担方式,其实质是对公民良心的惩罚.这些规定从根本上违反了尊重和保障人权的宪法精神,在实践中是有害的.取消这些规定是立法者的紧迫任务.  相似文献   

The author analyses the problems faced by Continental Europe's legal systems as a result of the appearance of the so-called new religious movements. He is of the opinion that the expected change towards the achievement of full legal neutrality regarding the religious phenomena cannot be based on the sole assumption that each and every religion deserves protection. In fact, he considers that any system of equality should be aimed at protecting the legitimate expression of the individual's free will; that is to say, neither a particular religion nor all of them, but the person considered as a citizen, regardless of whether he believes or not.  相似文献   

非法剥夺公民宗教信仰自由罪论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马章民 《河北法学》2008,26(1):100-105
中国是一个有多种宗教的国家。宗教问题常同政治、经济、文化、民族等问题相互交错,具有特殊复杂性。宗教工作关系到民族团结和社会稳定,于国于民意义重大,公民宗教信仰自由理应得到国家法律法规的充分保障。因此,站在刑法理论和实践的角度,研究非法剥夺公民宗教信仰自由罪的概念和犯罪构成,在司法认定中明确罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的界限,并针对刑事立法中存在问题提出立法完善建议,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article examines a criminal trial in Brazil that touched on the imagined role of religion in public life. The case involved a Protestant minister accused of religious discrimination and of vilipending an image of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, the patron saint of Brazil. The prosecution argued and the court concurred that the minister's iconoclastic verbal and physical gestures endangered the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. Yet the defense claimed that his actions, stemming from his religious convictions, expressed this same principle of freedom. Different visions of religious free-dom are at stake in the case as well as how such freedom relates to the rights and private lives of citizens. Placed in the history of church-state relations in Brazil, the case raises the problem of interpreting concepts of religious pluralism, religious freedom, and freedom of expression in Brazilian law.  相似文献   

谢冬慧 《河北法学》2007,25(5):137-145
世界三大宗教法--古印度法、教会法和伊斯兰教法最初根源于对神的信仰,在表现形式上与宗教本身密不可分,在内容上与宗教教规教义和宗教典籍密切相联,但是其内涵与价值各不相同.在一定的历史条件下,三大宗教法对社会生活发挥了极其重要的作用,对后世世俗立法产生了不同的影响.在当今世界法制史苑里,三大宗教法独具特色,在经历了改革浪潮的洗礼后,逐步走上现代文明法制的轨道,这种改革留给我们深深的思索.  相似文献   

柯岚 《法律科学》2009,27(6):3-13
告密者案件不是一般意义的疑难案件,而是一个“根本性的疑难案件”,其中不仅牵涉到法律解释的争议,也牵涉到对法律合法性的争议。德国法院对告密者案件的真实裁决是审慎严谨的,比起哈特的方案,这些裁决更合于法律实证主义忠于法律的宗旨。拉德布鲁赫和富勒对这个案件的建议都比哈特方案更好,哈特方案并不能回避恶法非法的问题。纳粹统治时期司法沦为犯罪工具,法官丧失良心自由,这是现代社会真实的合法性困境。  相似文献   

法官自由裁量权对于案件的公正审理、实现实质正义具有极其重要的作用。我国冲突法在保持传统冲突法形式正义价值取向的同时,又对其独尊形式正义的偏颇进行了合理的修正,这种情形在立法上表现为既赋予法官行使自由裁量权的自由,同时又对其进行合理的限制。本文以《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》(以下简称《法律适用法》)的生效为时间界限,从自由和限制两个方面分别对该法以及该法生效之前我国冲突法中关于法官自由裁量权的规定进行介绍、分析和评析,指出《法律适用法》赋予法官自由裁量权的自由更为广泛,对其限制更为合理,体现了我国冲突法在追求形式正义和实质正义之平衡的道路上又取得一定的进步。文章最后还针对《法律适用法》的缺陷提出了完善建议。  相似文献   

从契约自由原则的基础看其在现代合同法上的地位   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
一、契约自由的含义 所有权绝对、过错责任和契约自由为近代私法的三大原则,而契约自由又是私法自治(意思自治)的核心部分,就如德国学者海因·科茨等所指出的:"私法最重要的特点莫过于个人自治或其自我发展的权利.契约自由为一般行为自由的组成部分……是一种灵活的工具,它不断进行自我调节,以适应新的目标.  相似文献   

Wills  Joe 《Liverpool Law Review》2020,41(2):145-171
Liverpool Law Review - In February 2019, The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and the British Veterinary Association (BVA) published a joint open letter to...  相似文献   

Freedom of information laws are useful to the extent that they are followed. This study, based on compliance-gaining theories, employs two field experiments to examine the effect of persuasion tactics and litigation threats on agency adherence to public records laws. In Study 1, a journalist requested use-of-force reports from all police agencies in a state, mailing agencies either friendly or threatening letters, randomly assigned. In Study 2, a journalist requested superintendent contracts from school districts, mailing agencies randomly assigned versions of friendly, neutral or threatening letters. In both experiments the threatening letter resulted in slightly higher response rates, lower copy fees and faster response times, however, the friendly letter resulted in more helpful behavior from agencies. The article concludes by discussing implications for journalists, compliance-gaining theory in a legal realm, and freedom of information.  相似文献   

论法官的良心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法官自由心证是司法裁判的内在要求。自由心证并不意味着法官可以任意擅断。法官除应当依法裁判外,还应当依照良心的命令从事。良心具有伦理学与心理学上的科学依据,对于规范法官的心证,保证裁判活动的公正性具有重要作用。法官应当具有依照法律与良心独立裁判案件的强烈自觉意识。为了防止外力对法官良心的干扰,同时防止良心自身陷入主观唯心主义,应当在司法体制和诉讼程序上建立、健全和完善法官独立制度。  相似文献   

“五五”普法以来,宁夏区以领导干部、公务员、青少年、农民、企业经营管理人员为重点,以“法律六进”(法律进机关、进社区、进乡村、进学校、进企业、进单位)和创建“依法治理示范单位”活动为载体,重点对象及全民学法用法工作逐步深入,普法和依法治理工作实现了量的积累向质的转变,社会治安满意率逐年提高,涉法上访和群体性事件呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

Loumansky  Amanda 《Law and Critique》2005,16(2):181-200
This article argues that Gillian Rose’s critique of Levinas’s marriage of political commentary to his thinking on ethics is misplaced in that it fails to identify the nature and essence of his project. I demonstrate that Rose’s complaint rests upon Levinas’s refusal to contextualise his ethics, which she perceives as a betrayal of modernist philosophy. I reject this analysis and demonstrate how clearly it misses the mark when she takes Levinas to task for his supposed ‚exoneration’ of Israel. Levinas’s position on Israel is, on an initial superficial reading, ambivalent but within that ambivalence he has clearly identified the gap that exists between Israel as a political entity and Israel as a spiritual community. It is precisely the very diremption, to which Rose takes such exception, that opens up the possibility of calling the state of Israel to moral accountability.  相似文献   

周友军 《当代法学》2021,35(1):15-25
《民法典》侵权责任编是《侵权责任法》经过"大修小改"而纳入法典之中的。本编积极回应社会问题并提供制度供给,吸收既有立法和司法经验并保持法的稳定性,结合时代发展进而更好地平衡自由保障与权益保护。本编的守成之处体现在体例结构、归责原则体系和特殊侵权类型等方面。同时,本编结合社会发展,推动了制度创新,包括:突出侵权责任法的事后救济法属性、保障社会公众的行为自由、适当强化侵权责任法的预防功能等方面,但这些新制度要结合司法实践进行妥当的解释。  相似文献   

卢梭和马克思都是思想史上的重要人物。但是长期以来,人们对卢梭与马克思的思想联系关注较少。本文试图通过对卢梭自由观与马克思早期自由观的简要介绍,阐明卢梭与马克思之间的思想联系。卢梭和马克思都对本体论意义上的自由和积极自由予以了关注,但他们对自由与法律的关系和自由、道德与利益的关系的论述却存在差异。  相似文献   

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