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中国古代监察法的历史价值——中华法系的一个视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国古代的监察制度是政治制度的重要组成部分,它对于古代政治权力乃至最高权力的运行,发挥了积极的规范和消极的防范作用。而作为具有一定独立性的监察法体系,不仅具体反映了中国古代本土法文化的鲜明色彩,而且在世界监察法史上也占有重要的地位,是凸显中华法系特殊性的一个重要方面。中国古代监察法在形成与发展的过程中,积累的丰富的经验,对于当前的监察法制建设很有借鉴意义。但是,中国古代的监察法由于缺乏与民主制度上的关联,所以无法培育出西方近代社会用法律约束权力的法治观念。  相似文献   

我国银行业审慎监管强制措施的立法坐标可定位于《银行业监督管理法》第37条。金融法属性上,其属预防型风险监管工具,旨在纠错,具有一定的负外部性;行政法属性上,其属行政命令,带有一定的强制性,但并不适用《行政强制法》。银行业审慎监管强制措施的现行立法存在适用前提模糊、实施程序粗略、内容较为内向封闭等问题。境内外相关立法既注重类似措施的内容开放度,又强化对类似措施的实施监督,较好地实现了灵活性与制约性的平衡。我国应基于银行业审慎监管强制措施的双重法律属性,从细化扩展适用条件、提升内容延展度与科学性、明确具体实施程序、完善监督救济机制等方面入手推动我国相关立法的完善。  相似文献   

最高人民法院颁布的司法解释是我国法律体系的有机组成部分,其合法性如何实现是重要的法治乃至宪治命题.作为事后监督的规范性文件备案审查,有其固有的局限性.以系统论为研究范式,超脱备案审查视角,将司法解释的制定、实施、监督视为一个系统,是一种有效的分析工具.经由合法性控制的三个子系统,即制定过程中的预防违法、实施过程中的避免...  相似文献   

The European Commission has for the first time issued a document expressing its official position on the enforcement of Article 102TFEU which prohibits the abuse of a dominant position on the Common Market. The Commission Guidance on enforcement priorities in applying Article 102TFEU to exclusionary abuses (adopted in December 2008) has ended a review of about four years. Given the increased enforcement of Article 102TFEU at the European level and the fact that many national provisions in the EU on unilateral conduct are modelled after Article 102TFEU, how the Commission intends to enforce Article 102TFEU is crucial for the application of competition law and the undertakings subject to it under European and/or national laws. The review period was preceded by severe criticisms of the Commission's approach to Article 102TFEU for protecting competitors instead of competition and for being insufficiently grounded in modern economic thinking. At the heart of the review and the discussions surrounding it lay the question of the objective of Article 102TFEU. Some, including the Directorate General for Competition claimed the objective to be ‘consumer welfare’, whereas some argued that ‘consumer welfare’ cannot be adopted as the objective at the expense of the protection of the competitive process. This article critically reviews the Commission Guidance, with an eye to assessing the ultimate objective of and the test of harm under Article 102TFEU. After discussing whether the Guidance indeed sets priorities, it examines the general approach of the Guidance to exclusionary conduct. It points out that despite there being some welcome novelties in the Guidance, there are also suggestions therein whose legitimacy and legality are questionable. Reflecting on the Guidance as a soft‐law instrument, the article argues that although regarding the objective of Article 102TFEU, the Commission's apparent tendency towards ‘consumer welfare’ is not unlawful, the reform of Article 102TFEU to bring it more in line with modern economic and legal thinking seems to be far from complete.  相似文献   

从旭普林公司案看我国法院对国际商事仲裁的监督   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用国际商事仲裁的一般理论和国际商事仲裁立法与实践,结合我国法院就国际商会国际仲裁院仲裁庭根据该院仲裁规则就德国旭普林公司案在我国上海作出的仲裁裁决所实施的司法监督,探讨了国际商事仲裁裁决与涉外裁决、外国裁决和《纽约公约》项下的非本国裁决之间的联系与区别。由此认为本案项下的裁决,既不是我国裁决,也不是外国裁决,而是《纽约公约》项下的非内(本)国裁决。  相似文献   

刘学敏  刘作凌 《现代法学》2011,33(4):162-172
在押被告能够接触辩护律师并在不受监察的情况下进行会见通信,是达成有效辩护的关键,但基于监所秩序管理与刑事程序保全,又不能一概排除限制会见通信的措施。这里涉及不同目的之间的冲突和调和,在此欧洲人权法院裁判关于会见通信保障与限制的解释与运作值得参考。我国《刑事诉讼法》应确立自由交流权的立法基点,在押被告与辩护律师之间,应以会见通信不受监察为原则,限制会见通信为例外。监察措施应贯彻必要性和比例性原则,构建防止监察手段滥用的程序担保措施。  相似文献   

检察学研究中的主流一元论把检察制度统一于法律监督,存在诸多无法克服的矛盾;二元论一定意义上又具有否认法律监督的倾向。而从监督和制约来透视中国检察权之争,则应超越传统的“一元”和“二元”之争。中国检察权包含法律监督和刑事追诉两大权能,法律监督和刑事追诉统一于检察权,但又在检察权下适度分离。其体现了监督和制约的内在特点,也是完善中国检察制度,优化检察机关职能配置,全面贯彻落实宪法原则和党的十七大“完善监督和制约机制”的需要。  相似文献   

The lack of fairness in asylum responsibility sharing within the EU has been a persistent problem demanding an urgent solution. This article seeks to inform the on‐going debate on European solidarity instruments from a constitutional law perspective by taking the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility pursuant to Article 80 TFEU as its reference point. The article sees this principle as an important mechanism in both the enhancement of fairness in responsibility sharing and the protection of refugees. It argues that the combined reading of Article 80 TFEU and the Charter of Fundamental Rights provides a strong reason to doubt the constitutionality of the Dublin III Regulation, and any decision reforming the asylum regime should take this view into account. Despite its limited enforceability, Article 80 TFEU can play an important role as an interpretation tool, in particular in the assessment of the legality of solidarity instruments.  相似文献   

The author discusses the interaction between international andnational law in determining whether a case is admissible fromthe viewpoint of complementarity (Article 17 of the Statuteof the International Criminal Court) and with regard to theconcept of ‘interests of justice’ (Article 53 ofthe same Statute). Complementarity does not separate nationalfrom international criminal jurisdiction; nor does it put themin conflict with each other — rather, it favours the aforementionedinteraction. In addition, the concepts of ‘ability’and ‘willingness’ tend to ensure an indirect harmonizationof national criminal systems around common international criteria.As for reliance on the notion of ‘interests of justice’when determining whether to initiate proceedings, accordingto the author, Article 53 envisages a compromise between prosecutorialdiscretion and strict legality, thereby enshrining a hybridizationbetween various national traditions. The author notes that thedecision to open investigations should be objective and foreseeable;to this end, she suggests some general criteria, which are intendedto serve as guidelines for establishing whether, in a specificcase, the interests of justice warrant the initiation of proceedings.  相似文献   

In In re JR38, the Supreme Court unanimously dismissed an appeal from a 14 year‐old boy who argued that the dissemination of his image, taken whilst he was participating in sectarian rioting, to local newspapers, violated his rights under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). However, the Court was divided on whether or not the measures taken by the police engaged the applicant's Article 8(1) rights at all. This case raises fundamental questions as to the scope of private life in the context of criminal investigations, and the place of the European Court of Human Rights’ ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’ test in determining whether Article 8(1) of the ECHR is engaged. This case comment subjects the majority's interpretation of Article 8(1) to critical scrutiny, concluding that this interpretation may unduly restrict the scope of Article 8 protection for those subject to criminal investigations.  相似文献   

李浩 《法学研究》2014,36(3):130-147
对民事调解书进行检察监督是2012年民事诉讼法的新规定,也是我国检察机关的新任务。对调解书的监督与对判决、裁定的监督存在多方面的差异,只有充分认知和把握两者的区别,对民事调解书的检察监督才能顺利进行。民事诉讼法第208条中的"调解书",解释上应包括调解笔录、司法确认裁定书,但不包括仲裁调解书。对调解书的监督,应当采用依职权监督的方式。授权检察机关对损害国家利益、社会公共利益的调解书进行监督的规定属于法律中的一般性条款,检察机关正确实施监督的关键在于恰当界定调解书是否损害这两种利益。对国家利益、社会公共利益应当采用目的性扩张的解释方法,调解书违反法律的禁止性规定、严重违背社会公德、损害集体经济组织利益、损害社会弱势群体利益的,也应当视为损害国家利益、社会公共利益。损害案外人利益的虚假诉讼的调解书,也应成为监督的对象。适用民事诉讼法第208条时,还应注意国家利益与社会公共利益在一些情况下难以精确地界定和区分。  相似文献   

龚廷泰 《中国法学》2005,3(3):33-41
加强党执政的合法性研究,对于加强党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位,意义重大。所谓合法性,其直接含义是一种合法律性,其第一要旨是社会公众对统治权力的一种认可、认同或赞同。中国共产党执政是历史和人民的选择,具有实质的合法性,但是,无庸讳言,由于社会转型期各种矛盾的凸现,党执政面临着合法性的种种挑战。因此,为了保持党执政的合法性,必须做到:维护宪法权威,保证党执政的合宪性与合法律性;坚持人民主权原则,保证党执政的实质合法性;以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,巩固党执政的价值合法性;完善程序性民主的制度性安排,保证党执政的形式合法性;加强对权力的监督和约束,有效地遏制腐败,消解党执政的合法性危机。  相似文献   

适应公安机关办理现行犯案件的现实需要,我国新《刑事诉讼法》第117条增设了对现行犯的口头传唤措施,但存在一定的问题。由于立法的科学性不足,当下实践中,现行犯案件中初查措施的适用乱象纷呈。现行犯案件初查中强制措施的适用既具有现实必要性,也具有理论正当性。应当将现行犯的立案程序独立设置,同时修改拘留制度,以明确被口头传唤或者无证拘留后的现行犯的犯罪嫌疑人身份,解决紧随其后的讯问行为的合法性以及讯问笔录的证据效力,消除"先侦后立"的现象。  相似文献   

刑法的明确性问题:以《刑法》第225条第4项为例的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑法的明确性是罪刑法定原则的基本内容之一,它对于罪刑法定司法化具有重要意义。本文以我国《刑法》第225条第4项为例,对我国刑法的明确性问题进行了深入的探讨。我国刑法中广泛存在空白罪状、罪量要素和兜底条款,我国刑法学界对于这些立法模式的明确性是存在争议的。空白罪状因为存在参照法规,只要参照法规是明确的,则应当认为并不违反明确性的要求。罪量要素虽然是概括性的规定,但它是把本来应当由司法机关行驶的裁量权由立法机关作出框架性的规定。因此,罪量要素也不违反明确性的要求。兜底条款则要具体分析,如果仅是对行为方法的兜底性规定并不违反明确性要求。但相对的兜底罪名以及对行为方式的兜底性规定则确实存在违反明确性之虞。我国采用司法解释方式对兜底性条款加以规定,这是具有中国特色的明确化的应因之道,但其中存在的问题仍然需要讨论解决。  相似文献   

我国老年监护制度的立法突破及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨立新 《法学研究》2013,(2):119-130
In the backwash of the world adult guardianship system reform, China has amended the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly and set up Article 26 which provides the guardianship by conduct and the designated guardianship for the elderly, which has made the breakthrough of the reform in the legislation of adult guardianship system and replenished the types of the persons under guardianship. Thus has established a new system for guardianship by conduct and expanded the applicative scope of the designated guardianship. It has also expanded the regulatory scope of the liability of guardian stipulated by Article 32 of the Tort Law of P.R.C and the scope of persons without civil procedure competency. So it is of great value both in legislation and society. As the provisions are still simple, some related issues will be caused by the legislation of the elderly guardianship system. For instance, the guardianship by conduct for the elderly has been set up without providing the procedure of making agreement, the necessary supervision system, and the registration system for it. Besides, measures and standards to determine whether an elderly has completely or partially lost his/her civil competency have not been established. Meanwhile, the guardianship by conduct should be expanded to all kinds of adult guardianship. And a comprehensive supervision system for guardianship has not been established neither. All of these issues need supplementary regulations to make proper adjustment.  相似文献   

论检察机关对民事执行活动的法律监督   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黎蜀宁 《现代法学》2003,25(6):54-58
我国现行民事诉讼法规定了检察机关对民事审判活动实行法律监督的原则 ,但未明确规定对民事执行活动实行法律监督 ,从而为民事执行活动的外部监督机制的设置留下了空白。本文从分析民事执行程序本身法律规定的缺陷以及现实存在的“执行难”和“执行乱”问题着手 ,就检察机关作为专门的法律监督机关对民事执行活动实行法律监督的必要性和可行性进行了论证 ,同时阐明了检察机关对民事执行活动实行监督的意义 ,并对检察机关对民事执行活动监督的范围、方式和程序提出了自己的见解。认为检察机关对民事执行活动监督的范围限于执行活动的合法性问题 ,监督的方式应当根据执行活动违法的形式有所不同 ,并不一定全部以抗诉的方式进行 ,监督程序的启动应当以当事人提出申请为前提  相似文献   

地方人大常委会的设立及其变迁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地方人大常委会并不是和人大制度同时诞生,它是改革开放后加强民主与法制建设的产物,它的设立使地方人大成为更有权威的人民权力机关。对"一府两院"的监督是宪法赋予地方人大常委会的重要职能,但应对监督的范围和方式予以明确规定。对"一府两院"的监督应包括"违宪监督",对"两院"行使监督权时以不干涉司法独立为限。  相似文献   

The aviation sector is not yet covered by the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Taking into account the fact that aviation increasingly contributes to climate change, the European Commission adopted a proposal for legislation to include aviation in the EU ETS. The proposal foresees the inclusion of internal EU flights as well as external flights to and from the Union within the EU ETS. On 20 December 2007, EU Environment Ministers reached political agreement in the Environment Council on the basis of a new compromise text tabled by the Presidency. However, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), as well as various stakeholders, does not consider that the EU has the competence to include aviation within the EU ETS. A crucial point concerning the legality of including aviation in the EU ETS is the fact that Article 2(2) of the Kyoto Protocol states that the parties 'shall pursue limitation or reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol from aviation . . . working through the International Civil Aviation Organization . . .'. This article reviews the legality of the EU's stand-alone approach, focusing on the European and international legal framework and taking into account the express role given to the ICAO by the Kyoto Protocol.  相似文献   

张明楷 《法学研究》2020,(1):134-153
刑法总则规定了哪些参与人,刑法对共犯人如何分类(参与类型),是两个不同的问题。我国刑法总则虽然规定了主犯、从犯、胁从犯与教唆犯四种情形,但不能据此认为这四种情形就是对共犯人的分类。刑法理论必须以罪刑法定原则为根据,确定刑法总则应当规定哪些参与类型。由于刑法分则规定的是正犯,所以,只有当刑法总则规定了教唆犯、帮助犯时,才能扩张地处罚教唆犯与帮助犯,否则便违反罪刑法定原则。由于共同正犯不以实施构成要件行为为前提,所以,如果对共同正犯按照正犯处罚,就必须有刑法总则的明文规定。主张刑法第26条规定的主犯与正犯是交叉关系、递进关系或者等同关系以及双层次区分说的观点,都存在缺陷。刑法第26条是关于共同正犯的规定,该规定贯彻了“部分行为全部责任”的原理。教唆他人犯罪的,如果在共同犯罪中起主要作用,就属于(共谋)共同正犯,按正犯处罚;如果起次要作用,则是狭义共犯中的教唆犯,应当按从犯量刑。基于实质标准,对起次要作用的实行者,也只能按从犯处罚。  相似文献   

This Article focuses on the legality of the aggressive use of analgesics and deep sedation for terminally ill patients. The author analyzes the 1997 Supreme Court decisions on physician-assisted suicide, examines the tension between controversial palliative care practices and the traditional legal framework, and explores the contours of an emerging constitutional right to avoid suffering at the end of life. In addition, the author argues that deep sedation together with withholding of artificial nutrition and hydration should be an option for dying patients suffering from severe physical or emotional pain.  相似文献   

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