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Edict No. 301 contains regulations concerning conditions of detention, feeding norms, and medical services to persons detained in the duty officer's section of territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.  相似文献   

Natalia Taubina, head of the Moscow-based nongovernmental organization Public Verdict Foundation, argues that the law enforcement system, including the MVD, Investigative Committee, Procuracy, and judiciary still require serious change.  相似文献   

A local meeting of Forensic Science Society, entitled Bodies, Bones and Burrials, was held at the Metropolitan police Forensic Science Laboratory on 21 March 1987. David Loxley, of the Home Office Forensic Science Laboratory, Birmingham, chaires the meeting and gave the introducation, The following report was prepared for the Society by Lesley-Anne Denton.  相似文献   

The Law Commission has concluded in a recent consultation paper ('Administrative Redress') that claimants are able to sue public bodies successfully in negligence in an unacceptably wide range of circumstances. For this reason, it has proposed the introduction of a new touchstone of liability: 'serious fault'. The Law Commission regards the liability regime it proposes as superior to the existing law since it would reduce the number of occasions on which claimants deflect public bodies from their core concerns (delivering goods and services that serve the public interest). The Law Commission also finds support for its proposal in a 'principle of modified corrective justice'. On the analysis offered in this essay, the requirement of 'serious fault' is better understood as strengthening a commitment to ruthlessness (in the sense specified by Thomas Nagel) that is present in the existing law. This essay also argues for a reform of negligence law (as it applies to public bodies) that is very different from that proposed by the Law Commission. This is the application of the proportionality principle at the third stage of the duty of care test in Caparo Industries plc v Dickman . More generally, this essay criticises the Law Commission on the ground that it assumes that public bodies have sufficient information to perform a wide range of tasks effectively. This is often not the case. Moreover, negligence law in its existing form is a (non-market) discovery-procedure by means of which public bodies can, when defending novel claims, become better acquainted with the environment in which they operate.  相似文献   

The very name of our topic, so popular a subject for discussion at the threshold of the twenty-first century and evoked in the title of our article, conceals a dual problem.  相似文献   

If we focus on such factors as the denationalization of property and the appearance of private, corporate, and mixed property, the formation of an entrepreneurial stratum, the development of trade, and the saturation of the consumer market with goods, we can argue that Russian society has made considerable progress in market reforms. If, however, we examine such criteria as the gross domestic product, the dynamics of industrial production (especially science-intensive production), the levels of investments and unemployment, and stratification by property, the social situation and the crisis in depressed branches, then our assessments of the process of market transformation immediately become the opposite.  相似文献   

This paper argues for a broader consideration of the issue of abortion—one that stresses the centrality of the denial of reproductive rights in the patriarchal policing of women’s bodies and their sexuality. Globally, the estimates of abortion-related deaths in 2014 ranged from 22,500 to 44,000, and countless women are injured or left infertile by seeking illegal abortions. We briefly review international trends regarding abortion politics and then analyze closely women’s access to abortion in two countries: the United States and Bangladesh. Representing two very different contexts of the developed and the developing world, respectively, we contend that abortion services are being constrained by misogynistic politics that deny women control over their bodies. Finally, the paper reviews recent international efforts to establish abortion rights as part of a broader landscape of human rights. Notably, while there are some efforts in the global north to recriminalize both contraception and abortion, these practices have been characterized by a recent United Nation’s report as the deliberate denial of medically available and necessary services and hence a form of “torture.”  相似文献   

On 12 July, while addressing people he trusted who had helped him in the elections, President Yeltsin finally said something that many people had long wanted to hear from him: Russia needed a new national idea. It may "already be needed in the next presidential elections in the year 2000," the head of state predicted, and hence its development should begin promptly, with the first results visible within a year.  相似文献   

The period allotted for the certification of policemen expires on August 1. The law "On the Police," signed by President Medvedev in February 2011, stipulated that the militia was to be renamed the police and that all MVD personnel, including the highest ranks, were to undergo recertification. As a result, according to minister of internal affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev, 327 generals have remained in leading positions and 21 have failed the test. Another 143 members of the generals' corps have left the MVD on grounds of age or at their own request.  相似文献   

Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs admitted that it made a mistake in making radical personnel cuts in the local units responsible for policing the consumer market and for enforcing administrative legislation.  相似文献   

Decree No. 1377 sets the standards of the service discipline, defines rights and obligations of employees and supervisors in observing the service discipline, and establishes awards and disciplinary sanctions in the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

This article addresses the architecture of the four Inns of Court inLondon as repositories for the body of law (corpus iuris). Thebuildings are perceived as visual representations of the unwrittenconstitution; evidence that the sign, not the text, remains thepredominant form through which the constitution manifests its content.It is in this context that the self-governing Inns are interpreted asmicrocosms of the City of God, envisaged by Saint Augustine andprefigured in ancient Greece by the Republic of Plato. The Innssynthesise these classical and Christian precepts; thereby creatinga unique commonwealth whose Utopian ideals are based on the applicationof Justitia, or righteousness: an ethical rather than alegal concept which underpins the English constitution. The argumentproposes a correlation between architectural development at the Inns andthe challenge posed to the institutional authority of the law by the newlearning of the Renaissance. It is the semiotics of legal architecturerather than its historical provenance which is central to my analysis. Iattempt to comprehend the effect of the influences outlined above on theform and content of the common law, the legal institution and theancient constitution.  相似文献   

This article explores sources of recruitment of judges and the influence of the social characteristics of judges on professional culture. Using the original survey and interview data from the Russian Federation, the authors identify and explain the changes in recruitment patterns that followed the judicial reform in the early 2000s. The authors look for profession-related differences between judges who had prior experience of work in the prosecutor's office and judges who were recruited from the court's non-judicial technical staff or from police investigation. Other key issues addressed are the bureaucratization and feminization of the judiciary. Using the survey designed to reveal professional values, norms and attitudes of judges, the authors highlight different professional subcultures constituted by certain combinations of social characteristics of judges.  相似文献   

杨磊 《河北法学》2011,29(11):177-183
反对"国家杀人"的废止死刑运动已成为国际趋势。历史上,俄罗斯死刑经历了从私刑向国家刑罚转化之后,死刑强弱同封建政治统治变化之间密切关联,其间不乏废止死刑的努力。苏联虽大力推动死刑废止,反而出现了特定时期的死刑滥用,死刑长期处于"明废而实有"的状态。加快国际化进程,尤其是加入欧盟的努力,为俄罗斯死刑废止注入了强大的推动力。但与此同时,国内社会矛盾多发,有组织犯罪严重,特别是面对极端纳粹组织———光头党的血腥行为,俄罗斯完全实现死刑废止,面临着国内民意以及各种政治势力间的极大挑战。  相似文献   

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