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Sparked by interest in game‐theoretic representations of the separation of powers, empirical work examining congressional overrides of Supreme Court statutory decisions has burgeoned in recent years. Much of this work has been hampered, however, by the relative rarity of such events; as has long been noted, congressional attention to the Court is limited, and most Court decisions represent the last word on statutory interpretation. With this fact foremost in our minds, we examine empirically a number of theories regarding such reversals. By adopting an approach that allows us to separate the factors that lead to the event itself (that is, the presence or absence of an override in a particular case) from those that influence the timing of the event, we find that case‐specific factors are an important influence in the incidence of overrides, whereas Congress‐ and Court‐specific political influences dominate the timing at which those overrides occur. By separating the incidence and timing of overrides, our study yields a more accurate and nuanced understanding of this aspect of the separation‐of‐powers system.  相似文献   

美国性骚扰纠纷解决机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国性骚扰纠纷解决机制由专门的单位内部纠纷解决机制、行政申诉程序制度和特殊的民事诉讼制度三个部分构成。单位内部性骚扰纠纷解决程序分为正式及非正式两种。行政申诉程序方面,设立了专门的纠纷解决机构,规定了’专门的程序,如“申诉案件优先处理程序”。在民事诉讼方面,从性骚扰案件的受理到证明责任分配、品格证据的运用等方面采取了特殊规则。同时,对诉前利用单位内部关于性骚扰纠纷解决机制是否为提起民事诉讼的必经程序也有明确的规定。三类纠纷解决方式的共同作用极大地促进了美国对性骚扰纠纷的妥当解决。  相似文献   

如何选择一种更快捷、更有效以及更便宜的方式来解决合同纠纷,是国际商事社会如今所面临的挑战。这并不是说要摒弃传统的诉讼和仲裁等争议解决机制,而是指需要用其他替代手段来补充这些机制。本文将以美国为例,对ADR方式作为仲裁或诉讼前置程序的阶梯式纠纷解决条款进行研究,以期提供给当事方最好的争议解决机制来满足维持其彼此间良好关系的特殊需要。  相似文献   

While Congress can attempt to overrule constitutional decisions of the Supreme Court by initiating the constitutional amendment process, an amendment is rarely a practicable option. Instead, Congress regularly tries to modify the impact of constitutional decisions with ordinary legislation. I analyze policy‐based responses to the Supreme Court's constitutional decisions that were initiated in Congress between 1995 and 2010. For each responsive proposal, I consider the relationship between the proposed legislation and the Court's legal holding and the relationship between the proposal and the public policy associated with the Court's decision. I find that Congress enjoys considerable success in reversing the policy impacts of the Court's decisions but is limited in its ability to overcome the Court's legal rules.  相似文献   

美国纠纷解决体制机制具有几个突出特点:机构设置较健全;行政机关是解决纠纷的重要渠道;调解是解决纠纷的主要方式;程序规范工作人员廉洁自律。我们应当借鉴美国经验,完善纠纷解决体制机制,健全我国的行政调解,加强行政程序制度建设,完善公务员、事业单位人事争议解决的法律规定、体制和机制。  相似文献   

U.S. CLS     
Schlag  Pierre 《Law and Critique》1999,10(3):199-210
This essay offers a brief account of the rise of cls thought in the United States and of its development within a largely hostile legal academy. As the essay suggests, cls thought has been variously deformed, arrested, normalized, and diffused – leaving the contemporary American legal academy in a state of suspended animation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Innovation is seen as a source of strength and vitality in the U.S. economy. Better measures of innovative activity—including but not limited to innovation alone—could improve what we know about the sources of productivity and economic growth. The U.S. Census Bureau collects data on some measures of innovative activity that research shows affect economic performance. But understanding how the effects work requires more than just measures of innovative activity. It also requires solid statistical information about core measures of the economy so we can rule out the possibility that a measure of innovative activity merely proxies for something omitted from or measured poorly in the core data. Gaps in core measures can be filled by better integrating existing data and by more structured collections of new data. Versions of this paper were presented at the NSF/SRS Workshop, Advancing Measures of Innovation: Knowledge Flows, Business Metrics, and Measurement Strategies, Arlington VA, June 6–7, 2006, and circulated to the Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. This paper is unofficial and thus has not undergone the review accorded to official Census Bureau publications. Lucia Foster, Ron Jarmin, Jeffrey Mayer, Thomas Mesenbourg, and Daniel Weinberg, and the editors made valuable comments. However, the views expressed in the paper are those of the author and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau.  相似文献   

Research Summary
Concern has been expressed that prisoner radicalization poses a high probability threat to the safety of the United States. Although the threat of terrorist acts planned in prison is known to be above zero because of a nearly executed terrorist plot hatched in a state prison, the central finding of this research is that the actual probability is modest. The reasons for a modest probability are fourfold: Order and stability in U.S. prisons were achieved during the buildup period, prison officials successfully implemented efforts to counter the "importation" of radicalism, correctional leadership infused antiradicalization into their agencies, and inmates' low levels of education decreased the appeals of terrorism.
Policy Implications
The prison environment permits a great deal of information to be collected on the activities and, more difficult to detect, planned activities of inmates after they are released. This environment requires the attentive observation of staff, collection of information from inmates, and efforts at different levels of a correctional agency to assemble, collate, and assess information; much of it is likely to be false and some will be vital.  相似文献   

石子坚 《检察风云》2012,(17):31-33
美国并无独立的检察系统,联邦以及地方法院都设有检察官办公室。联邦检察权由联邦总检察长即司法部长行使,即使其本人并不直接办理或监督具体案件。总检察长依靠被授权办案的分支机构和联邦检察官完成其法定职责。  相似文献   

叶莉娜 《时代法学》2013,11(2):94-103
随着经济全球化的深入发展,跨国纳税人的避税行为日益频繁,反避税立法成为国际税法和国内税法的共同任务。美国是世界上最早进行反避税立法的国家,其中,其受控外国公司立法,是世界上第一个CFC规则,已经成为其他国家相关立法的模板。由于越来越多的跨国纳税人利用递延纳税进行避税,CFC规则价值凸显,其在美国反避税法律体系中的地位也日趋重要,具体规则也日趋严厉。尽管美国CFC规则也面临一定的冲突和挑战,其反避税价值仍然值得我们深入研究。近年来我国也面临严峻的反避税任务,对美国反避税相关立法进行研究,对中国具有直接的现实意义。  相似文献   

An article by Joubert, Picon and McIntosh (1981) is found to contain several serious methodological flaws. A second analysis using a similar data set suggests that these methodological problems may have caused them to draw erroneous conclusions regarding the effects of social structural variables on prison admission and release rates.  相似文献   

科斯定理是从经济效益的角度来分配权利的,它的"拍卖式"法律价值取向贯穿于美国土地制度与财产制度的发展历程.在与科斯定理相关的"牛吃麦"案例上,美国初始选择了"圈出"规则,后又转向"圈入"规则,其规则的变动始终遵循着"经济效益最大化"原则;而英国自始至终选择了"圈入"规则,早期是为了维护公共财产利益,之后是为了维护私有财产利益,在这过程中,"权利保护原则"是其不变的宗旨.科斯定理纯粹从经济效益的角度来解释有着相同法治渊源与传统的英、美两国在"牛吃麦"案例上所适用规则的差异性,欠缺历史维度的法律分析.  相似文献   

This article examines the institution of the U.S. Circuit Judge Nominating Commission as a new actor in the recruitment process to the federal judiciary. The mandate and operation of the commission are examined and, through the utilization of mailed questionnaires, the research attempts to tap the decisional criteria employed by commission members. Criticisms of the commission and its operation are developed utilizing questionnaire responses as well as documents comprising the commission mandate. The implications of "merit" recruitment for both the district and appeals courts are examined.  相似文献   

林海 《检察风云》2013,(7):54-56
每年3月15日的消费者保护日,似乎始终是个不痛不痒的日子。而在美国,亦有着类似的保护消费者的纪念日。与官方色彩浓厚的"3·15"相比,这个史特拉奖(Stella Awards)年度纪念日似乎显得有些疯狂荒诞。然而其背后蕴藏着的消费者保护法理,亦值得人们深思。  相似文献   

作为拥有一定准司法权的特殊行政机关,美国检察机关所享之起诉裁量权职能明确、内容丰富.伴随检察职能的扩充与演化,美国检察机关在行使这一特色鲜明的行政裁量权时,其裁量权内涵不断得以延伸.近年来,针对起诉裁量权之滥用,美国各级立法、司法机关、检察机关及有关行业协会采取了若干举措加以规制及限制,旨在规范并降低起诉裁量权滥用所带来的负面效果.  相似文献   

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