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Minister of internal affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev has promised militiamen dismissed in connection with recertification that they will not be left destitute.  相似文献   

A Volgograd police investigator, who has been dismissed due to his failure to pass certification, sues police for reinstatement of his job.  相似文献   

Police chiefs in the Komi Republic report that some police officers have been recertified in their absence and that police reform resulted in the shortage of policemen on the ground.  相似文献   

R v G concerns the controversial offence of collecting or recording information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism. We comment on a number of deficiencies in that judgment and investigate the proper approach that ought to be taken to that offence under the Human Rights Act 1998.  相似文献   

The former head of the Chief Directorate of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast believes that little has changed in Nurgaliyev's ministry.  相似文献   

论民事诉讼当事人听审请求权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘敏 《法律科学》2008,26(6):105-112
听审请求权是当事人的一项程序基本权利,听审请求权保障是现代民事诉讼的一个重要的宪法理念。在民事诉讼中,保障当事人的听审请求权体现了对人的主体性和人格尊严的尊重;有助于实现程序公正和实体公正;使判决产生正当化的效果,增强人民对裁判的信赖度;为判决的既判力提供根据。听审请求权由陈述权、证明权、到场权、辩论权、意见受尊重权等内容组成。为保障当事人的听审请求权,我国应当着重做到:民事诉讼法上确立听审原则、加强法官的释明权、进一步公开法官的心证、完善当事人收集证据的保障机制、改进送达方式。  相似文献   

高志宏 《政法论丛》2022,(1):127-138
我国行政公益诉讼司法实践经历了地方探索、改革试点、全面法治三个阶段,法律体系初步建立,但在受案范围、起诉主体、诉前程序、举证责任等方面仍存在诸多缺漏.优化我国行政公益诉讼制度,应实现三个转向:立法模式实现从包容论向独立论的转变,诉讼类型实现从救济型诉讼向预防型诉讼的转变,规则构建实现从粗陋向细化的转变.通过制定《公益诉...  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of the economic, social and political crisis on the labour law regimes of two of the Member States of the EU most affected; Greece and Ireland. Both countries have been the recipients of ‘bail‐out’ deals, negotiated and monitored by what has become known as the ‘Troika’ of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The article considers the extent to which both countries have been required to make amendments to their labour law regimes as a condition of their bail‐outs. It argues that the changes demanded reflect the basic norm now governing the EU legal order, namely that of ‘competition’; the logic of market integration based on the primacy of economic competition. The article sets the reforms in Greece and Ireland within the broader context of the ‘social deficit’ problem of the EU construction.  相似文献   

韩世远 《法律科学》2004,22(6):100-108
《合同法》第64条非但未否定第三人的履行请求权,且其文义可以容纳该第三人权利;通过体系解释、法意解释、比较法解释,可以且应该肯定第三人履行请求权。仅依当事人的合意便可成立第三人权利,第三人表示受益意思只发生使该权利确定的效果。如第三人不欲享受利益,可表达拒绝的意思,使该权利自始消灭。债务人违约,债权人与第三人均可主张违约责任,因二者的主张是基于各自不同的债权,故二者所主张的责任内容会有所不同。  相似文献   

本文就一具体案例 ,分析论述了船舶留置权和船舶扣留权在概念上及行使权利时的区别。并对《海商法》2 5条提出了修改建议。  相似文献   

刑法中伪造信用卡犯罪中的伪造不仅包括仿制其物理外观的形式伪造,还应包括将权利人信息写入磁条介质、芯片等的内容伪造。作为伪造对象的信用卡应当是具有物理载体的实体卡片,事实上不存在对虚拟信用卡的伪造。以虚假身份骗领无对应实体卡的虚拟信用卡应视为妨害信用卡管理罪中的骗领信用卡行为;利用权利人既有实体卡信息,复制虚拟信用卡的行为系对他人信用卡信息资料的非法使用而非伪造。有关伪造信用卡犯罪刑法规定的立法原意并不包含伪造空白信用卡,伪造空白信用卡具有严重的社会危害性,理应将其纳入刑法规制范围,以保持与妨害信用卡管理罪刑法规定的协调。不能通过司法解释改变立法原意,现行刑法中伪造信用卡犯罪的伪造含义应有相应的调整。  相似文献   

The present study examines gender differences in bullying in high school. Unique contributions include comparisons of both victimization and perpetration rates across four subtypes of bullying: physical, verbal, relational, and cyber. Further, as we conceptualize bullying within the larger framework of literature on social rejection, we also address whether there are gender differences in experiencing social rejection–in the form of bullying–and responding with aggression, as opposed to asocial or prosocial behavior. The literature yields mixed findings across these three questions (i.e., gender differences in experiences with victimization and perpetration and responses to those experiences), suggesting sample variations (Archer Review of General Psychology, 8(4), 291–322, 2004; Archer & Coyne Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9, 212–230, 2005; Card, Stucky, Sawalani, & Little Child Development, 79, 1185–1229, 2008). Thus, we explored experiential differences in our sample, and hypothesized based on the tend and befriend model (Taylor et al., 2000) that girls would be more likely than boys to respond to bullying with prosocial behaviors. With regard to victimization and perpetration differences, we found that male students both experienced and perpetrated significantly more physical bullying. Boys were also significantly more likely to report experiencing verbal bullying than girls. No significant differences emerged for relational or cyber bullying. With regard to responses, social withdrawal was more common than aggressive responding, but consistent with the tend and befriend model, girls chose prosocial responses significantly more than boys, whereas boys were just as likely to choose antisocial responding as prosocial responding. These results suggest that gender should be considered in studies addressing the question of when experiences with rejection–in its many forms–results in antisocial versus prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

The authors consider possible ways to reform decision-making procedures for the hiring of personnel for state service.  相似文献   

使大学更像大学——现代大学与政府关系的一项重要原则   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大学教育作为传播和创造人类明的事业其精神和品格无疑是高贵且神圣的然而这种作为大学特征的高贵性和神圣性,在我们现实的大学中却显得淡薄且逐渐被疏远,而与此精神相悖的功利主义,庸俗风气则日见昌盛,这无疑显现了大学中存在着深重的精神危机,要使大学显现出自身就有的高贵性和神圣性,就就该让大学像个大学,而大学更像大学的基本途径,就是对大学与政府之间行政性隶属关系的解构和致力于大学地自主办学的新制度创造。  相似文献   

任凡 《法律科学》2010,(6):146-152
听审请求权被美国联邦最高法院视为正当程序的重要内容在司法实践中给予了大力保障。听审请求权是指当事人就民事诉讼中的事实、证据、法律等问题有要求国家尤其是它的法院给予充分陈述其意见、主张其权利的机会,使其能富有影响地参与法院解决争议的活动的权利。美国法院认为诉诸法院的权利是听审请求权的应有之义;受通知权和到场权是听审请求权的重要内容。  相似文献   

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