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自明代诗学将汉魏分论,到清人选诗有"汉音"、"魏响"之谈,至今影响甚巨.对"三曹"及邺下文人集团诗歌创作的定位,已经成为汉魏诗歌分期及其"自觉时代"确定的焦点.从理论上讲,诗歌自觉的标志,应以其作为语言艺术而独立之时为起点.据此而论:曹操的作品仍是诗歌语言与音乐旋律之美的综合体,属于汉代"歌诗"的范畴;曹丕与曹植的诗歌,则由于创作心态与观念的新变,逐渐表现出语言艺术与音乐艺术的分离,从而走上了诗歌自觉的道路.  相似文献   

从法理上讲,治理国家是要人治还是要法治,不能以人们主观意志为转移,而应该是以人治与法治在其由来发展中对国家管理的作用,人治与法治的实质含义,并结合掌权者的意志、利益和要求,以及国家建设管理实践来思考、鉴别和选择取舍。  相似文献   

何为民 《政法学刊》2005,22(1):33-34
关于"犯罪心理结构"之争,已经集中在"犯罪心理"或"犯罪人心理"这个焦点上反对"犯罪心理结构"音认为,犯罪心理实际上是不存在的,犯罪人心理在很多方面(甚至一切方面)同守法公民没有区别因此,犯罪心理学实际上是一门研究"犯罪人心理"的学科笔者认为,这是一种违反逻辑的、必将导致取消犯罪心理学的推论  相似文献   

“警察”,“公安”与“治安”概念辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张兆端 《政法学刊》2001,18(4):34-36
"警察"与"公安"是既有联系又有区别的两个概念."警察"概念,既可以作名词用,又可以作动词用,指国家或政府中负责社会治安行政管理和刑事执法职能的专门机构、人员力量及其职务行为或实践活动过程."公安"概念是一个状态名词,指"公共安全"或"公共安宁",表示社会秩序安宁的状态."公安"概念如果不加"人员"、"队伍"、"机关"、"工作"等主语词,就很难说是指"警察".从现代社会治安实践与理论发展的趋势和要求看,我们必须在广义和狭义两个层面上使用"治安"概念.我们在使用"警察"、"公安"与"治安"概念时,必须根据具体语言环境正确处理好科学规范与使用习惯的关系.  相似文献   

晚清“新法家”的“新法治主义”   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在晚清的特定时势与学术背景之下,出现了章太炎、梁启超、沈家本等"新法家",他们反对传统上对法家的不合理批评与抨击,大力为法家平反正名,称赞法家的历史功绩,用"法治"或"法治主义"来认知和解读法家思想,并在此基础上开出"新法治主义"。这一开新,具有重要的思想、学术意义。  相似文献   

The evaluation of injuries due to self-mutilation may be complicated by atypical lesions and fabricated histories of the causative events. Four cases are described where one of the most striking findings was the presence of "mirror-image" injuries and/or a "chessboard" pattern of intersecting parallel lines from self-inflicted incised wounds. Case 1: A 32-year-old man was dead in his burnt-out car, with symmetrical, "mirror-image", circular burns from the car cigarette lighter over his forehead, cheeks, ears, upper and lower arms, the dorsal and palmar aspects of the hands, the anterior chest wall including the nipples, the anterior abdomen, thighs, lower legs, and the back of his neck. The deceased had a history of psychotic depression and had died of burns and inhalation of products of combustion. Case 2: A 19-year-old woman who fabricated a history of assault demonstrated multiple, superficial, "mirror-image" injuries of her thighs and forearms. Case 3: A 32-year-old man who exsanguinated from cut wrists showed multiple, superficial, and "mirror-image" incised wounds of the wrists, with a "chessboard" pattern. Case 4: A 26-year-old man died after jumping from a building. He had multiple superficial, "mirror-image" incised wounds of his anterior chest and thighs, with a typical "chessboard" pattern. Given the difficulties that sometimes arise in determining whether injuries have been self-inflicted or not, the finding of symmetrical "mirror-image" injuries, and/or a "chessboard" pattern formed by 2 groups of regular, parallel, superficial incised wounds running at right angles to each other provides compelling evidence of self-mutilation, unless a plausible alternative explanation is available.  相似文献   

在实现快速发展、取得显著成果的同时,“新农保”在实施过程中也暴露出了一些问题,其中,个人缴费“捆绑制”引发了巨大争议。批评者认为,“捆绑制”系“新农保”制度设计的最大败笔,已成为制约其深入发展的“桎梏”。从实践来看,“捆绑制”虽存在一些问题,但绝非如批评者所言之“不堪”。立足农村现实情况,综合考量相关因素,目前还应坚持“捆绑制”,同时须在具体制度设计上加以完善。  相似文献   

吕志祥 《河北法学》2006,24(10):73-76
在近年的"两会"上,部分政协委员分析了"人民币"名称的缺陷并提出将"人民币"改称为"中元"的合理性.但他们多是从经济学的角度或只是感性地提出这一问题,从法律角度比较系统地探讨这一问题的还不多见.从民法、商法、经济法、法经济学、法人类学等视角审视了"人民币"改称"中元"的必要性和意义,并得出初步的结论.  相似文献   

古汉语中“命”这个字有命名、生命、命运三重含义,而中国古代哲学中的“命”的深刻含义也就隐藏在这三重含义及其相互关系之中。“命”是对个人生命存在的限定或规定,是个人与社会环境和生活世界的联合体,关注“命”的问题是庄子思想的重要方面,他主张“安其性命之情”,可以称之为“安命”哲学,其内容包括对语言之“命”的悬置,对生命之“命”的保养,对命运之“命”的安顺。  相似文献   

在马克思主义研究中,人们有着不同的解释学观念,“走进马克思”和“走近马克思”这两个口号,就反映了当前马克思主义研究中的两种不同的解释学观念,即“客观主义”和相对主义或主观主义的解释学观念。要使马克思主义研究健康发展,必须坚持客观性立场,反对主观主义的立场。在坚持客观性立场时,又必须反对绝对主义的立场,贯彻理解问题上的辩证法。从辩证的客观性立场来看,走进马克思和走近马克思的对立就消失了,走进马克思也就是走近马克思。  相似文献   

The charter of "Zharki"—the first experimental cooperative book publishing association in Siberia—has been registered with the Tsentral'nyi District Executive Committee in Novosibirsk. Our correspondent talked with V. Skal'nitskii, the chairman of its board.  相似文献   

在心理学的研究中存在着三种话语形态,即"我的"心理学,"你的"心理学,"我与你的"心理学.不同的话语形态蕴含了不同的研究模式,研究者与研究对象的关系是"我"、"你"的关系."我"、"你"长期各自为阵,成为两极.话语上的割裂最终导致了心理学的科学性与现实性的割裂.只有在"我与你"的话语形态中,通过对话,才能将心理学研究的科学性与现实性有机地统一起来.  相似文献   

杨诚 《行政与法》2005,(5):71-72,75
在实践中"公告"与"通告"常常被错用,而学界通常认为它们发文机关的级别不同,告知内容的特性不同、告知的范围也不同,事实上,"公告"与"通告"的主要区别还在于行文目的不同.  相似文献   

徐莉 《法学杂志》2012,33(1):165-169
有关WTO"公共道德例外"条款下"域外管辖"问题的争议由来已久,并伴随着域外管辖措施在实践中的广泛应用而益发激烈。对此,DSB欠缺有效的回应,依据《维也纳条约法公约》规定的解释方法亦无法获知准确答案,文末依据国际法上对于四大管辖权原则的具体设置推知:对于侵犯基本人权等有违公共道德的行为,各国方可行使域外管辖权。  相似文献   

The cannabinoid content of 13 different strains of cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.) was analyzed. Six strains fell into the "drug-type" class, with high Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) content, and seven strains into the "fiber-type" class, with low THCA using HPLC analysis. Genomic DNA sequence polymorphisms in the THCA synthase gene from each strain were studied. A single PCR fragment of the THCA synthase gene was detected from six strains of "drug-type" plants. We could also detect the fragment from seven strains of "fiber-type" plants, although no or very low content of THCA were detected in these samples. These were 1638 bp from all 13 strains and no intron among the sequences obtained. There were two variants of the THCA synthase gene in the "drug-type" and "fiber-type" cannabis plants, respectively. Thirty-seven major substitutions were detected in the alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences from these variants. Furthermore, we identified a specific PCR marker for the THCA synthase gene for the "drug-type" strains. This PCR marker was not detected in the "fiber-type" strains.  相似文献   

"人性化执法"三思   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
"人性化执法"这一提法不宜炒作,它反映了人们对执法与法治的一种误读.人性化实际上是法律自身原有之意,"人性化执法"的提法反映了长期以来执法过程中存在的瑕疵,而且这一提法有可能助长"人情化执法"的弊端.  相似文献   

Another specter is wandering the world—"antiglobalism." The sacred persecution of the specter has united liberals and fascists, adherents of worldwide globalization and diehard nationalists, anticommunists and orthodox Stalinists. When "antiglobalists" are mentioned, even reputable political scientists have no aversion to slander and misinformation. The ordinary person anticipates new "tricks" from the "antiglobalists" with fear, but also with curiosity.  相似文献   

蒋小兵  谭捷 《政法学刊》2001,18(6):79-80
保持身体健康,提高生活质量是现代社会人员关注的热门话题,开置体育保健与康复课程教育将有助于公安院校教育培养学生自我终身锻炼的良好习惯,并终身受益。  相似文献   

作为国家社科重点项目"经济全球化与中国法学"中核心部分的导论,在对"全球化"概念进行背景性阐发的基础上,确立全文的分析框架及参照依据,并概要性地说明相关理论问题的建构以及具体的论证步骤。通过阐明当下的"全球化"实为一种可争辩的过程,从而开放出全球化的话语斗争维度以及中国或中国法学参与并型塑全球化的可能性,进而主张应当从中国立场出发,以中国为思想根据、以"世界结构中的中国"为分析框架、根据中国自己的理想图景就当下全球化进程及其方向进行积极的反思和重构。  相似文献   

Changes in political or religious beliefs among POWs and hostages have often been attributed to "brainwashing" or "coercive persuasion." The cases reported have usually involved people held involuntarily. Since the publication of DSM-III, the authors have noted frequent usage of the term "atypical dissociative disorder" in civil lawsuits by plaintiffs seeking damages from groups or cults they joined voluntarily. The effects of "psychological captivity" are claimed to be comparable to the effects of involuntary participation in instances of kidnapping or being taken prisoner. The authors suggest that voluntary and involuntary activities are fundamentally dissimilar and that the use of DSM-III is problematic in these cases.  相似文献   

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