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The theoretical and political principles related to construction of the state and the further strenthening of socialist democracy elaborated in the Draft Party Program represent a new phase in the development of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine on the state and law.  相似文献   

韩伟 《北方法学》2017,11(3):131-137
发轫于战争特殊时代的陕甘宁边区民事法律,是边区法律制度的重要组成部分。民国六法全书、中共的政策、边区民事立法、民事习惯构成了边区民事法律的主要渊源。中共领导了边区民事立法,体现出民主立法、与时更进、因地制宜等特征,深入分析边区民事立法的基本经验,有助于推动当代中国民法典的编纂。  相似文献   

Having decisively liberated itself from the consequences of the personality cult, the Communist Party has been creatively developing Marxist-Leninist theory in the past few years. It has advanced a number of theoretical propositions of utmost importance, having vast historical significance and based upon a precise analysis of the development of contemporary social life. One of the most important findings of Marxist-Leninist scientific thought, which is today progressing headlong, is the discovery of the socialist state of the entire people. The historical credit for this discovery belongs to the collective intelligence of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and its 22nd Congress which, in the Program it adopted, revealed and defined the principal tendencies and major paths of development of the state as an organization of the entire people which, under given circumstances, survives until the complete triumph of communism. In so doing, the 22nd Congress of the Party laid firm foundations for the theory of the socialist state of the entire people. This marks a new stage in the development of the science of the socialist state. In this connection it is important to emphasize that the further development of this theory is tied directly to the activity of our Party. And at the present time, in full accord with the Party Program, the creative process of further development of the theory of the state of the entire people is in progress. Persons in all the social sciences should take the most active part in this process. For it is they who are faced with the major and particularly noble task of intensive development of research work in that field of knowledge which is called upon to establish the scientific basis for the guidance of social development.  相似文献   

The Program of the Party adopted by the 22nd Congress of the CPSU resolves the basic problems of the Marxist-Leninist concept of the socialist state in a new manner. Speaking at the Congress, N. S. Khrushchev stated that "of course, we do not believe that the problem of improving our political system has been completely solved. Everything that is necessary must be done to improve and develop the government of all the people, and to involve the masses of the people to an ever increasing degree in the administration of and supervision over government agencies" and "we are doing and will do everything to improve our socialist system and our democracy even further, as an example of the socialist way of life for all peoples." (1) In this connection, one of the questions that merits particular attention is that of constitutional law relationships in the USSR.  相似文献   

The Communist Party and the Soviet government have always given great attention to the writing and implementation of constitutional legislation. Each Soviet Constitution has written into law a new and higher stage of social development and reflects changes of the greatest importance in society and state. The history of the development of our state totally confirms this.  相似文献   

矿产资源立法的私权化进路分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石江水 《河北法学》2012,(3):106-113
整体看来,我国的矿产资源法体系是一个包括行政法、民法和刑法规范的复合体,透射出的主要是公法色彩,无法满足市场经济条件下社会经济对矿产资源开发利用的要求。为此,矿产资源立法中的私权化和矿权的市场化进路不失为求解之道。如果能走得更远,则制定系统的《矿权法》亦未尝不可。  相似文献   

我国民法典的制定历时60余载,期间几经起落沉浮,可以说是我国社会主义法治建设历程的“标本”。随着民法典的定型,我国社会主义市场经济体系将进入国家治理的法典化时代。与此同时,与民事立法齐头并进的经济法也面临着对既有单行法体系化整合的任务,以解决“经济法是个筐,什么法都能装”的窘境。从经济体制改革以来民法与经济法立法的演进轨迹看,民法的法典化之所以相对容易,是因为民法具有明显的法律移植属性,并存在可资借鉴的大陆法系成文民法典,而经济法的法典化纯粹是首创,其难度可想而知。民法典之后,与社会主义市场经济密切相关的其他重要法律部门的法典化,是完善中国特色社会主义法治体系的必由之路。对经济法而言,如果短时间内难以成典,则可以采用逐步推进的方法,首要任务是从理论上完善经济法的体系结构,增强经济法体系结构的科学化、体系化和逻辑自洽性,使经济法立法与民事立法等相互衔接、相互协调,进一步完善我国的法治体系。  相似文献   

我国《宪法》和《立法法》对全国人民代表大会制定“基本法律”和全国人大常委会制定“法律”均作了规定,但都没有明确界定两者的范围与界线,致使两者的立法权限和关系模糊,位阶不明确,这与法制统一原则相悖。本文通过对全国人大和全国人大常委会立法权的来源、性质、范围的分析和梳理,指出两者的立法权在性质和效力上的区别,由此说明“基本法律”与“法律”在性质、内容范围及其效力等级上是不同的,并指出《立法法》将两者混为一体所产生的影响是消极的。  相似文献   

我国行政组织立法模式来源于苏维埃行政法实践,其属于社会主义法系模式,既不同于大陆法系模式,更不同于英美法系模式。这种立法模式的基本特点在于以国家管理机关为中心安排法律结构和法律位阶等级体系的模糊性。在当代中国,我国行政组织立法模式应该进一步完善。首先,以组织法律来构建我国行政组织法律体系是必要的。其次,以宪法为指导,确立行政组织法律主义这一组织法治原则。再次,在既有法律基础上构建我国行政组织立法模式。最后,重视行政组织法与行政管理法或行政作用法的密切联系。  相似文献   

民法法典化与习惯缺失之忧   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
立法的激情正在催生这中国的民法典 ,然而 ,习惯也正被漠视乃至排斥。对于民事立法来说 ,习惯是社会自生自发秩序的存在形式 ,是社会变革的主要路径 ,是立法得以贯彻实施的条件。习惯的缺失意味着国家通过立法剥夺了社会的抗干预能力 ,削弱了法律的创新能力和校正机制。  相似文献   

The Draft Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union outlines brilliant prospects for the development of all aspects of life in Soviet society during the coming 20 years, a development that will ultimately lead to the establishment of a communist society. The Draft Program emphasizes that under the conditions of socialism and the construction of a communist society, spontaneous economic development has yielded to the conscious organization of production and the life of society as a whole. As applied to law this means a substantial broadening of the prospects for the use of legal norms in facilitating the creation of the material and technical base of communism and the new social relations of communism, as well as for rearing the entire working population in the spirit of the lofty demands made upon members of a communist society.  相似文献   

知识产权法典化论证质评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李雨峰 《现代法学》2005,27(6):150-155
在中国知识产权的立法进程中,存在“特别立法”、“单独法典”和“作为民法典的一篇”三种模式,它们基本上沿袭了世界上既有的知识产权三种立法模式。在理论界,多数学者指出,知识产权的法典化是历史发展的必然趋势。在方法论上他们多数采用的是比较、逻辑的进路;在知识资源上多数依赖的是比较法和历史史实的支撑。法典化论者有关制定知识产权法典的论证是不充分的。在中国语境下,与“特别立法”模式相比,“法典化”具有一种比较优势;但它不具有现实性。比较说来,中国当前应当制定一部《知识产权法通则》。  相似文献   

袁曙宏 《法学论坛》2004,19(5):5-10
邓小平法治理论是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,其内容十分丰富 ,涉及到我国法制建设的各个方面 ,但其核心精神十分明确 ,即 :完善法律制度是根本。这一极其重要的结论 ,是邓小平同志在对我们党和国家法制建设的经验教训进行深刻反思的基础上得出的。在我国全面进行经济、政治、行政体制改革的背景下 ,邓小平同志对加强行政法制建设、保证政府严格依法行政作出了一系列重要论述 ,主要包括 :一要加强行政组织立法 ,二要严格依法行政 ,三要加强对行政权力的监督和制约。依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家是一个长期而复杂的历史进程 ,是社会主义制度的伟大创新 ,在这一创新过程中 ,当务之急就是要以邓小平法治理论为指导 ,努力探索适合我国国情的法治道路 ,正确处理依法治国向纵深推进过程中面临的一些重大关系  相似文献   

物尽其用与物权法的立法目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物尽其用作为现代物权法的立法目标之一日益得到肯定和重视。以物尽其用的立法目标观察我国当下的物权立法,可知物权法草案在立法原则、具体制度和规则等方面仍然存在一定的偏差。为充分实现物权法的作用,物权法草案必须全面体现物尽其用。  相似文献   

The legislation on the notary service is closely associated with civil legislation. The notarial agencies apply the provisions of civil law in performing, on behalf of the state, the service of monitoring the legality of transactions made under civil law. It is therefore natural that the important changes that have been made in the civil legislation must result in changes in the legislation on the notary service. It is generally recognized that these changes should take the form of the adoption of a new regulation on the state notary service of the RSFSR — a basic act to regulate the organization and procedures of the notarial agencies of the Russian Federation. The need to adopt a new regulation on the government notary service derives particularly from the changes introduced into the legislation of the RSFSR as a consequence of the elimination of the Ministry of Justice.  相似文献   

Clarity is very important in legislative drafting to allow the drafter to eliminate ambiguity and vagueness in the law, which may affect the rights of citizens. Ambiguity occurs when in the law words can be interpreted in more than one way and vagueness occurs when there is doubt to where the words’ boundaries are or when the word has an open textured meaning. It is difficult to attain clarity due to the fact that in legislation ambiguity and vagueness may be caused by insufficient drafting instructions, and it is incumbent on the drafter to seek further clarifications. In pursuing clarity, some tools are needed such as the use of plain language which makes legislation clear and understandable for a lay person, gender-neutral language and the proper structuring or layout of the legislative intent to enhance clarity.  相似文献   

我国地方行政立法监督问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在我国的立法实践中,行政立法的数量大大超过了人大立法,所涉及的内容多与公民权益和社会生活息息相关.但地方政府在立法的过程中,极易出现"地方保护主义",使得地方行政立法的权力不断膨胀,破坏了法律体系的统一和有序,为了避免这种现象的发生,对地方行政立法的监督很有必要.本文分析了我国地方行政立法监督的现状和存在的问题,并就完善我国的地方行政立法监督提出一些建议.  相似文献   

刘武俊 《中国法律》2008,(6):30-31,94-97
2008年,是中国法治进程稳步推进和稳健发展的一年,也是法治亮点频频闪现的一年。2008年的立法景观依然多姿多彩,科学立法、民主立法继续推进,公民对立法工作的有序参与进一步扩大,已出台的十一届全国人大常委会立法规划值得人们期待。此外,实施不久的《政府信息公开条例》、全面开展的监狱体制改革,以及此起彼伏的问责风暴等都是值得我们关注的法治亮点。  相似文献   

蔡从燕 《现代法学》2004,26(4):182-189
中国加入WTO旨在积极参与、有效利用多边贸易体制,分享国际贸易增长与世界经济发展的成果。本文从全球治理与公共行政视角出发,认为有必要从法律内容、法律功能、法律价值及法律实现等方面实现我国外贸管理法的范式转换。法律内容方面,实现以实体规则为导向到以程序规则为导向的转换;法律功能方面,实现防御型立法到防御型与进取型立法相结合的转换;法律价值方面,实现“公共利益为导向”到“以私人利益为导向”与“公共利益为导向”相结合的转换;法律实现方面,实现从“政府主导型”模式到“政府主导型”与“私人驱动型”相结合的转换。  相似文献   

略论中国内地的知识产权刑法保护   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
谢望原  张雅 《现代法学》2003,25(5):56-63
知识产权对世界各国发展具有重要意义,对其进行刑法保护乃国际趋势。在中国内地,对知识产权进行刑法保护是由刑法的保障法功能、刑法追求的公正价值以及WTO的游戏规则决定的。中国知识产权的刑事立法取得了令人瞩目的成果。中国内地刑事法律规定了知识产权个罪的犯罪构成,规定了罚金刑和自由刑结合的刑罚手段及公诉与自诉结合的起诉方式。尽管知识产权刑法保护取得了长足进步,但立法方面尚有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

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