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According to the decisions of the November (1982) and June (1983) Plenums of the CPSU Central Committee, the police [militsiia] and other law-enforcement agencies are to mobilize all their forces in order to strengthen public order, to guarantee the comfort and personal safety of citizens, to display a high measure of proficiency and efficiency in their work, and to adhere strictly to Soviet legislation. "The normal course of our society's development," Iu. V. Andropov emphasized, "is inconceivable without the strictest observance of the laws that protect the interests of society and the rights of citizens."1  相似文献   

欧树军 《法学家》2012,(4):1-13,176
国家认证的西方经验表明,认证是权利的另一种成本,是建构良好的法治和治理秩序的必要条件,是一项政府应该提供的公共物品。国家认证的公共性,体现在它几乎是所有国家制度的前提,因此堪称国家治理体系的"基础的基础"。在建设法治国家、税收国家、福利国家和监管国家的过程中,现代国家需要不断增强其认证能力,让多数人进入认证体系,从而加快国家基本制度建设的进程,提升法律与政策的有效性,最大限度地降低国家沟通国民的中间成本,逐步实现关注绝大多数人的期望并为绝大多数人服务的良治状态。认证这种"治理术"在发达国家的制度化和例行化,应当为追求民主法治的人们所正视。  相似文献   

In this paper the author focuses on Australian land management and in particular on the environmental management issues that could have been prompted by the High Court recognition in 1996 (in Wik Peoples v. The State of Queensland ) that native title to land and pastoral leaseholdings can co-exist. Drawing on themes of self-determination and co-existence, the paper looks at more specific topics such as aboriginal title to land—what has been called land rights or native title in Australia—and some implications of that for land, sea and resource management. Central to this analysis are competing theories of Aboriginal land management and links between Aboriginal traditional knowledge and conservation of species. These are illustrated through the marine mammal, the dugong. The Australian debates lead to the Canadian debates and then to Scandinavia and the role of the Sami people in protection and management of the Arctic region. Issues of indigenous self determination inevitably provide an overall theme to these discussions. As a matter of global concern, the paper asks, but does not decide, whether indigenous peoples may manage fragile eco-systems more effectively than outsiders. It maintains that what is important in this context is a broader question. This concerns how culturally inclusive land and resource management can emerge from recognition of indigenous land and human rights and how comparative developments can provide crucial cross-jurisdictional information for future developments and opportunities in the interests of environmental conservation.  相似文献   

文化参与、文化分享与文化创新成果利益保护,是国际公约和我国宪法保护的应然文化权利.在文化权利从应然权利到实然权利的保障机制中,著作权法通过调整文化创新成果的创作、传播与利用关系,不仅使文化成果收益权经由著作权保护而得到切实保障,而且通过著作权保护条件、范围等制度设计,为公众文化参与、文化分享权利提供资源保障与行为指引,从而使宪法上应然的文化权利得到具体的部门法保障.著作权法对文化权利的保障机制主要体现在以下方面:其激励作品创作与传播的功能、机制,为个人文化参与和文化分享权利的实现提供内容保障;其作品市场化传播的利益实现机制,为公众文化知识的接触、分享和利用提供现实可能;其合理使用等著作权限制制度,为公众可以自由利用的文化空间提供保障;著作权法对作者和其他著作权人就其作品著作权充分而有效的保护,是公众文化收益权的直接保障机制,是著作权法促进文化权利实现的关键.  相似文献   

真正物权化的权利不仅要求在静态上可以实现自主支配、排除他人干涉,而且还要求在动态上必须具备自由流转的特性,以实现最大化利用。但我国的农民土地权利因强调身份限制而无法自由流转。虽然《物权法》避重就轻,对农民土地权利仅在体系上进行了整理,具体制度上没有突破,但却为以后的发展预留了通道。农村低保制度的建立,为解决农地上的生产和保障之河的矛盾带来了契机,许可农民土地权利自由流转的时机已经成熟。  相似文献   

财产权对人格权的积极索取与主动避让   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
财产权与人格权的关系历来是充满争议和左右徘徊的问题。传统理论认为人格权是内在于人且具有绝对的不可侵犯性,在与财产权冲突时优先。但并非所有人格要素都是内在于人,物质性人格权,尤其是身体权和生命权具有绝对优先性,财产权面临生命和身体冲突须主动作出自我牺牲性避让,甚至是以作为方式提供救助,而一些非物质性人格利益并不具有内在性和绝对不可侵性,财产权则可以对其实施积极索取,但在一定临界点,也必须立即停止积极索取行为,只是这种避让无须作出自我牺牲,无须作为。  相似文献   

论环境权的人权属性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于环境权的属性问题一直是法学界争论的一个焦点 ,可谓众说纷纭 ,莫衷一是。从权利本原的角度入手 ,阐述目前我国研究权利特别是环境权的范式存在的误区 ,提出应从唯物主义的立场揭示环境权的自然权利属性。同时 ,对人权的历史发展中概念、性质、主体和内容的变化进行剖析 ,推断出环境权符合人权的构成要件 ,在精神实质与价值内涵上与人权存在固有的联系 ,是一项人类社会生存与发展不可或缺的基本人权。  相似文献   

关于被告人权利的最低限度保证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵建文 《法学研究》2006,28(2):145-160
《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第14条第3款确立了国际社会关于被告人权利最低限度保证的公认标准,人权事务委员会关于该款的一般性意见、结论性意见和处理有关个人来文案件的决议,以及缔约国有关该款的保留和解释性声明,进一步明确了这些标准的具体内容。被告人权利的最低限度保证至少应当包括被告知指控、有相当时间和便利准备辩护、受审时间无不合理迟延、出庭自我辩护和由其选择的辩护人进行辩护、传唤和询问证人、必要时免费获得译员帮助和不被强迫自我归罪的权利。防止及惩治恐怖主义及其他任何严重罪行的需要,均不构成剥夺被告人权利最低限度保证的合法理由。  相似文献   

How does law change society? To gain new leverage on this long‐standing question, this article draws on two lines of research that often ignore each other: political science research on the mobilization of law, and sociological research on the diffusion of organizational practices. Our insights stem from six case studies of diverse organizations' responses to the accommodation provisions in the Americans with Disabilities Act and related state laws. We found that different modes of exposure to the law combined with organizational attributes to produce distinct “rights practices”—styles of standard operating procedures and informal routines that reflect the understanding of legal requirements within an organization. The diversity of the organizational responses challenges simple dichotomies between compliance/noncompliance, change through deterrence/change through norms, and mobilization/nonmobilization, and it underscores the importance of combining political science and sociological perspectives on law and social change.  相似文献   

贺鉴 《河北法学》2005,23(6):84-85
尽管目前已存在为数不少的国际人权公约,国际社会成员也越来越多地加入这些公约,但全球范围内国际人权保护的效果并不明显。相比而言,区域性人权保护制度更具可行性。区域性人权保护制度在人权保护中取得了显著成绩,对全球性国际人权保护有重大启迪作用。  相似文献   

This paper argues that, although originally conceived as part of the ‘civil rights’ agenda, the development of disability rights in Britain by the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) is better seen as a movement towards the realization of social, economic, and cultural rights, and so as reaffirmation of the indissolubility of human rights in the round. As such, that process of development represents a concrete exercise in the implementation of social rights by a statutory equality body and a significant step towards the conception of disability rights as universal participation, not just individual or minority group entitlement. The paper considers the distinctive features of that regulatory activity. It asks what sort of equality the DRC set out to achieve for disabled people and where, as a result, its work positioned it on the regulatory spectrum. From the particular experience of the DRC, the paper looks forward to considerations of general relevance to other such bodies, including the new Equality and Human Rights Commission.  相似文献   

The question of the subject of Soviet criminology remains in dispute to this day. The authors of the present article, who initially considered criminology a component of criminal law, (1) have now arrived at a different conclusion. Reviews of the textbook Soviet Criminology [Sovetskaia kriminologiia] noted, as one of its shortcomings, a vague solution of the question of the subject of this science. (2) Considering this, as well as the fact that the subject of a science is among the most important questions, we have decided to offer certain of our thoughts on this subject.  相似文献   

Boris, don't get upset if I address you, the sovereign, in such a familiar way. I have my reasons. After all, as regards our ages, you could be my son. I lived in the West, more specifically in England, for almost ninety-two years. Of course, this was long ago, in the seventeenth century. But the period was—let me put it to you bluntly—very satisfying and very instructive, especially for sovereigns. Marxist historians call it the period of the English bourgeois revolution of the seventeenth century, claiming to see in these horrendous events the progressive course of universal history, which it is the task of all other nations and states to emulate. In addition, through the medium of those old events, belonging in spirit to the benighted Middle Ages, a new, progressive page of universal history would be begun. Don't believe them, Boris. Before you, you have an eyewitness and living testimony to the events of that period, one who discerned in them "merely injustice and madness of every sort and how they were brought about by their causes—hypocrisy and conceit, the first of which is a double injustice, and the second a double madness."  相似文献   

哈贝马斯 (J櫣rgenHabermas) ,192 9年出生于德国杜塞尔多夫 ,现今 71岁。哲学家社会学家 ,德国的哲学流派之一———当代西方马克思主义重要流派———法兰克福学派 (阿多尔诺-霍克海默尔学派 ,Adorno -Horkheimer)的第二代掌门人。曾先后执教于海德堡、斯达恩贝格 ,最后作为霍克海默尔的继任人执教于法兰克福大学 ,1994年退休。哈贝马斯是享有世界声誉的德国哲学家。其主要或流传较广的著述有 :《公开性的结构转折》(Strukturwandelder ffentlichkeit ,1962 )、《知识和利益》(ErkenntnisundInteresse ,1968)及《交往行为理论》(TheoriedeskommunikativenHandelns ,1981)等。在其著述中 ,哈贝马斯阐发了一种以理性发展为基础的民主的社会理论。他强调法权和宪法以及政治公开的不可放弃性。在近来国内外诸多的学术报告中 ,他鼓吹一个共同的欧洲宪法和一种欧洲范围的经济和社会政策协调。最近 ,德国出版界决定将授予哈贝马斯和平奖 ,这项数额仅 2 .5万马克的奖项是德国读书界最高的荣誉 ,自 1950年设立。哈氏将是这个奖项的第 52个得主。授奖的理由是 :哈贝马斯以其社会理论发展了批判启蒙的传统 ,并进一步宣扬了自由和公正价值及其作为构建民主共同体不可或缺基础的意义。根据传统 ,该项?  相似文献   

This case study is based upon extensive interviews with a Fortune 500 company's new-products manager for Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. It focuses upon the American manager's attempt to establish an agreement to transfer a revolutionary technology out of the Soviet Union. This effort takes place as the Soviet Union is dissolving, adding complexity and uncertainty to an already extraordinarily challenging task. While ultimately unsuccessful, the case provides insight into the importance of risk-taking and the learning that results from failed experiments.He has received numerous teaching awards and has published articles in several academic and professional journals.  相似文献   

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