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罗发兴 《法治研究》2010,48(12):93-99
《民事诉讼法》引入了案外人异议之诉,但是过于简单的规定导致实践中遇到与案外人异议之诉有关问题时.找不到可适用的条文。在前置审查程序设计上存在缺陷,需要完善。案外人异议之诉与确认之诉之间既判力的相互影响.是异议之诉实践操作中的难点.本文根据执行措施与确权之诉的先后之别逐一加以厘清。此外,本文对案外人异议之诉要件中的起诉时间、当事人、诉讼请求以及审查顺序等进行论述.为实践操作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Every major legal phenomenon, and certainly one like the adoption of a systematized legal act such as the new Model Charter of the Agricultural Artel, is called upon to regulate an entire field of social relationships, and must have specific theoretical foundations and rest upon principles worked out by science. Lacking this necessary condition, legal acts may fail to attain the goal set for them.  相似文献   

The Party Program adopted by the 22nd CPSU Congress, representing a creative advance of Marxism-Leninism, has defined scientifically the perspectives and courses to be followed to achieve a further sharp rise in agriculture as a prerequisite for the building of a communist society in our country. The CPSU Program points out: "The further advance of the village toward communism will follow the course of development and improvement of both forms of socialist enterprise — collective and state farms." They are both becoming transformed into highly productive and highly profitable forms of enterprise. The economic basis for their development is the continuous growth of the productive forces and improvement in their utilization, improved organization of production and methods of management, a steady rise in labor productivity, and rigorous adherence to the principle that good work and superior results lead to higher pay. On this basis, the collective and state farms will increasingly become enterprises of a communist type in their production relations, the character of the work involved, the living and cultural standards of their personnel. As the building of communism progresses, and as production is improved and increased in volume, "the collective farms will," says the CPSU Program, "come to be agricultural enterprises under general public ownership, by virtue of their economic condition."  相似文献   

In every science there appears, at some stage in its development, a particular complex of problems demanding immediate solution. In Soviet jurisprudence it is primarily the legal problems of administration of the economy that fall into this category.  相似文献   

尽管缺乏历史传统和深厚的理论积淀,但在与破产法立法的良性互动中,通过汲取发达国家的破产法理论的有机养分,中国破产法理论研究仍得以快速发展。目前,中国破产法理论研究已形成了相当的规模,并取得了突出的成效,但也存在"浮萍化"、"集合式"的不足。未来中国破产法理论研究应当以建立成熟的开放式的破产法学科体系为终极目标,在最近的几年内则应着力解决破产法实施中的突出问题。  相似文献   

邓向国  王勇 《政法学刊》2006,23(2):108-112
警察战术理论源于军事战术理论,发展于警察司法实践活动,是关于警察执法战斗指导规律的理论。研究警察战术理论应当从研究警察执法战斗活动开始,研究警察执法战斗活动的特点、本质、基本类型、样式、发展趋势以及与警察执法战斗有关的指导规律和实践中主要问题,不但要着眼于应用,还应着眼于发展,着眼于未来,使警察战术理论向更具长远指导意义和应用效果的方向发展。  相似文献   

In April 1964, the USSR Council of Ministers gave its approval to the new Charter of the Soviet Railroads, which went into effect on October 1, 1964. (1) This Charter replaces that of 1954, the shortcomings of which were among the basic factors necessitating a new codification of the norms regulating the operation of railway transport. Many of the provisions of the 1954 Charter gave the railroads privileged status over other branches of the economy and created a number of utterly unjustified benefits and advantages, thereby undermining the principle of cost accounting in the relationships between railway transport and its clientele.  相似文献   

The truly socialist solution of the nationality question in our country — the abolition of all forms of inequality of nations and the establishment of friendship and fraternal cooperation among peoples — is of worldwide historical importance. The scale and significance of this question are testified to if only by the fact that today there are about 160 states in the world and more than 2,000 nations, nationalities, and ethnic groups. Some linguists hold that the peoples of the earth express themselves in over 7,000 different languages (this probably includes dialects). In any case, it is quite obvious that most — one might say the overwhelming majority of — nations, peoples, and ethnic groups live in multinational states. On this basis alone, the nationality question occupies a very important place in the life of society.  相似文献   

岳向阳 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):33-36
经济法是规制国家在市场自发调节和政府直接调节之外对经济进行均衡干预的法律规范的总称;经济法律关系具有明显创设性和综合性,国家机构(主要指政府)应是其主要的义务主体,社团、经济组织和公民是其主要的权利主体;经济法律关系的客体主要表现为社会整体利益;经济法的基本原则应当包括均衡干预、整体优先、有序竞争和可持续发展原则。  相似文献   

论WTO体系下农业补贴的特殊安排及未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与WTO《补贴协定》及GATT1994相比,在总体规范方法、概念、规则结构、救济等方面,《农业协定》采取了一套独特的规制方式,但在WTO农业补贴争端中,《补贴协定》、GATT1994与《农业协定》常被共同适用于农业补贴。此举强化了对农业补贴的规制,但农业补贴是否,以及在多大程度上继续享有特殊地位和待遇,最终应由成员谈判确定。在未来一段时期内,特殊的农业补贴规则将继续存在,我国在参与WTO农业谈判、诉讼,调整国内农业政策时,应给予充分重视。  相似文献   

The Soviet Constitution is the fundamental law stipulating the socio-economic and political system, defining the principles of organization and functioning of the state agencies, the legal position of social organizations and the legal status of citizens (their fundamental rights and duties), and proclaiming the basic tasks of the people and the trends in the development of society and the state. In other words, it reflects a half century of experience in building the society and state, the historical triumphs of the people in various areas of economic, political and cultural life, and it indicates the direction of further development.  相似文献   

未来民法典的内容和结构模式在根本上取决于民法的调整对象。民法的调整对象不仅包括平等主体之间的基本私关系,而且也包括不平等主体之间的基本私关系。确定民法典的内容时,应当从民法的基本私法属性出发,并遵循逻辑周延的要求,对民法调整对象进行划分归类,从而做到“基而全”。在民法典的结构模式问题上,“现实模式”优于“理想模式”,但相关问题有待澄清;人格权法应当位于分则各编之首,社员权法应当单独成编并位于亲属法之前。  相似文献   

当代国际分工具有两重性,由此决定的经济全球化进程也具有两面性,我们应该辨证地看待经济全球化的趋势,正视经济全球化两方面的作用,找准自己在世界分工中的位置,一方面,我们在顺应经济全球化的浪潮,进一步加大经济开放的力度,发挥自己的比较优势,积极主动地融入国际分工体系;另一方面,我们也应清醒地看到,发达国家和发展中国家从全球化中获得的经济利益是不平等的,不合理的国际经济秩序往往使一些发展中国家成为经济全球化的受害。我国作为发展中的大国,要做到在参与经济全球化时趋利避害,必须采取正确的开放战略,正确处理保护和开放的关系。  相似文献   

黄瑶 《法学研究》2003,(2):135-146
联合国宪章中没有任何关于宪章解释的主体及效力的条款 ,这为宪章的解释权留下了不确定因素。基于国际法关于条约解释的理论和多年来联合国各机构及会员国对宪章的解释实践 ,现实中已经形成这样一种状况即 :会员国对宪章规定的解释若能达成一致意见 ,这种意见就构成权威解释 ;联合国各机构对宪章的解释只有获得普遍接受 ,方可成为对宪章有关条款的有拘束力的解释。此外 ,国际法院在宪章解释中的地位正在呈上升趋势 ,其解释日益受到国际社会的重视  相似文献   

The Citizens' Convention on Climate (CCC) gathered 150 people, randomly selected but representing the diversity of French society. Its mandate was to formulate a series of concrete measures aimed to achieve at least a 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990) while preserving social justice. The citizens auditioned experts on various topics from climate to economics and then formulated their own proposals, thus building an effective consensus, beyond individual specific interests. Moreover, proposals formed a coherent whole, and in this regard fare much better than previous attempts to tackle environmental and climate transition through public debates. This methodology shows how citizen science can produce efficient and quality outcomes. This opens new perspectives for democracy on the basis of new interaction channels between law‐makers, professional experts and citizens. This seems to be the approach chosen for the Conference on the Future of Europe as well. Gathering citizens from all EU countries to work on important topics for Europe and Europeans could be a way to build a common vision, and contribute to the creation of a true European common good. Citizens' direct involvement in science and democracy might be one of the keys to meaningfully and thus successfully address their shortcomings.  相似文献   

iTunes网上音乐商店是作为非法文件共享服务的替代出现的.iTunes网上音乐商店充分结合合同和技术保护措施(FairPlay技术)而运作,是一种不同于传统版权保护的新版权实施模式.iTunes网上音乐商店既有优势,也有缺陷,对未来版权模式的建构提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

吕点点 《法学杂志》2020,(5):131-140
国际能源投资中的征收风险是最大的风险之一,特许权在能源投资中所处地位异常重要。对比其他条约下能源特许权征收实践可以发现,《能源宪章条约》征收规则在合法性的判断上与其他条约大体相同,都采用了公共利益目的、非歧视性措施、正当法律程序、补偿措施作为认定标准。但《能源宪章条约》对直接征收与间接征收的区分是模糊的,对特许权撤销行为的认定标准是缺失的。我国作为《能源宪章条约》的观察国,应该签署加入条约并参与修订,以便更好地保护我国国际能源双向投资中的权益。  相似文献   

法人人格权的基本理论问题探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
薛军 《法律科学》2004,22(1):50-55
法人可以享有某些种类的人格权 ,在现代已经得到理论和立法实践的确认。在民法典中不宜从这一角度对法人权利能力施加一般性的积极限制。承认法人可以享有人格权具有立法政策判断上的妥当性 ,对保护自然人的人格具有工具性的价值。法人享有人格权属于立法上的技术性的手段 ,能够保护组成法人的自然人以团体的形态而表现出的人格性的利益。在中国民法典中 ,对法人是否可以享有人格权问题可以作出原则上的认可 ,但允许判例和学说来具体确认法人可以享有何种类型的人格权。  相似文献   

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