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The Draft Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union outlines brilliant prospects for the development of all aspects of life in Soviet society during the coming 20 years, a development that will ultimately lead to the establishment of a communist society. The Draft Program emphasizes that under the conditions of socialism and the construction of a communist society, spontaneous economic development has yielded to the conscious organization of production and the life of society as a whole. As applied to law this means a substantial broadening of the prospects for the use of legal norms in facilitating the creation of the material and technical base of communism and the new social relations of communism, as well as for rearing the entire working population in the spirit of the lofty demands made upon members of a communist society.  相似文献   

The 22nd Congress of the CPSU adopted a new Program for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and set forth in it a concrete plan for the building of a communist society in the USSR. The CPSU Program envisages as the chief economic task of the next twenty years the establishment of the material and technical base for communism. Effectuation of this vast undertaking also presupposes a further "improvement of the legal norms regulating functions of economic organization, culture and education, and promoting the solution of the tasks of the building of communism and the allround flourishing of the personality." (1)  相似文献   

The June Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee posed the question of further intensification of ideological and educational activity, elevation of the educational and cultural level of the people, and struggle against bourgeois ideology. The primary aspects of all our ideological work at present are the training of all working people in the spirit of lofty ideals, devotion to communism, and a communist attitude toward labor and the public economy, the complete overcoming of vestiges of bourgeois attitudes and morality, the rounded and harmonious development of the personality, and the creation of a rich intellectual and moral culture.  相似文献   

The 22nd Congress of the CPSU called upon all personnel in the ideological field to increase their activity in the communist education of the working people of Soviet society, and in shaping their scientific world outlook on the basis of Marxism-Leninism. In the new Party Program adopted by the Congress we read: "The Party poses the objective of educating the entire population in the spirit of scientific communism so as to give the working people a thorough understanding of the course and prospects of world development, enabling them to analyze correctly events within the country and on a world scale, and to build their lives consciously on a communist pattern." (1)  相似文献   

The resolution of the June (1963) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee emphasized the importance of training highly qualified personnel for the economy, science and culture, of shaping a Marxist-Leninist world view and communist consciousness in such persons, and of developing lofty qualities of citizenship. The progress that will be made by higher education, and especially the quality of the training it provides, will depend to a considerable degree upon the school faculties. It is precisely the teachers of the higher schools who are called upon, in their daily work, to equip the youth with scientific knowledge and scientific methods of research, to rouse in them a love and passion for constant self-improvement in their fields, and for creative inquiry. Only a teacher who himself works energetically and thinks creatively can teach. Lenin, in his letter to the students of the school on Capri pointed out that "all ‘curricula,’ ‘rules’ and the rest, are hollow words unless the teaching staff matches up to them." (1) Therefore, the Communist Party and the Soviet government, concerned with the advancement of the Soviet school in every possible way, give special attention to the training of research and teaching personnel and to the improvement of their scholarly qualifications.  相似文献   

An analysis of Jean-Marie Abgrall's cultic brainwashing theory shows that the theory is essentially identical to the pseudoscientific theory that was developed first by the American CIA as a propaganda device to combat communism, and second as an ideological device for use by the American anti-cult movement to rationalize efforts at persecution and control of minority religious groups. The CIA theory has been evaluated scientifically in research in several contexts (i.e., communist coercive indoctrination of Western prisoners, the CIA's attempted development of brainwashing techniques, and with American new religions or cults). In each context, it has been shown to be ineffective in coercively changing worldviews. Because of this pattern of disconfirmation, testimony based on brainwashing theory has been opposed as unscientific by relevant professional academic organizations and repeatedly excluded from American legal trials. Consequently, neither legal decisions nor public policy with respect to minority religions should be based on Abgrall's appropriation of this pseudoscientific theory.  相似文献   

实践"三个代表"重要思想,当前层次关键要解决好下岗失业问题.下岗失业当前主要表现在工作阶级这个当中,其中最主要的是产业工人阶级.这个问题解决的好坏,将直接关系到党和人民群众的血肉联系,关系到改革发展稳定的大局,关系到人民生活水平的提高.  相似文献   

On October 7, 1977, the sixtieth anniversary of the Russian Revolution, a new constitution was unveiled. Unlike earlier constitutions which emphasized repression and exploitation, the current constitution represents the latest progressive step on the road to a complete communist state.

Although the public was involved in the revisions made in the constitution, it is believed that their input was cosmetic. The power of the Communist Party was strengthened, however; and from this one might conclude that the system of justice is also party controlled.

On paper many provisions of the Soviet right to due process are similar to those in the United States. The major difference is that these rights may be denied a citizen charged with a crime. A follow-up to the new constitution is to be the recodification of the entire Russian criminal code by 1985.  相似文献   

孙长虹 《行政与法》2004,3(4):69-71
中国加入WTO既是难得的机遇,又面临着前所未有的挑战,在促进经济增长和加快中国发展的同时,给思想政治教育工作也带来了一些负面的影响:“双刃剑”的“阵痛”使一些深层次的矛盾和问题变得凸现出来,将困扰人们的思想;西方的意识形态将加剧对我国的“渗透”;给怎样认识社会主义市场经济条件下爱国主义教育增加了难度。我们应该充分认识加入WTO条件下加强思想政治工作的重要性;要切实加强加入WTO后群众思想状况的研究,提高思想政治工作的针对性;要准确把握时代特点,充分利用大众传播媒介的舆论宣传作用,注重思想政治工作方式方法的创新。  相似文献   

姜永伟 《法学》2022,(1):20-34
国家建构主义法治表征着法治进程中对建构理性和国家权威的倚重,具体是指在坚持党的领导的大原则下,以国家治理体系与治理能力现代化为目标,基于国家(权力)自上而下建构法治模式。国家建构主义法治的现实语境是:以中国共产党为轴心的意识形态基础;集中力量办大事的行动策略;党委领导下的多元一体治理格局。高度复杂的社会治理是需要全社会各个功能子系统之间的结构耦合所进行的治理,系统间通过党委的领导予以协调。中国共产党领导的合法性基础应当由绩效合法性向法理合法性转型,中国共产党的自我认知相应地应当由革命型政党向法治型政党转变。国家建构主义法治在具体操作过程中的"两账本"方式还带有一些人治的色彩和政治任务的味道,但客观上起到了督促下级政府快速形成"法无授权不可为"的心理强制作用。国家建构主义法治不排斥社会和个人的协同参与,三者形成了结构和功能上的共轭。国家建构主义法治在未来较长一段时间还会是中国法治发展的基本道路选择。  相似文献   



Gottfredson and Hirschi, in A General Theory of Crime, argue that the primary source of self-control is parental socialization. Specifically, parents who fail to supervise their children, to recognize their child's deviant behavior, and to punish such behavior are more likely to raise children with lower levels of self-control. Recent empirical research, however, has broadened the explanatory factors to include sources within schools, neighborhoods, and individual factors as significant contributors to the development of self-control. This study proposes that maternal smoking during pregnancy places additional limits on the development of self-control.


Using a subsample of the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (N = 542), we provide a comprehensive investigation of the variety of sources of self-control to include both individual and environmental covariates.


Results indicate that maternal smoking during pregnancy significantly impacts the development of self-control net of parental, neighborhood, and school socialization. We also found that individual sources of self-control significantly vary across race and neighborhood context.


The sources of self-control are more complex than socialization from parents, schools, and within neighborhoods occurring in childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

《共产党宣言》是人类文明史上的法理宝库。马克思恩格斯立足于唯物史观,解开了他们那个时代个人权利、社会体系、法律制度、国家政权、国际关系等人类社会现象深处的法理密码。《宣言》所揭示的运转于资本主义社会的资本逻辑是人的本质的颠倒,只有推翻资本逻辑才能重建人的本质,而这正是共产主义运动和无产阶级革命的法理所在。《宣言》提出的“自由人联合体”命题是重建人的本质的起点,也是重建新时代新世界的法理体系的开端。  相似文献   

新时期公安思想政治工作内容创新是坚持以马克思主义为指导的必然要求;是推动公安思想政治工作全面创新、实现新的价值目标的必然要求;是培育人民警察现代思想政治素质的必然要求。公安思想政治工作内容创新主要包括思想教育工作创新、政治教育工作创新、道德建设工作创新、心理健康工作创新。这些内容的创新要坚持贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近警察的原则。  相似文献   

The historic decisions of the 22nd Party Congress, and the new Party Program adopted by that congress, have posed major and serious tasks before Soviet social science, particularly that of a comprehensive study of the paths of development from the socialist state to communist public self-government. In the solution of this task, Soviet philosophers and jurists inevitably encounter questions pertaining to the concept of power and its relationship to the state. (1)  相似文献   

Soviet state administration, constituting the activities of state bodies in the daily and direct guidance of economic and socio-cultural development, retains its importance in full in the period of the comprehensive building of communism. The direct relationship between this form of state activity and the developing economic and cultural processes defines the role of the administrative machinery in the establishment of the material and technological foundations for communism and of all the conditions needed for socialist social relationships to undergo transition to communist relations. "Along with problems of economic development," N. S. Khrushchev remarked at the 21st Congress of the CPSU, "there arise pressing problems concerning the political organization of society, the state structure and administration during the period of the comprehensive building of communism."  相似文献   

学校思想政治工作的方法是随着社会的发展而完善,这是由其学科的性质和特殊性所决定的,因此要不断探索新的工作方法来充实和丰富学校思想政治工作的方法体系。增强教育客体的本位意识是开展学校思想政治工作的必然要求,是时代发展和教育客体自身特点决定的,也是当前学校思想政治工作的现状和教育方针等的时代选择。  相似文献   

In this study, I documented the conceptualization and representation of adolescence in Vietnam between the end of the Vietnam War and before Vietnam adopted the Western market economy. Using historical archives, especially newspapers written for and by adolescents, I argued that during this period, the Vietnamese society conceptualized life course development as a process through which an individual gains political maturity, which means the learning and practicing of communist doctrines. As such, adolescence was viewed between 1975 and 1986 as a political stage that prepares youths to become mature communists. Adolescents, therefore, were portrayed as miniature communists with norms, attitudes and behaviors shaped by communist doctrines. Adolescence was not associated with problem behavior or sexual maturation.  相似文献   



To analyze short-term changes in peer affiliations, offending behavior and routine activities in order to evaluate three different processes: peer selection, peer socialization and situational peer influences.


The short-term longitudinal TEENS study was conducted among a cohort of students from one mid-sized high school in Kentucky, as part of the larger Rural Substance Abuse and Violence Project. The study sample consists of one complete network of 155 ninth graders who completed surveys about their peer affiliations, routine activities and offending behaviors over the course of five waves of data collection during the beginning of the school year. The measurement intervals were no more than 2 weeks long. Longitudinal network analysis (SIENA software that enables actor-oriented stochastic modeling) was used to estimate peer selection, socialization, and situational effects.


Peer networks, offending, and routine activities appeared to be very volatile over the research period. Peer selection effects were found for structural network properties, demographics and delinquent values, but not for peer delinquency. We did not find significant peer socialization effects within the research period, but instead found that changes in offending were related to situational changes in unstructured socializing, alcohol use and marijuana use.


The results suggest that traditional time lags of one year or six months between measurements may fail to capture short-term relations between peers and behavior. Long-term peer influence processes like socialization may be less important in the short run, while situational peer effects might be more salient.

以党的十六大精神为指导,剖析在新时期高校学生思想政治工作领域呈现的新问题、新形势,提出加强高校 学生思想政治教育工作的新思路、新方法;按照党建新理论的要求,努力把"三个代表"落实到高校学生思想政治工 作的实处。  相似文献   

A “political model” of crime and punishment is described and the utility of this model is explored in the light of depth interviews with incarcerated offenders. It is suggested that the average offender brings to prison political socialization experiences which have resulted in alienation but not ideological estrangement from the political order. It is further suggested that politicizing processes in prison, coupled with the failure of rehabilitative efforts, have mode the political model acceptable to a large proportion of offenders. this model is not acceptable to prison administrators, however, and the result is increasingly that administrators and clients are operating from conflicting paradigms.  相似文献   

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