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The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet government devote a great deal of attention to social problems, among which demographic problems occupy an important place.  相似文献   

The Communist Party and the Soviet government have always given great attention to the writing and implementation of constitutional legislation. Each Soviet Constitution has written into law a new and higher stage of social development and reflects changes of the greatest importance in society and state. The history of the development of our state totally confirms this.  相似文献   

苏共传统的执政模式具有权力高度集中、个人专断、滥用权力、决策失误和政治腐败等严重弊端.苏共对其执政模式的改革先后犯下了左倾和右倾错误,从而导致改革的失败.苏共执政模式的衰败是苏共丧失执政地位的重要制度性因素.在新的挑战面前,社会主义国家执政党必须实现执政方式的转换.在遵循适时、稳定和渐进原则的前提下,变具有强制性、直接性、集权性、人治性的传统执政方式为具有合法性、间接性、民主性、法治性的现代执政方式.  相似文献   

The decisions of the October and November 1964 plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union have drawn attention, with new force, to problems of the scientific validity of political practices. Prevention of subjectivism and unjustified haste in the solution of affairs of state, and the further improvement of the efficiency of all links in the political organization of Soviet society — this is the range of problems now facing the social sciences.  相似文献   

The Draft Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union outlines brilliant prospects for the development of all aspects of life in Soviet society during the coming 20 years, a development that will ultimately lead to the establishment of a communist society. The Draft Program emphasizes that under the conditions of socialism and the construction of a communist society, spontaneous economic development has yielded to the conscious organization of production and the life of society as a whole. As applied to law this means a substantial broadening of the prospects for the use of legal norms in facilitating the creation of the material and technical base of communism and the new social relations of communism, as well as for rearing the entire working population in the spirit of the lofty demands made upon members of a communist society.  相似文献   

The development of a new human being, the active builder of communist society, the shaping in him of a scientific worldview, of profound ideological conviction, and of a communist attitude toward work has been and remains central to the attention of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In pointing to the immense importance for social life of ideological socialization work with youth, Comrade L. I. Brezhnev, in his speech at the XVIII Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist League of Youth [Komsomol], emphasized that successful solution of the whole range of tasks of communist socialization is associated with "enrichment of people's world within and the development of a correct understanding of the goals and meaning of life." (1)  相似文献   

哈尔滨是中国共产党建立稳定政权的第一个国际化大城市,外侨人口众多,犯罪率高,法律纠纷量大。从1946年—1949年,哈尔滨解放区法院受理外侨刑民事案件分别为447件和813件,占其所受理的刑民事案件总数的8.3%和14.7%。法院在涉侨审判中以民国法律、解放区的革命政策法令、苏联法以及外侨的善良风俗作为审判依据,有效地解决了纠纷,维护了社会秩序。  相似文献   

The Draft Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union gives much attention to public organizations, to elevating their role in the life of Soviet society. The fact that the rising role of public organizations is treated, first, in indissoluble connection with the long-run development of government and statehood on the road to communism and, second, as part of the more general problem of the further development of socialist democracy is of exceptional significance to the theory and practice of the building of communism. This permits us to probe more deeply into certain propositions related to the place of public organizations in the political structure of Soviet society and to analyze those characteristics of public organizations that have made it possible for them to have such rich opportunities in the period of the building of communism.  相似文献   

The Communist Party and the Soviet government have always given major attention to the education of the rising generation for communism, and to eliminating neglect of minors and juvenile crime.  相似文献   

The forms and methods of direction (administration) of the courts, as well as the agencies giving this direction, have changed with the development and strengthening of the Soviet judicial system, in accordance with the tasks placed before the courts at each stage of their development by the Communist Party and the Soviet state.  相似文献   

Having decisively liberated itself from the consequences of the personality cult, the Communist Party has been creatively developing Marxist-Leninist theory in the past few years. It has advanced a number of theoretical propositions of utmost importance, having vast historical significance and based upon a precise analysis of the development of contemporary social life. One of the most important findings of Marxist-Leninist scientific thought, which is today progressing headlong, is the discovery of the socialist state of the entire people. The historical credit for this discovery belongs to the collective intelligence of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and its 22nd Congress which, in the Program it adopted, revealed and defined the principal tendencies and major paths of development of the state as an organization of the entire people which, under given circumstances, survives until the complete triumph of communism. In so doing, the 22nd Congress of the Party laid firm foundations for the theory of the socialist state of the entire people. This marks a new stage in the development of the science of the socialist state. In this connection it is important to emphasize that the further development of this theory is tied directly to the activity of our Party. And at the present time, in full accord with the Party Program, the creative process of further development of the theory of the state of the entire people is in progress. Persons in all the social sciences should take the most active part in this process. For it is they who are faced with the major and particularly noble task of intensive development of research work in that field of knowledge which is called upon to establish the scientific basis for the guidance of social development.  相似文献   

The Soviet political system is made up of three major institutions: the Communist Party, the parliament, and the government. Whereas the first two have changed dramatically under perestroika, the government has continued to function in more traditional ways. Most worrying to reformists, the government–the Soviet Union's "executive branch"–has used its broad rulemaking authority to impede the transformation of Soviet politics and society. This essay examines the role of governmental rules in the Soviet political and lead system It concludes, following the lead of Soviet reformists, that without a fundamental restructuring of government making authority, legal, political, and economic reform in the Soviet Union cannot be institutionalized.  相似文献   

The disintegration of the Soviet Union made possible the collection of oral history testimony from Russian villagers, with the objective of recording firsthand the experiences of the women who participated in (and, indeed, themselves carried through) the demographic transition in Russia. Informants understood christening as an important aspect of child care and took pride in having held to these practices despite the efforts of the Communist Party/State to eradicate institutionalized religion in the Soviet Union. Baptism as the basic ritual of incorporation was common in Russian villages right through the Soviet era. Despite the assaults of the 1930s and beyond that caused the loss of 90 percent of their places of worship and clergy and despite the risks to their own livelihood and safety, peasants contrived to provide their children, through baptism, with protection againts the spiritual and temporal dangers of this life and to offer them the hope of salvation in the next. Women found ways in these communities to maintain social bonds and to defend familial arenas over which they still had some control.  相似文献   

In recent years the Communist Party and the Soviet government have carried out important measures to improve the functioning of the bodies charged with conducting the struggle against violations of law. One such measure was that of April 1963 endowing agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs [MVD] with the right to engage in preliminary investigation. The measures taken to intensify the struggle against crime, to further strengthen socialist legality, and to enlarge the democratic foundations of Soviet criminal procedure facilitated growth in the role of the preliminary investigation in criminal procedure and enlarged the guarantees of comprehensive, complete, and objective investigation of crimes.  相似文献   

Now, at the end of the twentieth century, the world socialist movement has come to a turning point in its history. The decline and fall of the USSR is only the final stage in a process that began ten years ago. The events taking place in the socialist countries in the eighties—first the wave of strikes in Poland, then Gorbachev's reforms in the Soviet Union, the student disturbances in Peking, and, toward the end of the decade, the fall of the Communist regimes in the countries of Eastern Europe, and now even the dismantling of the Communist system of power in the former Soviet Union following the failed putsch—have changed the world so much that one can even say that one era in the history of socialism, which began in 1917 with the first successful socialist revolution, has come to a close. A new era has begun.  相似文献   

《共产党宣言》是人类文明史上的法理宝库。马克思恩格斯立足于唯物史观,解开了他们那个时代个人权利、社会体系、法律制度、国家政权、国际关系等人类社会现象深处的法理密码。《宣言》所揭示的运转于资本主义社会的资本逻辑是人的本质的颠倒,只有推翻资本逻辑才能重建人的本质,而这正是共产主义运动和无产阶级革命的法理所在。《宣言》提出的“自由人联合体”命题是重建人的本质的起点,也是重建新时代新世界的法理体系的开端。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(1):103-107
The power of the people determines the character of all the political institutions of Soviet society, the fundamental points of superiority of Soviet government and democracy, and their creative role in guaranteeing economic and social progress and in the building of communism. It is natural that problems pertaining to the power of the people are of particular importance to the Soviet system of government organization and to jurisprudence.  相似文献   

The fifty years of experience of development of the Soviet state and of all forms of state structures based on nationality provide the most persuasive testimony that Soviet society has successfully solved one of the most complex of social problems — the national question. It is precisely under the conditions of socialist society that new forms of state and law have been found and successfully applied that have made it possible, on the basis of friendship and truly fraternal collaboration, to unite dozens of nations and nationalities and create the conditions for their development.  相似文献   

强世功 《中国法律》2009,(2):2-4,61,62
"民族區域自治制度"是中國憲法中的重要制度,它與中國共産黨領導下多黨合作制、全國人民代表大會制和"一國兩制"一道構成了中國特色社會主義憲政的制度基礎,并展現出中國憲法與其他國家憲法不同的風貌。但要理解這一憲政制度,必須理解中國憲政的政治哲學基礎以及中國文明形成的歷史傳統。  相似文献   

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