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This article examines in detail patterns of change in career-relevant interests, attitudes, and personality characteristics among first-year students in one law school. The data presented suggest that a single entering law school class can be viewed as a varied group in terms of career plans and potential behavioral styles. Moreover, immersion in the law school environment may accentuate this initial variability. Although some studies have suggested that, overall, first-year law students experience a drop in law interests, including interests in altruistic and "socially conscious" career activities, the methods of analysis used in this study suggest alternative interpretations of some aspects of such changes. In addition, the author believes these methods shed greater light on the overall process of professional development in law school.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in the field of genetics in recent years have caused some commentators to suggest the emergence of a "genetic revolution." Such advances have been both praised as the "future of medicine" and condemned for encouraging the acceptance in society of laissez-faire eugenics. Yet the effect of technological advances flowing from the science of genetics appear somewhat overstated as few products of the genetic revolution, particularly in the areas of gene therapy and genetic testing, have managed to satisfy scientists' expectations to date. Furthermore, misdirected regulation of such advances can exacerbate the social, legal, and ethical problems associated with genetics, particularly in the context of health care, where issues of human cloning and the use of premature genetic testing technologies dominate current public debate. In this article, the author criticizes the hyperbolic rhetoric surrounding the genetic revolution and calls for a more balanced and informed approach to the development of genetic policies and regulations. Such an approach should include substantial interdisciplinary debate and an active role on the part of government in the identification and communication of accurate information relating to the effects of recent technological advances in the field of genetics.  相似文献   

信息技术革命作为后工业社会的主要内生变量,引起人类生活方式和生产方式的剧烈变革。伴随信息技术革命而生的大数据,如同工业革命时代的"蒸汽机"般,成为重要生产力,引起生产关系以及上层建筑的重大变革。大数据自身成为环境管理体制改革的动力来源,反过来,大数据本身又是大数据自身成为环境管理体制改革的动力源、突破口。形塑于风险社会的现代环境管理体制在应对科学不确定性时,强调风险预防和风险沟通。大数据时代的到来,数据化管理的思维将对环境管理体制带来革命性的冲击和挑战。因此,环境管理体制改革与重塑应以法制化的道路关注大数据的获取、公开、共享和保护,同时协调"条块"关系、转变环境行政服务职能、重塑环境行政权责关系。  相似文献   

Tsagolov's scholarly interests touch upon the study of the problems of contemporary social revolution and its defense. In 1981-1985 and in 1987, he was in Afghanistan as a military advisor: he was awarded four medals. Kim Tsagolov is well-informed about the present situation in Afghanistan at various levels, including the military-political leadership, the clergy, as well as the armed opposition, many leaders of which he knows personally. Therefore, the information he has is very interesting. I met Tsagolov many times in the "hottest" regions of Afghanistan.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of motive information and crime unusualness on mock jurors' judgments in two homicide cases in which the defendant pleaded insanity. Undergraduates (N = 371) read case information and rendered a verdict, estimated the probability that the defendant was insane, and made additional judgments about the defendant's mental state. The defendant was more likely to be judged insane if the crime was oddly committed rather than committed in a typical manner. Prosecution motive information also affected judgments; the defendant was considered more sane if the prosecution presented evidence of a strong, reasonable motive. Evidence of a crazy, unreasonable motive, presented by the defense, caused jurors to see the defendant in one of the cases as more insane.  相似文献   

卢博 《河北法学》2020,38(5):126-145
打赢脱贫攻坚战为我国如期实现全面建成小康社会目标的关键一环,是助推基层社会治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要抓手和载体。然在具体实践过程中,基层政府因对"专项治理"政策工具的特性洞鉴尚浅,实证背景研判不足,未能恰当处理"专项"与"常规"政策工具之间以及政策工具与治理目标之间的关系,进而使政策工具在基层社会复杂应用环境中"空转",导致治理效果不理想。基于以上问题及困境,以安镇脱贫攻坚行动为研究对象,在深度剖析两大政策工具之理论及实践逻辑基础上,全局把握科学革命的齿轮状特点与终极导向。并据此分析传统专项治理作为科学革命的重要范式,在脱贫攻坚战中发挥着营造环境、整合资源、利益驱动、权力生产、全面治理等正向作用,同时也存在"目标置换""精英俘获""临时应对"等局限性一面。因此,在总结科学革命经验基础上尝试性提出新的常规科学建立的理想模型,以期不断创新与完善中国基层治理法治化路径。  相似文献   

The automated negotiation process seems to be a powerful mechanism to resolve disputes arising from Internet-based transactions. Automated negotiation is an online blind-bidding process in which an automated algorithm evaluates bids from the parties and settles the case if the offers are within a prescribed range. Following the arguments of the dispute resolution professionals, the main advantage of this procedure is to promote natural agreements by restoring the parties' right to negotiate on their own, without the presence of a third party in the shadow of negotiations. Our purpose is to investigate this issue by modelling the automated negotiation process as a two-person bargaining game under incomplete information. A first result states that, given incomplete information, not all mutually beneficial agreements can be attained via the procedure. Furthermore, the settlement rule has a drastic effect on the players' strategies, which induces that the automated negotiation process does not significantly increase the likelihood of a settlement. The ability of the procedure to generate efficiency is only due to the costs imposed on parties if a disagreement occurs, that is the combination of players' risk aversion and uncertainty.  相似文献   

高汉成 《法学研究》2015,(1):191-208
1907年大清刑律草案签注是研究《大清刑律》和"礼法之争"不可或缺的重要资料.本文利用诸多历史文献,对1908—1909年之间,中央部院、地方督抚的签注做了系统梳理,考证其文献来源、整理要点、上呈过程和表现形式,澄清以往研究中不清楚甚至错误的地方,辨析了签注的形成过程及其中的倾向性意见,分析了签注在《大清刑律》制定中影响和作用有限的原因.1907年大清刑律草案作为沈家本在法律领域贯彻"思想革命"的代表作,其得失是与政治领域的立宪运动同步的,由签注所引发的"礼法之争"的本质不是中西、新旧之争,而是法律领域"改良还是革命"的"主义"之争.1907年大清刑律草案既与中国自身的状况相脱节,也不符合法律自身的演进规律,是一次有着严重缺陷的立法实践.  相似文献   

This paper questions the link between two major transformations observed in eighteenth century Europe: the reorganization of kinship structures and kinship solidarities on the one hand and the so-called ‘sexual revolution’ of the eighteenth century on the other, i.e. the spectacular rise of illegitimacy throughout Europe. Raising the question of this link has far-reaching theoretical implications, since the fundamental changes in kinship and sexuality have been treated so far as two independent phenomena in separate domains. The results presented in this paper refer to mountain villages of the Swiss Alps and base on genealogical data extracted from a large dynamic database called the Registre historique de la population du Valais. They suggest that the remarkable increase of close kin marriages was closely connected with changes in sexual habits and with the building of different sexual milieus. The ‘sexual revolution’ in the Entremont region was largely the issue of a few families and kin groups tending to build tightly knitted networks. In this perspective, the increase of kin marriages reflected the diversification of political and sexual milieus, characterized by different values, ideologies and attitudes. This profound diversification of life styles shows that social change did not affect local societies as a whole, but was supported by particular milieus made cohesive by privileged alliances within kin groups and by particular network patterns.  相似文献   

The title of this article derives from the expression used by programmers and developers to explain problems of limited network bandwidth connection speeds. The ever-increasing demand by growing numbers of web users for bandwidth-intensive media is outstripping the Internet's capacity to deliver information. In this case, the 'Elephant' is the massive online information system, including text, graphics, audio, and video, and the 'Straw' is the low bandwidth through which only a fixed volume can move. Generally, compression of data is the way to push that elephant through the straw. Included among those users competing for bandwidth are law schools. In the last decade, technology has begun to occupy a more pivotal role in American legal education. As law firms increase their use of technology in response to client demand, they must hire associates who graduate from law school prepared for high-technology law practice. The resulting pressure on law schools to incorporate technology into class materials and instruction has arisen contemporaneously with pressure to increase the teaching of lawyering skills. A tension arises, however, between the obligation of legal educators to expose students to emerging technologies and the additional burdens thereby imposed upon law schools to add lawyering skills to the the existing curriculum without displacing needed doctrinal and analytical instruction. The authors are faculty members and administrators at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Shepard Broad Law Center, which was named "Most Wired Law School" by National Jurist in 1998 and 2001. The centrepiece of legal education at NSU is a high technology Lawyering Skills and Values Program that employs wireless classrooms and web-enhanced education. Delivering a lawyering skills course through technology is not unlike pushing an elephant through a straw. The challenge is to accomplish pedagogical goals without compressing either the curriculum or the social processes of teaching and learning. This article describes and evaluates the authors' practical experiences planning, implementing, and teaching a Lawyering Skills course to first-year students in a wireless classroom environment.  相似文献   

苏区"国家政治保卫局"是指我国第二次国内革命战争时期在各苏维埃革命根据地建立的,也是中国共产党在中国最早建立的具有公安保卫职能的政权机关。同时,第二次国内革命战争期间曾经出现过肃反扩大化的问题。对于这一历史时期国家政治保卫局与肃反扩大化的关系问题上,学界始终有着不同意见。有学者认为当时存在的肃反委员会和国家政治保卫局是导致肃反扩大化的主要原因,但也有学者认为纠正肃反扩大化的倾向是国家政治保卫局建立的直接原因之一。本文从历史文件的分析入手,试图从国家政治保卫局的成因、制度设计及其在当时政权体制中的地位等方面,探究第二次国内革命时期国家政治保卫局与当时肃反扩大化之间是否存在因果关系。  相似文献   

In this paper, we re-examine students’ attitudes towards various allocation mechanisms for a scarce resource. For this purpose, we have run a survey among officers of the German military who are enrolled in different courses of study (such as economics) at the University of the German Federal Armed Forces. We find that significantly more students who are enrolled in economics courses judge price increases as fair than students enrolled in other courses. Moreover, this tendency strengthens the more training in economics the students receive. In addition, fewer students with advanced economic education judge allocation through the local community as fair when compared to first-year students in economics courses or other students. These results stand in contrast to results obtained by Frey et al. (J Econ Educ, 24:271–281, 1993) on the same survey. In summary, we find evidence for both nature and nurture effects.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of information legitimizing the means—or decision procedures—versus information legitimizing the ends—or the decision outcome—on observers' reactions to an undesirable organizational decision. One hundred and sixty-one employees read an account of a company layoff occurring in a nearby city. The content was experimentally manipulated, such that participants either (i) did or did not receive information legitimizing the layoff procedures, and (ii) did or did not receive information legitimizing the layoff itself. Furthermore, participants received one of two versions of the manipulations, to assess the generalizability of the results across two operationalizations of the primary independent variables. Whereas both information legitimizing the means and information legitimizing the ends were necessary (and neither sufficient) to mitigate observers' judgments of outcome unfairness, procedural information was necessary and sufficient to influence evaluations of the organization. Overall, the data are consistent with the notion that the effectiveness of managerial accounts might be determined not only by information explaining why but also information explaining how decisions are made.  相似文献   

At dawn on 13 March 1979, people living near the army barracks in the valley of True Blue near St. George's, capital of the young state of Grenada, were awakened by gunfire. A detachment of 47 rebels was attacking the barracks where approximately 300 soldiers were housed, and, taking advantage of the panic, seized the guns and ammunition stored there. The soldiers fled. It was 4 a.m., and an hour later the rebels took over the radio station. They appealed over the radio to the populace to take up arms and support the revolution that was beginning. The police were advised to surrender without resistance. In the hours that followed, the detachments of rebels, now joined by workers and student youth, seized the prime minister's residence, telegraph installations, and other strategic objectives. In the course of the day, all police stations hung out white flags. The sagging regime collapsed. Fidel Castro called the anti-imperialist democratic revolution that had been victorious in Grenada "a big revolution in a small country."1  相似文献   

The third report in a study of career-relevant changes in interests, attitudes, and personality characteristics among first-year law students at Brigham Young University, this article examines the impacts of five kinds of possible causes of interest changes. The author elaborates what it means to say that a career-relevant interest has "changed" in light of changes due in part to both reconceptions of the content of law and of the demands and rewards of various work settings and to changes in the students' conceptions of themselves which carry with them changes in career interests.  相似文献   

The periodical Bolshevik—later, Kommunist—may truly be called a Party warrior of the Lenin levy. Its publication was decided upon in those November days of 1923 when there was still some hope of Lenin's recovery in Gor'ki. But in the spring, when the first issue appeared, the dark grey cube of the first mausoleum had already been erected on Red Square. Bolshevik joined the ranks of the revolution in those days when, overcoming the pain of an irretrievable loss, the Communist Party forged all that was honest and solid in working people into a single monolith for a selfless struggle for the realization of Lenin's ideas.  相似文献   

Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France is one of the defining texts in the history of English constitutional thought. It is conservative in its overt defence of England’s ancient constitution, and in particular the twin bulwarks of Church and Crown. In more immediate terms, it was written against those who appeared to sympathise with the principles of the French revolution, men such as Joseph Price and Tom Paine. But the true ‘genius’ of Burke, as Wordsworth famously noted, does not lie in the surface defence of traditional conservative institutions and principles. It lies, rather, in an appreciation that constitutions are aesthetic expressions, their vitality dependent upon the strength of the political imagination which they strive to shape and to nurture. What is truly distinctive about Burke’s Reflections accordingly is that it was written as a poetic as much as a political treatise. The purpose of this essay is to explore this genius and this poetic.  相似文献   

Herbert Packer's The Limits of the Criminal Sanction (1968) has spawned decades of commentary. This essay argues that Packer's two‐model conceptualization of the criminal process is best understood within his professional milieu of doctrinal legal scholarship and the political context of the Warren Court revolution. Within this context, the essay suggests a distinction between two due process visions: formalism and fairness. This distinction is useful for illuminating debates and decisions on criminal procedure matters in the Supreme Court such as Terry v. Ohio (1968) and Apprendi v. New Jersey (2000) . I conclude by encouraging sensitivity to legal and historical context in future commentary on Packer's framework.  相似文献   

From the theoretical perspective of René Girard, Walter Benjamin and Jacques Derrida the Rwanda genocide of 1994 may be interpreted as an instance of foundational violence. Given the constant reference in the Rwanda genocide discourse to the failed revolution of 1959, it is perhaps rather a case of deferred foundational violence. Useful as this notion of ‘foundational violence’ may be, as theoretical category it is also hugely challenging because the implicit claim is not just historical (‘states are routinely founded on violence’) but analytical (‘founding moments are per definition violent’). The result is a profound tension between, on the one hand, the need to understand the event as somehow unexceptional or typical of the founding of new socio-political orders and, on the other hand, the need to judge it as exceptional, an ‘outrage’, a crime against humanity. This paper treats the tension between the unexceptional and exceptional as aporetic, that is, as a profound puzzle consisting of two equally valid imperatives which are nonetheless mutually exclusive. It is also an attempt to find a way beyond the impasse.
Leonhard PraegEmail:

李可 《时代法学》2007,5(5):43-51
我们对在浙江开化县发现的一块"禁采矿碑"订立的原因进行了法史学上的追问,认为当时明政权订立"禁采矿碑"的直接原因是矿工起义,深层次的原因则是官府与民争利,从而导致各种利益集团之间矛盾的激化。因此,在对待一个历史文本时,我们必须对它进行法史学上的拷问,这样得出的结论才能比较接近于历史真实。  相似文献   

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