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From the very first day of the Great Patriotic War, local Soviets of all the Soviet republics contributed in every possible way to the use of all forces and means for the needs of defense of the Motherland and the defeat of the enemy. The Ukraine was one of the first to experience all the hardships of the fascist invasion: the death of people, the destruction of cities and villages, and the bestial cruelty perpetrated by Hitler's minions on the occupied territory. With the direct participation of the local Soviets of the republic, about 2 million people were mobilized into the ranks of the Red Army in the first months of the war alone, 657 fighting battalions were formed, sections of the People's Army numbering more than a million persons were created, and over 2 million citizens worked to build equipment for defense. The Soviets also used their efforts to organize the evacuation of the population, industrial enterprises, and various material goods from the territory near the front. By the end of 1941, more than 550 enterprises, 427 machine tractor stations, a huge volume of agricultural products, and over 4 million Soviet citizens had been evacuated from the territory of the republic.1 This tremendous work was done under the leadership of Party organizations, the supreme organs of government, and the central administrative bodies of the republic. The entire country of Soviets gave all-round assistance to the Ukrainian SSR.  相似文献   

The territorial organs of internal affairs are subordinate to local Soviets of working people's deputies and comprise departments or administrations of the executive committees of territorial, regional, city, and district Soviets. In their direction of these bodies local Soviets exercise essentially the same rights as in directing other departments and administrations of various branches of government under dual subordination. However, the distinctive features of the internal organizational structure of the internal affairs bodies themselves, as well as of their functioning and the specific form taken by their dual subordination, are responsible for the fact that that direction has unique aspects. (1)  相似文献   

The Hutchins Commission was concerned that the small minority of the people controlling the press as an instrument of mass communication could misuse their gatekeeping power. Due to new communication technologies the abundance of media outlets has increased choices available to the public far beyond anything commission members could have envisioned. This, in turn, has led to the development of a second layer of electronic gatekeepers between information originators and the public. The effect these electronic gatekeepers will have on the evolution of the press will be as great as, if not greater than, that of the human gatekeepers who were the commission's focus. This article suggests there will be an increasing equation of the public interest with what the public is interested in, a reduction in people's knowledge of public affairs and a decrease in the exposure of individuals to new ideas or ideas that contradict their existing beliefs. The article concludes by questioning whether government regulation is capable of addressing these concerns.  相似文献   

Broad preparations are now under way for the forthcoming elections to the supreme Soviets of the union and autonomous republics and the local Soviets of working people's deputies. As we know, elections will take place on March 3 in the RSFSR, the Ukrainian, Belorussian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Moldavian, Latvian, Tajik and Turkmenian union republics, and on March 17 in the Georgian, Azerbaijan, Lithuanian, Kirgiz, Armenian and Estonian union republics.  相似文献   

公益诉讼是一种不同于私人诉讼模式的全新类型的诉讼,是民众干预公共生活的一种新的制度储备。应当以"诉讼请求分析法"来区分公益诉讼和私益诉讼,前者的诉讼请求中应以确认性请求、停止侵害请求为主。公益诉讼具有唤起民众对公共事务的关心、促进"休眠状态"法律法规的执行、制止违法行为的未来发生和促进公益组织发展等功能。本文认为,我国现阶段并不存在真正意义上的"行政公益诉讼"。  相似文献   

政府职能的转变要求公共行政改革沿着公务放权和地方分权的路径进行,而二者的实现都有待NGO组织的发展。中国NGO组织作为一种社会力量在敦促政府依法行政、参与社会公共事务方面发挥了极其重要的作用,然而中国NGO的发展依然面临种种困境。以美国NGO发展的调研范本为依托,从社会角度探寻NGO发展困境解决的路径,最终落脚在NGO发展中的政府角色问题上,当为中国的社会转型、政治改革寻求一条可循的路径。  相似文献   

政府业务委托外包的行政法认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在民营化思潮及服务型政府建设的双重影响下,政府业务委托民间办理渐成我国公共行政改革的重要方向,本文从行政法视角对委托外包的政府业务进行了梳理,认为我国外包的政府业务可以划分为政府行政性业务、政府事业性业务和政府经营性业务,三类不同的政府业务委外具有各自不同的法律属性,应当分别规范:政府行政性业务委外在性质上属于行政委托,由行政委托制度规范,政府事业性业务委外可纳入政府采购的范围,由政府采购法等法律调整,而政府经营性业务委外为政府特许经营,应适用行政许可法及规范政府特许经营方面的特别法。  相似文献   

裁量基准公众参与模式之选取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周佑勇 《法学研究》2014,36(1):43-55
公众参与作为一种直接的民意表达方式,可以提供类似议会立法一样的民主形式和内容,因而成为补充裁量基准正当性基础的首选方案。但是,基于裁量基准行政自制属性和行政成本的考量,它仍然不宜作为一项强制性义务强加给行政机关,而应由行政机关自主决定。实践中,行政机关应当以裁量基准的"质量要求"和"可接受性要求"为基本参考因素,比对相对人与自己的预期目标是否一致,根据其特殊性及实际情形,在"改良的自主管理决策"、"分散式的公众协商"、"整体式的公众协商"、"公共决策或共同决定"四种程度不同的公众参与模式中选择适用。  相似文献   

当前,我国各地政府开展的公民参与政府公共服务绩效评估活动,拓宽了公民参与政府社会管理和公共服务的路径。本文在阐释政府公共服务绩效评估中公民参与内涵的基础上,分析了我国政府公共服务绩效评估中公民参与的现状,并提出优化公民参与政府公共服务绩效评估的路径:强化和提高公民的参与意识与能力;增强公民与政府间公共服务绩效信息的对称性;加快公民参与绩效评估的制度化建设;鼓励和发展独立性和专业化的第三方评估组织;建立健全评估中政府与公民的互动机制。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(4):299-311
Among measures implemented by the Party in recent years to develop socialist democracy, a large part is played by measures to raise the role and improve the work of Soviet representative organs — Soviets of working people's deputies — which, as L. I. Brezhnev noted in the Summary Report of the Party Central Committee to the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the CPSU, are the foundation of the socialist state and most completely embody its democratic character. Either directly or through organs subordinate to them, the Soviets deal with all questions pertaining to state, economic, and sociocultural development. Their activity is directed toward implementing the Party line of more completely satisfying the material and cultural needs of the Soviet people.  相似文献   

The concept of whole-process people’s democracy can be analyzed in terms of four the rule of law dimensions: continuous democracy, authentic democracy, extensive democracy and consultative democracy. Continuous democracy means that democracy provides a continuous and uninterrupted mechanism in terms of stage, time and space, which can ensure the continuous participation of the people in the management of state and social affairs. Authentic democracy is not only embodied creation of opportunities and conditions for the people to have more channels and methods of participation in the management of state and social affairs, but is also reflected in the process of democratic practice, including the protection of legitimate rights and interests of the minority. Extensive democracy means that the people are fully and deeply involved in the management of state and social affairs as well as their own affairs, from the operation of the state system to social life at the community level, and from pre-election to post-election. Consultative democracy is a means of realizing people’s democracy in the whole process. It applies consultation and seeks truth, aiming at building consensus. Moreover, it integrates various channels of consultation, and integrates democracy into all aspects of the work of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and government and in all aspects of the people’s political and social life.  相似文献   

戴激涛 《时代法学》2010,8(2):23-29
随着公民权利意识的觉醒与信息技术的迅猛发展,公民要求参与国家公共事务的诉求日益强烈。作为财政民主的重要组成与运行规则,公共预算是纳税人及其代议机构控制国家财政的基本途径。为推动公民参与预算,我国浙江温岭的新河镇将民主恳谈机制与人大预算审议相结合,成为探索预算民主化路径的改革样本。考察新河镇的公民参与预算实验可以发现,人民主权是公民参与预算的核心理念,基层人大是制度载体,信息公开是前提条件,商谈辩论是有效机制。基于协商民主理论,完善公民参与预算制度,应扩大参与主体,加强人大制度建设,健全法律制度体系确保公民参与预算权的实现。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(3):258-266
The deputy's interpellation is one of the forms whereby local Soviets perform their monitoring [kontrol'naia] function. In the Program of the CPSU, "systematic discussion by Soviets of deputies' interpellations" is regarded as one of the means of improving the forms of representative government and socialist democracy.  相似文献   

苏联法影响中国法制发展进程之回顾   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在 2 0世纪中国历史上 ,苏联的革命法制理论和若干重要制度曾深刻地影响了中国的法制发展进程。孙中山曾主张“以俄为师”并进行过法制改革 ;中国共产党所领导下的人民民主政权的法制建设也是以苏联为标尺 ;新中国成立初期在创立社会主义法制的过程中 ,更是将苏联法全方位地移植到了中国。苏联法制为中国革命政党所接受与其自身的性质和中国革命的需要紧密相关。  相似文献   

服务型政府建设是一个长期的、复杂的系统工程.本文阐释了新公共服务视角下服务型政府的内涵,并在分析当前我国服务型政府建设中存在问题的基础上,提出了新公共服务视角下服务型政府建设的路径选择:确立政府公共服务的公共利益价值,进一步转变和理顺政府职能,健全政府公共服务监督与问责机制,确立以公众为中心的多元化绩效评估主体,坚持政府公共服务要以人为本,推进政府公共服务的协同治理.  相似文献   

袁立 《北方法学》2012,(2):130-137
公共治理是公共行政领域一种方兴未艾的模式,但公共治理不是万能的,也存在治理"失灵",存在政府"空心化",公共行政"能力赤字"、问责过程的复杂化、成本—收益计算模糊化、公众对政府的信任度降低等困境。公共治理不仅是一个政治学术语,也是重要的法学范畴,主要表现为公共治理以依法治理为前提,是公民参与、协商合作的持续互动,是追求平等、权利、尊严的过程。所以,面对公共治理的困境,法学策略显得尤为重要,应当彰显公共利益,树立有限政府理念,增强政府核心能力;厘清责任链,建立责任政府,加强非政府组织的责任承担能力;引入成本—收益核算机制,提高公共治理的效率;减少宪法规定的社会权种类,加强国家对民生的保障力度。  相似文献   

公共行政组织的法律规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共行政组织在当今中国的兴起与发展已成为必然趋势,但同时也涌现出众多不可忽视的问题。对公共行政组织加以有效的法律规制,不仅是确保行政分权、实现行政民主化的必要途径,也是控制国家行政权力、保护相对人合法权益和实现法治的必然要求。具体思路是:借鉴域外经验,增强“准行政组织”性事业单位的独立性和社会自治组织的“自治”程度,以建立独立自治的公共行政组织;在规制的路径选择上,实行加强规制与放松规制并举,并从加强立法、拓宽行政法的适用范围、扩展司法审查范围以及扩大公众参与等方面实现对公共行政组织规制的相关制度构建。  相似文献   

Note from the editors of Sovety deputatov trudiashchikhsia: Continuing the study of the functioning of Soviets, personnel of the USSR Academy of Sciences' Institute of State and Law looked into the operations of local organs of power in the Latvian SSR. Jointly with practical workers in the field, they prepared a number of scholarly recommendations, including proposals to improve the techniques of monitoring [kontrol'] by the standing committees of district and city Soviets.  相似文献   

社会自治规则探讨——兼论社会自治规则与国家法律的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
社会自治规则是社会自治组织行使社会公权力,规定自治事项,规范成员行为的重要载体和集中体现,并直接决定了社会自治秩序的建构。其可分为授权性规则和自主性规则,其中前者是法律的延伸,具有法的属性;而后者更接近公法契约,不属于法的范畴。其调整范围主要是专业类、行业类和利益类事项,不能涉及法律保留事项。就效力而言,自主性规则具有契约性和自律性,但不具有法律的强制力,只有在法院确认其合法有效后,才能强制执行。社会自治规则与国家法律之间既有互动的一面,也有监督保障的一面,只有二者有机结合,才能有效建构理性的国家和社会秩序。  相似文献   

任进 《北方法学》2012,6(3):58-64
行政组织法是宪法和行政法的重要内容之一。一般认为,现代意义的行政组织,是指行使国家行政职权、管理公共事务的行政机关以及其他行使行政职权的组织的总体。行政组织与行政机关、行政机构、行政主体含义不同,行政组织授权与法律法规授权,行政主体与行政执法主体等基本范畴也需要梳理和辨析。行政组织法对于配置职能权限、规范机构设置和编制、依法保障公民合法权益所起的重要作用已日益为人们所认识,对行政组织法的研究,也应引起重视。  相似文献   

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