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We examined the changes in the early postmortem platelet count in postmortem blood and the reasons for these changes by counting the platelets, by performing in vitro hypostatic tests, by estimating the percentage of erythrocytes by volume in postmortem blood samples, by immunohistochemistry (anti-CD61, anti-fibrinogen), and by immunoelectron microscopy (anti-CD62, anti-CD63, anti-thrombospondin). The apparent initial increase in the platelet count in postmortem blood was found to be caused by hypostatic phenomena. The subsequent discontinuous decrease in the platelet count despite continuing hypostasis in the corpse can be explained in part by postmortem thrombolysis and the development of reversible platelet-platelet aggregates. The main point is, that changes in the postmortem blood environment cause potentially reversible adhesion of platelets to pre-adsorbed fibrinogen on erythrocytes. Thus the decrease in the number of platelets in postmortem blood is not attributable to postmortem clotting but to a decrease in the number of countable platelets in postmortem blood.  相似文献   

论法治国家   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卓泽渊 《现代法学》2002,24(5):12-23
法与国家关系一元论既可能有利法治 ,也可能导致法治根本就无法建立。法与国家二元论下的国家优先论 ,可能使法成为国家的附庸而否定法本身。它在使法失去了自身的独立性和对国家的约束力的同时 ,也使法治失去了基本的立足点。在法与国家的产生上 ,二者在互动渐变中发展形成 ,没有先后之分 ;在法与国家的并存中 ,二者有着地位的差异。基于法与国家本身的特性 ,基于保障人民权利的价值期求 ,基于实现法治国家的理想目标 ,法律应当优先于国家。就法治国家来说 ,我们要建设的是实质意义上的法治国家 ,而非形式意义上的法治国家。我们不能将法治国家与法治相等同 ,更不能将二者对立起来 ,相反 ,我们应当把法治的内容纳入法治国家的含义之中。法治国家与人治国家、专制国家、警察国家等非法治国家相对立 ,与宪政国家相联系。西方法治发展已经经历了漫长的历史过程 ,中国关于法治国家口号的提出也有百年的历史 ,现在重提并郑重确认它为我国社会发展的目标 ,必然具有重大的意义。我国法治将经由法治国家进而向法治社会的纵深发展。  相似文献   

In a 2019 article in this journal, which drew on previous work, we argued by examination of a number of extremely important cases that the senior judiciary is in the process of attempting to create judicial supremacy in the UK. It is doing so, not by democratic debate, but by legal procedural innovation incomprehensible to the electorate. Invited by the journal to reply to a criticism of our argument by Dr Stephanie Palmer and Dr Stevie Martin, we have sought to defend our account of the undemocratic procedural novelty of those cases.  相似文献   

Ice cream markets in Europe are characterized by vertical restraints of varying degrees of restrictiveness. Mars, an entrant to the market, sought to establish in a court action and in a complaint to the European Union Commission that the dominant incumbent, Unilever, had acted with the object and effect of foreclosing the market in Ireland by bundling the price of ice cream and freezer services and restricting retailers to stocking Unilever product alone in freezers supplied by them. This article applies a model of bundling, tying, and foreclosure developed by M.D. Whinston to demonstrate that it would not have been rational for Unilever to attempt to foreclose the market by means of these restrictions and therefore that the Commission was not justified in obliging Unilever to accept the changes imposed on it.With apologies to William Boyd.  相似文献   

论法治的整体性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卓泽渊 《现代法学》2003,25(2):11-17
法治的整体性是法治发展和法治研究中都必须关注而又被有所忽略的重要问题。尤其在具体法治的理论被提出以后 ,强调法治的整体性或整体法治 ,对于完善法治理论与全面进行法治建设都具有重要的意义。法治具有内在结构、对外联系和发展过程上的整体性质 ,强调法治整体性的重要目的在于实现法治的整体优化 ,全面推进和建立法治。  相似文献   

广东流动人口违法犯罪从分布情况看,呈现明显的地域和行业特征。从纠合方式看,以地缘为主,大多结构松散,反应迅速。从主体类型看,分为外省人员主体型、省内外市人员主体型和境外黑社会组织成员渗透型。从违法犯罪客观方面看,暴力性特征明显,违法犯罪类型多样化。这是因为少数地方和部门对流动人口中违法犯罪团伙认识不足、重视不够。流动人员生活环境的改变,致使流动人员处于不受规制状态。流动人口的流动呈明显的无序性、盲目性特征,缺乏规范和引导。法律、法规不适应当前形势的需要,存在打击盲点。应该切实提高认识,把打击、防控流动人口中违法犯罪团伙工作摆上党委、政府的重要议事日程;加强与外省来粤务工人员流出地的沟通协作,构建流动人口流出地与流入地共管体制;突出重点,强化服务,切实做好流动人口的服务和维权工作;整合资源,构建整体作战格局,提高打击、防控流动人口中违法犯罪团伙的质量和效率。  相似文献   

盛红生 《法学杂志》2012,33(1):92-97
近年来,中国海洋领土安全受到各种危害活动的严重威胁,主要表现在钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿和南沙群岛部分岛礁被外国非法占领,在专属经济区内以及专属经济区上空针对中国的外国军事活动明显增多等等。因此,为了持续宣示中国对被外国占领的岛礁的主权,应通过特别立法建立巡航制度,派遣军舰前往我被占领土地区巡航,在时机成熟时收复岛礁并实行有效控制;借助国内立法明确中国政府在“专属经济区军事活动”问题上的立场,针对不同性质的活动适用不同的规则;建立“防空识别区”防止针对中国的外国军用飞机飞越专属经济区上空。我们的立场、观点和主张应借助国内立法确定下来,为将来解决国际争端主张我方权利时提供有力证据。  相似文献   

This study examines the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in two areas: the decision to initiate prosecution by indictment (in lieu of a preliminary hearing) and the decision to reinitiate prosecution by indictment after preliminary hearing discharge. To explore concerns about prosecutors' use of the grand jury to pursue prosecution in cases with insufficient evidence to convict at trial, the author studied prosecutors' practices in murder cases in Cook County, Illinois. To gather the information the author collected disposition data for prosecutions initiated by grand jury and by preliminary hearing, interviewed prosecutors, and examined prosecutors' case documents indicating reasons for declining or pursuing prosecution of discharged cases. The data show similar conviction rates for prosecutions initiated by grand jury and those by preliminary hearing but a significantly lower rate for prosecutions reinitiated after discharge. Three reasons for the latter finding are discussed: special evidentiary characteristics of reinitiated cases, seriousness of the offense studied, and prosecutors' special motivations and practices in serious cases. The author suggests that although prosecutors typically are constrained by practical, organizational, professional, and ethical concerns, they may in extraordinary situations reinitiate prosecution of weak cases. In light of the study's findings, the author assesses several proposals to eliminate or restrain prosecutors' power to reinitiate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to differentiate between homicides committed by multiple offenders and homicides committed by lone offenders. Using data on homicide incidents that occurred in South Korea between 1985 and 2008, we compared 134 homicides committed by multiple offenders, with 369 homicides committed by lone offenders. A greater proportion of homicides committed by multiple offenders involved injuries to the victim's head compared to homicides by lone offenders. Homicides committed by multiple offenders were more likely to involve blunt instruments and ligatures, whereas homicides by lone offenders were more likely to involve sharp instruments. In addition, a majority of the homicides committed by multiple offenders were planned. The results of this study have practical implications for homicide investigations, as well as theoretical implications for homicide research on the difference in offense behaviors based on the number of offenders.  相似文献   

马宁 《环球法律评论》2011,33(1):119-130
保证制度本是英国立法者为帮助保险人评估与控制风险水平而创设的,但保险人却通过任意扩大保证事项的范围,特别是引入合同基础条款,将保证演绎为帮助其逃脱保险责任的工具.故而英国正在修订法律,尝试通过否定合同基础条款的效力,废除肯定保证制度,限制特约保证适用的方式来消除保证的负面效应.借鉴前述立法经验,我国应将实践中当事人约定的肯定保证条款与投保人的告知不加区分,违反肯定保证一概适用违反如实告知义务的规定.同时,有鉴于特约保证具有难以替代的独特价值,因而我国<保险法>有必要赋予保险人通过规定特约(保证)条款的方式控制风险水平的权利,或至少应承认实践中此类条款的合法性.但为限制保险人通过滥用特约条款,逃避应尽保险责任情形的出现,应仅在被保险人违反特约条款的行为与保险事故发生存在因果关系,且被保险人具有主观可归责性时,方可允许保险人藉此免除其保险责任.  相似文献   

以软件控制并由多方主体分别实施的方法发明在物联网时代日益重要,但此类方法专利的保护在实践中存在着困难。针对方法专利的多主体分别实施侵权,采取有意思联络的共同侵权、以主动或明知为主观条件的间接侵权、承担连带责任的无意思联络的数人侵权等方式均难以准确判定并追究行为人的侵权责任,为权利人提供及时有效的救济。对此,可考虑在专利法中制定专门条款,或以司法解释明确规则,吸收"控制或指导"理论和实践经验,淡化各方的主观意思联络要件、强调其行为的客观关联,追究实施方法专利流程中关键步骤的主要控制人,尤其是明知相关软件在他人的方法专利实施中具有关键作用而将其内置于自己生产销售的设备中的行为人之直接侵权责任。  相似文献   

Since it was first identified in 1977, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy has uniquely affected the way in which the medical and legal communities deal with the issue of child abuse. Inherent in the medical response to the disease are issues of suspicion, investigation, identification, confrontation, and, of course, the health of an innocent child. Given the deceptive dynamics of this disease, however, denial and disbelief naturally overshadow every action taken by medical professionals in pursuing these issues. Fortunately, as medical knowledge about the dynamics of the disease continues to develop, medical professionals become more willing and better able to identify the disease and focus their response on the safety of the child. The greatest problem in prosecuting Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is that judges and juries remain unwilling to accept the reality of the disease. Consequently, in an effort to confirm medical suspicions and quell legal doubts, the medical community has resorted to covert video surveillance of the abuse while it is being perpetrated in the hospital. In this Article, Flannery argues that this response is an unnecessary and unethical, means of preventing Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and protecting the child. Flannery supports the approach taken by the Family Court of New York in addressing Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy cases. The Family Court of New York recognizes the unique dynamics of this bizarre disorder, and, therefore, considers all cumulative circumstantial evidence in a Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy case, comparing the facts of the subject case to the commonly accepted features of confirmed cases. Part of the circumstantial evidence that should be considered, Flannery argues, is the dissipation of the child's condition upon temporary separation from the alleged perpetrating parent. As is done by the Flannery Court of New York, a res ipsa loquitur standard should then be applied, and an appropriate disposition for the child should be determined. By employing this standard, the court may confirm suspicions of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy while avoiding the unnecessary harm to the child inherent in the covert video surveillance of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.  相似文献   

公法上不当得利是指在公法范围内,欠缺法律上的原因而发生的财产变动,致一方受有利益,他方受有损害,受损的一方有请求返还所受利益的权利,其判别标准为:公法关系、财产变动与欠缺法律上原因。在我国,宪法上的财产权、行政法上的依法行政原理与财产法上的衡平原理均为公法上不当得利存在的法学基础。公法上不当得利按不同标准可分为多类,但按请求权分类已成为习惯,可将其分为相对人向国家或其他行政主体请求、国家或其他行政主体向相对人请求与机关间相互请求等,这些在我国现存的公法规范中均有所体现。  相似文献   

宗教信仰自由权是世界范围内各成文宪法保护的重要内容。与其他人权的宪法保护不同,宗教信仰自由权在各国宪法中具有扩散性保护特征。只有综合考量宪法规范中的宗教内容,才能准确理解宗教信仰自由权的宪法规范保护。通过在各成文宪法中查找与宗教相关的关键词,可以发现宗教信仰自由权成文宪法保护具有普遍性。以宗教信仰自由权为核心,辅之以政教关系的相关规定,构成了宗教问题宪法保护的基本框架。从内容上看,成文宪法保护的宗教信仰自由权具有内容的绝对性与相对性相统一、主体自主选择与结社自由相结合的特点;从属性上看,宗教信仰自由权具有入世性与政治性并存的特征。  相似文献   

This article explores how the unborn moved from inhabiting an implicit mother-centric space, tacitly expressed in the Irish constitutional order, to a separate legal space created first by the Eighth Amendment and later through public discourse, judicial interpretation and failed constitutional referenda. The article opens with a brief examination of the relationship between law and space in recent scholarly works. It goes on to assess the impact of post-colonial and gender discourse in producing the first legal space in which the unborn was tacitly understood. This is followed by an exploration of how cultural and gender rhetoric gave birth to a definite legal space in which the right to life for the unborn was protected by the Constitution and the government’s subsequent attempts to solve the legal limbo by shifting the debate to the social policy space. The paper concludes by discussing the extent to which a wider, more universal space, that of human rights discourse, may have an impact on the legal space created for the unborn, by either protecting or weakening its right to life.  相似文献   

邢发齐 《河北法学》2012,(3):121-125
土地征收制度中出现的农民与政府、用地单位之间的多重矛盾,是近期学者关注较多的一个问题。对比西方国家的实务工作,我国的土地征收制度既存在问题,也有符合历史发展趋势的一面。为了缓解建设用地供应过程中的多重矛盾,我们倡导以市场调节为主导,以政府管制为辅助的改革方向,提出以公平待遇制度为基础,解决土地征收替代机制中五个主要矛盾的建议。  相似文献   

Research on the effects of emotions and moods on judgments of legal responsibility and blame is reviewed. Emotions and moods may influence decision makers in 3 ways: by affecting their information processing strategies, by inclining their judgments in the direction of the valence of the emotion or mood, and/or by providing informational cues to the proper decision. A model is proposed that incorporates these effects and further distinguishes among various affective influences in terms of whether the affect is provoked by a source integral or incidental to the judgment task, and whether it affects judgment directly (e.g., by providing an informational cue to judgment) or indirectly (e.g., by affecting construal of judgment target features, which in turn affects the judgment). Legal decision makers' abilities to correct for any affective influences they perceive to be undesirable and normative implications for legal theory and practice are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

王沛儒 《证据科学》2009,17(6):710-717
单位作证是司法实践中的一种普遍现象,其中尤以单位证明的使用最为广泛和富有争议。本文阐述单位证明作为诉讼证据使用的现状,并对单位证明作合法性分析,解读因单位证明的使用导致单位滥用证人权利现象的产生及成因,提出如何规范和引导单位作证行为,限制和约束单位滥用证人权利,以解决单位作证中遇到的理论和实际问题。  相似文献   

商标使用的动态性、商标注册审查制度的必然漏洞、信赖保护原则和禁止重复诉讼原则是自己注册商标侵权抗辩的正当性理由,欧盟和日本相关立法佐证了自己注册商标侵权抗辩的合理性和可行性。自己注册商标侵权抗辩制度之目的是维持注册取得商标权和商标集中授权制度的稳定性并避免注册商标成为商标侵权的工具。自己注册商标侵权抗辩的构成条件包括注册商标与他人的注册商标存在冲突、用以进行侵权抗辩的注册商标有效且属于善意注册或虽非善意但已超过商标法规定的无效宣告期限、注册商标在被控侵权之前已实际使用并有一定影响、注册商标善意使用且使用方式符合商业习惯。注册商标侵权抗辩包括对损害赔偿责任和停止侵害责任的抗辩,在后商标的注册时间及冲突商标的使用状况将影响注册商标侵权抗辩的成立。对于无法被宣告无效或撤销且正常使用的注册商标可以通过附加区别标志来减轻消费者混淆的可能性。  相似文献   

Rate regulation in the United States usually is inspired by widespread indignant pressures to protect the public against venal exploitation. Rate regulation of American hospitals does not ride such a wave of outrage but is motivated by the need to restrain Medicaid spending and insurance premium increases in some states. Hospital rate regulation in America lacks strong political support, makes many politically prudent concessions to hospitals, and is often threatened by repeal. Since Americans distrust regulators and since individual scrutiny of so many hospitals is burdensome and contentious, they often seek automatic formulae that will produce equitable results by rational calculation. In contrast, rate regulation in Europe is a method of refereeing between hospitals and alert third parties. Hospitals' prospective budgets are always scrutinized by regulators. Guidelines are transmitted by government to link public policy to hospital payment, and the regulators apply the guidelines to each hospital's individual situation. The system results in less contention and more stability in European than in American regulation. Certain features of European hospital practice have kept hospital costs high, but the regulators are now reducing annual increases in costs below America's. In order to reduce cost increases further, Europe is moving toward global budgeting and public grants of hospitals' operating costs, instead of regulation of unit rates. However, regulators may still be essential to scrutinize hospital prospective budgets and to investigate the merits of the claims by individual establishments.  相似文献   

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