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Netherlands International Law Review - The question whether external actors have a right of intervention within a sovereign state which is committing grave violations of human rights assumed par...  相似文献   

对个人作为国际法主体问题的重新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伯军 《河北法学》2004,22(5):119-122
对于个人作为国际法主体的问题在现代国际法上是一个颇有争议的国际法基本理论问题。目前国际法学界对这个问题的看法主要有 4种 :( 1)个人是国际法的主体 ,而且是唯一的主体 ;( 2 )个人是国际法的主体 ,但不是唯一的主体 ;( 3 )个人是国际法的部分主体 ,但不是唯一的主体 ;( 4 )个人不是国际法的主体。实际上 ,这个问题涉及到国际法的定义、国际法主体的概念、国家主权、国际法与国内法的关系和国际法的普遍性等问题  相似文献   

In countries that widely promote the development of international commercial arbitration, there is a tendency to favor it by weakening internationally mandatory rules. This article analyzes that tendency in recent French case law on arbitrability and on the international public policy test applied to arbitral awards. it then raises the question of whether that may be an appropriate model for latin american countries that wish to support arbitration without neglecting the state’s fundamental interests. The response to the question is affirmative.  相似文献   

The fifty years of experience of development of the Soviet state and of all forms of state structures based on nationality provide the most persuasive testimony that Soviet society has successfully solved one of the most complex of social problems — the national question. It is precisely under the conditions of socialist society that new forms of state and law have been found and successfully applied that have made it possible, on the basis of friendship and truly fraternal collaboration, to unite dozens of nations and nationalities and create the conditions for their development.  相似文献   

精神损害赔偿在我国理论界及司法界一直是敏感的问题。传统的诉讼观念认为 ,精神赔偿不适用刑事案件损害赔偿请求。然而 ,随着社会的发展 ,公民权利本位法律意识的强化 ,要求刑事侵权给予精神赔偿的呼声越来越高 ,而法律又与社会情势、公众情绪、当代诉讼观念相抵触 ,以致公众难以接受立法者对这一问题的态度 ,其冲突的焦点 ,在于对这一问题的认识及如何统一完善这方面的立法 ,消除认识上的误区  相似文献   

蒋兰香 《时代法学》2004,2(1):75-80
渎职罪主体是学界长期纠缠不休的一个焦点问题.全国人大常委会2002年12月28日通过的<关于刑法第九章渎职罪主体适用问题的解释>对这一焦点问题作了定论.对于渎职罪的主体应作广义上的理解,包括国家机关中法定从事公务的人员以及受国家机关委托、聘用、受国家机关委派从事公务的人员.  相似文献   

马克思《论犹太人问题》的问题意识与整个西方思想史上的诸多重要问题密切相关,它是整个政教之争的延续,更是现代人之追求的内在逻辑。马克思指出,随现代政治革命而来的政治解放即是国家从宗教中解放出来,国家的正当性不再依靠于宗教,宗教被逐出公共领域而成为了私人信仰。政治解放同时形成了国家和市民社会,市民社会的存在为宗教的存在提供了基础。市民社会这一自私自利之人活动空间的存在表明了政治解放本身所存在的巨大矛盾。该矛盾最终展示为人自身两种身份——国家公民与自然个体——之间的矛盾与分裂。马克思指出,导致这种分裂的根源是现代人对以金钱为代表的财产的过度追求。为此,即使有了政治解放,还必须进一步批判下去,直至人的两种身份彻底统一,达到人的解放。  相似文献   

One of the major questions in the Marxist-Leninist theory of noncapitalist development of formerly backward countries is that of state power. In such countries, state power has come into being under conditions of distinctive relationships of class forces (primarily in the absence of the hegemony of any particular class); in turn, it exercises an enormous influence upon the processes of development of classes and their regrouping. The social nature of many phenomena and institutions is indissolubly linked to the character of state power. Moreover, the revolutionary establishment of the new power is the starting point of noncapitalist development itself. Therefore, a correct solution of the question of the nature of state power holds fundamental significance for the evaluation of the principal aspects of sociopolitical life in the countries of socialist orientation.  相似文献   

There is no definitive answer to the question of how long one must wait, after a person's heart stops beating, before concluding that the person meets the heart-lung criteria for death. This question has assumed new importance with attempts to remove transplantable organs from people declared dead using those criteria. An examination of the legal definition of death suggests that organs are indeed being procured from some of these people prior to their being legally dead. Moreover, the fact that the donors have consented to these procedures does not eliminate reason for concern regarding this state of affairs, since patient autonomy must at times be overridden in pursuance of important social goals.  相似文献   

对行政法发展的"范式转换论"之商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"范式转换论"研究方法的缺陷是:将适用于自然科学领域的"范式"方法用来分析中国行政法发展的理论问题,将行政法发展视为是一个"革命"的过程;它提出行政法的基本问题应以问题为定向,以公共利益为主导.行政法学研究应以公共利益为分析视角等观点是不符合行政法历史和现实发展趋势的.它仅仅对行政法本体论方面做些转变,就认为中国行政法体系实现了从国家行政范式向公共行政范式转换,显得过于草率和仓促.  相似文献   

宪法的哲学之维   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
宪法是用以调整公民与国家之间冲突的法律规范。权力和权利的关系协调问题贯穿于宪法的始终,二者的有机协调是宪政秩序得以型构的前提基础。公民与国家的这样一种冲突关系,表现在宪法中,就是限权与保权的关系。它作为宪法的调整对象,表现出双重的属性:立足于已然之冲突,宪法应着重于矫正;立足于未然之冲突,宪法应着重于规制。矫正与规制的关系及其解决,成为宪法哲学的基本问题。宪法哲学的一切命题都由此展开,并为此服务。  相似文献   

中国法学教育沿革之研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
法学教育是法律的基本问题,而法律是宪政的基本问题。在中国传统历史中,“有系统的社会管制”所对应的不是法,而是中国特有的“礼”。1840年以前,中国无西方意义上的法学教育;1840年至 1949年,中国法学教育进入近代时期,从无到有,出现了一个极为兴盛的局面;1949年以后,中国现代法学教育从头开始,经历了曲折的发展过程,为适应社会主义市场经济体制的需要,完善我国法学教育事业还任重而道远。  相似文献   

Massoud, Mark Fathi. 2013 . Law's Fragile State: Colonial, Authoritarian, and Humanitarian Legacies in Sudan . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 277. Paper $34.99. This essay responds to the three commentators in the symposium on my book, Law's Fragile State, by describing the sociolegal study of the rule of law as an investigation into both a set of ideals (the rule of law as a normative question) and a set of practices (the rule of law as an empirical question). Studying the rule of law involves understanding the contingent nature of its ideals as well as investigating the actual work that lawyers, judges, state officials, aid workers, activists, and others have done in specific contexts to promote legal remedies to social or political ills. These overlapping layers of the study of the rule of law—ideals and practices, normative and empirical—provide a sociolegal framework for understanding the successes and failures of legal work and, ultimately, how citizens experience state power in democratic and nondemocratic societies alike.  相似文献   

The withdrawal of life support from patients in persistent vegetative state (PVS) is a controversial issue, as highlighted by a continuous public debate and recent judicial decisions. In Germany, a topic of particular interest is the abatement of artificial nutrition. First, doubts have come up whether every kind of technically delivered nutrition should be rated identically or whether a distinction between feeding tubes/gastrotomies and intravenous administration should be made. Second, the question is left open whether artificial nutrition is part of basic care and as a consequence may never be discontinued, or if it has to be regarded as life-sustaining treatment which can be refused by surrogates on behalf of the nonautonomous patient. Most recently, controversial judicial decisions have dealt with the question if substituted judgement concerning abatement of artificial nutrition by surrogates or legal guardians is permitted or if the approval of a court is necessary. Forensic evidence is provided which indicates that the withdrawal of artificial nutrition in patients in the persistent vegetative state may become a contributing causative factor or even the immediate cause of death. The legal implications with regard to the above-mentioned issues of controversy are discussed.  相似文献   

LINA NEWTON 《Law & policy》2012,34(2):113-137
Since 2005, state legislatures have passed hundreds of immigration bills, and state officials have argued that their efforts attempt to solve immigration crises caused by federal inaction. The state–federal clash over immigration seems to confirm scholarship suggesting deepening lines of conflict in the federal system since the 1990s. The question remains, however, whether this explosion in state immigration laws signifies a move by states to tailor their own solutions to immigration issues. This article explores whether states are serving as laboratories of innovation for immigration policy. The study analyzes over five hundred immigration bills passed between January 2006 and December 2008, and engages in a comparative analysis of three immigration policy areas (immigration law enforcement, employment regulations, and drivers' licenses) where there exist varying degrees of state autonomy from national policy and thus distinctive possibilities for states to offer creative approaches to immigration issues. The findings suggest little evidence of policy innovation at the state level, although a handful of states are challenging federal supremacy in immigration matters.  相似文献   

孙萌 《中国法学》2005,(1):137-144
在国际组织责任制度尚未建立的情况下,联合国如何履行其国际责任是理论与实践上亟待解答的重要问题。本文通过对国家责任与联合国责任的比较和对联合国相关实践及其特点的分析,论证了国家责任制度通过必要的调整适用于联合国组织的观点。  相似文献   

This paper considers the political role of the organized bar from three perspectives: the historical question of the stance taken by bar associations during the major civil rights debates of the post-World War II period; the sociological question of the extent to which legal associations can act collectively on highly contentious political issues; and the legal question concerning the implications of legal formalism for the politics of the bar. Contrary to the belief that legalism is an inherently conservative means of justifying professional inaction on fundamental issues, the paper argues that in fact legalism may well be the most important basis of intra-professional consensus on those issues as well as the most powerful means by which the profession can influence state and national governments. Legalism can be understood as a common professional idiom which allows mobilization on divisive issues. It can be used in support of both liberal and conservative causes. In this sense, within certain limits, legalism is neutral–an expedient which enables the profession to act politically in circumstances which otherwise would effectively immobilize its collegial associations.  相似文献   

In light of the question of whether justice is the differentia specifica of the state, this paper reviews Smith's views on justice and social contract theory. The paper finds that Smith did not regard justice, what supposedly motivates agents to enter into a social contract with the sovereign, as the core of the polity. He rather explicitly criticized social contract theory à la John Locke. Smith argued that the state is not only based on the protection of rights, but is also founded on the principle of authority, which stems from the admiration of high-rank agents who have desirable traits.  相似文献   

By this time Gertrude Stein was in a sad state of indecision and worry. I sat next to her and she said to me early in the afternoon, what is the answer? I was silent. In that case, she said, what is the question? Then the whole afternoon was troubled, confused and very uncertain. … (Toklas, 1963: 173)  相似文献   

有奖拍违的出台有何依据?它违法吗?各种观点的解释和行政部门给出的法条依据遮蔽了问题的关键。在这纷扰的场景下,只有将其放置于行政任务民营化的背景中,从拍客与行政部门的关系、国家任务的层级与有奖拍违的关系以及设定有奖拍违的权源入手,我们才能找到问题的答案。除了不可以侵入绝对的国家任务外,私人都可以参与行政事务,但无论以何种形式参与,此中都须强调国家的担保责任和由此衍生的指挥、监督及控制责任。  相似文献   

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