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The question of interrelations between local soviets and law enforcement agencies is of both general theoretical and practical importance for the intensification and development of the struggle against criminal and other antisocial phenomena. The Political Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the Twenty-seventh Party Congress voiced the demand "to steadfastly raise the responsibilty of law enforcement and other agencies, to strengthen state arbitration and the legal services in the soviets and in the national economy, and to improve the legal education of the population. The use of the entire force of Soviet laws in the struggle against crime and other legal infractions, so that people in every population center feel the concern of the state for their peace and inviolability, so that they be assured that not a single law breaker will escape the punishment he deserves, is an unceasing task."1  相似文献   

The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, compelled most Americans to imagine the unimaginable. Increased interest was focused on lessons learned, specifically if local law enforcement agencies had made appropriate organizational changes to manage potential terrorism events. The purpose of this study was to assess perceptions of law enforcement officers in the state of Michigan regarding organizational changes post 9/11. A total of 247 law enforcement officers participated in the study by completing three instruments, the Police Unit Assessment of Terrorism (PAT) Scale, Domestic Unit Assessment of Terrorism (DAT) Scale, and a short demographic survey. The officers who perceived their work load had increased since 9/11 were more likely to have more positive perceptions on both the PAT and DAT.  相似文献   

综合执法体制改革打破了以往分散、无序、重复执法的局面,将相关的执法资源整合在一起,节约了执法资源,提高了执法效率,优化了执法秩序,减少了执法扰民,增强了市场主体和社会公众的自由度,促进了社会的公平正义,体现了效率、自由、秩序、正义、安全等多重法理价值。但理想的价值目标是不会轻易实现的,对此应当进行价值优化和价值整合,其方法包括提高效率价值、扩大自由价值、维护秩序价值、强化正义价值、保障安全价值等。  相似文献   

Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among identification, embeddedness, and turnover intentions at the organizational and occupational levels. Design/methodology/approach—Over 1,100 members of the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations completed an on-line survey. The sample included Agents and staff who were officers, enlisted, and civilians. Findings Measures of fit, sacrifice, and links were positively related to organizational embeddedness. Organizational and occupational embeddedness were negatively related to turnover intentions. Organizational and occupational identification were negatively related to turnover intentions. Embeddedness fully mediated the relationship between identification and turnover intentions at the organizational level and partially mediated the relationship between identification and turnover intentions at the occupational level. Implications Turnover can be expensive in organizations where training costs are high. Understanding embeddedness may help practitioners reduce turnover costs. Combining models of embeddedness and identification can help researchers understand the mechanisms by which employees are rooted in organizations, and organizations are rooted in employees. Originality/value This paper is one of very few papers that have examined job embeddedness in law enforcement organizations, or occupational embeddedness in any organization. This is one of the first studies to examine the relationships among identification, embeddedness and turnover intentions. The paper demonstrated the value of adding identification to the job embeddedness model.  相似文献   

Supply reduction efforts by drug law enforcement departments are a significant factor in improving the effectiveness of drug control policies. The performance of drug law enforcement departments is one of the most important concerns for policy makers. Therefore, improving the performance of these departments is crucial in order for governments to constrict illegal drug markets and prevent illegal drug distribution. The literature suggests that social capital may have significant impacts on organizational performance. Using survey data from 12 city law enforcement departments in Turkey, this study examines the effects of three social capital dimensions (structural, relational, and cognitive dimensions) on the perceived performance of drug law enforcement departments by using structural equation modeling. The results of this conceptually grounded and empirical study suggest that drug law enforcement departments should pay close attention to promoting social capital among officers in order to fight effectively against drug trafficking.  相似文献   

陈晓东 《法学杂志》2008,29(2):100-102
理念是包括理论、理想、信念在内的一个概念。法治的发展趋势,直接影响执法理念,执法理念直接决定执法者的执法行为。没有先进的、合乎时代潮流的执法理念,公诉人的公诉能力建设乃至公正执法就无从谈起。因此,要充分认识更新公诉人执法理念的重要性、紧迫性,在全面分析公诉人执法理念存在问题的基础上,正确把握公诉人执法理念转变的方向。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which work-life conflict and organizational support for work-life balance are related to job satisfaction and turnover intentions for military law enforcement personnel. More specifically, 1203 members of the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations completed a survey that measured family-to-work conflict, work-to-family conflict, perceptions of work-life support from the organization, support from immediate supervisors, and support from peers. Work-to-family and family-to-work conflict were related to job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Perceived social support, especially at the organizational level, was negatively correlated with work-to-family and family-to-work conflict. Agents within the OSI were experiencing more work-to-family and family-to-work conflict than OSI support staff although the relationships among support, conflict and satisfaction were the same for the two groups.  相似文献   

加强执法机关公信力建设是社会主义法治理念的必然要求,同时,只有贯彻社会主义法治理念,执法机关公信力建设才能取得成效.以人为本、执法为民是执法机关公信力建设的出发点,严格执法是执法机关公信力建设的基础,公正执法是执法机关公信力得以确立的关键.  相似文献   

社会主义法治理念这一重大命题的提出,为我国建设社会主义法治国家进一步指明了方向。牢固树立社会主义法治理念,既是做好司法行政工作的客观需要,更是加强司法行政队伍思想政治建设的目标要求。本文结合当前监狱劳教人民警察和法律服务队伍的思想和工作实际,就执法、执业为民,  相似文献   

国家安全机关作为对危害国家安全犯罪进行侦查的特定主体,在工作中依法享有刑事执法权.在刑事执法活动中,国家安全机关既有必要对公民权利作出适当限制也要注重对公民合法权利的保障,应在权利限制与权利保障之间进行平衡.从立法层面分析,我国法律的有关规定在此问题上存在不足,还有待进一步完善.  相似文献   

论政府执法方式及其变革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
政府执法方式是政府执法权力的表现形态 ,体现了参与执法过程的各类主体的相互关系。政府执法方式变革就是修正政府执法过程中参与者的相互关系 ,涉及执法观念、执法体制、执法制度以及与司法的关系等诸多问题。政府执法方式变革应当坚持行政民主化、加强公开性和参与性、法制统一和人权保障的基本方向 ,特别强调行政程序和公民权利的重要性、行政相关人概念的重要意义、行政与司法的关系 ,以及政府执法的人性化。  相似文献   

An Enforcement Taxonomy of Regulatory Agencies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A variety of multivariate techniques were used to develop a taxonomy of regulatory agencies from the first comprehensive study of the disparate enforcement strategies employed by business regulatory agencies in one country. Seven types of agencies were identified: Conciliators, Benign Big Guns, Diagnostic Inspectorates, Detached Token Enforcers, Detached Modest Enforcers, Token Enforcers and Modest Enforcers. Agencies were distinguished primarily according to their orientation to enforcement versus persuasion, according to their commitment to detached (or arms length) command and control regulation versus cooperative fostering of self-regulation, and according to their attachment to universalistic rulebook regulation versus particularistic regulation. Nevertheless, it is not unreasonable to view regulatory agencies as lying on a single continuum from particularistic non-enforcers who engage in cooperative fostering of self-regulation to rulebook enforcers whose policy is detached command and control. This approximates the suggestions of Hawkins and Reiss for distinguishing regulatory agencies according to a "sanctioning/deterrence" versus "compliance" dimension. The predominant regulatory style in Australia, however, is distant from both poles, being a perfunctory regulatory approach which is neither distinctively diagnostic and educative nor litigiously "going by the book"; rather it amounts to "going through the motions". The typology also partially conforms to Black's categorisation of social control as penal, therapeutic, conciliatory and compensatory.  相似文献   

建设服务型政府与行政执法改革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
服务型政府是现代民主国家政府追求的价值目标 ,也是社会主义国家人民政府应有的基本品质。针对目前行政执法实践中存在的问题 ,我国必须从转变执法观念、重塑执法职能、改革执法体制、提升执法人员素质、建立健全执法责任制及完善执法矫正机制等方面进行行政执法改革 ,建设服务型政府。  相似文献   

县域社会违建执法需要一定的组织载体,但在不同农村类型中,体制层面执法资源配置不均和社会层面违建个体情境差异共同塑造了不同类型的政府执法组织,并产生不同治理绩效。在城中村,正式化执法组织具备常规执法权且执法密度大,虽能够强化执法效果,但在执法过程中始终存在政府与征拆居民的利益博弈;在城郊村,正式化与半正式化相结合的执法组织有助于强化政府执法力量和权威,但受信息制约和人情关系影响容易产生灰色利益空间,进而侵蚀执法目标;在远郊村,半正式化执法组织本身没有专业执法权,政府常在一定时期内通过组织动员手段来补强执法力量,但执法绩效具有不稳定性。三类农村违建执法组织的治理绩效差异,反映出国家法律在县域城乡社会落地的非均质性。  相似文献   

论我国城管执法体制改革及其法治保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城管执法体制改革是基于相对集中行政处罚权而开展的综合执法的试验,旨在解决权责交叉、多头执法等问题。实践中各地城管职能的无序扩张、上下层级权限不对等、管理体制不顺畅等问题阻碍城管制度发展,需要科学界定城管职责,避免盲目扩张,厘清城市管理中的央地关系以及不同层级政府间的权责关系,构建与其职责匹配的行政协调机制,并通过统一立法,固化城管体制改革的成果,引导综合执法体制发展。  相似文献   

北京市城管综合行政执法的发展困境及解决思路   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
北京市城管综合行政执法工作已经开展十余年,在北京城市管理中发挥了重要作用。目前该领域存在的职权界定标准模糊、执法物质保障缺乏、执法队伍结构不合理、职权配制不科学、执法理念、执法方式简单化等障碍直接影响了城管综合行政执法效能的发挥。对此,首先应科学划定城管综合行政执法的权限范围,其次加强城管执法物质保障和执法队伍建设,再次建立城管执法多项职权的协调体制,最后转变执法观念,改进执法方式,提高执法能力。  相似文献   

就反垄断法的实施而言,反垄断执法机构具有非常重要的地位.以往对反垄断执法机构的研究,往往只强调其独立性,而缺乏对其独立性前提的分析以及对如何确保执法机构在获得独立性的同时不偏离正确执法方向的探讨.然而,由于被管制机构的寻租以及执法机构的错误判断等原因,反垄断执法机构的独立性反而会强化其偏离执法目标.因此,在强调反垄断执法机构的独立性时,应该从程序角度构建对反垄断执法机构的制约机制,以便其正确、合理地执法.  相似文献   

依法行政的重心在于行政执法。要完成执法任务,行政执法主体必须具备相应的能力。我国当前行政执法中存在诸多问题的一个重要原因就是由于行政执法缺乏保障而致使行政执法主体的能力欠缺。因而,应加强对行政执法的保障,提高行政执法主体的执法能力。  相似文献   

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