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Fire extinguisher is an integral part of emergency responses to small fires. Different types of fire extinguisher exists; cartridge‐based fire extinguisher is commonly used. Despite their intended use for safety, such devices can become dangerous if not properly handled or maintained. This case report describes the death of a soldier from the explosion of a cartridge‐based fire extinguisher during routine servicing. The case is the first reported in the medical literature. A safety device like fire extinguisher can become dangerous if not handled with care and due steps should be taken for the maintenance of such devices before being operated in the public domain.  相似文献   

建设服务型政府与行政执法改革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
服务型政府是现代民主国家政府追求的价值目标 ,也是社会主义国家人民政府应有的基本品质。针对目前行政执法实践中存在的问题 ,我国必须从转变执法观念、重塑执法职能、改革执法体制、提升执法人员素质、建立健全执法责任制及完善执法矫正机制等方面进行行政执法改革 ,建设服务型政府。  相似文献   

民事强制执行程序中,担保财产是执行义务人重要的责任财产。虽然民事强制执行的大部分规定都适用于担保财产执行,但其仍有诸多程序规范问题亟需解决,对此,需依强制执行法基础理论和民法典相关规定结合担保财产执行的特殊性予以解决。首先,在担保财产执行启动阶段需要论证时效体系的完整性,即执行时效期限不能短于诉讼时效的3年期限;还需要论证执行管辖的原则,即为解决数字质效的实践困境,应以财产所在地法院执行为原则。其次,在担保财产查控阶段,需秉持比例原则,分别以必要性原则审查超标的额执行行为、以合适性原则审查限制消费措施的适当性。最后,在担保财产变价处置阶段,针对民法典有关居住权制度和抵押物转让的新规,要以均衡性原则衡量抵押权与居住权的对抗限度,并继续沿用“剩余主义+消灭主义”的拍卖模式.  相似文献   

杨巍 《法学》2020,(6):20-33
保证债务诉讼时效与主债务诉讼时效的关系应当遵循"从随主"原则:保证债务诉讼时效期间适用主债务诉讼时效期间;主债务诉讼时效中断或中止,原则上保证债务诉讼时效同时中断或中止,反之则否。保证人享有和行使时效抗辩权具有一定程度的相对独立性:主债务被重新确认导致主债务人丧失原时效抗辩权,但不影响保证人享有和行使主债务时效抗辩权;保证人放弃主债务时效抗辩权或保证债务时效抗辩权的,应区分保证成立的原因关系以确定保证人是否丧失求偿权。保证人放弃主债务时效抗辩权或者保证债务时效抗辩权的,即丧失另一时效抗辩权。  相似文献   

如果把刑事诉讼法看作宪法的测震器,那么强制措施就是公民宪法权利的试金石,作为世界各国刑事诉讼中不可或缺的部分,强制措施承担了诉讼保障的角色,同时也是刑事司法程序所"必须承受之重"--对人身权利、自由的严重侵害.  相似文献   

Charities in the Victorian era were characterised by the notions of service and pressure, acting as a shield and a sword for social change. Charities continue to pursue such policies, but do so at the behest of state agendas on public service provision and civic engagement. This article examines the regulatory and policy challenges of the service and pressure dynamic, focusing upon the provision of public services by charities, considering the decision of the Charity Commission in the cases of Trafford and Wigan , and the hurdles faced by charities wishing to pursue a political agenda alongside the state's concern with protecting against terrorism. The article concludes by considering the arbitrary choice made within the regulatory framework between acceptable and unacceptable political conduct and the focus upon good governance in charities and the issues which arise under section 6(3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998.  相似文献   

以买卖合同担保借贷债务的,《民间借贷司法解释》第24条规定应按借贷审理,其隐含的解释路径是名为买卖,实为借贷,似未肯定买卖合同的效力。汤龙案及之后的一些案例提出了不同于第24条的裁判路径,并限制了该条的适用。学理上,买卖型担保是一种契约担保,不能解释为传统的代物清偿预约附条件代物清偿债之更改等,亦有别于物权性的让与担保。其契约担保方式并不违反法律强制性规定,应为有效。解释论上,买卖型担保有别于以物抵债,兼具债法效力和担保效力,须综合适用借贷、买卖、担保之相关规定。借贷合同与买卖合同之间,两债并存,买受人享有履行选择权。立法论上,应建立清算规则,于所有权移转请求权得以实现时对标的物进行评估与清算。买卖型担保无优先效力,不能对抗第三人,但若已经预告登记,则其所有权移转请求权应具有优先效力,且仍应对标的物价额与债务额进行清算,并将超出债务额部分返还债务人。  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that repeat victimizations occur more frequently than would be expected if households within a particular area were victimized randomly. This implies that characteristics of the household affect the victimization rate. Even controlling for these characteristics, we find that a Poisson model does not capture the distribution of victimizations because repeat victimizations are more concentrated than it would indicate. This leads us to adopt the negative binomial generalization of the Poisson model. Our analysis uses sociodemographic attributes of the household and community-level characteristics to predict victimizations, with the victimization data being the observed number of property crime victimizations from the 1992 British Crime Survey. The negative binomial generalization is found to be highly statistically significant and the crime concentration it implies becomes much more marked as the predicted number of victimizations increases.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the possible uses of household survey data for the analysis of the process of economic transition. It is argued that such data are particularly valuable for work on the distributional effects of transition, using simulation techniques of various kinds. Some examples are given, focusing on: labour supply; indirect taxation; and the cost and effectiveness of the Hungarian personal income tax and social security systems under alternative assumptions about changes in the distribution of gross earnings and the level and incidence of unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper sets up a model of household dissolution in which one party decides to leave a household that contains children. We study the effects of divorce law on this decision and, in particular, the role of legal provisions governing the post-dissolution care of the household’s children. In particular, we show that there is an inevitable tension between achieving efficiency in marriage and at the same time achieving efficiency in divorce.  相似文献   

Since the dawn of the common market, the European Union has enacted abundant legislation regulating the employment of specific food names. This process has led to the introduction of a regulatory framework for wines and spirits, and four quality schemes for food products: protected denominations of origin (PDO), protected geographical indications (PGI), traditional specialities guaranteed (TSG), and optional quality terms (OQT). This paper focuses on the TSG. It will first determine the collocation of this quality scheme in the EU legal framework; second, it will conduct a legal exegesis of the norms regulating the TSG under the previous Regulation 509/06 and analyse the ways in which they have been interpreted and applied; third, it will suggest reasons for the limited success of this scheme in the past; and fourth, it will explore the recently enacted Regulation 1151/12, seeking to establish whether it addresses the pre‐existing flaws that fettered the TSG.  相似文献   

周伟  邵尔希 《现代法学》2007,29(1):154-161
保释是目前世界范围内占主导地位的羁押替代措施。在欧美法治国家,保释是常态,羁押是例外。取保候审是我国《刑诉法》规定的一种非羁押性强制措施。因应刑事司法中保障人权的趋势和要求,扩大适用非羁押措施是刑事司法改革内容之一,但在我国目前社会状况下,囿于文化传统、民众心理、司法体制、物质基础、社会控制手段等因素,扩大适用取保候审存在诸多困难。认识和面对这些困难,以做出正确的改革选择是司法改革的重要环节。  相似文献   

The potential for the injury or death of a child resulting from the tip-over of a piece of household furniture or a domestic appliance has not been previously well recognized. We reviewed nine accidental deaths of young children that resulted from avoidable residential hazards and/or lapses in supervision of the children by their caregivers. The offending household items included televisions, bedroom dressers, a kitchen stove, and a lounge chair. The causes of death were mechanical asphyxia, blunt trauma, and combined blunt head trauma and asphyxia. All of the deaths could have been prevented by appropriate anchoring of the piece of furniture and/or closer supervision of the child. A thorough multidisciplinary investigation is essential in establishing the cause and manner of death in such cases and in identifying risk factors that may aid in the prevention of future childhood deaths.  相似文献   

中日“家事调停”的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、日本的“家事调停”制度 第二次世界大战以后,日本根据战后制定的新宪法,规定了婚姻及其家庭立法必须遵循的个人尊严和两性平等的原则,并设置家庭裁判所,对家事纠纷实行与诉讼不同的调停审判程序.1948年1月1日,在废除原有的人事调停制度的同时,……  相似文献   

The structural study of the Balkan family began in the United States in the 1940s, producing several generations of scholars. Such scholarly continuity is much more recent on the European continent. Findings to date suggest the Balkan pattern of male equal partible inheritance could lead to four distinctive household formation patterns. But though it seems that the inheritance system played a key role, it was only in combination with additional elements that a distinctive pattern evolved. These additional elements were neolocality or patrivirilocality; environmental factors (abundance or scarcity of land, remote mountainous regions, islands); economic factors such as forms of pastoralism, mixed production or fishing; and agnatic kinship as opposed to community ties. Future research will have to continue to address the question of Balkan familial diversity, as well as how the Balkans compare to the rest of Europe with respect to crucial familial characteristics.  相似文献   

The structural study of the Balkan family began in the United States in the 1940s, producing several generations of scholars. Such scholarly continuity is much more recent on the European continent. Findings to date suggest the Balkan pattern of male equal partible inheritance could lead to four distinctive household formation patterns. But though it seems that the inheritance system played a key role, it was only in combination with additional elements that a distinctive pattern evolved. These additional elements were neolocality or patrivirilocality; environmental factors (abundance or scarcity of land, remote mountainous regions, islands); economic factors such as forms of pastoralism, mixed production or fishing; and agnatic kinship as opposed to community ties. Future research will have to continue to address the question of Balkan familial diversity, as well as how the Balkans compare to the rest of Europe with respect to crucial familial characteristics.  相似文献   

This article discusses commercial viticulture as a peculiar form of agro-economic activity with certain analogies to proto-industry. Using cadastral surveys, parish registers, and census lists from two Lower Austrian villages, the main economic features, the household formation patterns, and the family forms of peasant wine-growers are analyzed within the broader framework of the demographic and social landscape of the Austrian Alpine provinces of the Habsburg monarchy in the nineteenth century. The prevalence of nuclear family forms, low proportions of permanent celibates and illegitimate births, highly fragmented landownership, small numbers of farm servants, and numerous lodgers are shown to be the main characteristics of this smallholder society. Due to the decline of Austrian viticulture in the first half of the nineteenth century, it underwent a process of “re-agrarianisation.”  相似文献   

论夫妻对家庭生活费用负担之义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《婚姻法》以夫妻共同财产制和夫妻扶养制度掩盖了家庭生活费用负担制度。事实上,夫妻扶养制度与家庭生活费用负担制度各具价值,不能替代;在夫妻共同财产制下也需要家庭生活费负担制度。该制度应当包括生活费用的范围、负担方式和救济方法。  相似文献   

黄桂琴 《河北法学》2012,(12):163-168
户籍,指的是登记居民户口的册籍。户籍制度是政府职能部门对所辖人口的出生、死亡、迁徙、婚姻等基本状况进行登记并进行相关管理的一项法律制度。通过分析世界上具有代表性的西欧、美国、俄罗斯、日本的户籍制度,并与我国户籍制度进行比较研究,阐明户籍制度的理念为身份平等,户籍制度的价值为保护迁徙自由,户籍法律制度具有私法功能。我国户籍制度改革的目标为实现城乡居民身份平等,实践法律的公平正义。  相似文献   

近年来关于家用液化石油气爆炸事故的新闻报道比比皆是,家用液化石油气的安全问题受到人们越来越多的关注.论文主要针对液化石油气的理化性质及其泄漏爆炸危害特点,分析了家用液化石油气泄漏爆炸事故频发的原因,提出了加强家用液化石油气安全管理的对策.  相似文献   

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