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During the entire postwar period, the term "interdependence" has figured repeatedly in statements by American governmental figures and in the writings of bourgeois political scientists. In the past two or three years, it has acquired a new ring. Whereas previously American expressions regarding "interdependence" applied to relationships within the framework of NATO, today they have to do with a considerably broader sphere of foreign policy relationships of the United States, including those involving the entire capitalist world and the developing countries. In a number of cases, American writers working on the "interdependence" problem have also included certain aspects of the relation between capitalist and socialist states. They undertake to analyze, from the standpoint of bourgeois political science, various aspects of "interdependence" — economic, physical-geographical (deriving from mankind's ever more intensive joint utilization of the atmosphere, the waters and floor of the world ocean, near outer space, solar and subsurface energy, etc.), military-political (having to do with the threat of destruction of world civilization should a nuclear war occur), cultural, and so on.  相似文献   

在科学发展史上,方法论的突破往往带来科学发展的重大突破。历史地看,“实证”研究是一个在社会科学的发展中被扬弃的概念,科学的提法是“经验研究”。经验方法以定量研究为主,强调科学研究必须以客观观察所获得的准确资料为基础。在法学研究中,经验方法只适用于研究与效用有关的问题,不适用于研究与价值有关的问题。进行经验研究,必须完成一个话语体系的转变,即从理论思维或逻辑思维转变到数量形式的思维。  相似文献   

“生活世界”中的心理学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实现真正的“人”的心理学需要在心理学研究中树立“生活世界”的理念,从自然科学的主导态度转向生活世界的视域。生活世界是人们对现实的直接在场,是实现人的现实意义及价值的最根本的世界。生活世界的心理学价值在于强调忠实于心理现象的重要性,将研究对象定位为真正是对人的研究,把人真正当作“人”;研究在现实生活中真实体验和活动着的人的心理并进行纯粹的描述和意义理解。  相似文献   

舒国滢 《政法论坛》2022,(1):147-160
法学的实践性实际上是与法学的科学性联系在一起的.在历史上,有学者(比如冯·基尔希曼)认为,法学作为"科学"从理论上说是无价值的,它并非"科学".应当看到,法学是一门以"问题-决定"为中心、以某个特定的在历史上形成的实在法秩序为基础、采取诠释-评价的论证方式来探求法律问题之答案(解决法律问题)的(实践)规范性诠释科学,它...  相似文献   

法学界对于社会科学在司法裁判中运用的研究源于对以逻辑演绎方法为核心的科学主义在法学中支配地位的反思和以经验主义为核心的社会科学在法学中的兴起。为了确保进入裁判性事实认定领域的社会科学具有权威性和说服力,社会科学必须借助相应的证据规则。社会科学知识作为证据的准入标准经历了一个从普遍认同标准到科学有效性标准的转变。社会学解释方法和社会框架是社会科学在法律适用过程中加以运用的两种方式。社会学解释方法在法律适用过程中的运用应当以法律存在多种相互冲突的解释或存在"隐藏的漏洞"为前提,找寻法律概念所包含的肯定选项或者中性选项,并遵循比例原则和受到法律规范性质的约束。社会框架的运用必须以尊重本国文化传统和日常基本逻辑为前提,并结合其他因素,以充分发挥社会框架的效力。  相似文献   

本体论的兴衰与哲学时代主题的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史上看,本体论的演化经历了一个曲折的过程.早期,本体论的兴盛说明了哲学研究的重心是探讨世界的"本原","形而上"的追索构成了古代哲学的主题.近代以来,认识论的繁荣与本体论的衰落是同一个过程的两个方面,哲学研究中对"形而上"问题的质疑和对精确科学的推崇把哲学变成了所谓的"科学之科学".哲学主题的"科学化"一方面使哲学蒙上了"科学"的表象,另一方面也使之远离了人类的终极关怀和至上理想.然而,现代人文精神的失落和科学技术发展带来的人类生存危机提醒人们:科学和人文是人类社会发展的双轨,哲学的科学化是不符合哲学的本性和社会发展的要求的,世界范围内兴起的对本体论研究的热潮证明了哲学的当代主题乃是人与世界的和谐共处问题,哲学在其中起着人类生活信念重建和理性对待世界的双重任务.  相似文献   

张中  石美森 《证据科学》2012,20(1):13-20
在事实认定日益科技化的现代诉讼中,科学证据的使用越来越普遍。但由于人们对科学的盲目崇拜,导致了司法实践中对科学证据证明力的误解和盲从时有发生。事实上,科学证据的"科学性"有很大的不确定性,有些科学方法的有效性还有待验证。在操作层面上,检材的收集保管过程、鉴定设备和方法以及专家的知识水平和职业操守对科学证据的证明力均有重要影响。作为新一代的"证据之王",科学证据虽然具有非常重要的证明价值,但仅凭科学证据定案是很危险的,从而需要给科学证据设立补强规则。  相似文献   

The resolution of the June (1963) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee emphasized the importance of training highly qualified personnel for the economy, science and culture, of shaping a Marxist-Leninist world view and communist consciousness in such persons, and of developing lofty qualities of citizenship. The progress that will be made by higher education, and especially the quality of the training it provides, will depend to a considerable degree upon the school faculties. It is precisely the teachers of the higher schools who are called upon, in their daily work, to equip the youth with scientific knowledge and scientific methods of research, to rouse in them a love and passion for constant self-improvement in their fields, and for creative inquiry. Only a teacher who himself works energetically and thinks creatively can teach. Lenin, in his letter to the students of the school on Capri pointed out that "all ‘curricula,’ ‘rules’ and the rest, are hollow words unless the teaching staff matches up to them." (1) Therefore, the Communist Party and the Soviet government, concerned with the advancement of the Soviet school in every possible way, give special attention to the training of research and teaching personnel and to the improvement of their scholarly qualifications.  相似文献   

This article discusses the phenomenon of "context effects" by reviewing the findings and practices of a range of scientific fields, including astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, and especially the relevant research and theory from psychology. Context information, such as expectations about what one is supposed to see or conclude, has been found to have a small but relentless impact on human perception, judgment, and decision-making. The article then considers the vulnerability of forensic science practice to context effects, and concludes by suggesting that forensic science adopt practices familiar in other fields of scientific work, in particular blind or double-blind testing and also the use of evidence line-ups.  相似文献   

Victimology is, in literal translation, "the science of the victim" (from the Latin victima). Having recently been developed to a considerable degree in many countries of the world, victimology has assembled interesting empirical data and developed a number of theoretical propositions on the personality and behavior of persons who have suffered from crimes, their relationships with the criminals, and the role of the victim in the genesis of the crime. At the same time, sufficient clarity does not exist on the matter of the subject area of victimology, its relationship to disciplines on which it abuts, and the theoretical foundations and principal lines of victimological research. Therefore the question of what constitutes victimology remains pressing, and the answer to it cannot be unambiguous, particularly if one considers the fundamental difference between bourgeois and socialist criminology.  相似文献   

What does research look like in practice? Aside from popular assumptions of how researchers are lonely isolated individuals sitting disconnected from the rest of the world enmeshed in thought, a considerable part of research involves working with data. Whether this data is quantitative, qualitative, gathered through experiments or involves writing code, all of this data is not just magically ‘invented’ out of thin air, but instead develops in a process of interaction with both human beings and technical systems. However only a small fragment of this process is presented to outside reviewers, the outputs and the framing often specifically designed to make a specific point. How the author got there, and which assumptions were made on the way and how these assumptions developed over time is seldom included in the final write-up. The following article argues that rather than just providing output data to be considered in research – or providing explanations for technical outcomes as is frequently proposed in computer science, accountability can only be developed by better understanding the research process. In order to do this, we suggest a series of mechanisms that can be built into existing research practices to make them more intelligible to outside reviewers and scholars. These mechanisms are designed to develop the accountability principle of the GDPR and ensure more accountable scientific research. As the GDPR recitals also explicitly references scientific research, an accountability by design approach to technology research is grounded both in the articles and recitals of the GDPR. By documenting the key elements of a narrative research story which explains not just what you believe to have discovered but also how researchers got there, it may also be possible to create better accountability mechanisms.  相似文献   

邓正来 《中国法学》2007,(2):132-144
直面全球化,中国法学首要的问题便是对“全球化问题”本身问题化而非将之视为当然的事实与前设。经由对“全球化问题”的理论建构中国法学才能进一步洞见到全球化的深层内核以及其背后的话语争夺、建构与视角转换问题,才能对作为特定时空的“中国”在全球化下所面对的问题的复杂性与多样性有更清晰的认知。本着这种问题化的理路,经由把“世界结构”作为重新定义“中国”、建构“中国”的历史性条件,中国法学就建构起了一种“关系性视角”与“共时性视角”,通过视角的建构与转换,中国法学才能够洞察“世界结构”对中国的双重强制性并在建构“主体性中国”的过程中据以建构起中国自己的法律理想图景。同时这种“主体性中国”的建构本身就是一种开放的进程。它既要对既有的“世界结构”本身的正当性保持批判与反思,更要对地方性中国对“世界结构”本身的意义与贡献充满想象。“主体性中国”的建构既是直面全球化的中国法学所秉持的一种“中国观”,更是一种“世界观”。  相似文献   

刑事一体化是指刑事立法、刑事司法、刑事科学三方面及其内部各方协调一致,形成有机统二的完整系统。在刑事一体化的视野中,犯罪心理学在关于“犯罪”这一基本概念上,应当与处于规范地位的刑法学保持一致。犯罪心理学是刑事科学的基础理论学科和应用学科,同时,由于其独特的学科性质、研究视觉和研究方法,使其在一体化的刑事科学中,具有不可替代的地位和作用。  相似文献   

论哲学化的法理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法理学名称经历了从部门哲学、法哲学、法律哲学、法理学到哲学的法理学的演变过程;法理学学术问题有描述性问题、规范性问题和哲学问题三种基本类型;研究法的哲学问题的法理学实际上就是法的世界观的学问,具有人的实践基础上的科学性和价值性的特征;在当今时代研究法理学哲学问题的最好途径和最好方法是对历史中的法理学进行理解和解释。  相似文献   

The “science commons,” knowledge that is widely accessible at low or no cost, is a uniquely important input to scientific advance and cumulative technological innovation. It is primarily, although not exclusively, funded by government and nonprofit sources. Much of it is produced at academic research centers, although some academic science is proprietary and some privately funded R&D enters the science commons. Science in general aspires to Mertonian norms of openness, universality, objectivity, and critical inquiry. The science commons diverges from proprietary science primarily in being open and being very broadly available. These features make the science commons particularly valuable for advancing knowledge, for training innovators who will ultimately work in both public and private sectors, and in providing a common stock of knowledge upon which all players—both public and private—can draw readily. Open science plays two important roles that proprietary R&D cannot: it enables practical benefits even in the absence of profitable markets for goods and services, and its lays a shared foundation for subsequent private R&D. The history of genomics in the period 1992–2004, covering two periods when genomic startup firms attracted significant private R&D investment, illustrates these features of how a science commons contributes value. Commercial interest in genomics was intense during this period. Fierce competition between private sector and public sector genomics programs was highly visible. Seemingly anomalous behavior, such as private firms funding “open science,” can be explained by unusual business dynamics between established firms wanting to preserve a robust science commons to prevent startup firms from limiting established firms’ freedom to operate. Deliberate policies to create and protect a large science commons were pursued by nonprofit and government funders of genomics research, such as the Wellcome Trust and National Institutes of Health. These policies were crucial to keeping genomic data and research tools widely available at low cost.
Robert Cook-DeeganEmail:

The isolation of human stem cells and the cloning of "Dolly" in the late 1990s, based on primate and other animal studies in the previous 20 years, created an explosion of interest that continues with daily reports in much of the world's press. The science has progressed steadily but not always smoothly, with promising discoveries in the potency and flexibility of cells derived from embryonic, umbilical cord and adult tissues. The promise of a revolutionary new era in health and medical sciences and systems requires careful scientific method, ethical debate and supportive legal and regulatory frameworks to achieve success. The frontiers of the science are focusing on the regulation of cell lineage choice and the development of designer stem cells for therapeutic cloning; the ethical debate focuses on the special status of the human embryo and the pathways to applications; while legal and regulatory frameworks differ around the world. There is some risk that the promises are overtaking the reality of progress, with the rush for results and premature offering of dubious remedies compromising scientific method and credibility. Stem cells should not be the snake oil of our times, nor should short cuts and short sell promises, fuelled by illusions of fame and fortune, risk the trust of the public in science and medicine.  相似文献   

科学技术在为人类社会带来便利的同时也带来了许多科技风险.在风险社会中完善的科技法律责任对科技社会法律治理、科技法律体系化建设、传统法律责任体系突破、科技强国建设以及科学技术标准化发展都具有重要意义.通过对中国现有主要科技基本法律文本的分析,可以看出中国现行科技法律责任体现为三大传统法律责任的综合,且其中行政法律责任占据...  相似文献   

与30年的改革开放同步,中国法治经历了一个理论不断革新、制度不断完善的发展过程。第一届齐鲁法学论坛以"回顾、反思、展望"为主线,回顾和总结了30年来的法治历程与经验,反思和展望今后的发展道路。论坛研讨了刑法学、行政法学、民商法学、司法制度、法学研究、学科建设、法学教育等主题,蕴含着丰富的思想含量。今后我们的法学研究还要进一步拓宽视域、提升层次,使之具有国际视野,积极融入全球法学发展进程之中。  相似文献   

科学研究在大学中的发展依据其与教学的关系大致可以分为三个不同的阶段.一般认为,科学研究正式进入大学是在19世纪初期,洪堡提出通过研究进行教学的思想,研究与教学相结合成为大学的基本原则,研究作为大学培养学生的主要方法.19世纪后期美国大学中研究生教育制度的确立,使研究与教学相结合被提升到研究生教育层次,明确了研究与教学相结合在大学实践中的局限性或条件性.20世纪中期,科学发展进入"大科学"时代之后,大学的研究被纳入"大科学"体系,一些研究的目的遂发生变化,开始脱离教学.即在现代大学中虽然以培养人才为基本出发点、与教学紧密结合、自由探究、小规模甚或个别式、传统的科学与学术研究仍存在,但同时出现了为了教育之外的某个目的、与教学没有什么关系、有明确的组织目标、大规模的科学研究.  相似文献   

我国犯罪学研究方法与方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王仲兴  李波 《政法学刊》2006,23(6):52-58
每个学科都有自己的研究方法,科学的研究方法是任何学科赖以建立和发展的工具,犯罪学作为一门社会科学,它也有自己的研究方法,而且犯罪学的研究方法呈现出多样化的特点。目前我国犯罪学研究中存在的问题是实证研究缺乏,定性与定量分析分离,研究范式单一陈旧,应整合研究方法,做到思辨与实证相结合,定性与定量相结合,寻求多学科理论支持,重塑犯罪学研究范式。  相似文献   

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