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"权利消减"的时效构成背离了人类的一般道德情操和自然正义观念,而"公益"、"社会秩序"、"信赖保护"、"社会效率"、"不保护权利上的休眠者"等都不能使该构成正当化。将时效定性为"权利推定"的制度,克服真正权利人或已免责义务人的举证困难,将从根本上去除时效制度的反道德性,使其成为"人类权利的保护神"。  相似文献   

刘志云 《现代法学》2007,29(4):145-153
在国际法的发展进程中,"观念"不仅是客观存在的,而且起到了至关重要的影响。不过,在国际法的研究中,以理性主义为认识论的主流学派,并没有对此做出过系统性分析。这正是主流国际法学本身的一个重大缺漏。研究表明,诸如"世界观"、"原则化观念"以及"因果信念"等在国际法的发展进程中,起到了"路线图"、"黏合剂",以及"制度化"等方面的影响。  相似文献   

The theme of the crisis of Russian society continues to occupy a leading place in our publications. However, the economic woes clearly felt by all have meant that discussions have been predominantly, if not exclusively, concerned with the economic component of the crisis. The reasons for the failures in this sphere are often sought in subjective weaknesses, in our habitual revealing of the "sources of evil," whether these be specific persons (Yeltsin and Gaidar, Chernomyrdin and Zaveriukha, Khasbulatov and Rutskoi), entire groups (the "nomenklatura" the "red—browns," the "agrarians," the "democrats," the "monetarists"), or external forces ("imperialists," "freemasons"), and so on. Accordingly, the solutions to the crisis are also quite simple: one need only replace an "incorrect" program with a "correct" one, remove the "sources of evil" and "agents of influence" from power, then all the problems will resolve themselves (by spring or fall, in a year or two, depending directly on the temperament of the particular healer of society and inversely on the degree to which he is informed).  相似文献   

This article examines the political and legal barriers to introducing restorative justice (RJ) in Hong Kong. It argues that the processes involved in RJ may be in conflict with the rule of law, which is regarded by the citizens of Hong Kong as sacrosanct in their resistance to the "mainlandization" of criminal justice practices after China resumed sovereignty of Hong Kong. It is argued that, because it could admit such potentially harmful Chinese criminal justice concepts as "rule by the people," "absence of the presumption of innocence," "leniency for self-confession and severity for resistance," and "toeing the party line," RJ would be devoid of any restorative substance and could breach the principles of due process.  相似文献   

关于刑法意义上的公务,要分别从内涵与外延上予以把握。根据公务的统治性、管理性、服务性特征,可以从内涵上将公务划分为"政府公务"与"社会公务",其中,国家机关工作人员所从事的公务仅指政府公务而不包括社会公务。关于公务的外延,则须根据公权力特征和公共性特点来分析,基于"反面说"理论的要求和公务执行依据的内容,刑法中的公务仅限于国家公务而不包括集体公务。  相似文献   

The existence of a "bidding market" is commonly cited as a reasonto tolerate the creation or maintenance of highly concentratedmarkets. We discuss three erroneous arguments to that effect:the "consultants' fallacy" that "market power is impossible,"the "academics' fallacy" that (often) "market power does notmatter," and the "regulators' fallacy" that "intervention againstpernicious market power is unnecessary," in markets characterizedby auctions or bidding processes.Furthermore we argue that theterm "bidding market" as it is widely used in antitrust is unhelpfulor misleading. Auctions and bidding processes do have some specialfeatures—including their price formation processes, common-valuesbehavior, and bid-taker power—but the significance ofthese features has been overemphasized, and they often implya need for stricter rather than more lenient competition policy.  相似文献   

明知与刑事推定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于明知,通常应在行为人具有这种认识的情况下,司法上去认定该明知是否存在,而不是在行为人缺乏认识时,司法上推定其存在明知。主观上的认识因素,存在"确知"(肯定知道)和"确实不知"两极。在这两者之间,根据认识程度的由强到弱,还分别存在"实知"(事实上知道)、"或知"(可能知道)、"应知"(应当知道)3种类型。这些认识因素,绝大多数与推定无关。在司法解释中,大量使用"应当知道"一词,但其中多数属于行为人"实知"的范畴,基本不涉及刑事推定问题。今后,在进行司法解释时,可以把"明知"解释为确知或者实知。只有在个别明显属于推定的场合,保留"应当知道"的表述。对明知进行分级,将其内涵进一步细化,充分考虑了刑事证明责任的负担问题,也有助于司法解释的精确化,其意义不可低估。  相似文献   

版权法上公共领域的衰落与兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
版权法上公共领域是人类自由文化创造的源泉,但20世纪晚近以降,一种将"版权财产"与"公共领域"对立起来加以看待的做法开始变得日益兴盛,致使版权法上公共领域日趋衰亡。该种衰落背后的近因还在于当今的版权受到两种错误思潮的影响:其一,是"浪漫主义的作者观"在版权法上的错误配置;其二,是"有价值便有权利"以及"版权保护必须和复制技术成反比例变化"的观念在版权人世界的广为流传。而为了使版权法公共领域重获兴起,除了需要展开理念上的转型而推行"义务公共领域"的理论学说外,我们还需要展开一系列的制度创新:如展开"创作共享"公有领域运动、迈向"自由演绎"公共领域的未来以及建立网络时代的"默示许可"公有空间等等,由此我们才能看到版权法上公共领域重获兴起的曙光。  相似文献   

对话敌人刑法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何庆仁 《河北法学》2008,26(7):94-98
雅科布斯教授在世纪之交提出了一个让世人震惊的观点:刑法应该把某些人当作敌人来对待!该理论自露面伊始便饱受诟病,怀疑者们几乎从所有可以想象的角度提出了批评。但是,剔除直觉和感性的因素,敌人刑法理论实际上向我们展示的是一幅更清晰、更理性的生活画卷。业已存在的实在法规范共同体如果想要更富有活力地、更健康地持续存在下去,采纳敌人刑法的主张将是相当现实的选择。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of statute law in regulation and government intervention through a detailed historical case study of a crucial retail market. The history of state intervention in the Israeli oil supply market is dominated by "fuzzy legality," a concept expounded in a former article. Legal fuzziness allowed the industry, acting in concert with the government regulator, to retain a lucrative, practically non–accountable arrangement in changing politico–economic climates. Three central forces encouraged continuing fuzziness: a "cloud" of state security, institutional stickiness that preserved colonial mandatory legal structures, and a prevalent national culture of nonlegalism. The article ends with a careful suggestion regarding the Israeli national style of regulation. Compared to American "adversarial legalism," and its opposite, "consensual nonlegalism" the Israeli style may be termed "adversarial nonlegalism," and holds less promise for balancing market and public interests.  相似文献   

未来我国民法典不宜采用“一般人格权”概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马俊驹  王恒 《河北法学》2012,(8):15-16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26
"一般人格权"是民法"生出"的宪法权利,它不像人格权那样可以以具体化的形式作为民法中的权利样态。无论是以演绎法还是以归纳法来构建我国人格权体系,都会得出"一般人格权"与现有的人格权体系相龃龉。未来我国民法典应以"一般条款"替代"一般人格权",使人格权体系变成以具体人格权为主体,辅之以一般条款的立法模式。  相似文献   

This study explores community violence exposures among African American adolescents and whether coping strategies were gendered. In-depth interviews are conducted with a sample of 32 African American high school students. Data are analyzed using a thematic analysis. The primary forms of violence exposures are physical attacks, fighting, and incidents involving police, gun violence, and murders. Boys report more exposure to violence as victims and witnesses, whereas girls are more likely to hear about violent acts. Coping styles range from "getting through," which included both an acceptance of community conditions; "getting along," which included self-defense techniques; "getting away," which included avoidance coping strategies; and "getting back," which consisted of confrontational coping strategies. Boys report more confrontational coping styles than are girls, who utilized more avoidance approaches. Widespread school-based interventions are warranted, given the high prevalence of community violence exposure among these youth and may provide important supports for coping against such trauma.  相似文献   

信访体制在中国宪法框架中的合理定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
童之伟 《现代法学》2011,33(1):3-17
在我国宪法框架下,信访属于辅助政制的范畴,在历史上它是我国核心政制效能严重不足时应运而生的代偿性体制。因复杂的社会经济原因,信访体制一度在我国宪法框架中居于主导地位,后随着核心政制效能的逐渐恢复,其正义推进功能有所收缩。当信访体制发挥对核心政制的补充效用时,两者会相得益彰,若处置不当则难免造成两者间发生"零和博弈"。过度强调信访体制的作用,试图让它承担明显属于核心政制的功能,从中长期的观点看可能失大于得。我国宪法框架现在和未来的走向,应该是核心政制和辅助政制依宪法精神和法治原则各自回归其本位。从根本上说,消解信访困扰的根本出路,在于通过改革提升核心政制的正义推进效能。有必要改革现行信访处置机制,改革的方向应该是消除信访体制运行造成核心政制地位、权威和效能减损的现象和倾向。  相似文献   

知识产权法典化论证质评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李雨峰 《现代法学》2005,27(6):150-155
在中国知识产权的立法进程中,存在“特别立法”、“单独法典”和“作为民法典的一篇”三种模式,它们基本上沿袭了世界上既有的知识产权三种立法模式。在理论界,多数学者指出,知识产权的法典化是历史发展的必然趋势。在方法论上他们多数采用的是比较、逻辑的进路;在知识资源上多数依赖的是比较法和历史史实的支撑。法典化论者有关制定知识产权法典的论证是不充分的。在中国语境下,与“特别立法”模式相比,“法典化”具有一种比较优势;但它不具有现实性。比较说来,中国当前应当制定一部《知识产权法通则》。  相似文献   


“Although scientific and technical approaches are indispensable in managing the problem, bioinvasions are fundamentally a human phenomenon, driven by economic activity and by our choices as consumers, travelers, gardeners, pet owners, fishermen, and so on … No one advocates an attempt to unscramble the world's biota and return it to some historical state, even if that were possible … Our ultimate goal ust be … to preserve or restore something we value: native biodiversity and the wild places and systems where it can thrive, the look of a landscape, a sense of place, the functioning of an ecosystem, the economic productivity of our working lands and waters, the health of people, animals, and plants.” 2 2 Yvonne Baskin, A Plague of Rats and Rubbervines: The Growing Threat of Species Invasions, 8, 17 (2002).   相似文献   

人文精神与教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人文精神是大学和教育的灵魂。它决定了教育的使命、目标和标准。如果以人文精神衡量教育,价值教育的目的主要体现在生命教育即尊重和实现生命的价值、智力教育即尊重和实现头脑的价值和灵魂教育即尊重和实现灵魂应该远离功利和实用,通过教育应该培养健康的、善良的生命,培养活泼的、智慧的头脑,培养丰富的高贵的灵魂,只有这样,我们的教育才是真正成功的。  相似文献   

中国大学教师的称谓经历了师、教员(教习)、人民教师的变迁.这种称谓的变化,并不只是不同时代对于大学教师称呼的简单改变,而且体现了国家对于大学教师所扮演的社会角色的规定以及教师自身对于职业社会角色认同的改变,从而也影响到大学知识人知识结构的变化.  相似文献   

民法本质追求探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为部门法的民法,源自古代欧洲的罗马法,当时叫“市民法”,后被注入“私法”、“私权法”、“市民社会的法”等诸多信息。中国通过日本从西方民法及至罗马私法那里继受了作为表征基本部门法的民法。西方传统理解民法或私法的实质含义,是在个人与国家对立的基础上进行的。民法以人为中心,以权利为基点,以行为手段,以责任为保障。民法上的人即市民、私人和私主体,含自然人、法人、非法人团体等。近代社会的个人是个人主义的个人,而现代的个人是兼顾社会乃至自然理念中的个人。称民法人是“经济人”、“具体人”、“抽象人”等多是用作分析民法问题的方法。兼顾社会乃至自然的个人主义和自由主义是民法的哲学基础。民法并未真正社会化。民法所涉及的领域是有限的。民法在精神方面追求平等和自由。这些都涉及到民法本位即民法的中心任务和价值标准问题。  相似文献   

Some people dispute the relative importance of issues in genetics and biotechnology for the future of bioethics, either because they think the problems are time-limited or because they give priority to issue of human rights and social justice in health care. In fact, the special historical standing of genetic issue s in bioethics reflects four overlapping sources of moral sensitivity which ar inherent in the stories that genetic science tells and raise paradigmatic justice concerns: the implications of new genetic knowledge for people's understanding of their familial roles, ancestral origins, community memberships, and ethnic affiliations. Beneath worries over "genetic privacy," "the therapeutic gap," and the "post-human," this constellation of basic wellspring which both insures and justifies a central place for genetics on the agenda of bioethics.  相似文献   

The lessons drawn by Vladimir Pastukhov from Ukrainian experience, as well as his conceptual schema of "revolution" and "counterrevolution," are inapplicable to Russia.  相似文献   

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