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If we use the word land to refer to the physical substance, and reserve the word property for the intellectual apparatus that organizes rights to use land, we can say that in colonial New Zealand, the British and the Maori overlaid two dissimilar systems of property on the same land. That difference in legal thought structured each side's perception of what the other was doing, in ways that illustrate unusually clearly the power of law to organize our aware' ness of phenomena before they reach the level of consciousness. Over the course of the nineteenth century, as the balance of power gradually swung to the side of the British, they were largely able to impose their property system on the Maori. The centrality of property within the thought of both peoples, however, meant that the transformation of Maori into English property rights involved much more than land. Religious belief, engagement with the market economy, political organization–all were bound up in the systems by which both peoples organized property rights in land. To anglicize the Maori property system was to revolutionize Maori life.  相似文献   

财产权经济学理论与知识产权制度的正当性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
知识产权制度是促进知识产品的生产、传播和使用的法律制度。从财产权经济学的角度看 ,知识产权制度的存在具有充分的正当性。这种正当性体现在提供产权激励、扭转信息市场的静态和动态失败、纠正消极的外部性问题和消除集体行为等方面。财产权的经济学理论为认识知识产权制度的正当提供了一种新的视角和方法。  相似文献   

Tsinghua University, one of the top universities in China, has conducted a lot of collaborative R&D projects with multinational companies in the recent years. One of tough issues in the collaborative R&D is to deal with the intellectual property rights. The Chinese Patent Law and other relevant laws make Tsinghua University to look for more intellectual property rights. Several factors such as the input from the collaborative parties, the property of R&D, the relation between the collaborative project and the activities of R&D made before, or to be made after, the collaboration, and the life and potential market of the technologies play an important rule in the treatment of Intellectual property rights. The different collaborative models have different models of the distribution of intellectual property rights between the University and multinational companies.   相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of adopting a monitoring system on counterfeiting, in which a criterion to minimize welfare losses due to counterfeiting is provided. If the degree to which the genuine product is imitated (hence the imitation rate) is not high, then counterfeit products might be allowed to exist in such a market. For the case of a high imitation rate, the use of a counterfeit monitoring regime with an optimal counterfeit-monitoring rate is the best policy. If the duration of intellectual property protection is set as infinite, then a higher monitoring rate corresponds to a narrower protection scope. Finally, the enforcement of the laws of intellectual property rights should be flexible according to a products inherent attributes as pertaining to the difficulties at imitating the original products.JEL Classification: D42, K42, L43  相似文献   

Food  Drug Administration  HHS 《Federal register》2005,70(231):72197-72199
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is removing the regulation applicable to the status of specific products; Group A streptococcus. FDA is removing the regulation because the existing requirement for Group A streptococcus organisms and derivatives is both obsolete and a perceived impediment to the development of Group A streptococcus vaccines. The regulation was written to apply to a group of products that are no longer on the market. We are taking this action as part of our continuing effort to reduce the burden of unnecessary regulations on industry and to revise outdated regulations without diminishing public health protection. We are issuing the removal directly as a final rule because it is noncontroversial, and there is little likelihood that we will receive any significant adverse comments. Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, we are publishing a companion proposed rule under our usual procedures for notice and comment in the event that we receive any significant adverse comments on the direct final rule. If we receive any significant adverse comments that warrant terminating the direct final rule, we will consider such comments on the proposed rule in developing the final rule.  相似文献   

The survival of a plaintiffs' lawyer's practice depends upon the generation of an ongoing flow of clients with injuries that the civil justice system will compensate adequately. If this requirement is not met, lawyers will leave this aspect of the legal market for more promising ones. If they do, legal services for injured people will be diminished as a result. In order to find out how this personal services legal market is defined and developed, we interviewed ninety‐five plaintiffs' lawyers in Texas. These lawyers use four major strategies to get clients: client referrals, lawyer referrals, direct marketing, and other referrals. What any particular lawyer does is shaped by the geographic market from which clients are drawn, and by the lawyer's reputation. Our findings provide fresh insights for the empirical literature on plaintiffs' lawyers, and they provide an empirical context for assessing the potential impact of changes in the civil justice system, like tort reform, on the ability of plaintiffs' lawyers to obtain clients.  相似文献   

This article studies the effects of accounting fraud on theproduct market. The model presented in this article relies onthe idea that a firm’s financial statements and actionsmust be consistent with each other. If the firm is behavingfraudulently, insofar as its financial statements portray itas relatively efficient, the firm must act accordingly, thatis, increase its market share and/or reduce its prices. If thefirm does not behave in keeping with its fraudulent financials,the market would be able to identify the fraud. As such, themanager will take actions and make pricing decisions that arenot optimal. These actions can have a significant adverse effecton social welfare. This article utilizes the WorldCom case toillustrate the implications of such fraudulent behavior andits economic significance in product markets.  相似文献   

论管制征收构成标准——以美国联邦最高法院判例为中心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玎 《法学评论》2020,(1):160-173
美国联邦最高法院在审理33个管制征收案件时主要采用是否属于物理性侵占、是否属于经济利益互惠、财产权行使是否构成对公共或他人的妨碍、是否符合公共利益、对财产价值的影响程度五类标准。管制征收构成标准的体系构建,需通过对五类标准进行形式与实质递进式的双阶层划分来实现:是否属于物理性侵占、是否属于经济利益互惠以及财产权行使是否构成公共妨碍为第一阶层的形式标准。一项管制行为属于物理性侵占即构成管制征收;管制行为属于经济利益互惠或者财产权行使构成对公共或他人的妨碍,则不构成管制征收。在不属于物理性侵占、经济利益互惠或者财产权行使构成公共妨碍的情况下,对是否符合公共利益和对财产价值的影响程度作第二阶层的实质判断。不符合公共利益标准或者对财产价值造成过度影响的管制行为构成应于补偿的管制征收。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的完善和发展,不同类型的国有财产的法律地位和法律制度进一步复杂化。根据国有财产所服务的公共利益的特点——为特定的公共利益服务还是为一般的公共利益服务——国家所有权的客体有必要建立以公共国有财产与普通国有财产为基本类型的国家所有权客体结构。  相似文献   

“地票”的法律性质和制度演绎   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
重庆市在全国率先推出的“地票”制度对我国农村建设用地的流转具有重要参考价值。但地票具有其特有的法律性质,如特殊的法律权利主体和尚待其他配套制度明确的权利内容。地票重要的制度价值体现在其逻辑展开和制度演绎上,农村建设用地复垦权的地票化、农村建设用地本身的地票化、甚至城镇建设用地的地票化,都将进一步体现“地票”的价值,并凸现土地资源的重要性,地票制度将大大促进我国农村土地的复垦、征用与城镇国有土地的出让、开发等工作中的社会利益协调,并为城乡土地提供统一交易的制度通道。  相似文献   

论诈骗罪中的财产损失   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张明楷 《中国法学》2005,65(5):118-137
诈骗罪是财产犯罪,倘若欺骗行为不能造成他人财产损失,便不成立诈骗罪;如若欺骗行为具有造成财产损失的危险性,但没有造成现实的财产损失,则成立诈骗未遂(中止)。对于“财产”损失的认定,宜采取以经济的财产说为基础的折中说;受骗者(被害人)基于不法原因给付财物的,存在财产损失;欺骗他人使之免除非法债务的,以及使用欺骗方法取得对方不法占有的自己所有的财产或者实现合法债权的,不存在财产损失。对于财产“损失”的认定,应采取实质的个别财产说;行为人在骗取财产的同时提供相当对价的,应认定为造成了财产损失;行为人就交付财产的用途、财产的接受者进行欺骗因而取得财产的,视受骗者是否存在法益关系的错误认定判断是否存在财产损失。  相似文献   

This paper explores the issues surrounding the right to personal data and the data property right in the context of commercial transactions involving big data, and will thus inform the ongoing drafting process of the Chinese Civil Code and development of a commercial data market in China. The analysis herein attempts to break through the traditional concept of ‘property’ with the aim of helping China to develop a modern information society, devise a property law theory suitable for the big data era, and improve the level of protection afforded to rights and legitimate interests in data. To date, no comprehensive study has focused on developing a proper understanding of the concept of ‘data property rights’, and hence we lack the solid theoretical support needed to construct a proper protective system for such rights. This paper offers the first systematic study of the rules pertaining to data property rights, thereby enriching the theory of such rights and serving as a theoretical basis for the enactment of a civil code that protects citizens’ legal rights and interests in the information society. It also offers a thorough discussion of how to construct a data property protection system, thereby providing an ideal reference model for enactment of the Chinese Civil Code.  相似文献   

唐芳 《河北法学》2008,26(6):18-23
自从有了电信增值业务,电信欺诈和盗窃行为日益猖獗,从此电信用户就沦落为任电信运营商和电信增值业务服务提供商随意"宰割"的对象。面对强大的电信运营商和电信增值业务服务提供商,用户能够通过投诉或诉讼获得胜诉的微乎其微。针对电信增值业务市场所出现的这种规避法律打击、疯狂"圈钱"的行为,我们必须借助现有法律的相关规定给予最严厉的制裁,切实保障公民的合法财产免遭不法侵害。  相似文献   

公共服务供给主体选择的悖论及其消解策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
周义程 《行政与法》2005,(11):22-24
古典经济学在深入论证公共服务市场供给无效性的基础上,将政府视为唯一的当然主体。然而,市场之手失灵并不意味着政府这只看得见的手必然有效。事实上,政府垄断型供给模式会引发诸如公共服务的超量供给、效率低下、质量低劣、有效供给不足等一系列制度性缺陷,由此形成了公共服务供给主体选择的悖论。为了寻求破解悖论的密码,需要摆脱在政府或市场两极间进行选择的惯性思维逻辑,借鉴新公共管理、治理理论等分析工具,构建我国公共服务的一主多元型供给新模式。这一模式势必需要我国政府实现从直接生产者的单一角色向动态兼任生产者、安排者和培育者的“多面人”角色转换。  相似文献   

证券交易所监管功能研究——从企业组织的视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
上海和深圳证券交易所占据了中国证券市场的核心地位,并且承担了相当的监管职能。但是理论上对于交易所监管功能性质的模糊认识,导致实践中采取了一些可能阻碍交易所监管功能发挥的做法。本文试图从企业组织角度重新认识和分析交易所,揭示交易所履行监管功能的本质在于追逐自身利益最大化,因此监管功能为交易所提供服务的主要内容之一,但交易所的监管也存在片面维护自己利益的缺陷。只有保持充分竞争的压力,交易所的监管功能才能得到有效发挥。因此,维持交易所的充分竞争环境,是中国证券交易所监管功能有效发挥的必要条件。  相似文献   

试论建立农村土地流转市场机制的原则和切入点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当前农村土地流转市场机制的现状严重阻碍了农村土地的流转。建立完善的农村土地流转市场机制必须坚持产权登记、公平、公正、公开、市场定价、土地使用管制等原则;同时,建立稳定的农村土地流转市场,必须以明晰农地流转的产权关系、规范农地流转行为、从本地实际出发构建农地流转市场机制为切入点。  相似文献   

Should intellectual property (IP) management be considered a required course in Technology Management curricula? If so, what knowledge and skills should be conveyed in a one-semester course? What is the best way to teach this material? This paper presents evidence that intellectual property management should be of central importance to technology management (TM) programs and that professionally vital knowledge can be taught to MBA and Management of Technology (MOT) students without legal backgrounds. IP management can be seen as a curricular locus, bringing together subjects such as entrepreneurship, technology strategy, and technology transfer. At Stevens Institute of Technology, we’ve taken the position that IP Management should be taught as a distinct course in a technology management program on equal footing with more traditional course offerings such as Marketing and Finance. We reflect upon 4 years’ teaching experience and present evidence from former students that the course fulfills its mission to be professionally relevant and pedagogically unifying to technology management programs.  相似文献   

Innovation is a shared purpose of both intellectual property (IP) and competition law. However, sometimes competition law conflicts with the interests of IP holders. This paper searches for an adequate criterion of practical concordance, which consists of evaluating, in the concrete situation, which of those regulations best performs the purpose of promoting innovation. It is considered that requirements of competition law shape IP regulations, but the internal limits of protection therein identified are not enough to safeguard concerns of competition law. In particular, European courts held that, in exceptional circumstances, IP holders with market dominant position can be compelled to grant licenses of IP protected goods, such as copyrighted information and software. Such lifting of the IP exclusion power finds its rationale in preserving competition and promoting innovation, which is particularly sensitive within the dynamic software market.  相似文献   

Economists, sociologists, and legal scholars agree that intellectual‐property law is fundamental to markets because legal control over copying motivates creative production. But in many markets, such as fashion and databases, there is little or no intellectual‐property protection, yet producers still create innovative products and earn profits. Research on such “negative spaces” in intellectual‐property law reveals that social norms can constrain copying and support creative production. This insight guided our analysis of markets for American literature before the Civil War, in both magazines (a negative space, where intellectual‐property law did not apply) and books (a positive space, where intellectual‐property law did apply). We observed similar understandings of authors and similar commercial practices in both spaces because many authors published the same work in both spaces. Based on these observations, we propose that cultural elements that develop in positive spaces may spill over to related negative spaces, inducing changes in buyers' and sellers' behavior in negative spaces. Our historical approach also revealed nuances—shades of gray—beyond the sharp distinction typically drawn between negative and positive spaces. In the 1850s, a few large‐circulation magazine publishers began to claim copyright, but many still allowed reprinting and none litigated to protect copyright.  相似文献   

再论我国证券监管法律体系的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁小巍  汪毅 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):68-69
历经十多年的发展,我国在证券市场的法律监管方面已经取得了很大的成绩,建立了一个较为完整的法律体系。但是对于快速成长的中国证券市场而言,这个法律体系不可避免地存在着一些缺陷。如果能及时解决证券立法过程中的滞后、短视和结构偏失的问题,相信我国的证券监管法律体系会更趋完善,它将保障我国证券市场走向更大的发展。  相似文献   

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