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《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):24-56
The practical task of forensic psychiatry, which is one of the subdivisions of psychiatry, is to give an expert evaluation, on assignment from investigatory agencies and courts, and to devise and recommend measures for the prevention of socially dangerous acts by the mentally ill. Forensic psychiatric expert examination, like forensic medical, criminal, or any other type of expert examination, aids agencies of justice in establishing the facts in a case. Forensic psychiatric expert examination is called upon to assist the investigator and the court in determining whether an individual is a criminal or a legally irresponsible, mentally ill person; whether a person sentenced to a prison term should, because of mental illness, be released before his time is served; whether the investigator and the court may pursue the interrogation of a witness or victim with mental disorders, and whether the testimony of such persons may be used as court evidence. Such an expert examination is necessary in a civil suit in deciding the question of an individual's competence.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):57-69
Forensic psychiatric expert examination of the accused often must decide the question of responsibility or irresponsibility. This type of examination is the most frequent of all psychiatric expert examinations.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):86-101
Forensic psychiatric expert examination in civil proceedings is most often called upon to determine the extent of mental changes affecting the capacity of a person to understand the significance of his actions or to govern them. In connection with the coming into force of the Fundamentals of Civil Procedure of the USSR and the Union Republics on May 1, 1962, this type of expert examination has become much more frequent, inasmuch as the determination of legal competence has come under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):70-85
For persons who have been convicted of a crime and are serving a prison sentence, the need for a psychiatric examination arises when the court must decide on early release because of mental disease or when a court judgment must be reviewed because of newly discovered circumstances relative to the mental soundness of the prisoner at the time the crime was committed.  相似文献   

作为一个特殊的群体,平等参与社会活动既是精神病人的权利,也是一个文明社会应有的特征。司法精神医学鉴定制度随着我国刑法有关"对行为人行为时的精神状况的确定必须经法定程序确认"的规定建立起来。在我国刑事诉讼过程中,司法精神医学鉴定的决定权由公、检、法多方行使的状况,已在司法实践中暴露诸多弊端,应根据现代诉讼理论的原则,借鉴国外鉴定制度,对有关法律条文进行修改。并对司法精神医学的程序作新的设计,使刑事司法精神医学鉴定制度更趋合理性及可操作性。此外,转变司法工作者的执法意识,引起司法工作者对司法精神医学鉴定必要性的重视,从而使我国的司法更加人性化,也是目前司法领域的重要工作之一。  相似文献   

针对涉案自杀行为司法精神鉴定的必要性、操作要件及“标准”等问题,提出了自己的看法,并就各种涉案的自杀行为的责任能力鉴定进行简单的阐述。  相似文献   

前言 司法部2007年度国家法治与法学理论研究项目:《精神疾病司法鉴定执业规定》在立项近一年之后拟出了初稿,近日在司法部司鉴局的指导下,在郑瞻培等司法精神病学专家和法学专家的帮助下,经过课题组成员数年的潜心研究和努力,经十余次征求专家意见和修改,形成了《精神疾病司法鉴定执业规定(草案)》,供业内专家共同探讨。  相似文献   

57例无精神病司法鉴定分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨无精神病司法鉴定案例的特点。方法:采用回顾性研究方法,对57例符合入组标准的案例资料进行统计分析。结果:无精神病作案的动机和目的,作案方式,案后自我保护能力,"精神症状"及提出鉴定的理由均具有一定的特点。结论:多因素综合分析有助于无精神病案例的司法鉴定。  相似文献   

目的:探讨司法鉴定中暴力犯罪类型与各种精神疾病的关系及特点。方法:对1997-2002年司法鉴定的暴力犯罪案件191例进行分析。结果:在本组资料中,精神疾病患者暴力犯罪以杀人、伤害多见,作案隐蔽性差、对环境辨认能力差,作案动机主要受病态影响,常不选择时间、地点,不顾及后果,攻击对象以亲人、熟人多见为主要特征。结论:掌握精神疾病患者与精神正常者不同的作案规律和特征,是鉴别是否由精神病性症状所致暴力犯罪的基本要素。  相似文献   

目的:汉、藏、回族存在文化和生活习俗的差异,本研究旨在探讨汉、藏、回族人群在司法精神病鉴定中的差异。方法:在本中心1982年至2004年接受的司法精神病案例中,选择其中汉、藏、回族案例进行回顾性分析。结果:三组均以男性为主,且藏、回族男性比例高于汉族:汉族以工人、农民为主,藏、回族绝大多数为农民,并且比例高于汉族,汉族除初中文化程度比例高于藏、回族外,其余文化程度无显著差异。暴力案比例藏族高于汉、回族,经济案比例回族高于汉、藏族,其它案件类型无显著差异。疾病诊断中汉族诊断为精神分裂症者为著,其构成比最高(21.3%);诊断为精神发育迟滞藏族最低,其构成比为10.0%;无精神病者中藏族比例最高。汉、藏、回族三组责任能力之间无显著差异。结论:本资料显示,司法精神病鉴定中,汉、藏、回族其一般人口学特征、案件类型、案件特征、疾病种类等方面存在有一定的差异。  相似文献   

植物检验在司法鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物在自然界分布广泛,与人类生活密切相关,容易与各类诉讼活动发生联系而成为物证。为了提高对植物检验重要性的认识,作者对植物检验技术及其司法鉴定应用价值进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Forensic psychiatry is a science closely associated with philosophy and the legal and medical disciplines. It is inseparable from general psychiatry, but has its own particular functions. Forensic psychiatry, conceived as a branch of Soviet public health, is at the service of Soviet justice and is a contributing factor in — and, indeed, has as one of its chief tasks — the consolidation of socialist legality. In evaluating the mental condition of the accused in a criminal case, forensic psychiatrists must not only diagnose mental illness and treat the patient: they must also determine the extent to which the existing medical disorders affect the individual's ability to account for and govern his actions. In an examination of a convicted person, his ability to serve out his sentence is weighed. In determining a person's competence in a civil action, his "capacity to conduct his affairs rationally" is ascertained.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):462-469
(Agreed to by the Ministry of Justice of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and the Procuracy of the USSR and Adopted by the Minister of Health of the USSR)  相似文献   

目前在司法机关审理案件的过程中,精神疾病司法鉴定正愈益受到重视。同时社会各界也对此给予了较多的关注。本文就制订精神疾病司法鉴定执业规范的规定,对当前司法鉴定工作的重要指导作用及其意义。发表自己的见解。  相似文献   

本文综述了近年来输血后病毒性肝炎发生的病原变化及其影响因素,强调了按照国家法律,法规,采血部门严格筛查,供血单位规范生产,用血医院严把指征是防止输血后肝炎的重要强制性措施.受血病人或其家属输血前有知情权,并在理解后签署知情同意书.结合我国目前实际法律法规情况,简述了输血后肝炎司法鉴定工作的要点,以及各输血相关机构的职责.  相似文献   

目的探索精神疾病司法鉴定中重新鉴定的相关问题,为提高鉴定质量提出一定建议。方法对司法部司法鉴定中心2001度进行的精神疾病司法鉴定重新鉴定案例进行回顾性统计分析,对重新鉴定的发生率、一致性等问题进行研究。结果重新鉴定的发生率为15.79%,一致性为42%,其中仅精神疾病诊断不一致者10例,仅法律相关问题评定不一致者12例,两者均不一致者18例。结论重新鉴定的一致性较差,需要进一步完善鉴定工作,提高鉴定质量。  相似文献   

Selecting a technical professional can be difficult. Using the court's guidelines can serve as a useful template for gauging qualifications. Since 1993 (Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals 1993), the standard for admitting expert testimony has become increasingly more rigorous, as it has become better defined by subsequent case law and amended state statutes. This may contribute to increased dependence on expert reports to clarify issues, and serve as aids to negotiated settlements. Two examples are discussed where experts did not meet the criteria in this template.  相似文献   

论司法鉴定人资格   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
司法鉴定人资格是研究司法鉴定制度的重要内容。本文提出司法鉴定人资格包括专业资格和法律资格,其中专业资格由职业资格和执业资格组成,前者的管理主体是专业协(学)会,后者由司法行政机关管理。法律资格以鉴定人名册制度加以确立,其管理由人民法院负责。  相似文献   

韩永明 《中国司法鉴定》2010,(3):I0004-I0005
产品质量司法鉴定由于其自身的特殊性,大大区别于已实行登记管理的前“三大类”鉴定.目前还存在着诸多可操作性不强的问题。由于没有可操作性强的产品质量司法鉴定实施程序.产品质量司法鉴定机构的业务发展必将受到严重阻碍,同时也会造成鉴定机构在具体操作上的随意性和遇到质疑时无法寻找依据的问题。事实上,产品质量司法鉴定是无法制定统一的技术规范的,只能制定一个适合其操作的粗线条的程序或办法。只有在这样一个大框架下,鉴定人才可以有理有据地回答那些委托方提出的专门性问题。  相似文献   

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