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在全球化的时代,国际问题不断涌现,突发公共事件频繁发生,有效的突发公共事件管理机制,可以让政府对突发公共事件的管理纳入有步骤,有条理的进程中,让突发公共事件对社会的破坏降低到最小程度.本文以雪灾为例分析了我国突发公共事件应急机制建设中存在的问题,最后给出了相应的改善措施.  相似文献   

This paper purports to present a brief overview of the measures taken by Mauritius in preparing for prosecution and trial of suspected pirates. It outlines the law of Mauritius on piracy in 2010 and the main heads of assistance under the European Union–UN Office on Drugs and Crime Joint Programme. It sets out salient features of the transfer agreement entered into with the EU and of the Piracy and Maritime Violence Act 2011. It refers to the conclusion of instruments this year with the UK, Puntland and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Lastly, it focuses on the preparation at the level of prosecutors in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that law graduates need to be prepared for working in a global legal context. Whether working in global law firms or small, local non-global law firms, law graduates need to have the knowledge, skills and attributes that will better equip them to work within and across multiple, international legal jurisdictions. The purpose of the article is twofold: first, to report on and disseminate research on a collaborative project on internationalising the Australian law curriculum aimed at preparing law graduates for global legal practice, of which the authors were the lead researchers; and second, to discuss and demonstrate the practical application of the proposed curriculum framework to the teaching of Constitutional Law.  相似文献   

The structure and operation of the WTO have not been at theforefront of attention of negotiations ever since the GeneralAgreement on Tariffs and Trade was introduced in 1947. The modusoperandi of negotiations has essentially remained unchangeddespite the turn towards non-tariff barriers in complex operationsof treaty-making ever since the Kennedy Round. The note arguesthat the evolution and introduction of the two-tier system ofdispute settlement in 1995 marks the most profound structuralchange, but is not able on its own to deal with all of the challengesof tackling non-tariff barriers in the WTO. Today, the Organizationforms part of a complex system of multilayered governance, bothhorizontally and vertically. It calls for more appropriate structure–substancepairings. The note addresses the need to review negotiatingprocesses in the field of non-tariff barriers. It suggests establishinga proper balance with dispute settlement and case law, and renderingthe function and role of the Secretariat of the WTO more transparent.The creation of a two-tier system is suggested, with a ConsultativeCommittee and a Standing Committee on Legal Affairs within theWTO in order to support and initiate a long overdue structuraldebate in the WTO.  相似文献   

Medical involvement in mass casualty incidents requires proper planning and preparedness. In disaster situations, legal aspects concerning the dead add to the general problem of a lack of time, place and resources to maintain routine working conditions, and demand authority and competence. The aspects of planning the recovery of the dead, transportation and morgue facilities, establishment of cause of death, identification, and the final disposition of the dead are discussed. The implementation of forensic mass fatality teams is felt to be the right answer for a better planning and coordination.  相似文献   

DNA identification has become an important aspect of mass fatality management as well as in other instances of difficult identification of human remains. Most large mass fatality incidents will require DNA identification. Medical examiners should prepare for such potential eventuality. Whether DNA is tested, in mass fatality incidents, DNA specimens should be obtained from remains as well as from next-of-kin for potential testing. DNA identification is neither as slow nor as expensive relative to the overall fatality management as is commonly assumed. This article sought to provide medical examiners with a framework for DNA identification in mass fatality incidents.  相似文献   

司法鉴定文书作为鉴定意见的书面法定载体,体现司法鉴定的整个过程和科学技术方法标准,体现鉴定人科学客观的逻辑思维过程。法医类司法鉴定文书的制作应着重注意检案摘要、检验过程、分析说明、鉴定意见、附注和附件等几个方面的问题。司法鉴定文书的质量和水平直接反映鉴定人业务能力和水平,一份高质量、规范的司法鉴定文书要求鉴定人做到准确周密的调查、全面系统的检验、敏锐的观察发现、坚实的理论基础、辩证的逻辑思维,实事求是的科学态度。  相似文献   

Due to the democratisation of new technologies, computer forensics investigators have to deal with volumes of data which are becoming increasingly large and heterogeneous. Indeed, in a single machine, hundred of events occur per minute, produced and logged by the operating system and various software. Therefore, the identification of evidence, and more generally, the reconstruction of past events is a tedious and time-consuming task for the investigators. Our work aims at reconstructing and analysing automatically the events related to a digital incident, while respecting legal requirements. To tackle those three main problems (volume, heterogeneity and legal requirements), we identify seven necessary criteria that an efficient reconstruction tool must meet to address these challenges. This paper introduces an approach based on a three-layered ontology, called ORD2I, to represent any digital events. ORD2I is associated with a set of operators to analyse the resulting timeline and to ensure the reproducibility of the investigation.  相似文献   

Meaningful assessment and comparisons on the injury potentials of various types of ammunition and credible forensic reconstruction require an agreement on standard tissue simulant. Gelatine blocks are relatively inexpensive and easy to produce and they meet most of the criteria for a good terminal ballistic simulant. This research looks into the variables of preparing ballistic gelatine and their effects on penetration resistance. It was found out that consistent quality gelatine blocks are easy to make and that the variables like water temperature have a far smaller effect than previously thought. Also water acidity variances allowed by European Council directive on drinking water do not have any measurable effect. A proposed standard method for gelatine preparation is presented together with penetration function for verification of gelatine quality.  相似文献   

Research Summary According to TASER International, nearly 10,000 police departments in the United States have deployed the TASER as a less lethal force alternative in some capacity. Despite the TASER's increasing popularity, serious questions have been raised about the device's physiological side effects; in particular, Amnesty International has reported that more than 300 people have died after being subjected to the TASER. Although a growing body of research has examined the physiological effects of the TASER on animals and healthy human volunteers in laboratory settings, there has been virtually no empirical analysis of “real‐world” fatal and nonfatal TASER cases simultaneously. This article examines all media reports of TASER incidents from 2002 to 2006 through a comprehensive review of LexisNexis and New York Times archives. We compare TASER incidents in which a fatality occurred to TASER incidents in which a fatality did not occur and then employ multivariate analyses to identify the incident and suspect characteristics that are predictive of articles describing TASER‐proximate deaths. Policy Implications Several suspect factors were significantly associated with the reporting of a fatal TASER incident, including drug use (but not alcohol), mental illness, and continued resistance. Multiple deployments of the TASER against a suspect was also associated with the likelihood of the article describing a fatality—especially if the suspect was emotionally disturbed—which raises the possibility that the risk of multiple shocks might not be uniform for all suspects. More research is needed to explore the relationship between mental illness, drug use (illicit or therapeutic), continued resistance, and increased risk of death. In the meantime, police departments should develop specific policies and training governing the use of multiple TASER shocks against individuals who could be in these vulnerable physiological and psychological states.  相似文献   

This study examined the nature of police response to domestic violence incidents with a focus on the identification of areas of police intervention that female victims of domestic abuse find “most” helpful and “least” helpful. The first part of the study was based on the analysis of a random sample of incident reports of domestic abuse cases recorded in 2000 and 2001. These reports were examined to obtain information about the characteristics of domestic abuse victims and summary information about the incidents of domestic abuse offenses. The second stage of the research study involved a telephone survey conducted with a random sample of fifty female domestic abuse victims who called the police. The study examined female victims' perceptions of how the police responded to the domestic abuse incidents, how helpful or not so helpful victims found the police to be when they responded to their calls, and how their cases were handled by the legal system.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(1):94-109
Video recordings from digital cameras implemented in road vehicles present a valuable source of data concerning various dangerous traffic situations, i.e., road accidents or near-miss incidents. This data is readily available and numerous methods for forensic reconstruction of traffic situations from vehicle video were presented in the past. New alternative method for reconstruction of traffic situations from vehicle video is presented in this article. The method is based on the fusion of kinetic vehicle trajectory simulation within 3D laser scanner point cloud, projective geometry, and processing of video footage from moving vehicle camera. The method offers accurate reconstruction of general vehicle motion within relevant time domain whereby in-depth technical information about traffic incident can be quantitatively extracted from video footage. The result is physics-based 3D projection of simulated vehicle motion on the motion of real vehicle recorded by moving monocular camera. The method was validated within performed experimental test runs with respect to vehicle speed, distance travelled, acceleration/deceleration and directional quantities (yaw rate, yaw angle). The method was further applied in the reconstruction of real-world traffic events.  相似文献   

突发事件应急指挥系统与联合指挥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现场应急的有效协作,是确保有重大事故成功响应的关键因素,联合指挥是管理所有事故应急响应有效机制,是多辖区参与跨地区与跨行业响应行动的必要平台。  相似文献   

现场应急的有效协作,是确保有重大事故成功响应的关键因素,联合指挥是管理所有事故应急响应有效机制,是多辖区参与跨地区与跨行业响应行动的必要平台.  相似文献   

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